
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



There was a long list of things that needed to be done. The wedding planner, thankfully, proved to be highly competent, for in less than twenty-four hours, she sent us a video showing how the set up was going to look like. She asked if it was possible for us to go to Rope Mountain. Her idea was for us to see the venue, marrying it with the sketches that she had made, and the video, and decided if we wanted any changes done. I saw no problem with it, so Dylan and I, and the wedding planning team, agreed to go to Yellowleaf. We had no intention of staying there for too long, since we also had many issues awaiting us back in Southrain.

Before we left Southrain, I needed to have my measurements taken, for my wedding dress. Dylan stated from the beginning that she preferred if I did not buy a readymade dress; but rather had one made specifically for me.

"I don't want something too fancy," I told the team that was going to work on my dress. "I don't really like a gown with a tail. The decorations must be limited, but it has to be classy," I explained as one man was busy taking down notes.

"Look through pages sixty to one hundred of that catalogue, ma'am. Those pages have the types of dresses that you're talking about. I looked and sure enough, my eyes were happy with what they saw. I asked them to modify the dress, for I did not want it to look exactly like what I was seeing in the picture.

Before long, we were already at Rope Mountain. To my utter surprise, I discovered that Dylan had bought, specifically for our wedding, a Steinway Fibonacci Piano: the most expensive of them all. What was more; he hired the country's best pianist to be there, so that he could play the music for us.

Work at the venue had already begun; only that I had not been made aware of it. I stared in awe; seeing immaculate beauty right in front of me. Some wooden beams stood in a perfect row, appearing as if they were an image from the canvas of a great artist. Polished stones, pearls and gems were thrown randomly along the shoreline. Some larger pearls were set strategically, with the aim of having them give illumination from the natural light.

I also realised that there was a crystal path created; which continued going until it led to the deep forests. There was one sample chair at the site, covered in burlal. Canvas was also used expertly to decorate the scene.

I looked around and saw an arch standing. On either sides of it were more decorations; carved and fretted to resemble the branches of a tree.

"What is that for? The arch?" I could not help but ask.

"It is a flower wall, ma'am. On it we shall hang dried flowers to match with your theme. We need to give it all a touch of the Bohemian feel. We're aiming for a chic style; combined with the simplicity of modern design."

"Wow" was all I could say.

I could tell that even Dylan himself was impressed by what he was seeing. Everything was done with great care, and I found nothing to change, correct or complain about.


When we were one day away from the wedding, I was sad to realise that I was not as happy as I had thought I was going to be. I was anxious. Something kept telling me that something bad was going to happen, and I hated that feeling.

There was already an issue of a girl named Delicate Zamara, who had knocked at Dylan's door, to announce that she and Mrs de Milo had made a marriage deal. Dylan spoke to her, asking that where had she ever heard of a mother making a marriage proposal on behalf of her son? After he announced that him and I were getting married in less that seventy-two hours, the girl broke down. She went on and on about how she had given up on her own love of her life, and how she felt cheated and tricked.

That scene really opened my eyes to see the extent to which Mrs de Milo was willing to go to break us up. Why was she that bad? I was really scared; and worried too, not knowing what other trick she probably had up her sleeve, to surprise us on the day of the wedding.

As soon as I started preparing to get dressed, Mrs Silva informed me that Mrs de Milo had not yet landed in Yellowleaf; and she had announced that she was not going to be part of the wedding. I was not sure how to feel about that. Was it a cause for celebration or for tears?

We had a dinner on the night before the wedding. It was well loved and enjoyed by everyone who attended. Everything went perfectly well, and all the invited guests, except of course my soon-to-be mother in law, were there.


"Shimmer please, let's go and support our only son. Most of the invited guests are going to spend the night in Yellowleaf. There is a special wedding eve dinner yesterday. It will be nice, you should also be there, my wife. Can we please forget about all our differences and go to the wedding?

Roderick tried his best to convince me, but my heart remained rigid, with my final answer crafted, written in stone. I was not going. Tears streamed down afresh, my eyes were badly swollen and I did not want to see myself in the mirror at all. Three days prior, I had ordered Iris to make sure that all mirrors were either removed or covered.

"Shimmer, please do what's best for our son. And…Iris really wants to attend the wedding. If you stay, who will take care of you?" Roderick's voice was full of worry.

"There are many maids in this manor! And besides, even if I were to die, who would care? As far as Dylan is concerned, I am already dead!" I hissed in great anger.

Anisha! Anisha! oh Anisha I hate you with every fiber of my being!! With every single cell….every vein that pumps blood within me, every hair and even dead cells on me…they all hate you!!

Roderick sat next to me and heaved a heavy sigh. He slowly shook his head and faced the floor. We sat for a long time, until there was a soft knock, and Carl slowly pushed the door and popped his head in.

"Sir and ma'am de Milo; the private jet is ready. We may leave now."

"Ok Carl. Just give us a moment, please?" Roderick said.

The door was softly closed and Roderick stood up. He sighed heavily and said, "Shimmer, I have to go now. I'm sorry to leave you now, but I really have to go. One of us, at least, has to attend the wedding."

He kissed me on the forehead and walked towards the door. He pulled down the handle and turned to face me, "my phone will be on all the time, Shimmer. In case you change your mind, please do give me a call. I have a private jet ready for you. It can bring you to Yellowleaf at any minute."

I did not respond. I remained seated, staring into space.

"I love you, Shimmer," Roderick said before closing the door behind him.

I allowed Iris to attend the wedding; much to her gratitude. I saw no reason to stop her; for she viewed Dylan as her own son.