
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



We arrived at the private island at around 4PM. Since our wedding celebration went on into the night, we did not manage to leave Yellowleaf until in the afternoon of the following day. I left the merry-making at 11PM and went to steal some sleep, for I felt thoroughly drained. Dylan too would have joined me but Pete and their other friends would not hear anything of it. He was dragged along with them to party for the entire night, finally getting his sleep only at around 4.30AM.

In the morning, most of our guests were still around, and I was dressed in a Victorian blue gown, gifted to me by Amelia. If it was up to me, I would not have worn it. I mean I was already exhausted from wearing heavy dresses, but I felt bad to deny her offer. She stated specifically that she and Tessa bought the dress for me to wear after my wedding.

I had seen photos of the private island before, and I had read a lot about it; so I had an idea of what to expect. A well-kept house stood in place. There was a roof lounge, from which a perfect view of the ocean could be obtained. There was a touch of exquisite Victorian architecture all around the house. Ethnic colours were used in almost everything, for the house was built using rocks, and it was thatched.

The scent of fresh water filled my nostrils. The breeze was too beautiful to be ignored; I just smiled to myself. I stood outside looking, my puffy gown clutched in my hands. Dylan swept me off my feet and carried me into the house. I was a bit startled, because I did not see him coming from behind me, but I laughed all the same.

Oh what a beautiful house it was, and it was very big. The furniture was absolutely stunning, but I noticed that it had more space than furniture. The rooms were barely decorated, for example one of the lounges had only one large couch and a small coffee table. There was nothing else. In all, everything in the house looked very expensive. I could not help but wonder: How much in total has the family used in properties only? The manor, the mansions, the villas, the private islands...and the yachts! The life of the rich!

I was really interested in seeing around the house. It was not because I loved it that much. I loved the house, yes, but then I had my own anxieties. Dylan and I were married now, and what excuse was I going to give for refusing to give myself to him. I had no problem with it, but rather fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of not knowing what lay ahead; was my first time going to be painful, was I going to do anything embarrassing…I shuddered just at the thought.

The bathroom was especially breathtaking. Like the rest of the house, it was rock-themed, but it somehow managed to stand out in its own way. The bathtub stood in the centre of the room, big enough to accommodate four adults. The shower floor was made of clear pebbles which had a shiny touch to them.

Of course there was staff all around the place, dressed in cargo pants and safari shirts. Only the chefs and other kitchen staff were dressed in pure white attire, with matching hats.

"Shall I set the table for something to eat now, madam?" a tall lady with big round eyes asked me politely.

'Madam?' oh ok. That was me. I turned to look at Dylan and he shrugged, showing me that the decision was up to me.

"I'm hungry but let me get out of this dress first", I giggled.

We went into the bedroom and it was very big and luxurious. I loved it. Dylan unzipped the dress and I slowly walked out of it. I felt a relief; the dress had some weight to it. Being naked in front of Dylan was no longer an issue, I knew that the real issue awaited me, and my heart was pounding. I was quick to excuse myself, using hunger as the main reason for hurrying to the dining table.

There was a lot of nice food, I loved all of it. Dylan insisted on feeding me and I must admit, I enjoyed the attention. When we were done eating, we went up to the roof to admire the water and feel the gentle breeze. It was an endless sheet of calm water, it all spoke peace and tranquility.

"Mrs de Milo, look at me, I want to take a photo of you," my husband said to me.

OK. Mrs de Milo. That was me. I was so happy I failed to contain my happiness. In fact I did not need to contain it. Why would I? It was my time, my chance to be happy, and I wanted to be happy. We took a lot of photos before we went back into the house. It was already dark, and the whole house had lights switched on. In every corner of the house, and from the ceiling stood some beautiful dim light. The chandeliers were Victorian, some of them brass, and some pure silver. It was just too beautiful.

"Shall I set the table for dinner, madam?" the same tall lady asked me again. She sounded extra polite.

"I'm not hungry. I think we will have something very light, but not now. We can have it later. Hmm, Dylan?" I looked at him.

"Yah, I'm also not hungry," he said.

We went back into the bedroom and I sat on the bed. Dylan was on me, planting many kisses on my forehead and chest, and he stroked my hair so lovingly.

"My wife," he murmured into my ear. I loved the sound of that, and I just broke into a smile.

"My husband, I need to take a bath now," I told him.

"Ok let's go take a bath," he pulled me up by the hand.

I was seated in the foamy water, enjoying its warmth. Oh I loved this life. I could get used to it. Oh my word, who would have ever known that I, Anisha Meyerton, was going to end up leading such a life…

"I never knew that some families own private islands," I commented.

"Yah they do. Pete's dad owns one too," Dylan said calmly.

"Dylan, when you look back at where we came from, don't you think we can define our marriage as a miracle? There were too many disturbances."

"It's unfortunate that my own mum was part of everything…" his voice trailed off.

"Do ..do you think she..she will ever accept me?" I asked in a low voice.

"She will. Once she gets to know you, she will see what a sweet person you are. I love you Anisha." he kissed me.

"And I love you too," I smiled.

Dylan was the one to leave the bathtub and he stood in the shower for a few minutes before he went out. Of course he wanted me to go along with him on every step, but I just came up with excuses.

In the end I tip-toed to the shower and stood under the warm running water. I was scared…or rather anxious.

Monthly period. What happens if my period comes now? He won't touch me, would he?… I brought down my hand to check if by any chance my period was there yet, but it was not in sight. You just had your period seven days ago, silly! I stood in the shower forever, until my dear husband called out to me, "Babe are you still showering?"

"I…umm, I am coming now," with a shaking hand I closed the shower and took a towel to wrap myself. I walked to a chair and picked up the hair drier. Dylan, also wrapped in a towel, but much smaller than mine, came to me and undid the towel which was drying my hair. He dried my hair and puffed it out using his hands.

"Your hair smells great. Is this your usual hair shampoo or you used something new?" he asked.

"Th…thanks. I …I used the one I was give by…by Arianna," what's with the stammering! Ugh!!

"Are you ok? Why are you stammering?" he bent forward to look into my eyes with a frown.

"I...I'm fine", my heart was about to pop out and just run away from me.

My hair was done, and my sweet husband carried me to the bed, and oiled my whole body. I wanted to oil him too, but I was too tense.

Oh no, why didn't anyone tell me about the honeymoon night? They always show it as the best night for a couple, but to me it was proving to be more fearful than beautiful.

"Let me just blow my hair a bit more. It feels wet," I jumped off the bed, pulling a bed sheet to cover myself, and planted myself in the chair and started to blow away.

"Your hair is fine, my wife," he smiled. Oh that smile! It made my knees weak.

I continued to blow my hair, while Dylan watched me. He was lying on the bed, staring at me with a smile. Only heaven knows how many minutes I blew on the hair.

"It's ok now, unless if you want to end up having dry grass for hair," Dylan chuckled.

"Oh, ok," I switched off the drier and fumbled for something…OK, for nothing.

"Come to bed, my beautiful wife."

"Oh, ok." I said in a low voice.

I stood to my feet and clutched onto the sheet.

Monthly period. Is the period here yet?...no. The period was here seven days ago. It is not coming…the voices in my head chatted to each other.

Was there something else for me to use as an excuse? No. Nothing. I walked very slowly until I reached the corner of the bed. Why was he looking so relaxed? Or was he just acting brave? How come he, being a virgin just like me, seemed to be relaxed and happy, while I was panicking at an alarming rate?

"I...it's too bright in here. Can't we do with only two lights? Do we need all of them?" I whispered.

Dylan picked the remote and switched off most of the lights, leaving only two.

"Come my love, I won't bite you." If stares could kill; the look that he gave me would have surely killed me.