
Destined to be supreme

After lasting a thousand years in his mother's womb, Lin Juanfen was born supreme, his cry echoing through the cosmos alarming all supreme existences. The grandson of the Almighty Supreme God and the Goddess of Wisdom and the son of the Supreme God of War and the Goddess of Slaughter, Lin Juanfen was born destined to be supreme.

TheBadass2413 · Ost
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4 Chs

The most powerful baby in history

In the immense castle of the Lin family, in an extremely luxurious room, Murong Qianxue is nursing little Lin Juanfen, without realizing that lights of wisdom flicker in the depths of her divine eyes.

'I have been in my mother's womb for 1000 years, in the first 20 years I had already developed consciousness and with the passing of time I was maturing, it could be said that my soul is 1000 years old but my body is that of a newborn baby'.

Lin Juanfen's thoughts were a bit chaotic, but he managed to adapt his mental state quickly.

'I would have to say that I am extremely lucky, I was born in what is possibly the most powerful family in the entire cosmos, my parents and especially my grandparents are existences beyond comprehension, however I have the feeling that there are some memories hidden in the depths of my soul'.

After trying to access those supposed memories and failing over and over again, little Lin Juanfen gave up, however, an expression of determination appeared on his small and tender face.

'I have been born supreme, although I don't know what it means I can feel in my blood that I am indeed extraordinary, in the future I will stand on top of all supreme existences, my name will be heard throughout all the time lines, my rise to supremacy will usher in an era never seen before and my family will be eternal'.

As Lin Juanfen waited, a figure entered the room exuding an aura of peerless nobility, that imposing figure is Lin Feng the father of Lin Juanfen, also known as the Supreme God of War.

"darling, it's good that you came, I'm feeding little Fen", Murong Qianxue said to Lin Feng with a beautiful, beaming smile.

Lin Feng approached little Lin Juanfen with a smile and said affectionately to Murong Qianxue.

"Qianxue, can I hug him?".

After gently nodding, Murong Qianxue placed little Lin Juanfen in his father's arms.

at that moment Lin Juanfen opened his eyes to appreciate his father's face.

Lin Han was surprised to see Lin Juanfen's divine pupils up close, he could feel the incomparable power that was contained in his little son's eyes.

"son, you made us wait too long to see you, but looking at you now I have to say that it was worth the wait, always remember that you are the most extraordinary existence in the entire cosmos, the grandson of Lin Han an almighty supreme god, Mei-Ling the goddess of wisdom, and son of the supreme god of war and the goddess of slaughter, apart from the fact that you are the heir of the Lin family, you may not understand what I am saying now but in the future you will have our unconditional support".

Lin Han said to Lin Juanfen as he and Murong Qianxue, but to his surprise little Lin Juanfen nodded and moved his small mouth said with a milky but ethereal voice.

"Mom and dad, little Fen can understand everything you say, after spending a millennium in my mother's womb I have developed consciousness".

"Little Fen you can talk!", Murong Qianxue cried in shock at the sudden surprise, it's not every day you see a newborn with the ability to speak.

The most shocked without a doubt is Lin Feng who has Lin Juanfen in his arms, over the years he has accumulated an endless amount of knowledge and read a lot of ancient writings belonging to the era of primordial chaos and none of them contain records of an existence that can speak on the day of its birth and even with a developed consciousness.

"Yes mom, I can talk due to my supreme constitution, as for how I know how to do it, it's because I learned it from you, whenever you told me stories and even your conversations, I could hear everything and little by little I understood more and more until I mastered the language",

Lin Juanfen said with a childish but tender voice at the same time, added to his appearance of a porcelain doll, Murong Qianxue couldn't help but take him from Lin Feng's arms and give him a big hug.

"Ahh, my little Fen is the most extraordinary baby there is, he can talk at just a day old and he is super cute, his cuteness makes my heart melt!", Murong Qianxue cried excitedly as she rubbed her lovely face with the cute and little face of Lin Juanfen.

At that moment, both Lin Han and Mei-Ling entered the room holding both hands and smiling.

"Why are you making so much noise at this time, you are not afraid of scaring the baby!" Mei-Lin reproached Lin Feng and Murong Qianxue.

"Dad and mom, Fen'er can speak and understand everything we say", Lin Feng hastened to explain what happened recently to his parents, causing Mei-Ling and Lin Han to approach little Lin Juanfen with expectation on their faces.

"Come on Fen'er say a few words to your grandparents" they both said in unison as they smiled at little Lin Juanfen.

Seeing the faces of his grandparents full of expectation, waiting for their answer, Lin Juanfen raised his little hands and touched the faces of Lin Han and Mei-Ling.

"Grandma, you are very beautiful and you are also too handsome Grandpa, you are a match made in heaven," Lin Juanfen said in his cute childlike voice, added again to his cute appearance as if he were a jade doll, both Mei -Ling and Murong Qianxue couldn't resist hugging him tightly and rubbing their faces against his little face.

"My grandson is too cute; he's going to make my heart race with such fawning words!" Mei-Ling screamed hysterically.

"Surprising, I have never heard of an existence capable of speaking from the moment of birth and the most incredible thing is to do it with coherence, my grandson goes against the natural order just like his grandfather", Lin Han exclaimed surprised and at the same time proud of Lin Juanfen, not only because he is his grandson, in truth there are few things that can surprise him in the entire cosmos and his grandson is undoubtedly one of them.