
Destined to be supreme

After lasting a thousand years in his mother's womb, Lin Juanfen was born supreme, his cry echoing through the cosmos alarming all supreme existences. The grandson of the Almighty Supreme God and the Goddess of Wisdom and the son of the Supreme God of War and the Goddess of Slaughter, Lin Juanfen was born destined to be supreme.

TheBadass2413 · Ost
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4 Chs

Ten supreme figures as his guardians

the next day all the overlords and supreme figures of the supreme dimension began to arrive at the Lin family, such a scene is enough to shock the entire cosmos if it is seen by the other planes, the number of supreme figures gathered in the Lin family is enough to conquer all existing universal planes.

And the most surprising thing is that when Murong Qianxue appeared before everyone with Lin Juanfen in her arms, all the supreme existences present knelt in the direction of the little boy.

Little Lin Juanfen, as if accepting their bow, raised his small arm towards them and his body began to emit a supreme and dominant energy without equal, projecting an image on him that would remain engraved in the minds of all present for eternity.

In the sky appears the adult figure of Lin Juanfen surrounded by chaotic energy and with a divine circle on his back giving off a power capable of making the entire cosmos tremble through all the ages, while raising his right hand to all those in front of him. to him they receive part of their power expanding their level of combat to other heights

Among all the supreme existences present there are nine that stand out for their incredible combat power which they are.

Wei Long - The Emperor of the Celestial Kingdom.

He was a mundane warrior who rose to power after defeating all his enemies as his cultivation level reached new heights and his power increased inordinately. He was chosen by the gods to lead the Heavenly Kingdom as Emperor, and is known for his wisdom, justice, and bravery.

Zhang Wu - The Lord of the Jade Palace.

A powerful sorcerer who gained control of the Jade Palace, the center of magical power on earth. He is feared and revered for his mastery over dark energy and his ability to control the forces of nature.

Liu Jiang - The Master of the Five Elements.

Born with the gift of manipulating the five elements, Liu Jiang was destined to become the Master of the Five Elements. He honed his powers through years of study and meditation, and is now considered the greatest elemental wizard of all time.

Chen Yin - The Keeper of the Dragon's Fury.

The Guardian of Dragon's Fury, Chen Yin is a legendary warrior who defeated the dragon king in combat that lasted nine days and nine nights, ending the dragon king's life, earning him the title and powers of the dragon. He is known for his bravery, strength, and unwavering loyalty to the Heavenly Kingdom.

Sun Kai - The Divine Ruler of the Sun and Moon.

A former prince who became the Sun Moon Divine Ruler through his divine birthright. He is known for his wisdom, compassion, and his ability to bring balance to the earth.

Hong Zhang - The Protector of the Sacred Mountains.

A respected general who rose to power as Protector of the Sacred Mountains, the source of all life on earth. He is known for his strength, courage, and his ability to lead his armies with honor and justice.

Fu Ming - The Sage of the Sacred Waters.

A master of water magic, Fu Ming became the Sage of the Sacred Waters through his mastery over the sacred rivers and lakes of the land. He is known for his greatest feat, which was to cover a galaxy that was about to explode with water and stabilize it.

Guo Wei - The most powerful treasure forger alive.

A legendary treasure forger who rose to power as the Keeper of Forbidden Treasures capable of destroying a planet in the blink of an eye. He is known for his cunning, bravery, and his ability to forge the most valuable and powerful artifacts in all of the Ultimate Dimension.

Du Bo - The Lord of the Dark Realms.

A former prince who became Lord of the Dark Realms through his dominance over the shadows and the undead. He is feared and respected for his power, cunning, and his ability to command the forces of darkness.

These nine supreme existences have something in common that makes them different from the rest and that is that they were all helped by Lin Han before they managed to rise to power.

After the banquet, these supreme existences gathered on a mountain behind the Lin family.

"Wei Long you can start", Lin Han indicated to Wei Long that he could start with what was agreed.

Wei Long: "Greetings, everyone. We have gathered here today to discuss the future of Lin Juanfen. As we all know, he is destined to be supreme and it is our duty as his bodyguards to ensure his safety".

Zhang Wu: "Indeed, he is a remarkable young man with a bright future ahead of him. I look forward to serving him as his protector".

Liu Jiang: "I agree. His power and abilities are unparalleled. It will be an honor to stand by his side as his guardian".

Chen Yin: "As a warrior, I too share your sentiments. I am ready to defend Lin Juanfen with my life".

Sun Kai: "I am honored to be chosen as one of his bodyguards. He will bring balance to the world and bring peace to the multiverse".

Hong Zhang: "And I, as Protector of the Sacred Mountains, will ensure that he is protected from any harm".

Fu Ming: "I, as Sage of the Sacred Waters, will use my powers to aid Lin Juanfen in any way possible".

Guo Wei: "And I, as the most powerful treasure forger alive, will create powerful artifacts to help him in his journey".

Du Bo: "And I, as Lord of the Dark Realms, will use my powers to ensure his safety from the forces of darkness".

Wei Long: "Then it is settled. Let us prepare ourselves for the arrival of Lin Juanfen and serve him with our utmost loyalty and devotion".

"Okay, when my grandson turns fourteen I will allow him to go experiment on other high-ranking planes, at which time you will be his guardians," Lin Han explained to them.

After saying that, Lin Han disappeared without a trace, as if he had never been there.

Fu Ming: "Did you see that? Lord Lin Han simply vanished into thin air without a trace. His power is truly supreme and all-powerful".

Wei Long: "I have never seen anything like it. Possessing such power and control over the very fabric of reality is truly remarkable".

Liu Jiang: "Lin Han is a true god among us. His mastery over the elements and his ability to manipulate reality are unmatched".

Chen Yin: "Your bravery and wisdom are also unmatched. It is an honor to serve under you and protect the future of your grandson Lin Juanfen".

Sun Kai: "I agree, Lin Han's power and influence will continue to shape the future for generations to come".

Hong Zhang: "It is truly inspiring to witness Lin Han's power and strength. I am proud to be a part of the Lin family and to serve under their leadership".

Guo Wei: "I've heard rumors about the treasures that Lin Han has accumulated over the years. Seeing it in action only confirms its validity".

Du Bo: "As the Lord of the Dark Realms, I've seen thousands of powerful beings, but Lord Lin Han's power is on another level entirely. It's as if in the face of everything it's as easy as breathing".

Zhang Wu: "His mastery over the arcane arts is truly unmatched. I am honored to be able to serve and protect little Lin Juanfen's future, perhaps in the future he will be able to surpass Master Lin Han".

When the images of the vision that Lin Juanfen caused during the banquet appear in their heads, they cannot help but get goosebumps.

'born supreme, unrivalled through all ages', they all thought in unison.