
Destined to be one

ApurvaB16 · Urban
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5 Chs

Ch 4

He drew and drew whole night but he was not satisfied and just like that he worked on that incomplete painting but for the life of him he couldn't make that smile come alive.

Frustrated dropping the brush he pulled the ciggerate from his back pocket and placed it in his mouth, all this while resisting the urge to light it

He had dealt with lots of bad things but he himself hated the feeling of loosing control and for that he quit his weaknesses as much as he can now only smoking remained in his list of vices along with alcohol but he planned to win this battle with ciggerate today. Crushing it to the ground he picked up his cell phone.

"Demitry, I want all the details of that woman yesterday,I am pretty sure you bunch of women already shared the gossip about her" said Greed his voice rough and gruff as usual.

"Already on it boss,I got her name and address. Her name is Raven Black,age 25, lives in working women hostel work as technician in local laboratory. No information available beyond six months.Her best friend is her roomate Sky Maser, Age 24, she is working as a waitress part times and audition for small roles.Need more time for digging deeper in her past. Probably provide information by tonight " informed Demitry.

"Where is she right now"

"Let me ask Marko he was on her yesterday "

After a while information reached his cell " Morning call cafe,Street 5".

taking his keys Greed left his home in search of the woman that has hooked him since yesterday.

Parking outside the small mom and dad cafe, Greed looked at her from his car, she was casually sipping coffee while looking at her cell. She looked serene but her eyes were alert. Swipping the cell was just a front to make her eyes swipe the premises. He could bet his money that she knew all the entrance and exit of this cafe

Her alertness to the surrounding itched his skin making him curious and angry for this woman to be this cautious in this age made him believe someone was onto her.

Her change of identity was the cause of this alertness he was sure of that

Going out he pulled a chair in front of her, without saying anything he also pulled up the mobile swipping in similar manner as her.

Raven was startled from sudden intrusion, she looked and him and just like that she gasped. In her entire life she has never seen someone like him. While wearing sharp suit, he had an aura that gave him bad boy vibes. Though he may have hidden it inside pristine shoes and watch but his eyes betrayed him.

They were sharp and gray,with an edge that made her want to run and stare at them at the same time.

Feeling her eyes on him he smiled,meeting her eyes directly he asked her one thing that made him come here.

"100 grands, for 2 hours"

Raven felt her nostril flare as she heard his proposal, disappointed she snarled " I think you have misconceptions here mister I am not a prostitute, you may have come to wrong location".

"You have a misunderstanding here Dushka, I am not asking you for sex but to be a muse for my painting for 2 hours and I don't need to pay for sex you should know that".

Raven tilted her head " What's the catch, you want me naked or something ".

She should have rejected his offer but begger can't be choosers she needed emergency fund urgently because she never knew when he would find her.

Thinking of him, sent the shiver on her spine. Ignorimg the urge to bolt she waited for his reply.

" Nothing of the sense,you are thinking you will receive the costume and don't worry it will cover all your necessary tidbits".

She nodded and pulled out her cards, "message me the details of when and where. I don't want anything secluded".

Nodding he sent her the message, as she left the cafe in her nervous state she never noticed that he never checked her card before sending her message