
Destined to be one

ApurvaB16 · Urban
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5 Chs

Ch 3

Bello swiftly connected to Greed through a hidden earpiece" Boss,she is pretty savvy but what should I do now, if you want I can kidnap her for you".

Greed grunted " get back here Bello,your power to woo ladies is pretty lacking,but let them be I am not at that stage where you need to kidnap a woman for me".

As usual Greed continued his usual meetings at the club, when finally it was five he returned to his mansion holding a glass of scotch he looked outside the window.

Today's achievement left a bitter taste in his mouth but he knew he was delaying the matter that should have been dealt a year ago.

Lyon was like a father to him though in later years hunger for power eroded any sense of kinship he had with him but this time he couldn't be forgiven.

Their shipment details were leaked to FBI and he could accept anything but not a traitor because once a traitor always a traitor.

He opened his medicine cupboard to eat some heavy sleep inducer he was already double his usual dose.

But he had not slept since last week and he knew anything more he would soon enter into altered sensorium and it would be lethal for his men.

As a Capo he could not afford to show any weakness and mental weakness was already a taboo.

He forcefully closed his eyes and tried to sleep but screams filled his ears followed by gory scenes.

He could feel bullet hitting his body and his elder brother lying still on the ground his half of the face already blown away.

He opened his eyes hurriedly to escape the darkness.

He tried to remember what his therapist explained to him as a cure for insomnia.

He went to the kitchen his bare foot crossed the soft carpet his low riding trouser making him even more musculine.

He pulled out the milk and putting it inside the microwave resisting the urge to add coffee that could appease his headache but after compromising his sleep and with no sleep headache will be back like a bull on steroid.

After gulping it down with a grimace he moved to the room that was his sanctuary from the madness he faced on the daily basis.

Canvass filled with vivid colours covered his entire floor.But if seen careful one would say they were pretty gory and mostly filled with human faces in extreme pain or either dead with blood around them making the main art piece of the painting.

He wore his paint gloves as his fingers danced on the canvass but this time the red colour was not used for blood splatter but a dress a beautiful sensual red dress though off shoulder it touched each part of the curve so beautifully as if he himself was caressing them.

As his hands touched the yellow colour to make the hair colour his hands paused as he moved his fingers to the bold black colour where he making the tresses black as midnight.

He had almost made the entire painting what remained was her smile he closed his eyes as he saw her dancing while her eyes remained closed as if being the only person among the crowd was her refuge and somehow he saw himself on her and her freedom to feel so much attracted him to her for the first time.