
Destined To Be Heiress

In a world of wealth and power,Elia Lancaster, the rightful heiress to the Lancaster fortune, is accused of being an imposter. Stripped of her identity and possessions, she is forced into a marriage of convenience with her family's rival, Aren Blackwood. She will have to suffer what she doesn't deserve. Aren abandoned her in the first place. As they navigate the treacherous waters of deceit and ambition, they discover that love can bloom even in the most unlikely of places. Aren finally supports Elia in finding the evidence to gain her original place. Will their success clear Elia’s name and become the heiress of the Lancaster kingdom?

Sinoya_Nuri · Geschichte
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9 Chs

“Are we going to run away?”

I thought about it a lot. And it will be the best decision for now. Because Cris is planning to harm our country if we don't give him the throne now. And I can not let that happen for my selfishness. We need to collect evidence. Otherwise we won't win against them. They already showed proof. I hope you will understand what I'm trying to do and I also hope that you will stay beside me no matter what happens in the near future." 

Elia explained why she made the decision. 

"Your Majesty, On today and until my death I and my family will obey your command. Accept my gratitude." 

Sir Fedric, bowed his head and said that sitting in the chair. Because he could not move much, he did not kneel down. 

"What are you calling me sir Fedric? I'm not worth it. I have no throne. And more importantly I have not inherited it yet." 

Elia was shocked and her eyes widened when Sir Fedric called him "Your Majesty". She was so shy and shook her head as a sign of no. And also when she said that her eyes were closed. Elia tried to find something on the bookshelf. 

"Your Majesty from today you are my new king and I only obey your commands. Your decision touched my heart, your Majesty." 

Sir Fedric told Elia why he called her "Your Majesty" and also vowed to her that he will be loyal to her until his death.

"Sir Fedric I could not have thought you would support me that much! I'm so happy.Thank you so much sir Fedric." 

Elila was so emotional that while she was saying to Sir Fedric she cried and her eyes burst into tears. She tried to remove the tears on her hands but it was filled again.

 "And now what should we do, Your Majesty?"

Sir Fedric asked Elia what their plan was.

"For now we will move out to a safe place. Your family, my parents and Lina's family will head out to "The South Heart" village. I have already contacted a childhood friend of mine. She will make all the arrangements for our stay. And three carriages were prepared for hostages in the early morning. And we need some information about "The Royal Library." Elia briefed the whole process to Sir Fedric.

"Are we going to run away?" 

Sir Fedric was shocked and asked Elia.

"Yes, for now."

Elia confidently replied to Sir Fedric.


Sir Fedric tried to say something. But he stopped. He saw how confidently Elia said that they would run away. He saw Elia's eyes filled with new dreams. S, he decided to stop suspecting her decisions. 

"Do you want to say something?" 

Elia wanted to know Sir Fedric's have any query.

"Nothing , Your Majesty. So that was what you wanted to talk about with me." 

Sir Fedric understood what Elina discussed. When he said that to Elina he put his hand on his chin. Elia turned back to see his reaction.

"Yes, I indeed." Elia nodded with him.

Lina came to "The Royal Library" with tea & some snacks. She asked Elia to come in.

 "Your highness, May I come in?" 

"Lina, You came? Please come in." 

Elia politely replied to Lina and gave permission to get in.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." 

Lina thanked Elia and came to "The Royal Library".

Lina served tea on the table. After that she went to help Elia to find some books. They found some photo albums. They took it from the bookshelf to see if they found any clue.

Sir Fedric, Lina & Elia were sitting on the table and drinking tea. Sometimes Lina laughs like crazy. When she saw something funny in the photo albums she excitedly laughed. 

"Ha, ha, ha!"

Suddenly Lina laughed so loudly that Elia & Sir Fedric got frightened.

" Ehem, Miss Lina, you are in the library."

Sir Fedric tries to quiet her.

All photos in the photo albums were black and white. Elia's father's parents, her grandfather and her grandmother King Faris and Queen Jayla were in the pictures. Elia saw many pictures about her father King Lio's childhood timeline. He was so cute. One of them was King Faris holding Prince Lio. The other was King Faris and Prince Lio practising swordsmanship, the other one is Prince Lio practising horse riding with his teacher. But Prince Lio had no picture with Queen Jayla. But Elia noticed King Faris and Queen Jayla had lots of pictures. Some of them were romantic, some of them were funny and some of the family pictures. Suddenly Elia noticed a picture, it was about King Faris and Queen Jayla having a vacation and Queen Jayla had her personal maid. In the picture King Faris hugging Queen Jayla in her behind. And Queen Jayla's maid Holding a man's hand.

"Who was that maid, and who was that man? What relationship did they have? I need to know the truth."

Elia mumbled to herself. Elia kept that photo in her diary.

After that Elia tried to focus on Lina and mumbled to herself.

" What was she seeing that made her that crazy?"

Elia noticed Lina saw a colourful photo album. And the album was about Eila.

"Wow! You looked so cute in this picture."

Lina exclaimed with joy

Eila was curious about that picture so she also looked at the picture. In this picture King Lio, Queen Shuna, An old lady holding Baby Elia in her lap. The old lady was sitting on a wheelchair and a maid was standing behind her. Nera, Queen Shuna's maid, is also holding a baby. And a man was standing beside her. 

"Wow! Your highness, that was me, my mom and my dad. I was six years old then. And Your highness, you were three years old then. That was the first time I was brought to the castle."

Lina remembered the memory when she was six years old.

"Aww, our first meeting was captured by the camera. Lina, let me hold the picture."

Elia smiled with joy. 

"Your highness, here it is." 

Lina gave the picture to Elia. After holding the picture, Elia tried to remember who was the lady who was standing behind her!

"To be continued

Stay tuned"

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