
Destined Hearts: A Journey Of Love (BL)

Lucas is the heir of a prestigious wealthy family, he has become a more cold person after the loss of his parents when he was young and becomes untrustful about others. He has become cold and distanced himself from others. Then, years After when he became a college student, in his third year he meets David who is different from him in wealth and character, and with different backgrounds, David makes a mark on Lucas. Then After Few Encounters they feel attracted to each. As they fall for each other, After that, so many unexpected events occur. will they be able to overcome these obstacles? Can they become happy and have a happy life? look forward to how it is going to be.

MerryPNLITL · realistisch
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5 Chs

The Arrival of New Lives

Lucas is the heir of a prestigious, wealthy family. On the day Lucas was born, it was a rainy night.

The rain pattered against the windows of the lavish mansion, creating a soothing rhythm in the quiet night. In one of the elegant rooms, Agatha, the elegant and radiant wife of Jonathan, heir to a prestigious wealthy family, awaited her husband's return. Her face beamed with joy as she gently caressed her round belly, where their precious child grew.

Agatha chuckled softly, speaking tenderly to her unborn child, "Your father is late again, isn't he? He never comes early, even though he promises to take care of us every day. We shouldn't talk to Daddy today, okay Lucas?" She felt a gentle movement in her belly as if the baby acknowledged her words.

With a sweet smile, Agatha's nimble fingers worked skilfully, knitting small gloves for the baby. Her thoughts drifted to her loyal security guard, Samuel, who was always by her side. She had instructed him to rest, concerned about his well-being, but his unwavering dedication to protecting her never ceased to amaze her.

As she continued knitting, the atmosphere around her became calm and serene. Her heart swelled with anticipation and love, knowing that soon, she would hold her precious child in her arms.

Time passed, and Agatha felt a sudden discomfort in her abdomen. The discomfort grew into sharp pain, and she realized that her baby was ready to enter the world. Panic surged through her as she tried to call for Samuel, but her breaths came in gasps, and she couldn't muster enough strength to raise her voice.

Struggling to stand, Agatha grasped the table for support, but her legs buckled beneath her. She sank back into her chair, her head spinning, and her vision blurred as she slipped into unconsciousness.

However, her unconscious state was short-lived. The resounding crash of falling water startled her senses, snapping her back to consciousness. Samuel, ever vigilant, rushed into the room to find Agatha in distress. He knew he had to act swiftly to ensure her safety.

"Agatha Madam! Please wake up! Stay awake!" Samuel implored with urgency, his heart pounding with worry. In a flash, he activated the emergency protocols, summoning the guards to prepare the car and contacting the hospital for an immediate emergency room reservation.

With a tender strength, Samuel lifted Agatha into his arms and carried her downstairs, where the waiting guards stood ready to transport her to the hospital. The rain cascaded around them, soaking them to the bone, but there was no time to waste. Samuel's mind raced with concern for Agatha and the unborn child.

As the car sped through the rain-drenched streets, Samuel hurriedly contacted Jonathan, narrating the distressing events that had unfolded. Jonathan's heart clenched in fear and anxiety upon hearing Samuel's anxious voice.

"Please, take care of Agatha until I arrive! I am outside the city, but I will come as soon as possible. Call me immediately if anything happens," Jonathan pleaded, his voice trembling with worry.

"I will, Master. Please hurry," Samuel replied, his heart heavy with the weight of the situation.

Upon reaching the hospital, Agatha was immediately taken to the Emergency Room, where skilled medical personnel sprung into action to attend to her needs. Samuel stood outside the room, anxiously awaiting Jonathan's arrival, silently praying for a positive outcome.

When Jonathan finally arrived at the hospital, he rushed to the Emergency Room, his heart pounding with trepidation. His mind swirled with a mix of hope and fear, a profound sense of responsibility settling upon his shoulders.

Samuel greeted Jonathan outside the room, offering a small semblance of comfort amidst the uncertainty. "Madam is now awake and in the middle of giving birth to the baby. That is all the doctors have told me, Master," Samuel conveyed, his voice gentle and empathetic.

Time seemed to crawl by, every second feeling like an eternity. Jonathan's emotions were tumultuous, oscillating between fear and hope. He waited with bated breath, yearning to hold Agatha's hand and be a pillar of strength for her during this critical moment.

Inside the room, Agatha's eyes fluttered open, and a weak smile graced her lips as she saw her husband by her side. Relief washed over her, knowing that he was with her during this ordeal.

"Jonathan, our little Lucas... he's here. He's perfect," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Jonathan's eyes welled up with tears of joy and gratitude. "Thank you for bringing our son into this world, my love. You are the strongest and most incredible woman I know."

During their emotional reunion, the cries of a newborn baby filled the air, resonating with the purest of joys. A new life had entered the world, and it was the most beautiful sound Jonathan had ever heard.

The doctor emerged from the room, smiling warmly as he delivered the long-awaited news. "Both mother and baby are fine. Your son is healthy."

Jonathan's heart soared with happiness as he cradled little Lucas in his arms. His son's tiny fingers curled around his, creating an unbreakable bond between father and child.

"Welcome to the world, my precious son. You are everything to us, and I promise to love and protect you always," Jonathan whispered tearfully to the tiny bundle in his arms.

As the rain continued to pour outside, the world seemed to fade away around Jonathan, Agatha, and little Lucas. At this moment, they were the center of the universe, bound by love and the promise of an extraordinary life together.

Unaware to them, beyond the walls of their mansion, echoes of another life began. In front of an orphanage, on that very same radiant night, the cries of a newborn baby echoed in the hearts of those who would care for him. A new chapter in the story of destiny was unfolding, where the paths of these lives would soon intersect in the most unexpected of encounters.