
Despicable Love

"I promise you Lilian, I won't stop till I kill every single vampire in this existence '' These words came from Amelia, she was at the cemetery at the grave of her little sister. She's a werewolf from the Rodriguez family, unlike all other werewolves, she was special, she was said to be blessed with the moon goddess thus giving her a whole different power level. She was donned in her normal assassin suit, a white shirt, skinny trousers with a red belt, and a red hooded cape accompanying her suit. She looked up at the full silver moon, its rays bestowed on her, her eyes turned white, her fangs elongated out slightly. Then she dashed away. ……… At a party ground, creatures were seen, due to their pale white skin, and unnatural red eyes, one could tell they are vampires, they were having a blood feast, they danced while sipping out the delicious blood from their victims, the atmosphere was not a pleasing one, red smoky aura filled the vicinity. Abruptly they heard a snarling sound, they all turned and behold it was her mysterious Werewolf. "That will be the last celebration you'll ever have, for your time has run out in this world" She voiced out with such boldness and fierceness. Her wood was on, as her long brunette hair, dripped out, extending beneath her breast, her face wasn't a friendly one, looking at her eyes was a terror, her razor sharp claws were out, ready to cause a massacre. "It's you again! attack her!" The head vampire ordered his fellow, they all bolted at her with superhuman speed. Amelia gave a battle stance, then a faint smile appeared on her face, revealing her evil intentions. She leaped up very high, as the glory of the full moon showed behind her, she landed with a slash on a vampire's chest that turned the creature to ashes. …….. Amelia was an average woman, she was born in a family of wealth, as her father Mr Rodriguez owns one of the biggest companies in manila. The moment she was born, a prophecy came, that she's the Divine Werewolf, the one destined to kill the Shaitan Vampire, the one whose soul was imprinted on it the devil's mark. But Amelia'a loving heart turns to lust for vengeance, when a vampire killed her little sister, she was eight years old then, they were playing in the garden, when it happened, ever since she had sworn to hunt down Vampires with her powers. But her life once again experienced light when she fell in love with Aiden, a staff in her dad's Company, finally she had a reason to be happy. But disaster came when she discovered he was a vampire, not just any Vampire, but the Shaitan Vampire, and even Aiden had no idea of who he was, her dad and the entire werewolf clan was totally against her love, Aiden is a good person, but his newly discovered self was a curse. Will Amelia choose her love over her duty or will she have to eliminate him, to fulfill the prophecy. ……. "You have to kill him now Amelia, before he transform into a full flesh Vampire" "But Dad! I love him" "Love has no place at this point, he is the cursed Vampire, the lord of the night, king of darkness, master of hell and god of the deceased had placed his mark on him, he is the Shaitan Vampire……….

Anthony_Destiny · Fantasie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER TWELVE: Flirting With Amelia

Amelia folded her arms as Aiden walked to her.

"Wow! I must say, I'm impressed" She admitted with a pretty smile.

"I told you to run, but you didn't why?"

"Because I didn't because I wasn't scared plus I didn't asked for someone's help especially not you"

"What? What kind of person are you?"

"I wasn't impressed that much, maybe that's why" She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah why? Do you think I'm a weakling? That I might not be able to beat those guys? Well you're wrong, I'm a tough guy you know" Aiden boasted.

"You don't have to brag about it, it's not that you are really strong" She taunted.

"What? What'd you mean? I defeated three guys"

"You can call that luck. It was clear that they were going easy on you. And who knows if you are not the one who paid them just to impress me"

"What? Why would I do that? You're so ungrateful"

"You think so? You think I'm ungrateful?"

"Yeah you are"

"Ok thank you for helping me, I have to get going" she said walking away.

"Hey!" Aiden stood at her front.

"What now?" Heaved.

"Is that how you thank someone who saved your life?"

"What? Oh i forgot, it's money right? Do you need money for your service? I can give you that"

"What? No no…..

"I did not bring some cash with me, you can give me your account number or meet me at the school tomorrow I'll give you some cash"

"What? I don't need your money..what the hell.. What'd you take me for? I don't need your money okay? And for the one you gave me the other time I haven't spent it, I'll return it to you tomorrow. I'm not like that okay?"

"Well then what else do you want if not my money?"

"Yeah now you're talking. Well I won't ask too much, all I need is a kiss"

"What? A what?"

"A kiss, that's all no biggie in that"

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"What of course not. It's not that you're pretty or something, I just want to receive something for my service, isn't that supposed to be your job? You know satisfying men like us?" Aiden insulted.

"I will spare you this time, because you help me for what I didn't ask help from you"

"That's so rude, I helped you, you should be grateful, those guys would have torn you apart"

"Enough with those kind of talks, I've said what I want to, there's no way I'm gonna kiss that alcohol lips of yours" she cursed.

"What! Well I also don't wanna kiss those dick sucking lips of yours"

"Disgusting! How dare you? well if that's the case just leave me alone" Amelia turns to walk away, she was really upset.

"Hey! I'm sorry miss, you're really beautiful and sexy, I was just kidding"


"Yeah you are, so can I please get a kiss just once please"

Amelia smiled she walks closer to him in a seductive movement, she pushed him to the wall, then brought her lips slowly, Aiden was already lust, his physical and spiritual presence are only focused on her irresistible beautiful, while the rest of the world blurs away. He was actually joking of requesting of a kiss but he didn't know it could became so serious.

she hadn't kissed him yet but he could already taste her strawberry lips, his eyes were wide opened in desire, his heart stopped beating for a moment. Just when Amelia was about to rub her lips on his, she whispered in his ears.

"Go fuck yourself, my lips are too precious for you" then she walked away. Aiden was dumb founded, he only washed her walk away.

"Hey no fair! I deserve something" He shouted.

Unknown to Aiden one of the robbers got up from the ground running towards him with his dagger set to strike, Amelia senses quickly noticed everything, she turned and ran towards Aiden then pushes Aiden away from the attack before she grabbed the man's arm, twisted it then bunched his ankle, a bone crack was heard he dropped the knife, screaming in pain, he tried to punch her with the other hand but she caught it in mid-air, kicked his gut it send him hitting a wall, inflicting more pain in him

"Argh," he growled.

"You're still not satisfied? Well I have more" she teased. The man was wise enough to run for his life.

"Thanks once again" she said then walked away, Aiden watched her go until she was gone but he could still see her in his head.

"Wow! Who is this woman?" He said out loud.

Amelia turned back and saw that Aiden wasn't actually following her, her eyes then turned white as she dashed away with her sense still on high alert. Today wasn't a grateful day, it was a disappointment to her she couldn't catch any Vampire, because of Aiden this gave her more reason to dislike him.

She jumped very high and landed on top of a skyscraper building, she looked down on the quiet Manila.

This was not how it used to be it wasn't always quiet at night, everything started when the night killings became rampant, no one knows the cause of the killings except the Werewolves, but unfortunately they too can't help because they were also on the run against the Night Guardians, a group of warriors who hunts Vampires and Werewolves alike. But recently they haven't been active and no one knows why. She managed to be brave to secretly help humans because of the love she had for humanity and mostly to avenge the death of her little sister, even though her parents had no idea of her night activities she kept from everyone, doing everything in secret.

She might not have gotten to her ultimate potential but she uses the little training she learned from her dad and the rest of the park to help the weak and victims. Due to her confidential identity, she was called the mysterious werewolf.