
Despicable Love

"I promise you Lilian, I won't stop till I kill every single vampire in this existence '' These words came from Amelia, she was at the cemetery at the grave of her little sister. She's a werewolf from the Rodriguez family, unlike all other werewolves, she was special, she was said to be blessed with the moon goddess thus giving her a whole different power level. She was donned in her normal assassin suit, a white shirt, skinny trousers with a red belt, and a red hooded cape accompanying her suit. She looked up at the full silver moon, its rays bestowed on her, her eyes turned white, her fangs elongated out slightly. Then she dashed away. ……… At a party ground, creatures were seen, due to their pale white skin, and unnatural red eyes, one could tell they are vampires, they were having a blood feast, they danced while sipping out the delicious blood from their victims, the atmosphere was not a pleasing one, red smoky aura filled the vicinity. Abruptly they heard a snarling sound, they all turned and behold it was her mysterious Werewolf. "That will be the last celebration you'll ever have, for your time has run out in this world" She voiced out with such boldness and fierceness. Her wood was on, as her long brunette hair, dripped out, extending beneath her breast, her face wasn't a friendly one, looking at her eyes was a terror, her razor sharp claws were out, ready to cause a massacre. "It's you again! attack her!" The head vampire ordered his fellow, they all bolted at her with superhuman speed. Amelia gave a battle stance, then a faint smile appeared on her face, revealing her evil intentions. She leaped up very high, as the glory of the full moon showed behind her, she landed with a slash on a vampire's chest that turned the creature to ashes. …….. Amelia was an average woman, she was born in a family of wealth, as her father Mr Rodriguez owns one of the biggest companies in manila. The moment she was born, a prophecy came, that she's the Divine Werewolf, the one destined to kill the Shaitan Vampire, the one whose soul was imprinted on it the devil's mark. But Amelia'a loving heart turns to lust for vengeance, when a vampire killed her little sister, she was eight years old then, they were playing in the garden, when it happened, ever since she had sworn to hunt down Vampires with her powers. But her life once again experienced light when she fell in love with Aiden, a staff in her dad's Company, finally she had a reason to be happy. But disaster came when she discovered he was a vampire, not just any Vampire, but the Shaitan Vampire, and even Aiden had no idea of who he was, her dad and the entire werewolf clan was totally against her love, Aiden is a good person, but his newly discovered self was a curse. Will Amelia choose her love over her duty or will she have to eliminate him, to fulfill the prophecy. ……. "You have to kill him now Amelia, before he transform into a full flesh Vampire" "But Dad! I love him" "Love has no place at this point, he is the cursed Vampire, the lord of the night, king of darkness, master of hell and god of the deceased had placed his mark on him, he is the Shaitan Vampire……….

Anthony_Destiny · Fantasie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN: Running From The Devil

He tries to devour her but she quickly brings out a perfume from a bag and sprayed it in his eyes.

"argh!" he cleaned his eyes off the Itchy pain, giving the lady a chance to quickly run out of the car before he could open his eyes which were blurry at first then became clear, the lady was already gone.

She ran faster than her legs, her heart was also running its own race, she kept looking back making sure he wasn't behind her, she finally hid at a corner which was surrounded by tall buildings creating Shadows that make the place dark with only a small amount of light penetrating into the vicinity. She tried to be as quiet as she could but her heart wouldn't keep quiet. It was nagging stubbornly ready to break out of its cage, she held the perfume with both bringing it closer to her chest like her life depended on it. After some seconds she started noticing some Shadows moving towards her Direction, she was sure it was Eddie her vampire boyfriend, sweats travelled from her head to her chin.

"where are you baby? I promise I won't hurt you just come out" he voiced out with a pretending gentle voice.

After hearing his voice it was certain to her that it really was him, her lips and the entire of our body was shivering with extreme fear. She sobs silently making sure she didn't make any sound. "Come out come out wherever you are" The voice came closer and closer to her. She could clearly see its shadow getting closer to her, and his footsteps were becoming louder. She closed her eyes very tightly so she wouldn't be able to see how she die. But then she stopped hearing footsteps, she opened her eyes, and to her greatest surprise, the shadow was no more, she summoned courage and looked at the street and found no one.

"oh god please save me" she whispered then went for her escape. She had already removed her heels so she would be faster, she was in a sexy red off-shoulder gown. Her heavy breathing rhymes with her pounding heart, she ran with a fading speed, her lungs and intestine threatened to explode, she looked back multiple times making sure he wasn't on her track, while looking back she bumped into something or rather someone.

"GOTCHA!" he stormed his devilish voice as he grabbed her by the shoulder and brought us closer.

"Aaaaahh!" her voice travelled to the sky, tearing through the winds.

On top of a skyscraper building stood a lady, it was her, Amelia known as The Mysterious werewolf, due to her unknown identity. Her long hair and cape dance to the tune played by the wind, but she wasn't standing there for entertainment,or to enjoy the views of the city, she has a purpose, all her senses were at alert she was waiting or watching for any Vampire to show up, before she had a scream from someone in a terrible danger, the distance was very far, but all thanks to the wind which carried the message to her, immediately she dashed into the wind tracing where the sound was coming from.

The lady tries to use her spray again but this time the vampire knocks it off her hand.

"please..... Please don't hurt me Eddie" she pleaded with shivering lips.

"You know what makes you look more attractive? Your red dress? And red is my favourite colour" he effusesed. Her entire temple was at submission to the Vampire, she knew there's nothing she could do but accept the embrace of the death calling.

This was exactly what Eddie wanted, to feed on his prey in an enjoyable way, rather than struggling with them, before he could take their blood.

His fangs moved slowly to her neck, while his hands were on her waist caressing it softly, making sure she had a pleasant death.

Abruptly a fist crashed on his jaw, sending him crashing over a wall.

The lady opened her eyes, and saw someone, looking like an angel, and what made her angelic was the fact that she was here to save her from the clutches of death.

*Gasped* "Who are you?" she asked. But scared if it was another monster, just fighting to have her as dinner.

"My identity doesn't matter, go find a safe place to hide, I'm gonna deal with this thing" she instructed. Eddie recovered from the attack, he held his jaw, which was dislocated, but regenerated itself. Even if the lady don't wanna run, seeing Eddie again, was the last thing she'll wish for, she quickly hide herself behind a building, she sat on the ground, with her arms round around her body, her shivering continued.

Eddie was up to his feet, his eyebrows curved like a v, his fangs and bloody eyes were still active.

"The Mysterious Werewolf, I must say today's my lucky day, I'll certainly be the one to bring your corpse to Lord Shedran" he grinned.

"You feel so confident of yourself, well I hope those words came from a worthy opponent, cause not only will I kill you, I'll hunt down your so-called Lord Shedran, and all of your kind" Amelia followed these words with a smirk.

"You don't know the owner of the name you just mentioned, if only you could see his potential, however you won't live to see him, for your death countdown begins now"

Eddie bolted at her, with a punch on her chest, she slid back a bit. She noticed something about this one, he was stronger and faster than all other ordinary Vampires she had encountered. But she's really sure she could take him down.

Amelia ran back at him, paying back with the same amount of punch on his chest, only hers was supported with an uppercut, which sends him upward, crashing on a car, Amelia is not done, she jumps up then landed on his, delivering several super punches, with a fast pace, making it impossible to count, her punches, crushed the car, coincidentally breaking it in two, Eddie then finds a way to knock Amelia from his body, his face was bleeding badly, but thanks to his healing factor, the bruises disappear.