
Despicable Love

"I promise you Lilian, I won't stop till I kill every single vampire in this existence '' These words came from Amelia, she was at the cemetery at the grave of her little sister. She's a werewolf from the Rodriguez family, unlike all other werewolves, she was special, she was said to be blessed with the moon goddess thus giving her a whole different power level. She was donned in her normal assassin suit, a white shirt, skinny trousers with a red belt, and a red hooded cape accompanying her suit. She looked up at the full silver moon, its rays bestowed on her, her eyes turned white, her fangs elongated out slightly. Then she dashed away. ……… At a party ground, creatures were seen, due to their pale white skin, and unnatural red eyes, one could tell they are vampires, they were having a blood feast, they danced while sipping out the delicious blood from their victims, the atmosphere was not a pleasing one, red smoky aura filled the vicinity. Abruptly they heard a snarling sound, they all turned and behold it was her mysterious Werewolf. "That will be the last celebration you'll ever have, for your time has run out in this world" She voiced out with such boldness and fierceness. Her wood was on, as her long brunette hair, dripped out, extending beneath her breast, her face wasn't a friendly one, looking at her eyes was a terror, her razor sharp claws were out, ready to cause a massacre. "It's you again! attack her!" The head vampire ordered his fellow, they all bolted at her with superhuman speed. Amelia gave a battle stance, then a faint smile appeared on her face, revealing her evil intentions. She leaped up very high, as the glory of the full moon showed behind her, she landed with a slash on a vampire's chest that turned the creature to ashes. …….. Amelia was an average woman, she was born in a family of wealth, as her father Mr Rodriguez owns one of the biggest companies in manila. The moment she was born, a prophecy came, that she's the Divine Werewolf, the one destined to kill the Shaitan Vampire, the one whose soul was imprinted on it the devil's mark. But Amelia'a loving heart turns to lust for vengeance, when a vampire killed her little sister, she was eight years old then, they were playing in the garden, when it happened, ever since she had sworn to hunt down Vampires with her powers. But her life once again experienced light when she fell in love with Aiden, a staff in her dad's Company, finally she had a reason to be happy. But disaster came when she discovered he was a vampire, not just any Vampire, but the Shaitan Vampire, and even Aiden had no idea of who he was, her dad and the entire werewolf clan was totally against her love, Aiden is a good person, but his newly discovered self was a curse. Will Amelia choose her love over her duty or will she have to eliminate him, to fulfill the prophecy. ……. "You have to kill him now Amelia, before he transform into a full flesh Vampire" "But Dad! I love him" "Love has no place at this point, he is the cursed Vampire, the lord of the night, king of darkness, master of hell and god of the deceased had placed his mark on him, he is the Shaitan Vampire……….

Anthony_Destiny · Fantasie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR: Looking For A Job

Hearing this Aiden started breathing heavily after feeling the spine-twisting terror. To the point that his heart stopped pounding but was frozen with fear. The leader of the werewolf stretched his hand towards Aiden, who couldn't move or alter any word, as fear paralysed his whole body.

"no! Let's leave him" he decided, then also dashed away with an unseen speed. Aiden finally felt his body again, he ran out of the car to his parents who were already dead, lying lifeless on the ground, with a big hole on their chest.

"no!" Aiden screamed bitterly, his lips trembling as tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, the weight of the grief was crushing his soul. Not long after some minutes the corps arrived along with dorisa. She cuddled her little nephew, immediately she felt his pain, like a circuit being joined together. "it's ok son, I am here with you, we are going to be together I promise"


Flashback ends.

A honking sound erupted, as the sleeping Aiden jolted awake. He looked at the window and behold, Manila, the smile that appeared on his face was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of a train.

Aiden walked out of the train, he held a file in his right hand, he studied in the university solution architecture engineering, just like his late father.

"Yeah we go, wish me good luck manila" he said giving a deep sigh, he brought out a sheet of paper in his pocket, it has the names of the company, he'll go apply for a job.

"Okay I can do this" he gave himself hope, then walked into the city…..

Aiden was seated in the CEO's office of an industry, he was facing opposite him.

"Sir I have my bachelor degree, and I have extensive Industry experience, I came out as a first class student in the university of Debruse" Aiden said to the man with a voice, that seems like pleading.

"I'm sorry, young man but you can't be qualified for this job, please find another company" the man said, going back to his work.

"But sir you can check my certificates, it's an excel….

"Excuse me young man, I'm busy, you can leave," the man instructed rudely.

Aiden had no choice but to go.

After he came out of the company, he brought out the list, and canceled the first name, it was actually written on the six company's name.


"Okay, let's try again in another company"....

"Sir I'm a graduate from Debruse university, and I came out as a first class student, I have a lot of experience in industrial building, and I'm sure I'll benefit your company" Aiden said to the CEO of another company, hoping his luck would shine here.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept you. You're not fit for my company, please check another side" ....

After several trials of different companies, Aiden was exhausted, he Starts losing hope, his list has one last company, and if this one doesn't work, he's screwed up.

"Alright Alvsan, you're the last baby on the list, please don't disappoint me" he hoped.....

"Sir I have a bachelor degree in different fields like, information technology, information system, software engineering, and others, I studied in the university of debruse and came out with a first class"

"You have a good stance, but I don't think my company is the right one for you"

"Sir please, this is the sixth company I've been to today, please I really need this job, I can show you some of my masterpieces" Aiden pleaded, with an implorin look, scared if he would decline his proposal.

"Young man, I understand your reasons, but we can decide things based on our emotions, this is an Organization, a little mistake can drop it down the drain, please kindly locate another company" the man said, chattering Aiden's hope.

Aiden was out of the company, he walked very sad and hopeless, he felt like a waste, what is he going to tell the neighbors, that he left the province, to the city with nothing good to show.

The noises from little children caught his attention, they were buying ice cream from the ice cream seller, he then realized that he was thirsty and needed to quench his taste, and ice cream could do the job.

The children were actually pupils, they were donned on their blue and white uniforms. The ice cream seller was at their school front, maybe they are on their break or something, it was the same school Amelia teaches.

Aiden walked to the ice cream bus.

"Hey I'll need one of those," Aiden requested.

"Alright sire" the man inside replied.

Aiden brought out his wallet from his pocket, and opened it, he then noticed a pupil looking at him.

"Hey what the matter boy" he asked the little boy.

But he didn't reply, he only looked at him with a cat look.

"What? You want some too?" He asked.

Then the child nodded, he was maybe ashamed of asking in the first place.

"You should have just said so"

Aiden then brought out a bank note from his wallet, before putting it back in his back pocket.

"Hey, make those two okay?.....

Aiden said, before his wallet was snatched by the little boy, he was a thief all along.

"Hey! Bring that back,you little rat" Aiden cursed, chasing the boy.

The boy ran faster than his legs could, but he couldn't just out run Aiden, the boy ran inside the school premises, he then saw Amelia, and quickly hide behind her, she was donned in a horse blood-red bodycon dress, with a brown jacket, covering her exposed shoulders, her foot had under it a black heels, her brown eyes, had a glasses on, and her brunette hair packed to her normal style, her fancy ladies bag was fixed on her shoulder.

"What's the matter john?" She wondered, before Aiden approached.

"You little thief! Aiden yelled, trying to get his hands on the boy, not minding the presence of Amelia, but she stopped him.

"Hold it there young man, who are? And why are you chasing the innocent child?" She said,

"What? innocent? what you have behind you, is nothing better than a thief"