
Despicable Love

"I promise you Lilian, I won't stop till I kill every single vampire in this existence '' These words came from Amelia, she was at the cemetery at the grave of her little sister. She's a werewolf from the Rodriguez family, unlike all other werewolves, she was special, she was said to be blessed with the moon goddess thus giving her a whole different power level. She was donned in her normal assassin suit, a white shirt, skinny trousers with a red belt, and a red hooded cape accompanying her suit. She looked up at the full silver moon, its rays bestowed on her, her eyes turned white, her fangs elongated out slightly. Then she dashed away. ……… At a party ground, creatures were seen, due to their pale white skin, and unnatural red eyes, one could tell they are vampires, they were having a blood feast, they danced while sipping out the delicious blood from their victims, the atmosphere was not a pleasing one, red smoky aura filled the vicinity. Abruptly they heard a snarling sound, they all turned and behold it was her mysterious Werewolf. "That will be the last celebration you'll ever have, for your time has run out in this world" She voiced out with such boldness and fierceness. Her wood was on, as her long brunette hair, dripped out, extending beneath her breast, her face wasn't a friendly one, looking at her eyes was a terror, her razor sharp claws were out, ready to cause a massacre. "It's you again! attack her!" The head vampire ordered his fellow, they all bolted at her with superhuman speed. Amelia gave a battle stance, then a faint smile appeared on her face, revealing her evil intentions. She leaped up very high, as the glory of the full moon showed behind her, she landed with a slash on a vampire's chest that turned the creature to ashes. …….. Amelia was an average woman, she was born in a family of wealth, as her father Mr Rodriguez owns one of the biggest companies in manila. The moment she was born, a prophecy came, that she's the Divine Werewolf, the one destined to kill the Shaitan Vampire, the one whose soul was imprinted on it the devil's mark. But Amelia'a loving heart turns to lust for vengeance, when a vampire killed her little sister, she was eight years old then, they were playing in the garden, when it happened, ever since she had sworn to hunt down Vampires with her powers. But her life once again experienced light when she fell in love with Aiden, a staff in her dad's Company, finally she had a reason to be happy. But disaster came when she discovered he was a vampire, not just any Vampire, but the Shaitan Vampire, and even Aiden had no idea of who he was, her dad and the entire werewolf clan was totally against her love, Aiden is a good person, but his newly discovered self was a curse. Will Amelia choose her love over her duty or will she have to eliminate him, to fulfill the prophecy. ……. "You have to kill him now Amelia, before he transform into a full flesh Vampire" "But Dad! I love him" "Love has no place at this point, he is the cursed Vampire, the lord of the night, king of darkness, master of hell and god of the deceased had placed his mark on him, he is the Shaitan Vampire……….

Anthony_Destiny · Fantasie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT: Saved By An Angel

Amelia crashed on the ground, she groans in slight pain, attempting to get up, but the she saw Eddie landing towards her with the half part of the car, which he finally smacked on her, the half car was disintegrated to smaller parts, a crater was already formed beneath Amelia, she was somewhat weak to get up, this was Eddie's chance for revenge, he fixed his hands on her neck, then rains punches on her face, her head was been buried in the asphalt, his last attempt of punch was surprisingly caught by her tiny but strong palm, she was only going easy on him the whole time, she nodded his nose, he held it then got up, giving her opportunity to stand up, her eyes turns white, are fangs introduced itself and softly did her claws.

Eddie gasped in fear the moment he saw her claws, he was told her claws could kill a Vampire instantly turning them to ashes.

"What? Are you scared now? Don't be cause I've just started" she taunted after noticing his fear, she sped at him, running around him in circle, her speed was incredible, the only thing Eddie could see was a streak of red and white, then she starts passing by with a slash, Eddie yelled, he could really tell this one, finally she pierce her claws on inside his chest, the retrain it back with force, Eddie fell on his knee, then finally on the ground.

"You'll pay for this" were the last words that came from his mouth.

"Not after I make sure you all pay for what you did to my little sister, and all the innocent humans you've slaughtered."

Amelia Walker to where the lady was still seated, she was covered in a blanket of fear, her spine was replaced with void of fear, she doesn't know if she'll see another night, or even the next day, suddenly a hand touched her shoulders.

"Aaaahh!" She screamed, jumping back to her feet, and she saw Amelia in her front, her eyes, beautiful but at the same time terrifying.

"Please don't kill me, I have a mother waiting for me" she pleaded, with her face swollen with tears.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you,I'm a friend" Amelia said, then her eyes turned normal.

"C'mon I'll drop you at your house, where'd you leave?" Amelia asked with a friendly voice.

"East avenue" the girl replied with a shaky voice, she wasn't still sure whether to follow her or to run for her dear life.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"I'm Emma," she replied.

"Alright Emma let's get you home"

She stretched her hands forwards, hoping for Emma to give her her hand. But Emma was really scared even if Amelia proves to be nice, that's how Eddie pretended at first, but later on, he turned out to be a monster, but on the other hand, if Amelia wanted her dead, she would have done that already, since she was strong enough to defeat Eddie.

So she finally held Amelia's hand, Amelia carried her as a bride, then dashed away, she first stopped at where she killed Eddie, but didn't find him there anymore, perhaps he had turned to ashes, that's what she thought, then continued her running.

Eddie was seen dashing through the woods, until he arrived at a cave, it was the Vampire layer, a cave where the minions of Lord Shedran dwells, Eddie was lucky, her claws piece the left part of his chest, and vampires heart are at their left, he will surely be a strong Vampire for him to have survived the claws of the Divine Werewolf.

He struggled to walk, until he finally reached a spot of the cave, where other vampires were, and a particular one was on a stony throne.

A big hole was on the chest of Eddie, it is not easy to heal from the wounds caused by the Divine Werewolf.

"What happened to you Eddie" the strange figure inquired, he was seated at the darker part of the cave.

"It's her, my lord, the mysterious Werewolf, I have a counter with her, she's really strong…..

"The Mysterious Werewolf did this to you, and why aren't you heeling?

"I don't know..Argh!" Eddie could feel it burning inside of him, eating him gradually from the inside.

"Tell me Eddie, what does she look like?"

"She's different from other Werewolf, her strength, speed and agility, and the weirdest thing was her eyes….it was white…


"Yes Lord Shedran, that's all I could see, she was wearing a wood"

"The prophecy is happening, she's the Divine Werewolf, this can't be"

He was disturbed, he stood up from his throne, then came out to the light, produced by fire woods, burning in every corner. His face wasn't clearly seen, due to the all down attire, which he donned.

"What'd you mean my lord, what's a Divine Werewolf" Eddie asked, he was still squeezing his face, due to the internal extreme pain.

"That's a topic for another day, right now we need to keep you alive" he said, then his claws elongated, which he uses to cut his other hand, producing blood, then put it at the mouth of Eddie, which he sucked hurriedly, like a patient rushing to take their drugs. He felt the energy surging through his veins, the blood from an an Elder Vampire isn't a Joke, it can give life even to an already dead Vampire, Shedran have lived for decades, giving absolute knowledge and experience, unlike normal Vampires, he could survive without blood, for as long as he wants. And Eddie is considered one of his strongest and most faithful followers, he wouldn't risk losing him, soon enough Eddie was back to normal, his wounds were completely healed, plus he now has extra energy for his own advantage....

Amelia finally reached her destination, then she dropped Emma.

"Thank you, you really are a lifesaver"

"It's okay,I'm just doing what needs to be done"

"Do they pay you to do this or something?" She asked.

Amelia only smirked, then turned to leave.

"Wait! Can you at least tell me your name? Or remove your hood, so I'll be able to recognize you if we meet again."

"My identity doesn't matter in this world, all that matters is getting the job done" she uttered these words before bolting away, leaving traces of wind behind.

Emma kept watching, then the door opened, it was a middle aged woman, whom I guess is her mother.

"Emma darling, where have you been, I've been trying your line, but it was switched off, you made me worried" the woman said.

"You don't have to worry ma, I'm alright"

"Why wouldn't I, you know nowadays people die mysteriously mostly in the nights"

"Like I said ma, you don't have to worry, cause there's a guardian out there, keeping all of us safe" Emma said confidently.

"What are you saying? I can see you're really tired, come on let's go inside" she held her daughter by the shoulder and they both moved in, with Emma taking a last look at the outside, before finally closing the door...