

We all have desires. The desire for a position, wealth, power and even love. When desire takes control of us, we will do whatever it takes to fulfil that ambition. Sometimes we just focus on that desire until we don't realize what we have sacrificed for it.

Often we only see what looks beautiful. Someone who looks perfect and has everything that makes us jealous without seeing what that person feels. As the saying goes, we can measure the depth of the ocean, but we can't see what's in a person's heart.

Someone who sees perfect and has everything is the most empty person. Someone who shows very cheerful and has no problems at all is someone who has a lot of anxiety. We can't judge someone by their outward appearance alone, we see that, but we always do.

We judge to make it standard and law in society. Sometimes it works well by getting someone to improve themselves. But often we cross the line in judging someone to drive them to be the perfect person we want them to be. Then they try so hard to live up to that standard until they get hurt.

We never pay attention to what people are like, what they want or what they need. We only care about our wants and drag them to fulfil them. And Alex, who raised to the highest standards set on him, built up empty and uncovered.

Then when he forgot his true self and only felt the emptiness in his soul he met a teenage who gave light to his soul. The first girl taught him about love and filled his heart with colours of happiness. They are two people who have many wounds, but they try to heal the wounds together.