
desert sage

This is a world of fire and sand. This is a continent of blood and dust. This is my home - Atas.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasie
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30 Chs


"After this adventure is over, don't go back to the Scorpio tribe, come with me." This was Aisha's declaration after she confessed her heart that day.

"I have sworn an oath that it would be a loss of honor to leave without telling me." This was Muhadi's answer.

"What is the honor of helping Zhou to abuse?" The girl did not give up, "Join your true compatriots, do you want to be driven to death by elves?"

"We'll wait until the end of this adventure to talk about this." On the surface. Muhadi is not a particularly persistent person, but he is extraordinarily insistent on some things in his heart. Loyalty to an oath is one of them.

Both of them finally gave up their plan to convince each other, and agreed to say goodbye to each other after meeting outside the tribe the next morning.

Are you really right? Muhadi tossed and turned on the shabby carpet that night, Aisha's story, the oath at the arrow-biting ceremony, the faces of Fatuma, and Fahad all flashed in his mind. Is there really no way to get the best of both worlds? He asked himself repeatedly, always refusing to accept the obvious answer.

The next morning he explained to Fatuma that he had to go on an adventure. The latter just said in a disdainful tone: "I knew that the old witch would have all kinds of weird requests."

"Take this one!" Fatuma took out the gem dagger he had taken a long time ago. "Anyway, I found a better dagger from the ruins, so I'll give this back to you!"

"Don't let others kill you, if you dare to lose the face of the warriors of the Scorpion tribe..." Fatumai glanced at Muhadi's lower body and gestured viciously, "Go away, don't be an eyesore here!"

The adventurer Aisha mentioned was camping half a day's ride away from the Scorpion tribe. Mohadi's horse was killed by Sha Jiao last time, so this time he had to buy a gray scale bird to ride. Fortunately, although the grayscale bird looks like a large ostrich, its temperament is much docile and easy to control. Greyscale birds also have strong forelimbs and a powerful beak that can assist in combat.

It seems to be the characteristic of Atas, whether it is Atasma or grayscale bird, both have amazing stamina, and can run for more than three days without eating or drinking. And the reason why elves don't ride grayscale birds is just because this two-legged creature runs bumpy, which is not conducive to riding and shooting.

When Muhadi rode the grayscale bird to the agreed place, he heard bursts of loud singing, and several vulgar voices joined together to sing in unison:

"The Tyrian wife is as beautiful as the sun,

Her kisses are sweeter than springs;

The swords of the Tyrians are made of black iron,

Their kisses are terrifying.

Tyre wives sing when they bathe,

A tone as sweet as honey;

The swords of the Tyrians have their own songs,

As sharp and arrogant as a leech.

Brother, brother, my end has come,

Tyre took my body, it doesn't matter, mortals die, but I have tasted Tyre's wife!

Although the singing was vulgar, it was extremely contagious, and Muhadi walked in with great interest. At this time, a new lewd tune sounded:

"Solomon's wife is soaking wet!

hi~hey, hi~hey, hi~hey, hi,

I opened the door in the middle of the night..."

This ditty is more direct and explicit, with some naked descriptions. Muhadi rode in on a bird and saw that the singers were three males, two humans and one Moor. Aisha sat with a half-elf female and did not join the chorus.

The Muir are a monstrous race of Arthas, they are a mixture of human and dwarf, but not the product of a natural union. The birth of the Muer requires magical assistance, and what is even more heart-pounding is that the birth of each Muer means the death of the mother that gave birth to them.

Although making Muir is cumbersome and evil, many people still flock to it. Because the Muir inherited the stature and agility of humans and the strength and physique of dwarves, this made them natural warriors. The arena, and the guards of the merchant family are especially welcome to the Moore.

The Moor had a large bald head and a bald chin. Compared with the broad face, a pair of eyes are small and pointed. He held two strong human men in his hands and sang with great enthusiasm.

Muhadi said hello, and the Muercai noticed that someone was coming, pushed away the two people beside him, and said hello happily: "Hey, young man, have you seen a Psion from the Scorpion tribe? !"

"I haven't seen myself for a long time, there are not many mirrors in the Scorpion tribe!" Muhadi also replied with a smile.

The strong man beside the Muer leaned over and whispered something, which made him laugh. "Hahahaha, do you know what 'Dagger Boy' said just now?"

"He said he must have made a mistake! We are waiting for a man! And this new guy is thin and tender, white and small, isn't he a girl!"

"I also think it's a bit of a mistake," Muhadi shot back. "I was expecting to see a taller man."

The Muer laughed and stood up, "Welcome, psionic boy, welcome to Muscle Daddy's Desert Warriors!"

"Muscle Dad?!" Muhadi frowned, preferring vulgar names. "Also, my name is Muhadi, not a psionic kid."

"What do you know, the rules of the Desert Warriors, everyone must be called by a nickname, this will help strengthen the team spirit!"

"Muscle Daddy is my nickname, Psionic Boy is your nickname, the one on my left is my 'Dagger Boy', and the one on my right is my 'Giant Butcher'."

Is this guy crazy for calling two men my love?

His next words made people doubt his mental state, "That beautiful girl over there, I mean, the older one is my ex-wife 'Mama Sledgehammer'." The woman snorted through her nostrils, He pointed to Aisha again, "That little beautiful girl is my next ex-wife——'Psionic Girl'"

"I'm not your next ex-wife!" Aisha eagerly denied in front of Muhadi.

"Women started saying that, but they all begged to marry Muscle Daddy! Then I dumped them and pursued the next woman!" Mule Muscle Daddy explained shamelessly.

"Those two..." Muhadi looked at the two strong human beings and didn't say everything.

"Ah, they are my loves! Muscle Daddy is a fraternity, and his gender and race are the same, and they can't stop my love!"

"Giant butcher, dagger boy." Muhadi saluted the two of them, and then asked the latter suspiciously, "But I didn't see you carrying a dagger?"

"Because my 'dagger' is in the crotch!" The dagger boy answered happily.

Muhadi was speechless for a moment, how could Master Lyra let himself and Aisha join such a team to take risks.

A group of people got together and began to discuss adventure matters. Muscle Daddy opens with his loud voice:

"We came here from the south and ran a lot of psionicists before finally renting two psionic apprentices from the person in the dust hall. What are we working so hard for?"

"The Orcs!" the giant butcher shouted loudly.

"Exactly!" Muscle Dad also shouted, "A long time ago, the orcs of the ancient race were killed and wiped out. But the orcs were a powerful race in ancient times, and the kingdom they built was so big!" He gestured with his hand. For a moment, as if feeling that it wasn't enough, he separated his hands by half a foot.

Humph, the beautiful woman known as "Mama Sledgehammer" sneered.

Daddy Muscle turned a deaf ear, and continued, "They have naturally amassed great wealth, hidden in their capital."

"Although the orcs were killed and the capital was destroyed, their wealth should not disappear. I happened to find an ancient map before, just in time to explore the ancient orc capital and find the treasure!"

Muscle Daddy looked at Muhadi, "I heard you found an ancient ruin before. Well, we are inexperienced people. But the orc capital is much bigger than the little one you found, so be careful. ."

"After talking for so long, where is the relic you're looking for?" Aisha asked sullenly, she didn't seem to like Muscle Dad taking advantage of her.

"It's in the Chaldea Valley!"

"There is still a river on Attas?!" Muhadi asked in surprise.

"Of course not now, but there were in ancient times. Now we're going to search along the riverbeds left by ancient rivers."

"When will the search be?" Aisha wondered.

"Rest assured, we have searched a large area of ​​land, and now we can be sure that the ruins are nearby! From here, along the riverbed, you will definitely find it in less than three days!"