
Descendant Of Darkness

Shahjahan is a Descendant of Darkness which gives her both power and a continent to rule, but not everyone is happy; some plan to overthrow her to make way for her exiled brother Shah Alam. What would happen when Darkness collides with an unknown force it has never seen?

DaoistWH0 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Throne Room

Present in the throne room: Mushq's POV

We heard her majesty's anger, and she had the right to be angry; how could her army do something vile and call it a mistake? The Seargent was supposed to solve this matter without any complications. However, he played right into the enemy's hand.

"Your Majesty the Sargent did the only right thing in the scenario. The farmers were the ones who threw the first hand, not the army." Criston Zale snickered to prove the sergeant's measures were suitable.

"I hope these ideas were not taught to you by your late father because I had high hopes for you, and now you stand in front of me to defend this barbaric act. His action will not be tolerated even if he is from a lower house. Twenty people were slaughtered by his inexperience, and he shall pay the price."

Seeing Criston Zale squirm furiously made me happy. I longed to see him like this.

"Your Majesty, don't take Criston Zale's words seriously because he is somewhat stunned by this situation. Instead, why don't you let councilman Mushq explain the case and the background of the problem so the other Head of houses and I can grasp the situation."

Tristan Mayer stunned me and reminded me of who I need to be wary of because the real cause was only known by me, her majesty, and the council. Still, somehow this frail old man wearing a high-fashioned robe decorated in military ornaments got the gist of it. Without missing a second, I spoke.

"Just as the Honorable Tristan Mayer guessed, the situation was already put into motion by someone we have yet to identify. My source says it was a farmer name Heath, but the main topic should be how we will clean up the mess created by the sergeant. People will be flocking to the gates and demanding answers about the slaughter. Judging by the atmosphere, there might be riots."

"I have also taken safety measures around the city and fortified the castle." Bay of defense spoke confidently, supporting me in front of the nobles.

There was silence in the room because everyone was waiting for her majesty to speak. However, everyone froze as if they saw a ghost; in a flash, I saw the Queen stand in front of The Sargeant. He was already on his knees, scared of life. Now the most powerful being in the continent was in front of him. The moment Zaheer Khan stepped forward and unsheathed his sword, I was bewildered by this action to think he raised his sword at the Queen. Still, to my surprise, he got down on both his knees with his Head lowered, sword raised by his two hands, and spoke in a low voice.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to dirty her sword with his blood. Please take this sword."

"Shahjahan's POV"

The sight of Zaheer bowing down felt nostalgic. He belonged to the most loyal house and was my dear cousin; he was my eleven when his father died. I was nine at the time and saw him standing alone in a room filled with hyenas, but he smiled seeing me; we had only met one time. After that, I was on my way to Practice. He is muscular now compared to before, with long black hair, a sharp jawline making his face more defined, and black mystic eyes.

I took the sword from his hand and spoke, " You may stand up, Zaheer. And Mushq takes this man to bind him with ropes and waits for the crowd to arrive at the palace gate. Inform me then I have an Idea of how to handle this situation. Also, make haste with Heath; he might flee somewhere."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"My Queen, you are not possibly thinking of handing the Sargeant to the mob. You'll make a mockery out of yourself as a Descendant of Darkness." Criston Zale shouted, forgetting whose presence he was in.

How dare he speak to his Queen like this. I will not let this go unpunished, and in a flash, I struck him, slicing his head off with the sword Zaheer had given me.

"Even if you are nobility, you should always remember who you are speaking to 'cause if you don't, I will claim your head. In front of you isn't just some girl you speak to but the Queen of this continent and The Descendant Of Darkness."

I loathed him from the start. This was an excellent opportunity to kill him and make way for the new house, and They should be loyal like the House of Khan. House of Water Way will be good, considering their service to the crown and the fine generals they have produced in the past.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and ordered Zaheer to make the Water Way the new court Noble house. I dismissed everyone, and it only disturbed me when the people arrived.