
Descendant Of Darkness

Shahjahan is a Descendant of Darkness which gives her both power and a continent to rule, but not everyone is happy; some plan to overthrow her to make way for her exiled brother Shah Alam. What would happen when Darkness collides with an unknown force it has never seen?

DaoistWH0 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Stupidity has its limit

"YOU DUMB FUCK", Shahjahan shouted while sitting on the throne, her face burning with rage; on her left side is the new council, and on the left are the head of three Nobel houses, the House of Zale, Mayer, and Khan, each one powerful, not because of the soldier they have. Still, the power and enlightenment they possess are great. But Shahjahan isn't shouting at them nor the council but a General of her army.

A few days ago, some beggars stormed the crop warehouse of a small town a few miles outside the Capital city and stole this year's yield, which caused quite a stir in the town. At that moment, nothing was sure, and farmers demanded the warden of the town to help them. The town mainly consists of farmers, and soon after, the warden called the meeting in his office. In the forum, every farmer was present, and Micheal, the town warden, was sitting in his chair behind a nicely polished table. Everyone was bickering among themselves, not listening to Micheal, who tried to quiet them, and then from the corner, a voice came, "It was them." hearing him, everyone fell silent. This man was Heath Major, a middle-aged man with a standard build town's most prominent farmer, and he spoke again, "We all know who it was who stole our crops. They were from the other village, and we all know this year; their field didn't bore great yield, so they came here and STOLE OUR!" His words made everyone fall silent, and Micheal Spoke, "I have listened to every one of you, and we can't accuse others without proof. Do you have any evidence, Mr. Heath, to hold up your accusation in court?" Heath Major mockingly said, "I don't need proof. I have facts."

After hearing this, Micheal snapped and shouted, "YOU WILL NOT PARADE AROUND AND SING THESE BASELESS accusations AND ALL OF YOU REMEMBER ONE THING I WILL GET THE BOTTOM OF THIS IN A MOMENT. I HAVE A MEETING WITH A ARMY SERGEANT WHO WILL FAIRLY INVESTIGATE THIS INCIDENT. ALL OF YOU MAY GO NOW AND AWAIT FOR THE NEWS''. He expected some protest, but everyone left calmly. However, this calm wasn't good; it was the calm before the storm because misfortune would rain on this town.

As expected, Micheal was returning from the meeting with the Sergeant. He explained everything a filed an official report. While on his way to the town, he noticed black clouds rising from the town. Fearing the worst, he sped up his horse, but he didn't know his concerns would only bring him death.