
Depth Of The Darkness

In an age where humanity's aspirations gravitate towards reaching the sky, exploring distant galaxies, and unraveling the mysteries of our terrestrial sphere, I, Thunder David, harbor a profound curiosity that sets me apart from the rest. While others fix their gaze upwards, my yearning lies with the vast expanse of the ocean—the enigmatic abyss that encompasses more than eighty percent of our planet, shrouded in an aura of mystique. It is amidst these depths that a group of intrepid marine scientists, myself included, were dispatched on a mission of paramount importance. Our destination: the fathomless trench known as Challenger Deep. At its forbidding nadir rests a prodigious laboratory, an engineering marvel meticulously designed to withstand the relentless pressures exerted by the unforgiving oceanic depths. Orchestrated under the auspices of the venerable Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), this mission held the promise of unveiling unprecedented secrets concealed within the ocean's heart. Among the select few chosen to embark upon this extraordinary voyage, I, Thunder David, stood resolute. The laboratory's corridors became our sanctuary, sheltering us from the relentless embrace of the abyss. However, little did we know that this sanctuary, this bastion of scientific exploration, harbored a clandestine purpose—an insidious truth that eluded even the most discerning eyes. As my journey within the laboratory unfolded, initially marked by anticipation and zeal, an ominous undercurrent began to weave its way through the fabric of my experiences. It was in the depths of my exploration that I stumbled upon an unsettling revelation, a truth hidden from the world above. Yet, I was not alone in my discovery; a seasoned mentor, a sage of the sea, also bore witness to this enigmatic revelation, standing as the sole ally by my side in this labyrinth of secrets. Amidst the darkened recesses of the laboratory, an air of trepidation hung heavy. Shadows whispered of hidden agendas and concealed motives, casting doubt upon the very foundation of our mission. The pristine veneer of scientific pursuit masked a more sinister purpose, intricately entwined with the veiled machinations of those who held the reins of power. As the layers of deception unfurled, a precarious dance ensued, balancing the pursuit of knowledge against the weight of a burgeoning truth. Thunder and his seasoned companion became unwilling accomplices, caught in a web of intrigue that threatened to consume them whole. Together, they endeavored to navigate the treacherous waters of secrecy, ever vigilant for signs of the unseen forces that lurked in the shadows. With each passing moment, the consequences of their discovery grew more dire. The fate of the world above, and the fragile equilibrium of the oceans themselves, hung in the balance. To expose the truth would require untold bravery and sacrifice, for the powers that be would not relinquish their grip easily. Thunder and his steadfast companion embarked on a harrowing journey, determined to shed light on the sinister machinations that threatened not only their lives, but the very fabric of existence. Amidst the depths of Challenger Deep, where the weight of the ocean pressed upon their souls, Thunder and his mentor delved deeper into the heart of darkness. They traversed uncharted territories, navigating treacherous waters both literal and metaphorical, driven by an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth. In their wake, ripples of defiance spread, empowering those who had been unwitting pawns in a grand design. With each revelation, the tapestry of deception began to unravel, inch by painstaking inch. A coalition of the righteous, fueled by a collective desire to expose the hidden machinations, rallied around Thunder and his mentor. Their voices grew in strength, resonating across the ocean's expanse, challenging the very foundations of power and authority.

ParchmentInk · sci-fi
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31 Chs

Phase 19

David's Perspective

I found myself seated at my desk, surrounded by stacks of research papers and data concerning the enigmatic light saber creature that had captured my fascination for months. Ever since Kevin and Vincent introduced me to its image, this marine scientist's usual focus on studying ocean wonders had been replaced by an extraordinary discovery. Named "Luminis Caelum," the creature displayed a mesmerizing white glow when disturbed and transformed into a menacing red when threatened. Understanding its behavior and bioluminescence had become an all-consuming endeavor.

With a deep breath, I dipped my quill into the inkwell and began writing my observations. Kevin, who initially found it, meticulously documented each encounter, recording time, location, and environmental conditions to build our foundational knowledge. Luminis Caelum favored the dark ocean depths, making our study challenging, yet the thrill of the chase fueled my determination.

"Our subject, Luminis Caelum, appears to be a highly evolved deep-sea species, though its exact classification remains elusive. The creature's unique bioluminescent properties have left the scientific community awestruck. When disturbed, Luminis Caelum emits a dazzling white glow akin to moonlight filtering through the ocean's surface."

Pausing to tap the quill on the desk, I reminisced about the captivating images Kevin and Mandryx had captured during their dives. Luminis Caelum, gracefully floating in the darkness, casting an ethereal glow that seemed to suspend time. Yet, any approach triggered an instant transformation – the peaceful radiance turning into a fierce crimson hue, a warning to keep away.

"As observed during numerous dives, when facing perceived threats, Luminis Caelum undergoes a rapid color change. The shift from its serene white glow to a vivid red appears to be a defensive mechanism, possibly signaling its toxicity or venomous nature. Further examination of its bioluminescent substances may provide insights into the reasons behind this reaction."

This research had led me to ponder various theories about the creature's evolutionary history and the factors influencing its bioluminescence. The intensity of the light, the speed of the color change, and the specific triggers involved were all pieces of the intricate puzzle we endeavored to solve.

"Intriguingly, Luminis Caelum's behavior seems to adapt to its surroundings. A deeper understanding of its natural habitat, prey distribution, and potential predators may shed light on its complex adaptations. Moreover, studying its ecological role and its impact on the delicate balance of the oceanic ecosystem is essential."

As I continued to write, excitement surged within me. The prospect of contributing groundbreaking knowledge to the scientific community filled me with purpose. I knew I had merely scratched the surface of the creature's enigma, with so much more to learn.

With each stroke of the quill, I delved deeper into my research, resolved to unveil the secrets of Luminis Caelum. The ocean held numerous wonders, and this luminous being was a testament to the marvels awaiting those who dared explore its depths. As the words flowed onto the parchment, I realized that the story of the light saber creature had only just begun.

After completing my paper, which had taken nearly three weeks, I left it on Vincent's table for revision and inclusion in the main document. It had been a week or two since my last interaction with Mandryx. Since that conversation, or rather, the deal we made, he hadn't shown up again. Perhaps he was preoccupied with his part in this research. After sending the entire file to Vincent, I decided to leave the office and head to the lobby, hoping for a change of scenery and not a breath of fresh air.

Around me, people were busily engaged in their mission, hardly taking notice of their surroundings. I walked closer to the glass wall to get a better view outside. As usual, gigantic jellyfish-like creatures were swimming about, with divers engaged in their usual activities. I got startled when a diver suddenly approached me, almost causing me to stumble. Instead of responding to the diver which happened to be Mandryx, I turned away and walked back to a nearby bench.

I regretted allowing myself to be swayed by his words that day in the medical area. I shouldn't have attempted to ask him for the truth again, but I couldn't stop myself. Allowing him to take his own path and approach me when he was ready was the only choice I had if I wanted to gain his complete trust, to get what I wanted. All I craved was the truth.

"What are you doing here?" Kevin arrived and sat next to me, facing the darkness outside.

"I'm refreshing my mind from all those observations and writings," I replied without looking at him.

I tapped his shoulder, signaling for him to turn away, which he did, looking confused. "Have you finished your report?" he asked after I leaned my back against him, as the bench lacked a proper backrest.

"Not yet. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow after getting some proper rest."

"Aren't you coming with us to the storage room?" Kevin inquired. I shook my head in response, lacking the energy to explain.

We remained silent, and before I knew it, I passed out. When I opened my eyes again, Mandryx was gently patting my face. I found myself checking every inch of his almost perfect face, unable to control my actions. It had been years since I last did this.

"Go back to your dorm; it's late. Kevin still has duty to attend," he said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Without saying anything, I patted Kevin's back before leaving for my dorm. As I walked, I could hear someone's footsteps behind me. I stopped and looked back.

"Your dorm isn't in this direction. Where are you going?" I asked, showing no emotion as I was exhausted.

"I'm making sure you get back to your room without zoning out," he replied, trying to sound at ease.

I waved him off, signaling for him to leave. "I won't disturb you, I promise," he assured me, his hand gesturing upward to emphasize his words.

I let him do as he pleased, too tired for an argument. I knew what he was thinking; I often zoned out when exhausted from work, making me unaware of my surroundings and sometimes causing me to get lost on my way. When I reached my dorm, I didn't look back, as I didn't want to encourage him to become too comfortable around me, at least not to that extent.

Putting this personal matter between us aside for a few weeks would allow me to have a normal interaction with him, without constantly avoiding him when he tried to approach. I still held a grudge over what he did, but I couldn't deny that a part of me still longed for him. I might hate him for abandoning me for all those years, but I harbored hope that he would eventually reach out and share the truth or the reason why he left me that night, leaving me vulnerable and alone.

The sole knowledge I possess is that he made the conscious decision to abandon me on that freezing night, all in pursuit of being a part of this mission. However, the primary motive behind his actions remains a mystery to me. I cannot fathom why he had to push me to such an extreme where any attempt to mend the situation would be futile. The memory of that night continues to haunt me whenever I encounter him—the night I implored him to stay just for one night before leaving me, yet he callously ignored my plea and deserted me to endure the cutting whispers of pain alone. I even followed him only to witness him embrace another woman with great warmth and happiness, as if he had not forsaken someone else—me. Even when he was aware of my presence, he chose to ignore my existence during those painful moments. I yearn to understand why he intentionally inflicted such hurt upon me, all to compel me to release him for this mission. I am well aware that he is not being unfaithful, but he put me through this ordeal solely to make me relinquish my attachment to him. Why use another person to fully removed me from being in the way?