
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Whispers of Consequences

"I want you to take back your words! Your order!" Liese's tone grew more intense as she spoke to Liam.

She stood there, a tempest of emotions brewing within her. With laser-like precision, her finger jabbed at Liam's face, a silent accusation hanging in the charged air.

Her hand, a vice on her dress, mirrored the tight grip of her unresolved frustrations, creating an electric tension that crackled with dramatic intensity.

Liese Cunnington, a truly mesmerizing woman, embodied the beauty of a black rose. Her flowing, ebony hair perfectly complemented the depth of her captivating eyes, while her porcelain-like skin bestowed upon her a captivating, doll-like grace. Adorned in a dress that mirrored the enchanting glow of moonlight, she radiated an undeniable allure.

"My orders are absolute! A failure suit for nothing and should not stepped foot in this mansion! this city! Knowing the failure is my son... This is unacceptable! My reputation will have a scratch, where to hide my face in front of the Highness?! Answer me, Liese!".Liam looked intensely into his wife's eyes, his expression devoid of emotion.

Seated on a wooden chair, he gritted his teeth, confronting a table strewn with paperwork and an inkwell on its left.

Liam, a man sporting a black eye, donned a classic fancy suit with a Western flair. His brown hair matched the hue of the wooden table before him. Despite the visible injury, his gaze exuded charm, revealing a powerful individual with influences spanning centuries.

Liese confidently answered." If your reputation, image, and these noble activities are more important than your whole family, I hope one day you will die getting eaten by a pig! You dare to curse my son in front of its mother! Lucian isn't a failure...he is the product of perfection! My son is perfect! He-". 

Julius who has been eavesdropping from the beginning suddenly interfered. 

Julius, a boy inheriting his father's brown hair and black eyes, wore a suit that oozed extravagance, reflecting his status as the wealthiest. Despite the opulent attire, his face conveyed a distinct annoyance.

As the door opened, Julius spoke rudely, interrupting his mother's speech without any regard for etiquette.

"Lucian is shameless... He isn't that perfect! A failure, a dull spark in our family's legacy, mother!" Julius adopted an arrogant demeanor, his lips curled in a sneer, and one eyebrow raised, portraying a self-assured child reveling in superiority.

Liese gazed at Julius with an incredulous expression, unable to comprehend what she was witnessing, her eyes reflecting a mixture of disbelief and sorrow.

"I agree." Liam closed his eyes and nodded, embodying poise and influence as he sat in the chair. His hands clasped tightly on the table, revealing a charismatic demeanor. His sudden shift in tone carried a sense of tranquility, adding an enigmatic layer to the unfolding drama.

Liese appeared visibly upset, her voice quivering as she faced the two individuals.

"H-how dare..."

"Y-you both a-are monsters!" Liese's voice trembled as she shouted.

She clenched her left hand and pointed at Julius with her right, visibly shaken with anger. Emotions flooded her, causing her to lose control and speak passionately, unleashing a torrent of previously concealed curses directed at Julius.

"You, Julius! You've said that Lucian was dumb... Now, can your brain work as his? You mocked him as a failure and imperfection... Are you as beautiful as him? His face was like an angel, full of feminine features on the face with his masculine body... His gaze was very calm... Matured as a 14-year-old, his appearance is clean, polite, and very saintly! Unlike you!... Your head is full of money and greed, and your appearance is a facade of showing off. You are immature as a brother; the only thing that holds your worthiness is your magic... You are the real failure!"

Julius was stunned into silence, his arrogant facade momentarily shattered.

"Enough!" Liam's palm struck the table with force.

"Further curses towards my successor are unforgiven! Fine, I will do as you like... I will not send Lucian into the underworld, but only strip him of his family name, and alongside Julius... He will follow him to the academy! Harburlt Magic's Academy.

"His fate will be judged there!" Liam chuckled ominously.

"This is the opportunity for me to push my little brother's sanity." Julius pondered silently to himself, a scheming glint in his eyes.

Liese, feeling isolated and without support, realized that acceptance was her only option.

"Keep your promise!" Liese departed from the room, her gaze filled with dissatisfaction. "Well, this is better for Lucian's future than crumbling in the underworld. A prayer for his safety is the only thing a mother can do."

The door closed behind her, leaving an air of tension and unresolved conflict.

As a new day begins, the sun's warm embrace blankets the world, casting a radiant glow that fills everything with life, hope, and endless possibilities.

Liam Cunnington faced strong backlash and criticism after publicly retracting his words, decisions, and orders. This had a significant negative impact on the reputation of the Cunnington family. Many people witnessed Liam's speech in which he explained his reasons for advocating Lucian's freedom.

This event resulted in a major blow to the family's standing, prompting other families within their sphere of influence to devise secretive plans to exploit this newfound weakness. Liam endured humiliation in front of the people in the Burge, causing his influence, trust, and respect to gradually diminish over time.

However, despite these challenges, Liam skillfully performed his role in swaying people's hearts and ultimately securing Lucian's release, with his mother providing assurances for his future.


They both meet again in Liam's working room.

In a fancy room filled with beautiful decorations, a stunning fireplace on one wall and a big window with luxurious red curtains letting in the sunshine.

"I've done what you've said. Tomorrow, Julius and the boy will be sent to the academy that I've mentioned before. They will be staying there until they graduate. Liese...everything happens to the boy, you are the one that is responsible for it. Now leave!". Liam displayed a serious tone and expressed his thoughts with an intense demeanor.

"As you pleased". Liese left the room quietly, bowing her head.

As the evening unfolds, a soothing sunlight begins its descent, casting a comforting glow. A gentle breeze dances through the air, carrying the cool calmness of the day.

The open hallway of the mansion is adorned with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

She goes for a walk around the mansion and spots Lucian in the distance. Intrigued, she stops when she sees him staring up at the sky with a peaceful expression on his face. "Poor boy".

Lucian walks with his hand on his back, his gaze fixed ahead. He stops suddenly and gazes up at the sky, his expression calm and beautiful, capturing the essence of a breathtaking scene.

The mother approached him.

"Mother...are you satisfied with the current world?"

The mother felt a sudden jolt of surprise upon hearing the unexpected question.

"You are referring to what actually?" The mother responds with surprise, evident in her use of a counter-question. This suggests that she was caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry.

"The individual succumbed to the system and societal norms of our world, wherein power maintained a firm grip that compelled us to follow the enigmatic desires of an unknown entity. This perpetual cycle lacks significance as poverty persists while the affluent continue to amass wealth. Those lacking influence are insignificant, while powerful individuals are revered like saints." Lucian asked his mother while his gaze fixed on the sky. 

" That was a deep thought". The mother answered.

"Mother...". Their gaze met, connecting the boy's eyes with the mother's."If a dog owner kicks their dog without any apparent reason, and another person witnesses this and instinctively punches the owner in the face without hesitation, it may be unclear who is at fault in today's society.".

"It's the puncher's fault" The mother responded by speaking defensively.

"Why? Because the dog had no value?"

Lucian asked with a sly smile.

The mother nodded, appearing concerned.

"What if I created a world where living beings' equality existed? A world where dogs and humans are friends?." Lucian's gaze shifts toward the sky. 

"That's a saintly action. I'm in no objection to that dream." The mother chuckled slowly as her palm on her mouth. Yet, her tone was playful yet comforting.


"Then how could you achieve such impossible dreams?". Liese tilted her head slightly with a small smile, her gaze was mesmerizing.

"By killing the one who pulled the strings". Lucian pointed at the sky. "The Unknown Creature or so-called God". Lucian narrowed his eyes with a devilish smile on his face while pointing at her mother. "And it's believers."

The mother was visibly shaken by her son's words, her head shaking in disbelief. A silence fell over her, deep and heavy. She couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she regarded her son, who seemed to embody both the innocence of an angel and the mischief of a devil.

At that moment, the mother realized that something that doesn't need a single existential, existed today, a monster was born. Thus, without her knowing, her deep desire that she didn't know existed was appear. It is the desire to vanish every being that wasn't having a good role in this world, which is a succumbs. The mother laughed while Lucian took his leave with a little smirk in the face and walked calmly. 

"Human hearts can be compared to islands, adorned with beautiful trees, but even the most wonderful mothers can have their flaws. I was taken aback when I discovered the hidden truth: that beneath the beauty, the island housed the largest python. Such a pity women." Lucian smirked once again and shook his head. 

"Tomorrow I have to deal with brain-dead monkeys". Lucian let out a resigned sigh, feeling a sense of disappointment settling over him.

Her decision to align herself with Lucian has unforeseen consequences. These repercussions involve renewed fear and ridicule directed at the enigmatic Unknown Creature, also referred to by Lucian as the deceitful deity. The Unintended Consequences happened.


On the morning of a new day,

Birds chirping louder than usual, is it a good sign or a bad sign to start a day? Hence, The volume of birdsong resonating in the air is unusually high today. Lucian, situated on the edge of his bed, finds himself lost in thought, pondering over the significance of this occurrence. He contemplates whether it signifies a favorable beginning or an unfavorable omen for the day ahead. The room is illuminated by the warm rays of sunlight, adding to Lucian's contemplative state. As he reflects, he wonders whether this heightened birdsong serves as a mere figment of his dreaming mind or a more prescient indication of events that await him in the present day.

Nevertheless, Lucian abruptly rose and proceeded to approach his mirror with measured steps. 

"Today was the day I got sent to the academy... ". Lucian stared at the mirror with a cold stare.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on his door.

"Hey! Kid...wake up!". A hoarse tone of voice calls Lucian from outside of his room. 

Lucian opened the door and found out it was the Chief Guard of the Cunnington Family named Ogere.


"Hey kid, it's time... The carriage is about to take its leave". Ogere speaks rudely and disrespectfully, with a facial expression that is unpleasant to witness.

Lucian gazes into Ogere's eyes, then swiftly turns away. "Leave without me, I will take my leave with my mother's butler". Lucian closed his door while speaking in a cold tone. Ogere was irritated by Lucian's behavior and left, wearing a resentful expression on his face.

"I wonder why Sir Liam didn't throw that impolite kid into the underworld, such a waste of space!".  Ogere muttered to himself, feeling resentful.

As Julius' carriage departs, Lucian stands nearby, his face devoid of emotion.

"Now, that annoying brat is gone... There is something I need to do without any interference".

Lucian went into Liam's working room and knocked.

"Enter". Liam's tone appeared to lack emotion or liveliness.

Lucian entered Liam Cunnington's room to confront him, not as his child, but as a fellow resident of the city named Burge.

Lucian entered the room with a determined expression, making direct eye contact with Liam. He sat abruptly in the chair across from Liam's desk, displaying assertiveness.

"I request a conversation with you.". Lucian tried to make his case to Liam, maintaining eye contact throughout their conversation to convince him.

"I'm not in the mood to talk with an impolite brat". Liam answered. 

Lucian smirked before standing up and heading toward the door to leave."Before my departure, I have a pressing matter to address. I am curious as to the reasoning behind your decision not to cast me into the depths of the underworld. Could you explain this choice?".

"There are words...Once a person has made a decision, it is generally regarded as their best course of action. However, if they were to reconsider and contemplate their decision, it may lead them down a different path from what they originally intended. The choice made in the present becomes a part of the past, shaping the trajectory of a new future. Unfortunately, if the decision from the past is altered, the future will also be affected".

Lucian left the room.

Liam let out a sigh as he made his way to the window.

"I'm unsure...of the intentions or thoughts of that particular child...". 

After an hour.


The butler with the age around 50s named Ethan was waiting outside the front area with the horse carriage. Lucian walked sternly towards the carriage, his gaze unyielding. 

"We should leave now, there is nothing I should be worried anymore about in this place". Lucian spoke while entering the carriage". 

"As you please young master, before that aren't you supposed to say goodbye to your mother?". Ethan inquired cautiously.

"She'll understand".

Lucian sat in the carriage, his leg crossed over the other. He gazed out the window at Cunnington Castle, feeling a mix of emotions. He had lost the very things that had once defined his greatness, including his name. This was his final glimpse of the place he had once called home.

"Young master, it looks like we will be late when we arrive at the academy". Ethan updated Lucian about the present situation with a worried expression.

"We aren't late, the ceremony will end when we arrive. It's according to my intention...those ceremony bullshit are worth nothing... I don't need a monkey's speech." Lucian replied, his eyes closed.

"S-sure young master, my apology". Ethan replied with a cautious tone.

"Hey, Ethan...if there is a dog that got hit by its owner, and accidentally bites your legs...will you kill the dog? Or will you kill the owner?". 

"I-i will kill the dog". Ethan replied confidently without a second thought, his lips curled in happiness as he had never expected Lucian the one who started the conversation.

"I see...". Lucian briefly looks at Ethan with a hint of amusement, smirking before closing his eyes.

"H-how about you, young master?". Ethan looked concerned as he asked.


Lucian smiled gently, his eyes mirroring the beauty of the scenery outside the carriage.

Have a great day:)

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