
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Violence For Dominance, Fear For The Truth

As Michael entered the room, he witnessed Julius' tears cascading down, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions.



"I am not a killer"

Julius's sobs echoed through the room, a symphony of pain as he fought desperately to recollect a hazy memory.

It felt like wrestling with the fragments of a forgotten childhood, the weight of emotions pressing upon him like an unbearable storm.

Locked eyes with Michael, he pleaded for liberation. Gradually sinking from the chair, he crawled, inch by agonizing inch, towards Michael, tears streaming down his face, a desperate plea for assistance escaping through heart-wrenching sobs.

"Please...sir, help me".

His eyes swelled with anguish, mouth trembling, half-laid and half-knelt on the ground. Desperation etched on his face, he clutched Michael's pants tightly, seeking solace and support in his moment of vulnerability.

An air of desperation saturated the room, a heavy atmosphere palpable with the weight of longing and despair.

Unfortunately, what do you expect from a sociopath?

Michael accidentally let out a small laugh.


Michael's gaze descended, locked onto Julius. A smile played on his lips, causing the skin beside his eyes to crinkle. He pressed his hand against his mouth, concealing the fluttering of his heart stirred by the poignant scene unfolding before him.

A sudden voice pierced the air from behind, Michael positioned as a barrier at the door.

The unexpected intrusion intensified the tension in the room, adding a new layer of uncertainty to the unfolding drama.

"What unfolds in there?" The detective inquired, concern furrowing his brow. He attempted to steal a glimpse inside the room, only to find Michael obstructing his view.

Inadvertently, the detective's eyes caught a glimpse of Michael's expression, revealing a complex interplay of emotions that hinted at a story beyond the visible barricade.

"Why is he suppressing a laugh?" The detective questioned, a perplexed tone in his voice as he tried to unravel the enigma behind Michael's restrained amusement.

As the detective looked at Michael's legs, he witnessed a desperate scene. Even with just a glance, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy.

"Such a pitiful soul," the detective muttered, a genuine sense of sympathy washing over him.

"Desperation...over... Egoist." The detective's gaze fixed on Michael, his eyes probing the layers of emotion in the room.

"Such a pitiful soul".

Lost in thought, the detective silently pondered, a surge of motivation welling up within him to aid a pitiable soul.

"I'll help you find the one who's behind this mess." The detective's brows furrowed with determination, his eyes reflecting a mix of motivation to assist Julius and genuine sympathy for the situation.

"I'll assist you, but... you'll have to persuade this egoistic guy." The detective shifted his gaze towards Michael. "After all, you are my bait in this mess."


Michael spoke, his tone was exciting


"This is how you get an evidence!".

He kicked the boy wrapped around his legs, the force making it difficult for the boy to breathe.

As the boy lay on the ground, wriggling like a helpless caterpillar, he approached slowly. The sound of his footsteps sent shivers down the boy's spine.

He viciously kicked the boy's stomach, a sinister smile gracing his face. Fang-like teeth peeked out as he bit his lower lip in twisted enjoyment. His pupils dilated, a disturbing sign of his addiction to violence.

Continuing to relentlessly kick Julius's stomach, he barked, "Tell...me...something useful, you worthless piece of shit!" Abruptly, he halted his actions.

He looked up at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and clenched his hands in frustration. Stomping the floor in dissatisfaction, Michael appeared unhinged, akin to witnessing a manic individual.


Meanwhile, Julius shivered, curling up with his thighs, forming a round shape resembling a millipede in a desperate attempt to shield himself.

For Julius, the curled-up posture wasn't just a shield; it was a desperate attempt to contain the flooding pain in his stomach.

Suddenly, Julius coughed up blood, tears streaming uncontrollably down his face. His forehead tensed with visible veins, his eyes turned red, and his neck displayed prominent veins as he struggled to breathe. Mucus escaped from his nose, a grim depiction of his deteriorating state.

Amid his suffering, Julius's mind flashed back to a trio of commoners he had bullied in the past days.

A pang of remorse hit him, questioning if this torment was a karmic retribution.

"I'm sorry...I'm...sorry...I don't know it is this painful".

"Please forgive me...".

"Forgive me..."


In the grip of grief, Julius wept as vague memories from the past few days became vivid in his mind.



"Sorry for what?!".

Interrupting Julius's moment of grief, Michael knelt and pulled Julius's hair fiercely.

"Don't be sorry...it is your fault for being weak!".

"I haven't sent a letter to your father yet, but don't get too comfortable. I won't hold back unless you provide information worth your freedom." Michael's tone dripped with a menacing threat.

Julius ceased sobbing, replaced by shivers of terror. Fear once again seized him, casting a chilling shadow over his already distressed state.

"Weaklings are disgusting, but an idiot is even worse". Michael's lips curled into a brutal smile, embodying menace. He whispered something into Julius's ear, plunging him into a heightened state of fear.

"Please...don't hurt me more".


In the throes of pain from his hair being mercilessly grabbed, Julius pleaded for mercy, his voice a desperate whisper.

Abruptly, Michael placed his finger on Julius' mouth, silencing him and cutting off any further pleas.

Intensifying the sense of helplessness in the grim scene.


"No, no, no, no...I won't hurt you...I'm a good person".

Suppressing a laugh, Michael's gaze shifted to Julius with feigned sympathy, a twisted expression betraying a facade of understanding.

"I won't...".

"If you use your damn brain to think!".

"Remember what you see! On that day!".

Losing patience, Michael erupted in a shout, violently stomping Julius's head onto the floor twice, his frustration manifesting in brutal actions.

Julius' head was bleeding.

Standing tall, Michael's gaze shifted towards the detective. His lips curled into a satisfied smile, confident in the forthcoming outcome, having successfully extracted the information he desired from Julius.

"I saw a silhouette...of a boy with long hair...his voice was calm".

"I know the boy...but...but...I can't remember him".

"The victim that burned the house was a commoner...".

"It was...a kid...".

"I used to bully".

"A letters...also...".

Julius suddenly passed out.

Michael let out an ominous laugh, the sound echoing through the room with a chilling and malevolent tone.



"This is how you gather information, detective, not by spouting nonsense like an overthinking child!"

"This boy... his mind is clouded by trauma, his brain rejecting the worst scenes he witnessed. It's all vague in his mind, obscured by fear."

"Fear grips his brain, preventing a clear recollection of events from the past few days."

The detective responded cautiously, a tinge of fear creeping into him. It was the first time in his 30 years of life that he had witnessed such a scene, and Michael's actions left an indelible mark on his psyche.

"B-but...violence isn't right". He was shivering, sweating all over his forehead.

Michael shook his head in disappointment, emitting a small chuckle that conveyed a sense of dark amusement at the detective's unease.

"Who are you to judge my actions?"

"In this world, the powerful decide what is right and what is wrong," Michael declared, a hint of arrogance lacing his words.

The detective stood there, unmoved. All he could do was look down, consumed by a mix of grief, disappointment, and sympathy for the tortured soul of Julius.

As Michael approached the detective with a pitying look, he lightly tapped on the detective's shoulder.

"I know what you're thinking... but that boy's mind was shrouded in fear. The only way to unearth it is to replace the fear," Michael explained with an unsettling sense of justification.

"Violence is the way to dominance."

"A problem? Violence. A mistake? Violence."

"In this world, survival is secured through violence, much like animals slaughtering each other for survival."

"The powerful thrive on more violence, ensuring their position atop the food chain."

"Allow me to teach you a lesson on how to reach the top."

"I understand... you want to alter every perception in this world, don't you? Every rule, every philosophy."

"You're powerless, a mere dog to your superior, toiling away, yet never receiving validation. While your superior ascends, you remain stagnant for years."

Michael let out a small laugh, observing the detective's expression, thoroughly immersed in a sea of desires.

"If there is an obstacle, destroy it...".

"Don't just destroy it, but obliterate every trace of the obstacles. If the obstacle had a kid, erase that kid! If that obstacle had a family, burn it! "

"Finally, let the obstacle isolated in guilt...fear...despair...grief...as he was all alone in this world".

"Leave no existence connected to the obstacle. Completely erase them from this! World...".

"Leaving the obstacle alone is painful".


"The spot will be empty, and it is yours...".

Michael observes the detective's expression and lets out a sly smile.


Then, Michael let out a sigh.


Michael lightly tapped on the detective's shoulder, jolting him back to the harsh reality of the unsettling thoughts that had consumed him.

"How did the delusion feel? Is it exciting".


Michael accidentally let out a small laugh.

"It was a joke... you're a good guy... for a commoner," Michael remarked with a tone that mixed amusement and condescension.

"I should leave. The boy needs a medical expert," Michael declared before departing from the scene.