

The Universal AI Queen has awakened the Earth's spirit. Spirit Energy rejuvenated the world. People started to cultivate and become stronger. 1000 years later now that humans have managed to overcome the Chaos and take control of Earth once again. Riyansh with his two friends have sought to travell the universe and reach the apex but would he be able to is another matter. While on his journey to the apex his starting point is already a massive boost due to a mysterious existence. Note:The cover is not mine. ____________________(___________) __________) ______________() _____ #Beast Taming #Alchemy #Forging #Space #Universe #Harem

Mortal012 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Ch: 17 Mission

Riyansh "I have given you a brief explanation but go and start your preparation. Ayansh and Dev will also be joining you in this mission so be prepared and I will explain more about when they have arrived".

" Ok.. Dad " said Riyansh.

" Duke who will be going with the childrens to protect them you know that Riyansh has the tendency to get into problems " said the first elder Kine Silver. A embarrassed look appeared on Riyansh face as he glared at Kine and said "Uncle ".


Everyone present in the hall started to laugh then Duke said " Well, Lily will be going with him and Dev and Ayansh will have their own followers so that will be enough for them ".

In the Winchester Clan...

Dev is standing outside of his father's study room as he was going to discuss about the problem that has occurred.

" Come in" Dev heared Larrens voice and entered the study room.

After that Larren told him about everything going on in the forest and about the mission that he will be going on with Riyansh and Ayansh.

"So father you're telling me that the monsters in the Evergreen Forest are acting strange and I , Ayansh and Riyansh will going on a mission with our respective protectors. " asked Dev.

"Hmm... and remember one thing now that you're stronger than Raya you should protect her well" said Larren. "Of course father I will protect her since you know how much I love her. " said Dev with assuring look. After discussing few more important things Dev left his father's study room and started to walk toward his room.

Meanwhile in the Red Clan same thing happened to Ayansh and Lucas gave him all the details about the mission and that it will start in 1 week and before that his protector Rose will return from her mission.

Inside the Silver Clan...

Riyansh was meditating in his room when suddenly someone knocked on his door and then the door opened. Since it was already night time so Riyansh was only wearing shorts and was bare chested. The person who entered his room is none other than Lily. She was wearing a purple night gown that made her look more and more beautiful. Riyansh opened his eyes and looked at lily and for few good seconds there was a total silence in the room until Lily herself broke the silence but she was also blushing since she could feel his gaze on her body.

"Umm.. Master I have come to explain the situation about the monsters since I know a little bit myself" said Lily.

Riyansh also cleared his throat and said " Hmm.. sit down and tell me more about them". Then Lily started to explain more briefly about how the monsters are acting strange and other things. She told Riyansh how when she had gone to the Evergreen forest she saw a Peak Stage-9 Mortal Realm fighting a Stage-2 Saint Realm beast on equal footing. The mortal realm beast was releasing a black miasma and hiw it was acting berserk and attacking the Saint Realm beast without any pause it's eyes we're full black there was a faint feeling of corruption and corrosion was coming out of the beast. And more importantly nit only did the Mortal beast defeated it's opponent it even devoured the whole thing and the most surprising thing happened next it actually broke through to the Saint Realm. Lily also told him how she killed the beast and bought it back for the elders to do some research.

After some research and doing many experiments using different level of monsters the grand elder and others reached the conclusion that there was something wrong with the Black Miasma that was being released by the beast and that it effects those who have weaker will power and provide them with sudden power up which makes the monster go berserk and lose any sort of emotions and only focus on fighting and devouring everything in their way and it also increases their power and cultivation if they devour something stronger then them they will have a sudden increase in power but it also has it's own side effects. If they devoured something too powerful they might burst due to overflow of energy just like how a balloon bursts when it gets more air then it requires.

"That's all and that's everything I know about this strange incident" said Lily as she breaths a mouthful of air and looks at Riyansh who had been listening to her with full focus. "It's looks like you know everything about this incident and abnormal behaviour of beasts " said Riyansh.

"Well, I told you everything I know and this was told to me by the grand elder. " said Lily.

"Anything else you want to say " asked Riyansh as looks at Lily. "Well, Your mission will start after a week since it will be the time when the protector of Young Master Ayansh returns" Said Lily. "Also you should also let your pets come out and have some warmup before the fight. Since we will be needing their help on our mission. With their help we can avoid weaker beasts in the outer region and enter the inner region to investigate the area. " said Lily after taking a deep breath.

"Hmm.. I will remember all the things you have said and tomorrow I will let them have some warmup sparing with me and you. Also remember one thing and that is most important mission for you on this trip and that will not be protecting me Or anyone else but yourself. " said Riyansh as looked at Lily. Lily nodded hearing this since she also knew that Riyansh has already become stronger than herself and is using artifacts to hide his cultivation base.

Riyansh than got down from the bed and walked toward Lily just she has stood and asked him for permission to leave and get some rest.

But Riyansh said "No, no you will be not going anywhere since I have something to give you. " Then Riyansh waved his hand and closed the door using his qi and then he opened the rooms isolation formation.