

The Universal AI Queen has awakened the Earth's spirit. Spirit Energy rejuvenated the world. People started to cultivate and become stronger. 1000 years later now that humans have managed to overcome the Chaos and take control of Earth once again. Riyansh with his two friends have sought to travell the universe and reach the apex but would he be able to is another matter. While on his journey to the apex his starting point is already a massive boost due to a mysterious existence. Note:The cover is not mine. ____________________(___________) __________) ______________() _____ #Beast Taming #Alchemy #Forging #Space #Universe #Harem

Mortal012 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Ch:15 Bath*

As Raya was taking Dev to his room Selia appeared in front of them. "Hmm.. Waht happened to you Dev. Why are you taking Rayas help to walk? " asked Selia with a concern look on her face. "Mistress he was practicing forging for almost seven hours continuously and now he is exhausted. " replied Raya. "Dev how many time have I told you not to exhauste yourself too much. " Selia reprimanded Dev but inside her she knew that Dev was just like his father and they both will go to any length to achieve anything they want. So she looked at Raya then a smile appeared on her face since she knew Raya will tske care of Dev just like her his blood mother and just how much she love him. "Mom, I was just practicing weapon forging so I was exhausted because I forgot to tell Raya to tell me the time. " said Dev.

But this time Selia didn't replied to his words instead she looked at Raya and said "Raya take him to his room and help him take bath and then order the maids to get something for him to eat. " said Selia and stopped for a breath and then said again " I am going to help your father Dev. It looks like the monster outside the city of Kashi are getting restless ".

" Hmm. What happened mom".said Dev. "Well, come to the hall after taking rest then you will know. " said Selia. "Ok.. now I will go" said Selia as she walked away and Raya took Dev to his room.

Inside Dev's Room....

After entering the room Raya helped Dev to sit on a chair then she entered into bathroom inside Dev's room then she opens the tap as water filled in and after filling the bathtub three- fourth. She then turn toward a rack on the left wall and picks a white bottle and opens the bottle and poured it's content into the tub.

This was a body tempering solution that helps in tempering ones body as well as remove all the fatigue and tiredness.

After readily mixing the solution she walks out of the bathroom and Dev walks inside with her help. Then Dev who was already bare chested removes his pants and was only left with a single piece of innerwear. Raya's face took a light shade of red as she looked at his almost naked body.

Dev enters the bathtub and leans on one side of the tub.

"hhhss.. " Dev gave a long sigh. Raya walked behind him then bent down on her knees as she started to scrub his body.

Suddenly Dev caught her hand and gave a soft pull to her toward the bathtub and said "Come..Inside" . Raya also complies with him and entered the tub. She was wearing only a one piece purple dress so once she entered the tub her wet dress clings onto her body.

When she had entered the tub and just in front of him Dev grabs her slim waist and pulls her into his hug. "If I remember you have last kissed me was when I had returned from the break given by the academy . " said Dev. Raya although flustered by this intimate act still nodded her head. Seeing her like this felt just how cute this girl was as he immediately grabbed her head and sealed her slips with his. For a few minutes it was just normal kiss then they seperated due to the lack of oxygen. "Hah.. Hah. Dev yo.. you" just as Raya was panting and saying something he once again sealed her slips but this time the kiss was not normal and he send his tongue inside her mouth and she also started reciprocate his kiss and now there tongues were fighting like snakes. Dev started to grope her body first he groped her round ass then he started to started to grope her breast which perfectly fitted in his hand. "*ahh* *mhmmhh*" Raya started to moan softly when she felt her body being sometime caressed and other second groped. Then after ten minutes of breathless kissing session they finally seperated a bridge of saliva was formed. "Just you wait one more year after the my coming of age ceremony I will voilate this heavenly body of yours. " said Dev as he once again leaned on the tub still huging her. "You know Dev I am also waiting for that day to come. I love you so much " said Raya as she leaned on his chest. "I love you too" replied Dev. Then both of them closed their eyes as they felt each others warmth even inside the water.

Since the day after awakening and lost of the large number of human population few rules were changed. Just like a person will be fully mature adult when he reaches the age of sixteen.

And Dev was fifteen this year so thats why he said next year.

Inside the Red Mansion..

Ayansh was still practicing on how to precisely control the lightning to get the speed buff and he had achieved some success as he could maintain the enchantement for atleast half an hour. Ayansh also has a maid but she was on a mission outside the city and would be returning next month. She is a orphan that has been adopted by his parents due to her fire elements high grade affinityaffinity and was trained by his father in combat and other things a maid should do by the Head Maid of the Red Clan.

Right now he was resting on the bed in his personal room and his mother was applying ointment on his leg that have been damaged due to the brutal practice and had little anger on her face.

Half an Hour earlier..

Ayansh has been practicing for hours to control the lightning and due to the constant explosion and accident both his legs have turned red due to blood.

Lenia came to call him for launch but was shocked by this horrifying site. She immediately appeared beside him " You fool.. what have you done. How did this happen. What the f** have you been upto? " said Lenia with her face red from anger and tears falling from her eyes at the bloody site of his leg. " Lenia immediately took him to his room ordered the head maid to clean him and bath him. And then this is the situation now.


"Mom, You don't have to do it. It will heal on its own or you can order some maid to do it. " said Ayansh.

"Oh.. Do you think I will not do anything to you in this state or are you just that etching for a beating from me. " said Lenia in a very angry and cold chilling voice