

The Universal AI Queen has awakened the Earth's spirit. Spirit Energy rejuvenated the world. People started to cultivate and become stronger. 1000 years later now that humans have managed to overcome the Chaos and take control of Earth once again. Riyansh with his two friends have sought to travell the universe and reach the apex but would he be able to is another matter. While on his journey to the apex his starting point is already a massive boost due to a mysterious existence. Note:The cover is not mine. ____________________(___________) __________) ______________() _____ #Beast Taming #Alchemy #Forging #Space #Universe #Harem

Mortal012 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Ch: 11 Status

"Now you three check your status and know more about your abilities and other prospects before you go out of here " said Godsmith after the three have signed the contract with their soul.

After hearing him all three of them called out their status windows :

[ Name : Riyansh Silver

Class: Beast Tamer ( Current:Master Class /Limit : Eternal Class)

Cultivation : Initial Stage-1 Immortal Realm

Talent: Ancestor Grade

Element : SPACE

Skill: { Celestial Dragon Fist : Mastery-Four Forms( Peak Celestial Grade)

Heaven Destroying Glaive : Mastery- Four Forms ( Peak Saint Grade)

Primordial Dragon Eternal Body: Mastery : None (???)

Shadow Steps: Mastery : Perfect (Celestial Grade)

Beast Codex Cultivation Technique : Mastery - None (Peak Ancestor Grade) ....}

Equipment: 1.Saint Grade Glaive 2. Ancestor Grade Black Storage Ring

Pet Beast :

1. Red Flame Lion (Name: Leona

Cultivation: Peak Stage-9 Saint Realm

Age: 50 year

Element: FIRE....)

2. Silver Dragon ( Name : Yresa

Cultivation: Initial Stage-1 Saint Realm

Age : 30 Minutes

Element : SPACE AND ICE ....) ].

[ Name : Ayansh Red

Class: Alchemy (Current : Master Class /Limit : Eternal Class)

Cultivation: initial Stage-1 Immortal Realm

Talent: Ancestor Grade


Skill: { Celestial Sword Technique: Mastery- Four Forms ( Peak Celestial Grade)

Tyrants Sword : Mastery- None ( ??)

Basic Sword Styles : Mastery : None (Middle Ancestor Grade)

Shadow Steps: Mastery - Perfect

Great Art of Alchemy : Mastery- Max (Peak Saint Grade}


Equipment: 1.Saint Grade Sword 2. Ancestor Grade Storage Ring 3. Devil Slayer Sword..... ]

[ Name: Dev Winchester

Class: Weapon Forger (Current: Master Class /Limit: Eternal Class)

Cultivation : Initial Stage-1 Immortal Realm

Talent : Ancestor Grade

Element : ICE, LIGHT

Skill : { Heaven Shattering Axe : Mastery- Fifth Form( Celestial Grade)

Yin-Yang Destruction Axe : Mastery: None (Initial Stage Ancestor Grade)

Eternals Forging :Mastery :None (??)

Ancient Mammoth Cultivation Technique: Mastery-None (Peak Ancestor Grade)

Great Art of Forging: Mastery- max (Peak Saint Grade)

.... }

Equipment : 1. Yin-Yang Destruction Axe 2. Saint Grade Axe Weapon 3. Ancestor grade Storage Ring ]


"Master wasn't the forging technique a Ancestor Grade Technique why are there question marks instead of it's

grade" Questioned Dev to Godsmith.

" Who said that. Just like that black book that the mysterious expert gave to Beast I also got these from him." said Godsmith.

"Ayansh your Sword Technique was also given to me by that expert" Said the Sword Eternal.

"Master, How did the three of you died? " asked Riyansh

"It's a long story so I will shorten it for you. The World we live has both good and evil, dark and light. The Qi which we use to get stronger and increase our cultivation comes from Chaos and it's full name is Spirit Qi that gives all the races a chance of Evolution and live a longer life. But Chaos has it's dark side to. You can understand it like the Creator likes everything in balance so he created two things :One was the Chaos that provides us with all the power and the other is Dark Chaos and it also provides people with Evil Qi for cultivation. Because of the difference in the nature of both the Energies the creator devided them into two domains and both domains have two Energies for cultivation.

But due to the evil Qi the lifeforms of Dark Chaos started to get thirsty for more powers and different types of Sins were born taking over those people.

One Day, A black portal appeared in our Universe and four Peak Ancestor Realm cultivator with a large army attacked our Universe. But due to the powerful techniques and knowledge from the Mysterious Expert we were able to kill two of those Ancestor realm Devils and other two ran away. Our Universe won that war with the support of many powerful factions and Alliances but we had paid a great price for it. Many Experts of our Universe died. We, three old mans were Severly Injured so we set up this inheritance and used all our power to seal that portal and exhausted our life force. " explained the Beast Eternal.

"Now listen you three, Your main goal is to reach the Great Ancient Realm before you turn thirty and successfully challenge the Eternal Palace Trial only then can you go out of this Universe and reach greater heights than us. " said Godsmith.

"What is Eternal Palace Trial Master? " asked Dev.

"At the center of Universe in the great forbidden region there stands a black palace where cultivators below age of thirty and cultivation in the Ancient Realm can go inside and challenge the trial. And by only winning the challenge can you destroy the barriee around our Universe and remember it is also the key for you to increase your cultivation above Ancestor Realm. This is that the Mysterious Expert has told us. But we had crossed both the thresholds at that time. "said The Sword Eternal in his Usual cold voice.

" Ok , now you should go back, your families are waiting for you outside the Dungeon " said The Beast Eternal.

Then Riyansh, Ayansh and Dev gave all three of the experts a deep bow and said their goodbyes.

Once again the space around them started to crack..

"Master, What's happening to you? " suddenly Dev cried out loud as he saw that Godsmith body fading little by little and there was a small smile on his face.

Outside the Dungeon....

Ten people were present in front of a portal with golden barrier around it.

" Just what is happening inside their and whose voice was that "said Duke.

" I think one of these children is getting inheritance of some powerful expert so that's why it's taking this much time. "Said Lucas.

It has been a whole day since the three boys have entered the Dungeon but there was still no sign of them coming out of it.

These ten people have been waiting for them for a whole day and up until now they had killed at least hundred or so spies of different factions.

Suddenly the golden barrier started to glow and ray light entered their eyes. They immediately closed their eyes to avoid the blinding light. It was strong that it cold even affect Immortal Realm cultivator.