

The Universal AI Queen has awakened the Earth's spirit. Spirit Energy rejuvenated the world. People started to cultivate and become stronger. 1000 years later now that humans have managed to overcome the Chaos and take control of Earth once again. Riyansh with his two friends have sought to travell the universe and reach the apex but would he be able to is another matter. While on his journey to the apex his starting point is already a massive boost due to a mysterious existence. Note:The cover is not mine. ____________________(___________) __________) ______________() _____ #Beast Taming #Alchemy #Forging #Space #Universe #Harem

Mortal012 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Ch:10 Inheritance - Riyansh

"Riyansh you are a Beastmaster so you should know that we are tend to rely on our Parteners that is our pet beast. My Bloodline is of that type it work like scent that attract beasts. It also help weaker beasts to evolve and enhance their talent. I was a Saint rank beast tamer just like these two old man here. They both are Saint ranks in their profession. So always treat your pets like how you treat your family. " said The gentle yet majestic old man.

"Master, Where are your Pet beasts? " asked Riyansh.

" I had three pets of mine and two died with me on the battle field and the other one should be protecting the Alchemy, Blacksmith and Beast Tamer alliance for us" said the old man with a pained expression.

"Ok... now sit down and I will help you in absorbing the bloodline

and remember mine contains space elements so it's going to be more plainful " said the old man.

Riyansh sat in meditative position and then the golden orb entered his body and the process of assimilation started.

The start was smooth for about ten minutes nothing new happen. Riyansh only felt slight discomfort inside him.

But after twenty minutes, the space around Riyansh started to crack and suddenly a cut appeared on his left hand and then one on his roght. More and more cuts appeared blood ozed out of his body.


Riyansh was screaming at top of his lungs. This scene was like Death with thousand cuts. After ten minutes of torture a mirror like cocoon formed around him.

After an hour...

The whole cocoon cracked but Riyansh was not there. "Riyansh,...Master where is Riyansh where did he go. " questioned Dev as he looked at Godsmith.

"Oh.. Relax will you. " A voice appeared behind Dev giving Dev a big fright.

After few seconds of shock, Dev question Riyansh " How did you appeared behind me? ". " Just like this " said Riyansh as he appeared in front of the gentle old man. "Oh.. So you can teleport" said Ayansh. "Yes, but it is only a small distance teleportation. " answered Riyansh.

" Ok.. now if your play is over let me tell you what are these things " said The Beast Eternal as he pointed at the other three items of his inheritance.

"This Ring as you know contains all the Resources for you to reach the Great Ancestor Realm and this here is a pet beast for you. It's a Silver flood Dragon and it's also had a space and ice affinity. And now the last but the most important of them all is this booklet it's a ' Body Tempering Technique '. This technique was given to me by that senior. So you should cultivate it well. Now come drop your blood on these three things. " said the old man in one go.

[ Cultivation is devided into two parts :

Body and Qi cultivation and both have same first five Realms :

Body Realm :







Riyansh moved forward and dropped his blood first on the the Black Ring and them the ring flew into his ring finger of right hand. Then he walked to the Booklet and dropped his blood on it. The Book shined and gave of a golden hue then turned into a beam of light and entered into his head. Six words appeared in his mind 'PRIMORDIAL DRAGON ETERNAL BODY TEMPERING ART'.

"I don't know how many stages it had as I was only on the third stage 'Celestial Body' but it will give you the information on how to reach the next stage as you complete the current tempering" explained the old man to Riyansh as to not confuse him.

Riyansh nodded his head and walked toward the white milky egg and dropped his blood on its shell. His blood was sucked in by the shell and then Riyansh started to feel a connection formed with the beast inside his soul.

The egg shell started to crack and then a Silver dragon half a meter long appeared in front of the. It has a silver serpent like body with two cute little horns protruding from its head. Two small claws were present on its body.

The little dragon blinked it's small round eyes for a few seconds and then she looked around and then it's eyes landed on Riyansh and she felt the connection between them so she happily flew toward Riyansh and started to rub her head on his face.

"Pa.... Papa" a cute and childish voice of a girl sounded in Riyansh's mind.

Riyansh immediately strechted his hand and opened his palm and the little silver dragon flew toward his palm and started to rub her head. " Since you are girl I will name you..... hmmm... Yresa. Yes, From now on you will be called YRESA. " SAID Riyansh as he gave her a name.

"Hehehe.. " Yresa gave a happy laugh. "Oh.. did you like your name " said Riyansh to her.

"Ok, now come I will give you all my knowledge about Beast Taming and also a powerful ' Fist Technique' since I used to prefer my fists more than any weapon." said the Beast Eternal.

Hearing the old mans voice Riyansh walked toward him as Yresa rested on his shoulder.

After five minutes....

Riyansh has already digested the inherited memories and then he asked his Master "Master, What is it that I have to do as my mission".

" Oh.. it's nothing much just protect my Beast Tamer Allaince from any harm" said The Beast Eternal.

"Now we have given you everything we had and now all you have to do is to form a soul contract with each other so as to you never be able to betray each other " said The cold faced old man.

"But Master, Why is there a need for Soul Contract we have been together from when we were very little and we will never betray each other? " said Ayansh.

"Oh... What you know. No one not even experts of our level can control the Seven Sins and more importantly Greed and Lust " said Godsmith in his same arrogant voice.