
Sing the tune of the caged bird

"What are you doing" Another watch guard eyes me suspiciously, with the light from his torch

blown out I can only tell that he's tall and wearing a uniform from my sector. I turn on my torch, "

Sorry, I must have wandered too far," I say as innocently as possible. He spots my uniform and


"You're the new one right?" He says; even though I've been at this for a year I play along.

"Yes," I say, "am I not supposed to be here?"

He nods and smirks, "You better get back to where you're meant to be, just in case a 'demon' finds its way in" I nod awkwardly and walk back in the direction of my post as a 'demon Hunter'. I sigh and resume my position staring into the dark sky above. I'm one of the 3 Umbra Vincit on this wall,

watchmen also have certain small abilities not as great as the 15, but still great enough to make it

to the finality. I watch as a watchman uses his ability to make sparks fly from hand to hand, like the

things called tasers that I learnt about in school a couple of years back. The man stops as a citizen

approaches and nods to them as they walk past mutely. It's common knowledge not to show our

abilities in front of residents or locals, they like to keep it that way; sticking to the fake story that

there are no more 'demons' and we did it without abilities and purely with our own capabilities. I

switch back to staring at the cloudless sky, almost unmoving and still if not for the slight flicker of

stars as if the sky was just a large lamp resting above us. It's quiet now, too quiet. The air is crisp

and light but slightly damp, like fresh morning dew. I need to focus, now. I hear a shout and a torch

goes out on the far side of the wall. I can hear my heartbeat, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP and my

breath like a fan in my own ears. RUN a voice says in my head over and over, RUN, RUN NOW,

YOUR NOT ONE OF THEM ANYWAY. I force the voice of my worries out of my head and start

rapidly turning my flashlight on and off to signal for assistance or a breach in other words. That's

when I run; not in the cowardly way, I run towards the shout and the closer I get the more anxious I

get. I realise something, wait, they never climb this part of the wall; it would be foolish to in the

grand scheme of things as the main Umbra Vincit are stationed over in this area. I

reach the area where the shout had been and look over as another watchman comes round the

corner. She curses under her breath and looks at me worryingly,

"Do you think they've ACTUALLY broken in?" She says in a hushed tone as if a local could pop out

of knowhere and spread the news. I can't tell if it's just because of the somewhat forced words, but

it sounds as if she wants to brawl the intruders herself for making it in. I shrug it off as she starts

sprinting over to the other side of the wall muttering things under her breath I can't hear; I take off

behind her, panting wildly.