
Intermission: Exploring Riel

The next day and I got out of bed at around 9 to explore the city. (I could tell the time because of the large clocktower towering over like a skyscraper.) I wore the shorts and vest, that was supplied to me and went out. I didn't really sleep, but I asked Ai if she could put my mind into a dream-like state and she did. It was almost like I was sleeping.

I'm finally by myself. Ever since I first talked to Sakurako, I think this is the first time I'm alone. All alone. Feels almost weird.

'Hey, little child, are you lost?'

A woman walked up to me. She had a child in hand and a plastic bag in the other. This was the only thing I was worried about. I'm short and cute. I'm in the body of a child, so some may misunderstand.

'No, I'm fine.'

I said with an innocent smile. The woman kneeled to match my height–I felt a bit offended. Her expression looked slightly cloudy. Like those carefree mothers, you see in anime and manga. She looked around side-to-side. Then looked directly back at me.

'Where are your parents?'

'I came to play by myself. My guardians are at home.'

I said with another innocent smile. This woman is really getting on my case!


The small girl, holding the hand of the mother, said. She pointed at me. We were similar heights, but that was probably the only thing about us that was alike. We looked completely different, had different attitudes, and had different mindsets. She was a child and I was an adult in a child's body.

The girl let go of the mother's hand and ran toward me with a pure smile. She ruffled up my hair and played with my eyelids. The mother grabbed her and reeled her away.

'Ali! You don't play with someone else's hair! Sorry.'

'It's fine. It seems like she likes my black hair and eyes.'

'Yes, it does seem so. You don't see someone with black hair every day.'

'Yeah, I guess not.'

We said our goodbyes and the mother left with her daughter. That was a real good opening to my exploration of the city. Now, it's time to start the real exploration.

I walked around and I saw loads of different races. I could see Dragos, Warbeasts, Elves, Dwarves and etcetera. Many different people surprised me. Usually, in fantasy worlds, it's really segregated but it's way different in this kingdom. I bet in some other kingdom, it's the complete opposite of this.

There was a variety of shops too. I saw lots of different shops. Blacksmiths, clothing stores, weapon stores, food stalls. It was like a normal city. I don't why, but it amazed me. Seeing all these people laugh, fight, and smile together felt quite different too.

Those vibes were slightly ruined when I would occasionally get stopped by a knight. The amount they had on the streets alone was way more than needed. But overall, I guess this place is an ideal place to live. The king of this place must be nice if his kingdom is like this.

If I get some money, I want to go to these shops and buy stuff from each of them. Other worlds really are beautiful and different! I felt a slight shudder on my shoulder. When I looked to my side, a guy was staring at me menacingly. I mean, he looks fucking scary! He even has a scar on his eye! He's wearing a sword, armour and other things that are needed for quests meaning that he's an adventurer.

Ah, this is like the cliché in those isekai and fantasy anime. Where the MC bumps into a guy, and the guy gets angry, then gets blown away by the MC. I have a feeling that'll happen here.

'What do you want kid?'

Yikes! His face is scary. But I know for a fact that I'm stronger than him. Before I try to attack him out of nowhere, let's simply apologise. I bowed and apologised before he would start to escalate the situation.

'I'm sorry!'

'Are you making fun of me?!'

I raised my head.

Crap! They don't have Japanese bowing as a tradition here, do they?! I should've thought about it first but it's too late now. The man raised his fist.

'I'll teach you a lesson! What happens when you mess with me, the Stone Breaker!'

I didn't want to do this in front of a crowd, but I guess I have no choice. He simply threw his arm at me. I dodged it, then grabbed it. Using my pure Demon strength, I slammed him to the ground. Yup, this seriously reminds me of an anime. A cultivation manhua would be a better way to explain it.

Claps filled the atmosphere and I noticed my current situation. Everyone just saw a child throw a man who had to be around 220 pounds or more. I can hear cheers like "good job, kid!" and "we need more people like you out here!" It's not so bad, actually.

Wait, I said I was going to explore and this happened! I want to see more of this city before it's midday! I'll go check out the clocktower first. Just being in a new city in a new world fills me with thrill. And so, I ran along, skipping in happiness. Now, I think I look like a kid.

That confrontation doesn't count as a fight... does it?

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