
Demon Vs Wolves

And I'm surrounded by wolves. That was faster than anticipated, way faster. I just barely got here and I'm already being attacked.

«Assessment. The smell of the poisonous mushrooms led them to you.»

Oh, the female AI voice thing is speaking to me now. Say, what's your name? That's if you have one.

«My name is... I do not possess one. Zyn said that I should serve Master Altair with everything that I can.»

Yeah, I know I'm about to be attacked by wolves and all, but I'm going to name you. It should be fine with you. I'm going to name you... Uh... Since you're an AI voice thing and you're female, I guess I should call you. Ai. Ai will be your new name.

«Confirmed. Name registry, Ai, is complete. I now go by the name, Ai, given to me by Master Altair.»

The wolves appeared from around the trees. Their fur was a weird colour of black traced with silver. Their eyes, flaxen. Some looked pleased to see me as food while others looked like they were there to simply join the hunt. Either way, I know that it's the best chance to try out some skills I got recently.

I continued eating my bento while ignoring the mushrooms, I also slowly started observing the wolves around me as I ate. The first skill that I want to try out is Bladeworks, the Status Skill. Since it's a Status Skill, I'm assuming that it produces blades from my body.

«That is correct. However, The Status Skill, Bladeworks, can be used on the surrounding terrain. Using it now would approximately kill five wolves and it will take two minutes until you would be able to use Bladeworks on the surrounding terrain, though you can use it endlessly on your own body.»

Great to know, thanks, Ai. After finishing the boar meat in the bento, I realised that the rest was too much for me since I'm in the body of the child. I feel bad about throwing this away, but since the wolves are here, they'll definitely eat this due to the meat. It also has mushrooms. The same poisonous ones which attracted them. I tossed the bento out in front of me, and it landed around seven feet away from the wolves. Some of them scurried for the food and others started coming for me.

Okay, now, let's start.


The wolves who had been charging from the back were killed. Some of them, at least. Let's see, what else do I have to do?

«Requirements reached. You have unlocked the Status Skill, Thought Acceleration.»

Perfect! Now, I can think quicker!

As I gained the skill, I used it, and my surroundings around me began to slow down. Everything was in slow motion, including me. Just because my mind was going faster, that didn't mean that my body was. It felt weird. Like my limbs, all had 100kg weights on them.

Next, I'll try out Battle Thread.

The space around me began to steadily move back to real-time, and my body felt like the weights had been removed. I felt somewhat lighter compared to before. My next move was to use Battle Thread.

I spun around, with my fingers spread out. Threads sprung out from my fingertips and surrounded me like a ball of yarn. It was more incomplete, but I liked it better this way, even though I had no ideas on the uses of the actual were. The wolves that had foolishly come charging at me were now stuck on the threads.

I can check the properties if I use Identify. Now, let's see...

[Battle Threads:

Properties: Sticky, and stronger than steel, though they become solid on the user's command.

Has the toughness of Iron Thread and the stickiness of Fluid Thread.]

That's good. If I can make it stronger than steel then it will definitely slice through these guys. How do I do that exactly? I'm thinking about making it stronger than steel, but it isn't working like how it does with Identify.

«Clasp your dominant fist.»

Oh, is that it?

I raise my hand into the air and close it into a fist. The threads straighten and the bodies of the wolves, which were stuck on the threads, split apart. Blood came flying at me, and some sprayed me.

Ugh, yuck, being covered by blood is disgusting.

The thread cage became undone and the remaining four wolves came running at me. I did one in with Iron Thread and the others were defeated with my Physical Enhancement. I personally punch each one to death. It felt disgusting. Doing this in real life is way gross compared to doing it in games or watching others do it in anime.

Ah, if I go back like this, what am I supposed to tell everyone else?

I don't know. I'll think about that when the time comes, for now, I should be happy that I defeated those wolves with my skills.

«Threshold reached. You have levelled up.»


«Demon, Altair Nox, has levelled up. Level 5 → Level 8. In accordance with levelling up, you have unlocked two skills. Skill, Claw; Exclusive Skill, Intimidate.»

Those are some nice skills. I guess I got them because I killed the wolves. I better go back before they think that I died or got injured. Wouldn't want them to get worried.

I've been writing all day. Hope you enjoy the chapters I released today.

Hxvokcreators' thoughts