
Demonic Guide: I Have a Demon Goddess!

Anyone would be shocked to find themselves in a pile of corpses, so you can just imagine Oswald’s shock when he found that he had not only woke up in a pile of corpses but had also been transported to another world! To Oswald’s shock, he had found himself in another world of Magic and knights, where each person could become a Transcendent and strive for unimaginable power. But Oswald didn’t have the privilege to enjoy any of that. The body he was in had once been a magic genius destined for greatness, but now he was nothing but a crippled waste with a chunk of his memories missing. As result of this, His family that had relied on him for protection was now under the attack and siege of countless other greedy nobles. Oswald, with his back against the wall, had to find a way to survive. Why was he being targeted? Why could he not remember anything about the last few days? Who was trying to kill him? Follow Oswald as he tries to solve these mysteries and survive in this strange new world of Magic, Knights, Gods and most importantly, Demons.

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Chapter 30: Great accomplishment

He had done it! He had broken through to another realm.

Oswald had reached the Great accomplishment stage of Limbo!

The first layer of the Nine Hells Demonic body art, limbo, was split into 3 stages

Minor accomplishment, Great accomplishment and peak.

The minor accomplishment stage consisted of refining the lower body, whilst the great accomplishment consisted of refining the upper body. As for peak accomplishment, you would have to re-refine the entire body at once to completely integrate both parts as one.

Right now, Oswald had finally managed to break through and enter Great accomplishment.

Oswald looked at his physique which had grown again and packed on even more muscle and could only sigh at the ridiculousness of the Nine Hells Demonic body art.

It was then that Oswald turned towards the little maid that had helped him the entire time.

Her cute little face was flushed completely red as she held her head down, too embarrassed to meet Oswald's gaze head on.

Seeing this, Oswald just smiled as he patted her on the head.

"Thank you, Lily, you did great."

Hearing this, Lily suddenly looked up as a beautiful smile appeared on her face

"Thank you young master!"

As Oswald saw this, a slight smile appeared on his face before it suddenly froze. His emerald green eyes quickly flashed with a strange light as he looked towards Lily again.

"Show me your hands."

"Young master, there's no need..."

"Show me your hands." said Oswald again not backing down.

Eventually, a reluctant, Lily embarrassingly brought her hands before Oswald causing a deep frown of worry to appear on his face.

"They're burnt.."

Oswald could see the delicate hands of Lilith were now covered in scalds and burns.

During his breakthrough, Oswald's skin had reached terrifying temperatures, so even if Lily quickly moved her hands away, she still faced an incredible amount of heat.

It was like putting your hands in a frying pan!

Seeing this sight, Oswald felt guilty as he was definitely partly at fault.

He carefully grabbed her hand as he quickly rummaged through his pockets for an item.

the moment Lily saw what Oswald brought out, her eyes shook

"A high grade healing potion!" exclaimed Lily

"Young Master, you shouldn't! These wounds can still heal on their own!"

Hearing this, Oswald just shook his head as a soft smile appeared on his face.

"You got these wounds because of me. It's only right that I do the best I can to heal them."

As Oswald said this he carefully applied the potion to her wounds causing Lily to blush furiously.

A weird ambiguous aura was starting to fill the air as Oswald could have sworn he saw a pink glow in Lily's eyes

"Cough! Cough!"

Hearing this, Oswald was shocked to attention and quickly turned towards the origin of the sound.

"Sorry, but I seem to be interrupting something here."

As Lily heard this, she quickly pulled her hands out of Oswald's grasp as her face turned completely red.

seeing this, Oswald turned around to see a familiar face smiling back at him

"Damn it Jude! Which bastard let you in here!"

Oswald himself could accept being cockblocked, but to be cockblocked by your own best friend? Shere was the justice!

Seeing this sight of Oswald, Jude just sneered.

"You don't have to worry about that. I let myself in and besides, instead of flirting around, don't you have something to do right now?"

"I do? " asked a confused Oswald

"How can your memory be so bad? You have a damn party to attend!" roared Jude.

"You said 2 weeks ago you'd be going. Are you really gonna bail on me again?"

As Oswald heard this he looked back on his memories.

Now that he thought about it, he did actually recall saying something similar to Jude a while back.

Due to him not attending the lessons at the transcendent academy anymore and his hectic training, Oswald had really found it hard to even see his old friend. Eventually, under Jude's persistence, he agreed to go attend at least one party with him, it's just that with his reckless practice, he had completely forgotten the day!

Realising his mistake, Oswald could just scratch his head awkwardly at Jude as he went inside to get ready.


Almost an hour later, two handsome men, one with blonde hair and one with black hair, could be seen sitting in a carriage. Both men were exquisitely dressed, with each one wearing an expensive dinner suit.

Suddenly, the blonde-haired man spoke up,

"So Jude, what exactly is the party we're going to?" asked Oswald

"Sigh! Oswald, were you really paying no attention when I explained this weeks ago?" asked Jude, completely exasperated

Facing Jude's question, Oswald just shrugged helplessly, causing Jude to shake his head as he explained.

"Well, as I told you before, this ball is set to be a celebratory event for a noble named Viscount Crawford. He recently advanced to become an Official Mage Transcendent, so he decided to throw a celebration for himself. And you should also take this as a warning. Official Transcendents will also be there, so try not to aggravate one."

As Oswald heard this, he instantly laughed it off.

Although Transcendents were not uncommon, they were not so common that you would find them like rocks on the road. Besides, at events like these Transcendents would usually have their own areas anyway, so there was almost no way he could encounter a transcendent.

After this, the two friends continued their chat until the carriage finally stopped, showing they had reached their destination.

Oswald and Jude quickly said goodbye to Mr Edgar as they got down from the carriage and headed towards the entrance.

As Oswald and Jude entered the ballroom they were instantly greeted with a magnificent sight.

Golden treasures and jewels all lined the ballroom as elegant and luxuriously dressed individuals could be seen walking around and chatting away happily. As Oswald looked around, he even managed to see many familiar faces from the Transcendent academy and quickly noticed one in particular.

Isabella Frostmoon.