
Demonic Guide: I Have a Demon Goddess!

Anyone would be shocked to find themselves in a pile of corpses, so you can just imagine Oswald’s shock when he found that he had not only woke up in a pile of corpses but had also been transported to another world! To Oswald’s shock, he had found himself in another world of Magic and knights, where each person could become a Transcendent and strive for unimaginable power. But Oswald didn’t have the privilege to enjoy any of that. The body he was in had once been a magic genius destined for greatness, but now he was nothing but a crippled waste with a chunk of his memories missing. As result of this, His family that had relied on him for protection was now under the attack and siege of countless other greedy nobles. Oswald, with his back against the wall, had to find a way to survive. Why was he being targeted? Why could he not remember anything about the last few days? Who was trying to kill him? Follow Oswald as he tries to solve these mysteries and survive in this strange new world of Magic, Knights, Gods and most importantly, Demons.

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Chapter 26: Charm ritual

It seemed like no matter what world you went into, some things remained the same...

Fortunately for Oswald, Lilith seemed to quickly forget the encounter and after just three attempts, she had crafted the potion.

"There, done." said Lilith

Oswald watched in amazement as Lilith held the completed potion in her hand.

It was mesmerising to look at being a deep purple colour with countless silver dots, sprinkled throughout the potion that seemed to twinkle like stars.

As Oswald saw this, he couldn't control his emotions any longer.

"Quickly! Pass it to me."

Lilith clearly saw Oswald's eagerness and just chuckled.

"Now hold on boy, you still owe me some blood."

After hearing this, Oswald instantly remembered the cold sensation of the abyss that he felt in his chest once he signed the contract.

Oswald didn't doubt for a second that if he refused to keep his part of the deal, his soul would be devoured by the abyss.

Not wanting to take any chances, Oswald quickly bit into his finger and then placed it over the demonic book.

Within seconds, Oswald squeezed his finger, causing five crimson drops of blood to fall onto the book and within seconds, these same drops of blood appeared on the other side, floating in front of Lilith.

Seeing these drops of blood, Lilith licked her lips in delight.

'Perfect.' Thought Lilith

'Now all I need to do is-'

But before Lilith could continue her thoughts, she was interrupted by the eager voice of Oswald.

"Hurry up and pass on the potion recipe and the finished potion."

Seeing Oswald's eagerness, Lilith just chuckled as she passed on the potion and a piece of paper specifying the recipe as they appeared floating outside from his demonic book.

As soon as Oswald retrieved the goods he so desperately needed, he almost jumped up in joy!

"Lady Lilith, I have to thank you for helping me with this one." Said Oswald.

"There's no need to be so polite," said Lilith.

"Remember, you can always come to me if you want to make another deal." Said Lilith with a smile.

It's just that for some reason whenever Oswald looked at that smile, he felt a cold feeling run down his spine.

Quickly shaking off the word feeling he was getting, Oswald quickly closed the book and turned his attention to his potions. He was so eager to explore his newfound potions he even forgot about the drops of blood he had exchanged for them….


Back in the Demon realm,

A beautiful woman was seen sat upon her throne with a wide smile on her face as she looked at the drops of blood in front of her.


Lilith couldn't contain her happiness anymore and suddenly burst out in a fit of laughter.

It'd been a long time since she had to make such a difficult deal. That boy would not budge even in the slightest if it meant that he had to give up some of his soul, even if it meant that he would have to give up the potion he so desperately wanted. But there was just one little problem.

'That cute little boy is still too inexperienced, thought Lilith as she chuckled to herself

Although she didn't get the soul she so desperately wanted with these drops of blood, such a thing will only be a matter of time.

Lilith herself could barely explain the charm of the boy's soul.

Despite the boy appearing to be fully human, when Lilith looked at his soul she saw something deeply demonic. A sliver of Demonic breath so ancient and deep that she had never seen something like it in any other demon she had met in her life. It Was Almost as if she was facing the breath of the abyss itself.

And now Lilith had a path to such a unique soul all for herself!

With the boy's blood, all she needed to do was place a curse. A charming curse that would leave Oswald unable to resist her commands.

If Oswald never met her again, then the curse would be completely obsolete, but Lilith knew that there was no way the boy would resist the urge to contact her again.

He had already tasted some of the benefits she could provide, so it was inevitable.

Lilith knew humans changed and could be very different, but there was one thing that would never disappear,

Their greed.

With these thoughts in mind, Lilith quickly brought out the required materials and soon set up a terrifyingly complicated demonic circle.

Lilith then carefully placed the drops of blood within the circle and began to murmur a chant.

Her bell-like voice rang out through the hall, speaking in the archaic and unintelligible tongue of Ancient Demons.

The demonic circle flashed with a blinding light as the drops of blood slowly floated into the air above the demonic circle. But suddenly there was a change.

Suddenly, a deep red glow burst forth around the drops of blood as a familiar feeling descended onto the circle that Lilith was all too familiar with.

"That God damn book!" cursed Lilith.

Before Lilith could realise what was happening, the five drops of blood burst out into flames!


A set of demonic wings exploded out of Lilith's back as she desperately tried to reach even just one drop of blood, but in the end, it was all a step too late.

Lilith could just watch on helplessly as all drops of blood burned into nothingness, only a finger away from her reach.


Back in Riverglen city,

Oswald was still in his room, oblivious to what had just occurred in the demon world.

The Oswald we saw now was completely different to the Oswald just several minutes ago.

Oswald was now topless in his room with all his skin burning a bright red almost akin to a fully cooked lobster.

All of Oswald's upper body was completely covered in bruises as he stood frozen with an ugly grimace on his face.