
Demonic Guide: I Have a Demon Goddess!

Anyone would be shocked to find themselves in a pile of corpses, so you can just imagine Oswald’s shock when he found that he had not only woke up in a pile of corpses but had also been transported to another world! To Oswald’s shock, he had found himself in another world of Magic and knights, where each person could become a Transcendent and strive for unimaginable power. But Oswald didn’t have the privilege to enjoy any of that. The body he was in had once been a magic genius destined for greatness, but now he was nothing but a crippled waste with a chunk of his memories missing. As result of this, His family that had relied on him for protection was now under the attack and siege of countless other greedy nobles. Oswald, with his back against the wall, had to find a way to survive. Why was he being targeted? Why could he not remember anything about the last few days? Who was trying to kill him? Follow Oswald as he tries to solve these mysteries and survive in this strange new world of Magic, Knights, Gods and most importantly, Demons.

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Chapter 16: Lilith

Oswald had an idea to take lots of potions to supplement his knight training to break through into a Transcendent within a year if he was lucky.

Even if it meant that he had to rush things, Oswald couldn't allow himself to be weak and helpless in this world for too long, especially now that he knew there were people specifically targeting him.

With this, Oswald was left with no other choice but to go down the beating route.

He looked at the stone walls of his room with an unwilling expression, but quickly suppressed his hesitation and punched out.



Oswald let out a cold hiss as he felt the pain jolt through his body.

But despite this, Oswald knew he couldn't let up now.

Gritting his teeth Oswald relied on the adrenaline punch again and again, not stopping until the surface of his fists were covered in countless abrasions and trickles of blood ran down his wrists.

Knowing that it was enough, Oswald sat down and drank a healing potion while he ran the Nine Hells Demonic Body art, and a smile slowly formed on his face!

His speed had greatly increased.

Oswald was certain that if he continued with this brutal method, the time to complete the first layer may be reduced to a year and a half, or maybe even just one year!

It's just that as Oswald looked at the scabs and scratches on his wrist he frowned as he touched his face.

'This face is already so handsome, if I have to train like that then….'

The image of his once beautiful face turning into a brutally scarred mess was enough to make Oswald shudder.

He was sure that even if it took longer, he wouldn't dare try this brutal method in his face. Becoming ugly just to speed up for a few weeks wasn't worth it!

After all, as the saying goes, strength is just temporary, only looks are eternal!

After thinking these thoughts, Oswald decided to rest for the night.

The back-to-back training of The Steel Knight breathing technique and the Nine Hells Demonic Body art was extremely draining.

Oswald got up and was prepared to put the demonic tome away when sudden thought hit his mind.

'What about that woman?'

The instant Oswald thought back to that demonic beauty, his heart quickly sped up.

'Fuck! I can't take a look. Just thinking about that demon can cause me to act strangely, I need to be more careful.'

Oswald's will was strong and it seemed like he would be able to resist temptation until there was a certain thought.

'Well… a quick look won't hurt, right? After all, the book still has a way to surprise that demon at the end of the day. Besides, I still need to have a proper look and understanding of everything about this book. This isn't because of any strange desires, it's only for educational purposes!'

The more Oswald thought about it, the more he convinced himself of his actions.

So, bringing the book back in front of him, he opened it once more.

It's just that this time the book seemed to sense Oswald's intentions so as he opened it up, the book turned over countless pages until it landed on a glowing red page.

The page shook as the red glow was replaced with a clear screen and Oswald was greeted with a familiar heart-stopping sight of a beautiful woman.

She sat confidently on a throne with her head leaning lazily against her arm.

The woman had Ink black hair that reached down to her waist

Glowing skin, lips as red as blood, and most importantly, a demonic smile that seemed to leave Oswald's mind in a frenzy.

"Oh?" said the woman in slight amusement

"You actually dared to come back? How interesting." As the woman spoke, her smile curled up into a charming smile that made Oswald's heart want to jump out of his chest.

Oswald quickly calmed himself down as he looked at the woman in front of him.

The scenery around her had changed greatly since he last saw her.

As Oswald looked at the scene, he could see a luxuriously decorated throne room covered with all sorts of treasures and jewels and unlike last time, instead of skull and bones, she sat on a throne made of strange red metals adorned with glistening rubies.

The woman herself had drastically changed as instead of being covered in demonic scales and98 claws she just wore a tight red robe that showed off her explosive figure that made Oswald's throat dry just by looking at it.

'F*ck!' Cursed Oswald

'What is this? A damn succubus?!'

That was the only explanation that Oswald could think of. He never considered himself a lustful person, but just looking at this demonic woman stirred up desires he couldn't imagine'

As Oswald looked around, he wasn't the only one making assessments.

Just as he was assessing the woman in front of him, the woman was also assessing Oswald.

Suddenly her eyes flashed with a strange light as she spoke.

"The aura of the abyss? A half-demon? No, it's something else" As the woman stared at Oswald, she subconsciously licked her lips at the sight of an interesting new toy.

"Little boy, who exactly are you?"

The second the woman spoke, Oswald felt his heart speed up as an overwhelming sensation appeared in his mind plunging him into a strange state


But before Oswald could finish speaking, the book erupted with a red glow that broke Oswald out of his strange state.

Oswald broke free from the state, his face instantly twisted into an ugly expression.

"You actually tried to charm me?" Asked Oswald in a bone-chilling tone.

Oswald was both furious and fearful. In that state, he seemed to have completely lost his mind. He was fully prepared to tell the woman all of his deepest secrets. He was even prepared to tell her that he was a transmigrator and not even from this world.

But as the woman saw Oswald's hateful gaze, she just covered her mouth as she lightly chuckled.

"It seems to be a misunderstanding between us. I seem to have accidentally charmed you."

As Oswald heard this, his eyebrow twitched as he felt his anger and irritation increasing.

'Misunderstanding? What bullshit!'

The woman seemed to sense Oswald's irritation but she didn't care.

"How about we try this again, do you mind introducing yourself."

Hearing the woman's words, Oswald wasn't fooled by the kind expression of the woman.

The woman had nearly ruined him so how could he be polite?

With a cold expression on his face, Oswald just sneered in response

"If you want the name of others, don't you think you should introduce yourself first? Who the hell are you!"

As soon as the woman heard Oswald's arrogant tone her brows twitched in fury causing an angry frown to appear on her beautiful face.

Her arm shook as it twisted into a scaly, black, demonic claw.

Just because she was a little bored and wanted to play around a little, the little bug had actually dared to speak to her like that!

Who the hell did this kid think he was talking to?!

A mere insect that could barely even stand her gaze actually dared to speak such words!

For a second, the woman thought about reaching out and torturing his soul to teach him a lesson.

But as her hand moved out, she instantly remembered the last time she tried such a thing, causing her beautiful face to twist into a grimace.

Her eyes narrowed as they shone with an ominous, bloody light.

"Boy, I don't think you know who you're talking to."

As Oswald saw this sight, his heart skipped a beat.

It's just that, unlike last time, this wasn't out of desire or charm. It was out of pure fear.

In his disgust and fury at being charmed, Oswald had forgotten something.

This charming woman was an incomparably powerful being.

Despite having to cross countless miles of space. Just a mere look was enough to completely charm him into an obedient husk.

If it wasn't because of the strange book, Oswald's soul would have been claimed on their first encounter.

As Oswald was sweating under the woman's fierce gaze, a sound suddenly rang out.

"Lady Lilith, urgent news!"

As soon as the woman heard this her cold suppressive gaze turned away from Oswald and turned towards the being that had entered the room.

Oswald couldn't see the poor being, but he was sure that he wasn't having a good time.

With an icy frown on the woman's face, she slowly spoke

"What did I tell you about disturbing me?"

"Lady Lilith, please have mercy! I waited outside for 5 days but there was no response! I'm afraid that if I didn't tell you it would be too late."

Hearing this Lilith just scoffed and asked,

"So, what's this urgent news then?"

"My lady, a new being in our layer of the abyss has risen up and declares that he will claim the title of Demon Lord!"

"So what?" Asked Lilith.

"This is nothing new. I hope you didn't disturb me with such irrelevant news…"

"My lady, it's different from before though! This time he has repelled our efforts and completely captured a few cities and repelled all our previous attempts to reclaim them!"

"Wastes!" Scalded Lilith

"You guys just laze around eating all day, and when the time comes to do something, you fail! What's the point in even keeping you around?"

The poor servant wanted to say something in her defence but didn't dare and just remained cowering on the floor.

"But since someone dares challenge my sovereignty, I must act! People really can't see the truth until their nose is at the edge of a sword!"

As Lilith spoke, a horrifying aura erupted as a set of humongous black bat wings and a scaled lizard tail grew on her body.

Lilith didn't even glance back at Oswald and flapped her wings, causing the space around her to shake. He heard a deafening bang before the screen he was watching went completely black.

Seeing this, Oswald was left stunned by Lilith's overwhelming display of power. Unable to do anything else, Oswald just closed the book and returned it to his mental space.

Tired, Oswald entered his bed to rest, but even as he entered the dreamland, there was still one thought on his mind.

'Lilith… Her name is Lilith.'


The next morning due to the hard training and overwhelming exhaustion Oswald had long overslept past the time that his biological clock should wake him up.

Fortunately, it was a weekend so there would be no school today otherwise he would definitely be late.

Stretching his body, Oswald got up and prepared for the day.


Within a few minutes, Oswald was dressed and heading down the stairs.

Since there was no school, Oswald was just dressed in casual clothes. Some black pants and a plain white shirt. Oswald also carried a sword at his waist, showing his subtle mental shift from a spell caster to a true knight apprentice.

As Oswald arrived downstairs, he was surprised to see the dining table still filled with food and breakfast.

Since he had taken so long to wake up, he thought that everyone would have finished eating by now.

"Good morning son." Said Elliot.

"There's no need to look so surprised. I knew you'd stay up late practising the Knight Breathing technique, so I specifically instructed the kitchen to prepare a meal a bit later just for you."

Hearing this, Oswald just smiled.

'The previous owner really had a set of good parents.' thought Oswald to himself

With this thought in mind, Oswald began to dig into his breakfast feast.

As Oswald was eating, he looked around and asked.

"So, where's mother? She doesn't seem to be around."

"Your mother has already left the house," said Elliot

"She and your younger sister are actually attending a tea party right now, but that's enough about them. Yesterday you trained in your Knight breathing technique for the first time, how did it go?"