
demonic fly system

Everything I own has been taken away from me. My properties, my happines...my family. I will never forgive whoever caused it. Fuck you, Akhenatosh! a great revenge story some chapters are R18 ❌Important Note❌ volume one is finished and i will stop uploading for a while.

King_Lando · Fantasie
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27 Chs

the fist evolution

[ Congratulations you have successfully completed the task]

[+3 statistical points]

+ 1000 Merit Points

+1 Mystery Box]

[ Attention! calculate the remaining time of the task]

[Results Calculating]

[Congratulations! you got a silver card for the store]

"Great store card and silver this time, I will make sure to choose a healing skill this time. For precaution. As the famous saying goes, in urgency is remorse and in slowness is the fly of safety."

Noah said as he received his prize and he still hears the killing notices coming from his pet Brown.

"I wonder how many points of merit my friend Brown might have collected? Should I summon him now or leave him until he comes back?

Noah decided to give Brown more time, as he was only absent for an hour at most.

"Let's see what's in the random box."

[ Opening the Random Box: Congratulations you've earned +1 merit point]

Noah was disappointed but didn't think about it much.

An hour later, the ant killing notices stopped after the last notice he heard.

[ Kill the Ant Queen: +1000 Merit Points]

"Brown has finished the nest. Good job my boy"

[ Attention! The pet received the title of Warrior of the Legions ]

Title features: Increase all stats by 20% when fighting groups.

Noah rejoiced and was sad at the same time, it was a useful nickname, but having his pet get it is also beneficial.

Noah decided to see Brown's health

[ Brown: Health 86/100]

"So the ants did some damage in the end. Does the pet need an item or skill to restore its health or not?"

Noah asked, and then soon received a response from the system.

[Like the player, the pet will recover with time, and the speed of recovery will increase if the player pulls it into the sea of his soul.]

[The pet can use items, but the player cannot purchase skills for him from the store.

"So then"

Noah said in the funny shape of the fly.

"Why don't I grind a skill while I'm waiting for Brown? Hmmm, what skill should I choose?"

He looked at his skills and noticed that the skill of seduction was still in The first level.

"Should I level it up? What's the use of it in the first place? And does it only work on flies?"

[Attention! The skill of seduction is a skill that works on the goal chosen by the player, however it was only if there is direct eye contact.. The success of the skill depends on its level, the will of the goal and its likings.]

"So then! Why don't I develop it, it might help me one day, let's try it on this fly. "

Noah activated the skill of seduction and looked into the eyes of a fly, suddenly about a hundred flies flew towards him, you can guess what they want to do to him lol

Noah screamed and ran away.

"No. I'm still pure. I don't want to have my first experience with a fly."

Then he turned around and watched the crowd following him, fortunately for him his speed was more than that of ordinary flies, they had no hope of catching him.

[ Observation Skill:--->4 Lvl]

[ seduction Skill:--->2 Lvl]

Then notice that the crowd he follows is made up of males and females, meaning that the skill of seduction works on both sexes regardless of the player's gender. This made Noah feel chills.

Noah turned around with a graceful maneuver and beheaded some of the flies in a jiffy.

[ you killed 89 ordinary flies

+890 Merit Points

Extra Prize: Title of Heartbreaker.

Title Effect: Increases the psychological damage released by the player by 25%..]

"What is this useless title?! Psychological harm? I don't want to get involved in romance and break female hearts! What nonsense?!"

Noah kept cursing in the form of a fly, it was a funny sight.

"Come Brown"

Noah summoned his pet and appeared in front of him in a flash. The dog barked as if he was happy to meet his master again.

"I'm glad to meet you too, my friend. You did a good job, I want to pat you on the head but unfortunately I can't."

Suddenly, Noah heard a notice.

[ The pet killed 2311 working ants and soldiers

You earned 11,555 merit points

Brown has killed the ant queen +1000 merit points.

Current Merit Score 19160/12800

Default Merit Score: 33160

Do you want to evolve to level ten?

"I have to find a suitable place for the transformation, maybe it will be long and painful, Brown! Make sure you protect me when I evolve!"

Brown barked as if to say, "yes sir"

Noah found a box in a corner, entered it, and decided to begin the process of ascending.

"evolving to level 10 starting now"

[ Beginning the process of transformation to the second form]

Noah felt the pain begin to flow throughout his body, it was as if each cell had died and then replaced it with another cell in its place. he also felt that his body is growing. It was a process that only took a minute but Noah felt it was an hour. Don't forget that Noah is now a fly, as he is a fragile boy who has never experienced pain in his life so it makes a lot of sense.

[ Congratulations! the evolotio has been successful]

[1 Statistical point has been added to each feature]

You have +4 undistributed stat points.

Unused Silver Store Card

Noah said slowly, because he was exhausted.

"Put it in intelligence"

{Statistics Window}

Name: Noah

Surname: Pain

Level : 10

Power: 14

Speed: 16


Intelligence: 27

Luck: 15

Active titles:

* One hit, one kill

* Heartbreaker


blade: Level 3

Rock Body: Maximum Level

Stealth: Level 2

seduction: Level 2

observation: Level 4

Poison Resistance: Level 3

Poison and Antidote: Lv 4

Pet: Brown Level I.

The store is now available to the player.

inventory Capacity : 10 cubic metre

requirement to level up to lv11


[you still have 6360 merit point from your previous form, do you want to evolve you pet or a skill.]

"hmm, what should i do? i'll evolve brown, he is now such a big help."

[brown is now lv2]

[all stats +1]

a golden light covers brown from head to toe and kept glowing for 10 seconds. when the light disappeared brown was already a bit bigger and had more fur this time

requirement for lv 3 is 1000 point do you wish to keep evolving brow.

"system, use all points to level him up"

[congratulation your pet is now lv4 ]

[requirements to level 5 3860/4000

your points are not enough ]

"can i use those points to level up stealth skill?"

[your points are enough to level up the skill subduction by one level only ]

"shit! just do it"

[seduction lv2 ---> lv3]

brown became the size of a little calf and Noah

got scared that he may attract unwanted attention. as soon as Noah thought of that, brown shrunk back to his original size.

"wow! you can adjust you size. this looks like battle mode."

brown barked happily at his master's compliment and Noah was happy too. he now become a fly at the size of a bee with green and yellow stripes on his back.

"now my friend lets carry on on our revenge journey"

Noah sat down on brown's head and walked under the golden rays of sunset, continuing their journey filled with hard challenges and difficulties.