
demonic fly system

Everything I own has been taken away from me. My properties, my happines...my family. I will never forgive whoever caused it. Fuck you, Akhenatosh! a great revenge story some chapters are R18 ❌Important Note❌ volume one is finished and i will stop uploading for a while.

King_Lando · Fantasie
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27 Chs

an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth

Brown suddenly raised his ears and started looking around.

"you also sensed it my friend. Your senses are exceptional. Or maybe it's just your instinct."

Noah patted Brown on the back as he looked relaxed as he sat in an elegant chair. At this point, he decided to end the torture of Akhenatosh's daughter, because he knew what was happening.

"Those bastards really sent a nuclear warhead to kill me. Do they not care about the lives of innocent people and the repercussions of this nuclear bomb on the climate and living organisms. I think I really know the answer. Humans do not care about anything but their interests, under the slogan of me and after me the flood. The idiots do not know I hear and see everything they do. I will reveal to the world your evil plans, but I need some powerful elites to film the event."

After that Noah spoke with the system.

{Development of the Royal Guard}

[Do you want to upgrade the Royal Guard?]

[Reminder, the royal guard will take human form with its king, the stats of the guard are the same as the stats of the king, the possibility of betrayal is 0%, each guard has a personality derived from the personality of the king and a unique skill.]

"It doesn't matter. I will evolve into human form soon, as the world has already known of my existence. Please System, evolve the Royal Guard."

[Please choose 10 flies from the army]

Noah chose 10 flies, including 3 females and 7 males, and decided to develop them


The flies began to radiate and then became in a giant luminous egg, then after a short time the eggs hatshed and 10 human-sized flies came out and knelt in front of Noah.

"The royal guard greets the king."

they Spoke in super synchrony.

"Stand up and announce your names."

The first came forward from the right, made a proper bow, and spoke in a sweet voice.

"Sir, we were created a short time ago, and we do not have names. We hope that the king will give us names, as it will be a great honor for us."

"It seems that this guard has taken away from my polite and tactful personality."

Noah said to himself, then kept thinking for a while.

I'll call you the numbers squad.

From No. 1 to No. 10.

Then someone spoke in a loud voice.

Please, sir, give me the number 1.

"No! I'll take number 1!"

"No! It's me. I'm more beautiful than all of you."

The argument began.

"Shut up!"

Noah said in a normal voice, but they fell silent and knelt.

"A number means nothing but a name. Your prestige depends on your actions. I will name you from right to left. Now I have a task for you. How fast can you fly?"

Noah asked

"We don't know sir, why don't we give it a try as a contest?"

Number 4 spoke he seems to have taken part of the competitive personality.

"Good idea, but we don't have much time, so lets make it a quick contest."

Noah looked north, and thanks to the skill of the king's eye, he saw a number and an arrow on the horizon.

[Nuclear warhead, time remaining to reach 8 minutes 55 seconds]

[Daily Mission: Stop the nuclear warhead without any effect on the surrounding environment.]

[ the prize

+50 stat points

+1 random box

+1,000,000 merit points

There is no punishment.

"I no longer need these daily quests. Once this quest is completed, I will level up and obtain the Craftsman skill."

Noah looked at the royal guard.

"Follow me!"

they flew in the sky.

Noah pointed to the west and handed them small bottles

"In this direction you will find the sea. Fly quickly and bring some sea water. Let's see who is faster. Now line up!"

At the moment when the guards lined up in an orderly straight line, Noah showed the countdown via his Hologram skill.





The guards flew at breakneck speed, Noah noticed that No. 9 was remarkably fast, perhaps even faster than Noah. In a short time of just 3 minutes and 52 seconds, No. 9 returned, then No. 1, and the slowest number was No. 2.

"Good, your speed is good, especially you number 9."

Noah praised them and saw signs of satisfaction on the guards, then he took out 4 cameras and handed them over to the fastest among the guards.

"In this direction there is a nuclear warhead coming towards us and it is dangerous. Avoid touching it, but make sure to film its progress. There are 4 minutes left for it to arrive. Go.!"

Noah's presentation of footage of the nuclear warhead flying through the air at speed was footage #4.

"Humans, you are really foolish. You give your command to those who do not deserve it. Do you see this missile? It is directed at me to kill me. They decided to sacrifice thousands of people and destroy the climate and the ecosystem just to stop me."

Then Noah showed an audio recording of a person who suggested framing the charge of launching Noah's nuclear warhead.

"Do you see who is ruling you? This is generalized to all countries of the world. But don't worry. I will stop the missile and I will teach these idiots the consequences of tampering with innocent lives."

Noah flew with No. 7 who was filming and stood in collision course with the rocket

[22 seconds left]

People saw everything that happened as a high-quality movie, when the missile came close to touching Noah, people prepared for the explosion, but suddenly they saw that the missile disappeared. Noah took it and put it in his inventory with great precision.

[receiveing awards]

Now you will see the people involved in this farce being executed.

Noah showed the pictures of everyone who participated in the meeting except Akhenatosh. They were 10 people.

"That's perfect, numbers, bring me these scumbags, and don't kill them, okay?"

" your orders are our commands"

They said simultaneously. Then they flew in different directions.

After a while, the first number appeared carrying a fat man crying and screaming, number 5 followed him and so on.

When all the numbers gathered, they put the ten people on their knees before Noah.

They started screaming and begging

"Please, Pain, we were just following orders."

Number 6 pressed his leg until it broke

"Add the word sir when you speak to our kings"

The man kept screaming in pain, then Noah spoke

"Did I not warn you of the consequence of messing with me? You have brought this to yourselves. Do not blame me and your wrong choices."

shouted one of the generals

"Why didn't you bring the president? He's the reason for everything that happened?"

Number 3 was about to slap him but Noah spoke.

"Don't worry, he will catch up with you soon, I have special plans for him."

Noah said with a devilish smile that made everyone tremble, even the numbers got scared.

"Now execute them."

Numbers beheaded them using blade skill.

Everyone around the world was watching in silence and demonstrations began, including supporters and opponents of Noah.

"Bring me Akhenatosh, I'll brew it and see it rot in front of me and everyone else."

number 1 said :

Let me bring it to you sir, I have a unique skill called "teleport" I can teleport myself and the things I want to carry with me to reference points of my choosing. "

"Hmmm, it's a useful skill. Okay Number 1 gets the job done."

"Yes sir!!"

Number One disappeared for a while, and when he appeared, he was accompanied by a frightened fat man.

"well well well hahaha"

Noah said with a smile.

"Here we meet again, bring his daughter for a beautiful reunion."

Number 2 flew and threw a twenty-year-old girl with no life in her eyes on the ground.

"Aisha! My sweet, sweet daughter, what have these monsters done to you?"

The girl heard the familiar voice, raised her head, found her father, and then began to cry.

"Dad! Dad! Please save me!"

"Don't worry, my daughter, your father is here, don't be afraid."

number 5's expression changed

"What are you going to do, pig, you will cry with her, perhaps your tears may kill us because of the power of your love."

No. 5 laughed on the joke it seems that he has taken a bit of the funny, charming personality.

Akhenatosh was silent for a moment, then looked at Noah's side.

"Please, Mr. Pain this grudge is between you and me. Don't involve my daughter in the matter. Let her live and do whatever you wants with me."

Noah's expression changed and he got up and moved in a blink of an eye and grabbed Akhenatosh by the neck and lifted him into the sky.

"It is permissible for us, it is forbidden for you. And what is the fault of my mother and my little sister who was eaten by fish? What have your money and power availed you now? I bet that you did not expect even in a million years this possibility, that you were not even afraid of the possibility of being resurrected in another life and living a Miserable life, you live in the moment and do not care about anyone else. Indeed, nothing fills the heart of the son of Adam except dirt." (it means that humans greed is limitless )

Noah threw Akhenatenush to the ground, who was about to suffocate.

"Damn it, I'm going to get dirty with your rotten snot, pig. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, why don't you experience the sight of seeing your daughter drown in front of your eyes helplessly.

Akhenatenush and his daughter's expression changed.

"Please, sir! Let my daughter go."

(everything that happens is broadcasted around the world)

Noah flew with the royal guards, and threw the daughter of Akhenatosh into the sea after he used the skill of paralysis on her and watched her sink slowly while he remembered the scene of his one year old sister drowning without being able to do anything. Akhenatosh went crazy while screaming.

"Shut up! Your torture will begin soon."

Then they returned to the prison, which became like Noah's headquarters.

The world remained silent from the horror of the scene.

"He's a monster!"

"No, he is the Savior."

"all hail mr. pain!"

"we must take down this creature.

Opinions differ, but their opinions don't really matter, what happens will happen and no one will stop Noah anymore.