
talent identification stone

Today was the day where the azura continent where recruiting talented people this act was usually carried out every ten years.

lon chi who was just a trash and this was a fact as this was his third time retaking this test because he has a very low sprit qi and does not have a solid foundation because he came from a poor background.

"well well well if it isn't the trash lon chi where did your confidence come from this time no matter how you try you can never make it, you where born to be a failure you can never make it" Pan Chong said.

Pan Chong was from a middle class family he was know to be a genius even from tender age, "what?, he just passed by me as if i were just blabbing where did his suddenly boost of confidence come from", Pan Chong thought to himself, "stop right there where do you think you are going am not done talking with you yet I haven't given you permission to leave"

"haaaaaaaaa where you talking to me am sorry because my ear automatically filtered out the voice of a clown",Ion chi retorted,

"what am going to reap you into shreds how dear you talk back to me in that manner", Pan Chong shouted in fury.

"stop!!!!!", a voice as loud a thunder echoed through the hall, "fighting is prohibited here if you have matters to settle among your self wait till the exam has come to an end if not any person caught picking up a fight will be punished regardless who you are, understand" the third elder said, "yes third elder", everyone replied in unison.