
Exploring the dept of the waters

lon_ chi continued gathering rear plants and didn't mind the way people looked at him," as he was busy doing that the demonic water beast he tamed became larger, Humm as he immediately sensed a very dence aura radiating from beneath the ocean.

hummm boss it look like we need to team up with that guy since he is a beast tamer and has a lot of advantage under the water,

even with our team we can't reach the dept of the ocean, but with someone like him we can what do you think boss, not actually bad let go and check him out as they started moving toward lon_chi.

seems to have sense their reason to be here lon_ chi made his best he tamed clear a path for them to get to, him on reaching his front the leader of their group was the first to introduce his self, am kan_ Chang from the Leo clan we are here to form cooperation with you so we can reach the end of the sea,since you seems to be the only beast tamer here who could tame a lot of beast with out draining all your mental strength.

hummm not bad am lon_ chi from the teng clan if you wish to from a alliance with me you first have to tell me what is in the dept of the ocean,and secondly you have to abide by my rule when we are in the dept of the ocean you guys will have to follow my orders,and any treasure we come across I get 60 per cent and you guys get 40 if not you guys can just screw off.

don't get arrogant brat, even if you have all this beast by your side you won't be able to survive all by yourself as one of the members shouted at lon_ chi, wait we will agree to your condition kan_ Chang said,hummm not bad so tell me all you know about what is beneath the ocean.

okay we all know that mermaids exist so we are here to collect their tears, because it is very valuable and can be use to cleanse one soul and strengthen it, there is also a lot of treasure in the mermaids kingdom such as immortal spring wine and celestial holy water the immortal spring wine can be used to brake over to the next stage of cultivation, when one has meet a bottle neck and celestial holy water can be used to cure various kind of disease that all we know.

hummmm seems you are being honest I will let you come along with me into the ocean but remember any one of you that disobey my orders shall be kicked from the group,with out further odo let dive in, as lon_ chi ordered one of the biggest fish he tamed swallow them because they could not survive In the ocean for so long as the demonic fish dived into the water with the other fishes, he tamed.