
black Forest

on getting home lon_ chi greeted his mom and refused to eat lunch as he went straight into his room there is no time to waste as he sat down crossed leg facing the moon light then he though about the lighting god fury as the content appeared in his head Humm this is more dangerous than what I thought any single mistake could lead to sudden death better take it really slow, "the lighting god fury where divided into six parts first part was accepting the lighting qi into your body which you must then separate your consciousness into two parts the first part was to accept the lighting qi into your body and the second consciousness was to remove all impurities in the lighting qi, only this first step is this complicated lon_ chi thought, as the sky darkened look like rain is about to fall haaaaa as lon_ chi laughed like a psychopath with this I can be able to cultivate to the second level of lightning god fury as he leaped from the window and headed to the black forest that where there was dense lighting qi, I heard the highest mountain in black forest is where lighting often occur as he headed to the black forest with high speed on his way lon_ chi meet two headed wolf which charge straight to him as if short by a spring hump trying to hinder me the punishment is death as he threw a punch toward a toward the two headed wolf which the wolf dogged the punch and then shout a powerful beam of light from its mouth which almost destroyed the whole path at that point lon_ chi felt this dangerous threat coming from the dept of his soul lon_ chi quickly used the short distance teleportation that he purchased recently,when lon_chi activated the teleportation array and teleport up to two thousand miles but it was still not enough when the explosion happened lon_chi still felt the heat of the explosion which even made the night sky darker,not a waste to purchase the array after all if I have been covered by that explosion am afraid that I might have been dead who could have thought that there will be profound beast here better keep heading to the mountains cause the rain could drop at any moment as lon_ chi continued moving through the black forest at a very careful manner he didn't dear to be careless as before after running for quite a while lon_ chi reached the tallest mountain in black forest he carefully climbed the mountain when reaching to the top lon_ chi was already exhausted as he sat down awaiting for the rain so he could absorb lighting qi.