
Demon Turned Lover

Guardian angels - more commonly known as The Bellatores in Heaven - were tasked with the conversion of earth-dwelling demons, mainly for two reasons: so that demons could go to heaven and to ensure the planets' safety. However, if they failed in doing so, they would be condemned to death. Luka, a regular angel living in heaven, was tasked with the conversion of Mammon, a demon residing on Earth. But the problem was that, he had never converted a demon before. And much to his dismay, Mammon was notorious for outmanoeuvring even the strongest of guardian angels. The day Luka met Mammon was also the day he was plunged into a world full of love. But will that love triumph over the evil that comes with it?

euphr0syne · Fantasie
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3 Chs



Let us live since we must die.