
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Welcome to Haven!


DAY 5.



Tyler woke the next morning to see he'd not moved an inch with Rias firmly pressed into his chest. He smiled at this and leaned in her ear.

"I will ALWAYS be by your side, Rias. ALWAYS."

She woke with a shiver and a warm smile.

"Okay you romantic bastard. My heart is on FIRE, my CROTCH is ACHING, i am REEALLY FREAKIN WARM, and DO THAT AGAIN next time."

"Absolutely. Hell I'll do it to you every night."

She smiled.

"I...need to talk to my heart."

"Oh. Asia was with Akeno last night."

"Hilarious. And you are so right."

"Asia is EVERYONE'S heart."

"She so is."

He smiled at her and she shivered at an idea in their eyes

"NOT yet. I still have a boyfriend."

"Yeah. He's lookin at you."

He held her and she smiled.

"We'll do it right.....ONCE I am SURE."

"I already am. And I'll wait for you forever."

She smiled and the pair got out of the warm bed....and he whistled at her heart shaped ass.


She smirked at him over her shoulder.

"I know. I am HOT."

"Ha. Asia has the better ass."

"She does. I admit this. HOW I would LOVE to know since she like NEVER works out."

"You do squats?"

"And run. And yoga. Annnd yeah. It's GREAT....but yet."

He patted her firm ass and smiled.

"It makes sense. Asia has the best ass, you have the best everything."

Rias smiled as they got dressed.

"I'll be sure to tell her you like her ass."

"Sure. I'll probably kidnap her for snuggles too."

"She is a VERY warm snuggle."

"Makes sense."

The pair had breakfast in the empty longhall and Tyler smiled as he looked at the place.

"This is kinda nice. Now I just need servants."

Rias snorted around her deer.

"NO borrowing mine!"

"Why not? You'd live too."

She smiled.

"So THAT'S why that bed is freakin big."

"Room for ME to not have to worry...and for my dreamgirl."

".....we'll see."

He smiled at her small yet happy voice. Once fed the pair walked out....to be faced with a foot tapping Akeno, Belfast and Hestia. Rias slumped and Tyler chuckled.

"Sorry Rias. I got dawn patrol."


She was led away by the ladies for her interrogation as Tyler walked the perimeter. Erwin and the Scouts were seen leaving the main gate and Tyler waved as they left.

"Oh. Yeah."

He looked at the walls and chuckled.

"we should have more then one gate in case we need to bail."

He hopped to the ground and headed to where Hanna was shivering in her cage.

"You gonna give me anymore shit?"

She glared at him.

"You're a dictator."

"TWO nights it is! Bye!"

He turned and walked away as the girl bawled. Asuna smiled as he walked over to her hall.

"I saw. and approve."

"She been splashed?"

"She has."

"Alright. She'll learn this time."

"If NOT?"

"three nights."

"Okay. Just...you're NOT gonna starve her to death, right?"

He looked at the sobbing whale in the cage.

"Nah. if it gets to THAT point, it'll be exile."

"Fair. VERY fair."

"And we'll be putting in wallgates. Since we KINDA only have ONE way in or out."

She blinked.


"TOO much at once."

"Um. we will get RIGHT on that. Yikes."

"Yeeeah why we check again and recheck."

The town got to work putting in the smaller wallgates to prevent a boxed in scenario and Tyler smiled as Wulf presented the newly completed portcullis for the main gate.

"NOw we just need cannons."

The town laughed at that one and Wulf rubbed his hair.

"I can do that. Annnnd make blackpowder."

"Cool. We'll set up guns around the walls now."

Mina looked at him.

"You are expecting an attack."

He nodded.

"Hm-hm. we've been here five days. Unless we're more isolated then I think, the smoke and Lightning Tower will have been seen by SOMEONE. I think we can expect Rangers first. or those LIVE in these woods."

Asuna nodded.

"They'll just appear at the gates and we'll need to decide if we're friendly or cautious."

Tyler drew his greatsword.

"Mina, weapon drills are added to daily routines now."

"Absolutely. We'll be an active garrison too."

TYler nodded as he hung the sword on his back.

"And a READY one."

The friends brought the dual portcullises to the main gate where Tyler guided them into the special slots inside the wooden drawbridge.

"Alright...let it go!"

The steel grate was dropped and it hung on it's chains ready to close at a moment's notice. The friends smiled at this and Tyler clapped.

"Alright back to the other gates."

They chuckled and hopped to the ground to get the last of the wallgates installed. Which didn't take two hours. TYler went to the maingate watchtower where he looked out over the town and noted they didn't have an alarm bell or any real means of alert. He pulled his canvas for the idea and wrote alarm system down as he looked out over the forest...and was faced by a group of riders approaching the fortified town cautiously. Tyler blinked at this and nodded as he looked at the town and blew a shrill whistle on his fingers that echoed across the walls. In a trice the townspeople came racing and Tyler leapt to the walltop as the group of five riders realized the walls WERE defended. Tyler leaned on a battlement as the riders discussed amongst themselves what to do as the walltop bristled with well armed defenders and the walls were indeed well built. TYler looked at Asuna as she came up.


She nodded without taking her eyes off the riders.

"Yup. They all wear the same emblem."

"A tree with golden roots and white branches in full bloom."

Wulf passed him a spyglass.

"Just finished these up."

"Wulf you are the man. We need bells now or something for an alarm."

"I will get right on that after their visit."

Tyler extended the glass and noted the leader was a woman.

"They're led by a woman. Hm, and they either respect her IMMENSELY or are SCARE of who backs her."

Asuna nodded as she looked through her own spyglass.

"I'd say a bit of both. That woman sits on her horse like she's used to it and they all look to her when she speaks."

Tyler nodded as a white flag was raised by the woman.

"We got an envoy now.....we got anything white here?"

The group chuckled as Yoshkia passed a white canvas.

"Best we got."

"YO da the best Witch Yoshkia."

She smiled and Tyler waved it back. Asuna smiled.

"They visivly relaxed."

"NOW let's just hope we speak their language."

The walltop blinked at this possibility and Tyler chuckled.

"This is either gonna be hilarious....or a MESS."

The group of rider riders approached the walls now and Tyler noted their steeds where all imposing Thoroughbred of the chestnut color.

"Their mounts are EXTREMELY well cared for."

Mina nodded as she watched.

"I can tell as well. They're well funded. AND well trained. Their armor is spotless."

The group of five reached hailing distance and the leader of the group lifted her voice in a firm yet friendly belltone.

"Hail! Friendly?"

Tyler chuckled as he looked at the woman.

"Depends on the day! You're good now! Tomorrow is up in the air!"

The wall groaned and Rias looked at him.

"Okay. YOUR jokes suck."

The lady on the horse smiled at the exchange.

"Be we welcome in your town? We come on behalf of the queendom of Merton!"

"So long as you don't make a mess. we JUST cleaned the house."

They chuckled and the lady smiled

"We'll be courteous."

Tyler chuckled.

"Alright open the gate....yeah let's find out if this ACTUALLY freakin works."

The group went to the ship's wheel style hoists where Kirito and Bell took one between them and Tyler worked the other. The wheels were turned and the portcullis were raised to admit the visitors. Once inside the gates were lowered an the lady in the lead looked at Tyler as he dropped to the ground.

"YOU be a cautious bunch indeed."

Tyler chuckled as he looked up at her.

"Better overly cautious then overly dead."

That got a sagely nod.

"Aye. Wisdom. Do ya have stables?"

"On our to do list to build. We got space though."


The riders were led to the longhall and Tyler noted they were taking in the sights and sounds of Haven...and were MILDLY impressed.

"Ha. welcome to Haven."

The lady smiled as she saw the layout.

"I admit. I like how this town feels. And yet I am curious as to HER crime."

Hannah had been spotted and Tyler smiled.

"we're a small bunch. About 50. So we kinda have to rely on each other more then most. Refuse to pull your weight, and it's a night in the cage. PUSH IT, and it's two nights. She is on two nights."

That got a nod.

"I completely understand. BOTH ploys."

"A professional. Good."

The horses were hitched at the Longhall and Tyler led them inside with the rest of the town.

"We have some Scouts out ourselves seeking anything of interest in the area. They're due back in a bit."

The lady chuckled.

"You play this game well. And who is chieftain?"

TYler sat in the throne and smiled.


She laughed.

"We've lost this encounter! I admit this freely!"

Tyler chuckled as he looked her over now. Their guest was an imposing beauty with striking red hair and tanned skin while her eyes were vivid green. Her frame was slender while well cut and her bust large in her platemail. On her hip was a longsword while her offhand had a shield. a red cape dropped from her shoulders and ehr chestplate was emblazoned by the tree. Tyler smiled as they all took seats at the tables.

"My name is Tyler. I'm the Jarl of Haven. You say you are an envoy of Merlot?"

The redheaded lady nodded.

"We are, Lord Jarl. My name is Ember Bloodmane."

"THAT is an AWESOME name."

"I am glad you like it. I am a Knight-captain in Merlot's Imperial Army. we were dispatched to investigate rumors of construction in the Dark Forest. These rumors are five days old."

Ember looked around at the VERY cozy longhall in mild awe.

"I admit, I was expecting a mere hovel. NOT a fully functioning town WILL such imposing defenses. As soon as we realized we were looking at a FRESH TOWN we knew we needed to establish contact."

Tyler nodded.

"That saves me the trouble of findin you people. We're actually new in the country to the point....we didn't even know it WAS a country."

Ember chuckled.

"An utterly self-sufficent settlement constructed in five days. MOST impressive."

"Thanks...we're still not done."

Tyler then sat up straight.

"What purpose does this envoy serve, Ember?"

The knight captain smiled.

"To establish friendly ties with your people and to ensure the safety of the Empire."

"Okay. We're open to relations. We-ah."

Tyler smiled as he spotted Erwin's scouts through the window.

"My Scouts have returned."

Erwin came in with the group and the blonde man smiled as he saw the meeting underway.

"My apologies. I have a report, Tyler."

"Anything decent?"

"Some creatures were spotted to the west. I have a sketch."

Tyler took the image...

"Goblins. Great."

He sighed and looked at Erwin.

"How many?"

"a small number. MAybe 30."

"Hmm. Asuna, build a raider party. longer we leave the more of a pain in the ass they'll be."

"On it."

Tyler looked at Mina.

"Lockdown. Goblins take prisoners and the Lightning Towe marks us for miles."

"On it."

He looked to Yoshkia.

"ready poison herbs. BAstards are slippery."

"Yes sir,"

Ember watched as the HIGHLY efficient town went from meeting to ACTIVE GARRISON on a dime. She looked at Tyler as he shouldered his greatsword in amazement.

"YOUR people are VERY well trained."

"You ain't seen nothin yet. TRUST ME. Kirito, you ready for dis?"

The boy in black smirked as he fistbumped the Jarl.


Tyler looked at Ember.

"Apologies but we need to deal with this before we can have a proper discussion."

she smiled.

"I completely understand. We are able to assist as well."

"Hmm, YOU join the raiding party, the rest can man the walls."

"Oooh you're good."

"I'm in charge here for a reason....and it AIN'T cause a mah good looks."

Rias smirked.

"Oh come on."

Tyler chuckled as he walked to the front of the hall.

"Okay. Me, Asuna, Kirito, Akeno, Asia, Ember. ERwin's our guide, Mina, your town."


"Raiders let's move."

Ember blinked as they got moving.

"Only 8 for 30?"

"Pff. Morning warmup. Right Kirito?"

The Black Swordsman smirked.

"Wanna make a bet?"

"whoever kills the most goblins wins....and the LOSER is stuck on the night shift...for a WEEK."

"Ha! May the best badass win."

Tyler led them out of the wallgate and Ember was amazed at their pace of travel as they trotted through the forest.

"VERY impressive, Lord Jarl."

"Oh we're still walking."

"I....oh my."

Tyler chuckled as Erwin nodded to a clearing ahead.

"They have an open air den."



"Alright. I'll go right in. Kirito and Asuna take flanks meet me in the middle. Akeno drop thunder, Ember back up Erwin. Asia on heals."


The heads nodded and Tyler hefted his greatsword.

"Let's go to hell together!"

He charged into the clearing as a mass of three foot tall creatures with putrid green skin screeched in joy at the lone warrior....as the greatsword made impact. Tyler's slice carved through five creatures in his sweep style attack before he flipped his grip and carried the attack into the mass with another 5 scythed down. He swung the blade high and the regrouping creatures charged...only for Kirito and Asuna to come hurtling in like thunderbolts. Their attacks utterly confused the goblins and Akeno smiled with a flush as she charged her own magic.

"May the heavens forgive you, for I do not, HEAVENLY THUNDER!"

A towering bolt of lightning slammed into the mass of now PANICKING goblins and roasted a large number while Ember and Erwin attacked fromt eh rear now. Asia sat on a rock humming a tune watching the rout play out with a smile and swinging her legs. The last goblin fell and Tyler chuckled as he stood tall.


Asuna and kirito pulled swords from dead creatures.

"No hits!"


Erwin smiled.

"I am untouched."

Ember nodded with wide blue eyes.

"As am I. VERY impressive battle strategy. These things had NO chance."

"Alright. Loot em."

The heads nodded and Asia hopped from her rock.

"Boo. I didn't get to do anything!"

Tyler patted her with a smile.

"You'll get to show off soon enough Asia."

She beamed as Asuna was heard.

"Hey i got young!"

"Kill em."

"On it."

The goblin children were put to death by the merciless redhead and Erwin looked over.


"Goblins reproduce from captives."


"Yeeeah they're nasty. Kirito?"

"Some poisons, a few spells, and that's about it."

Tyler nodded as he swung the blood off his sword.

"Sounds about right for fodder. Alright. Back to HAven."

They got movign and Ember smiled.

"I am most impressed. Once the plan was set, not a soul needed further orders in battle."

Tyler smiled.

"That was fun for us."

"I could tell. And we still have much to discuss."

"we don't have an inn yet. But we got plenty of room. we'll lay the foundation for the inn when we get back."

Asuna nodded.

"How many rooms?"

"Hmmm.....I'll put it at an even 30. Annnd 3 floors."

"That'll hold us for a WHILE. Stone?"

"Hmm-hm. This one we'll overdo."

"Make a point. Gotchya."

ember looked at them.

"You have the coin to just put up buildings?"

Tyler smiled.

"You'll see. We KINDA are self relient."

"I will admit to curiosity."

They returned to the town and Mina smiled as they came through the gate.

"No issues?"

"Nope. We'll get hit with a bucket and pick up where we left off."

Yoshkia appeared with a smile...and splashed them with a bucket.

"There! Decon complete!"

Ember just laughed.

"The princess would ADORE you!"

Tyler patted Yoshkia as they went into the longhall.

"Yoshkia is one of a kind."

The warrior retook his throne and Ember smiled.

"Now. We were discussing relations with your people."

Tyler nodded.

"Would our town fall under Emperial rule?"

She nodded.

"It would. But you would retain the right to self-rule. All the Queen wishes is to maintain a solid Empire to prevent strife."

"Do you have the authority to make this deal on your own?"

Ember smiled and gestured to the man at a table.

"Allow me to present Ambassador Hector Gildmen. The Queen's trusted foreign Ambassador and envoy."

Hector was a slender man with a light build and blue eyes in a withered face. He wore small glasses and spoke in a soft, mild mannered voice while he was garbed in a red silk suit.

"An honor Lord Jarl. I have been entrusted by the queen with the needed authority to negotiate and sign a treaty."

"Cool. It possible to meet this queen? Or is it just you?"

The ambassador adjusted his glasses.

"Her grace can be contacted, should you wish lord Jarl. Have I offended?"

Tyler chuckled.

"NAh. just wanna put a face to the name. since we live here now, we KINDA need to know who's in charge."

The man smiled.

"Her Grace will attend when she has a spare moment. And we have already informed her we are negotiating so she should be quite punctual."

Tyler nodded.

"Then i suggest we wait for her. Never start a party without all the guests."

Ember smiled.

"Her Grace is going to like you."

Tyler smiled.

"OR hate me depending on tne joke. I'd offer you refreshments, buuut we're kinda simple out here. Roasted meat an water. NO. I am NOT kidding."

One of the envoy, a leather clad elf, chuckled in a firm yet warm voice.

"My name is Leon Leafwood, Lord Jarl. I can tell from teh construction. The sheer amount that has NOT been wasted is staggering. And the ingenuity is impressive."

"Thanks. You're a Ranger, aren't you?"

"I am indeed, Lord Jarl. And the simple fare is quite satisfying."

"Ha. NO arguements here."

Asuna smiled as she looked at Tyler.

"We can lay the foundation while we're waiting on the queen, Tyler."

"Sure. we need an inn anyway."

Ember and her enovy blinked as the entire town got to work laying the ground work for the new building using supplies stored inside two massive barns with regular supply runs to a nearby quarry. The Knight captain looked at her amazed ambassador friend.

"THIS town runs better then a Dwarven Smithy!"

Hector nodded as he noted Tyler inside the hamster wheel crane.

"And their leader workd RIGHT there with them as an equal. MOST intriguing."

Leon smiled as he watched the laying of the stones.

"They know exactly what they want, how much it'll take, and know where to find the material. I see I shall need to establish a Station in this town."

Wulf came over with a pot and the envoy blinked as the lead was poured as mortar. Ember was amazed.

"They use METAL as MORTAR? No WONDER that wall was sparkling!"

Hector nodded.

"And it's LEAD. It's SUPPOSED to be useless aside from weights....and yet they're using it as MORTAR. Their culture is HIGHLY intriguing."

Leon crossed his arms as Tyler left the crane to direct the rising of the walls.

"Jarl Tyler is the clear director of this project. he has no blueprint...and yet the work is progressing VERY rapidly. Hm."

The foundation and first layer of walls were laid when Ember spoke now.

"The queen has activated her spell."

"On it."

Tyler and the crew wrapped up their current piece and headed back to the hall. Tyler sat back in his throne as Ember placed an orb on the floor before them. The clear ball lit up with a hologram of a woman in a blue silken gown and with flame colored hair that dropped to her knees. Her skin was pale and her frame was slender. Her eyes were bright purple and her bust large in her gown. She spoke in a soft yet authoritative tone.

"I am High Queen Sophia Firemane. Knight Captain."

Ember knelt and so didn't the rest of her envoy.

"Milady. Allow me to present Jarl Tyler of the township of Haven."

The queen looked at the barechested warrior on his throne of animal bones and noted his many scars.

"YOU are the leader of a town I do not know. IS this the construction we have heard of Ember?"

"Yes ma'am. Only....the rumors were WOEFULLY uninformed. They have a full town enclosed in a WHITE wall out here and it IS still developing."

Sophia looked at Tyler.

"A full town. I wish to see your progess, Jarl."

"Sure.....sooo just carry the orb?"

She smirked.

"You do not stand on ceremony I see."

"Nope. My people call me by first name. They put me on this chair. And they can take me off it."

That made the lady smiled.

"Words of wisdom for any ruler. and ones i wholeheartedly agree with. Perhaps we CAN do business Tyler."

"Sure. Since we're KINDA stuck here might as get along somewhat."

"Agreed. Now, just carry the orb as you say."

"Alright. Normally I charge for guided tours, buuut I think I can make an exception."

The queen chuckled at this charmer as Tyler scooped the baseball sized orb up.

"YOu are charming."

"Thanks. i work at it. Now....welcome to Haven!"

He walked the orb outside and the queen blinked at the manors and construction.


"We work hard."

The queen just sat there in awe as she saw the organized town and it's thus far defenses. Then she spotted Hannah in the cage and sat up straight.

"The lady's crime?"

Tyler smiled.

"we're a small town. Only about 40. So we need to rely on each other more then most. Refuse to pull your weight, and it's a night in the cage. PUSH IT, and it's two nights. no food, no water and you get splashed with water three times. Once in the morning, once at noon, and once when the night patrol moves out. Hannah...is on TWO nights."

Sophia nodded.

"Harsh yet fair. And I have used similar punishments myself. The ULIMATE punishment for your town, Tyler?"

"Hmmm, haven't gotten that far. My council warns me to not go too deep into my sadistic side in case I don't come back out."

Sophia nodded.

"A VERY just concern. So you also have a council."

"A council of 6."

"And YOU hold the final vote."

"exactly. We need decison I'll make it. I have a question or need advice on anything, I'll turn to them."

"I feel relief. You are young, are you not?"

"I am 15 years."

She blinked.

"15 years with THAT way of carrying yourself and THAT attitude? MOST impressive...and unsettling."

"Good. Annnd here's our storehouses."

Sophia shook her head as she saw the simplistic yet VERY hardy construction.

"In five days, a FULL town with ecured outerwall was constructed by 40 people in near utter isolation....I will seek friendly ties with your people, Tyler. Now what IS that infernal contraption there?"

She pointed to the Lightning Tower and tyler smiled.

"It's our Lightning Tower. It's designed to attract lightning to it during a storm and prevent it hitting one of our houses since they're made of wood."

"I see. And the metal?"

"Copper. Lightning LOVES copper. So, we made it higher then the trees and just need keep an eye on it."

"I am curious to see if it works. That tower was how we found your town."

Tyler chuckled as he next climbed to the walltop.

"We're not exactly subtle."

Sophia noted the stones were placed with metal as mortar.

"That wall is better built then some of the walls in MY capital! And it's stood for thousands of years!"

"Ha. We're still reinforcing too. Next project is to add cannons."

She blinked.

"YOU have a cannonneer?"

"Sure. A fair few."

".....Your town is better manned then some outposts. Interesting. Do you have trade?"

He frowned and leaned on a battlement.

"Again haven't gotten that far. We're still establishing the town itself and securing our own supplies. Once we're happy with our town we were planning to branch out."

Sophia nodded.

"I see. Your people do not use coin?"

"We do....when we have coin and trade if that makes any sense."

"No it makes complete sense. and I sense you are not telling me something, Tyler."

He chuckled.

"Only the Lore of our people. it's KINDA our thing."

"Ah. I understand. And will pry no further."

"Appreciate it....as WE'RE still trying to figure it out."

She chuckled at that one and Tyler looked at the town.

"So you came to us."

Sophia nodded and Tyler returned to the Longhall and sat on his throne.

"I did. You may not be aware, but your town sits near the border between Merlot and two of our neighbors. The Kingdom of Malchia, and the Archdon of Hanahein."

Ember opened a map of the region beside the inprogress map on the wall...and Tyler nodded.

"We literally sit RIGHT on the cleft between three countries. We're gonna need an extra set of walls and a FULL garrison. YOU'VE noticed us, THEY'VE noticed us."

Sophia smiled.

"Indeed. I propose to ally myself with your people, Tyler. You're town would be given the right to Self-rule, trade with my Queendom, imperial soldiers to defend and grow your town, and more citizens if they so choose."

TYler sat back now.

"The Imperial Soldiers. would they be under MY command or YOURS?"

Sophia smiled.

"Both. If I were to give an order, it'd countermand one of yours."

Tyler crossed his arms.

"Okay. They'd be expected to obey OUR laws over YOURS."

The queen smiled.

"And how DO your people live, Tyler?"

He smiled.

"First rule of Haven. Open your mouth, deal with the consquences. In OUR way, you are fully encouraged to shatter the jaw of the one insulting you."

She chuckled.

"The way of the Barbarians. Honor over all. Continue."

"You do not have to like each other, but you DAMN well will respect each other. They are the exact same as you, treat them as anything LESS....and I'LL treat YOU."

Sophia chuckled.

"I like the way you people have your rules. And a fair few will find that refreshing. The next?"

Tyler smirked.

"No WORK, no FOOD. In OUR town we bust our ass and we damn well expect you to as well."

This one made the queen laugh.

"Your people lead VERY rigorous lives indeed! And I again agree completely."

"The last is you make a mess ya DAMN well better clean it. ya DON'T ya gonna sleep in it."

Leon chuckled.

"I REALLY need to set up a Station here."

Sophia nodded.

"Simple, honorable, and no doubt. I like this. Now."

She faced Tyler.

"You have an active garrison?"

"Yes. The entire town."

Ember smiled.

"Your Grace."


"Milady. Before this meeting I accompanied Jarl Tyler and his raiders on a Goblin hunt. 8 warriors, to a 30 creature camp."

This news made the queen blink.

"30? What did you see?"

"Ma'am. it was EFFORTLESS! The plan was staggered attacks from multiple directions and Jarl Tyler led the attack as the trigger. Then we filed in after him. Once the battle was established, not a soul so much as glanced in the other's direction."

Sophia nodded.

"They have strength?"

"They do, Milady. I am unsure of how much exactly."

"I see."

The queen looked to Tyler.

"So you are a warrior people."

"When pushed. If you push us, Sophia, we are fully prepared to drag you and everyone and everything to hell with us."

"fiery and I like it. Peace. We DO NOT wish to make enemies here."

Tyler smiled.

"NOR do we."

Sophia nodded.

"MY ultimate goal is to secure Haven from use by the other countries without the due course."

"YOU want to turn my town into a TRADEHUB."

"Exactly. Your town sits in some VERY harsh forest and is yet thriving. Now or not."

Tyler looked at the map.

"we'dd need to carve roads through the wilds to make it viable, but that's nothing new. And be honest it WAS on our to-do list. Hm,"

Sophia smiled.

"We'd supply workers and craftsmen as well."

"We have no coin."

"I see. No matter. We shall trade goods until you have a healthy flow."

He smiled.

"We'll see what we can dig up as well for trade goods. And for the time being, we'll expand slowly and surely. See what the other two's move will be."

Sophis smiled.

"Smart. No sense in rushing when the plan is sound. and you are quite correct at rapid expansion of any town. That is how crime increases. Now. The treaty."

Hector presented Tyler a scroll and he looked it over.

"Oh so it IS a treaty of alliance and nonagression. Okay."

Once finished he passed it over to the council. A move that made Sophia chuckle. Asuna looked at them and they nodded and she passed the scroll to Tyler.

"We agree and we like where it's going."

Tyler chuckled as he took it.

"Anyone got a pen?"

The group laughed as Hector passed a quill.

"Humble indeed."

Tyler and his council signed the treaty before passing it to Hector. The man looked it over....and smiled.

"We are allied with HAven."

Sophia smiled.

"excellent! Now I have a question, Tyler."

"Why is called HAven?"


"Because. This is OUR haven and a haven for those that don't have one."

She smiled warmly.

"A noble sentiment and one my people will most embrace. Leon."

The elven ranger came forward.


"Contact the Ranger brigade and have them establish a Station inside Haven. as it IS an outpost town for the moment, it will require much work to make it an appealing destination."

"At once Milady. Jarl Tyler."

The warrior nodded.

"What do ya need?"

The elf smiled.

"A plot to lay our Station."

"Hmmm, I'll have it placed by the Hospital."

Yoshkia nodded.

"Sure. Since they'll be helping me with herbs and such makes sense."

Leon smiled.

"I know not this word."

"Healer house."

"Ah. I like this."

Sophia nodded.

"As do I. do you have a temple, Tyler?"

He looked at Hestia and she smiled.

"HAven't built one yet, Sophia."

The queen looked to the busty lady and smiled.

"YOU are adorable."

"Aww thanks! My name is Hestia. I am the patron goddess of Haven. As I AM the goddess of Hearth and Home."

"Ah. I see! I see! I have not heard of your sect, Goddess Hestia. Is it small?"

"Sadly it is. And why I am seeking new members."

The queen chuckled.

"What does your sect preach?"

Hestia smiled warmly.

"All we wish is a family to be proud of, a home to feel welcome in, and a place to feel like we BELONG. THAT is what MY sect is all about. and it's NOT a sect. We're Familia. Or MY FAMILY."

Sophia sniffed at the heartfelt wish as Tyler shivered.

"Damn Hestia."

"I work at it!"


Sophia smiled as she wiped her eyes.

"A truly BEAUTIFUL wish Goddess. One I am sure THOUSANDS will flock to once your name spreads. and spread it I will. I have my own goddess or I would happily join you. Her name is Ifrit."

Hestia chuckled.

"Ira! Call her Ira watch how she reacts."

"Umm, I prayed to her with it annnd she's HUMILATED!"

"Ha! Oh gods I miss her."

Sophia chuckled.

"She told me a few things, Goddess Hestia.....and yes there are more coming. It seems Haven has lots a secrets."

Tyler perked up now.

"KEEP THEM. Or we send for a Demon. Are we clear?"

Sophia SHUDDERED as her goddess sent her a DIRECT WARNING.

"we are crystal clear, Tyler. I DO NOT want to be your enemy."

"Cool. So what's next?"

The queen shivered again before refocusing.

"Now the Rangers will begin blazing a new trail from the nearest road to your front gate. Once this is secure trade will commense in earnest."

Tyler nodded.

"we'll coordinate with Leon on this end. AND put up more buildings to accomadate our new visitors."

Mina looked at a map of the town.

"We have plenty of room for three times as many buildings inside the walls, Tyler."

"Good. we'll get the inn set up and the cannons in place. Wulf,"

"I got this."

"Alright. Erwin, we'll need resources, 10 man squads."

The man nodded.

"we will depart in the morning."

"Belfast, we'll need more supplies and places to put them. we may need to open up basements in the council manors."

"I will compile a list of options and our current supplies."

"Asuna and Rias. You use the pelts and set us up some banners and signs with our rules."

They nodded and Sophia smiled.

"VERY clear orders and who does what. Now, Tyler. Do you need anything from me at this moment?"

Tyler thought for a moment.

"A copy of the treaty."

Hector chuckled as he passed a copy.


Sophia nodded.


TYler smiled as he looked at the queen.

"I think we're good here."

The queen nodded and smiled.

"The orb is yours as it is how all my town and cities contact me in the event of an emergency."

He nodded.

"We'll get right on our latest projects."

"As will I. Welcome to the Empire and I look forward to many long years of friendship and relations."

He smirked at that last one.

"I'm lookin forward to these relations as well, Sophia."

She smirked as well at the nudge.

"A bold leader. How refreshing."

The orb went out and Tyler scooped it up.

"Alright people. We gotta lotta work to do. Let's get the inn situated and we'll move to the next step."

They nodded and Rias smirked.

"Goin after the QUEEN now?"

"Maybe I'm playin the board."

The redhead laughed.

"Oh you clever bastard! I like it!"

"Ha. Come on."

Ember and her envoy joined the workers as the town got to work on the inn. Tyler was back on guiding duty for the crane as the envoy got a crash course in outworlder building tactics and Ember was amazed by the speed the building went up.

"They've raised a 3 foot building in a mere 4 hours! WITHOUT magic!"

Leon, the elven ranger, was also impressed by the simplistic materials used.

"And they harvested every pieces from nature and refined it by hand too. I know some Ranger towns not as frugal or wasteless."

The inn was also given a pointed roof and Tyler smiled as it was still shorter then the Lightning Tower as the top logs were laid.

"Alright. Bust out the resin and clay. The we can set up the interior!"

Wulf came over with a wagon of fixings and fittings.

"Got the first four rooms set, Tyler."

"Yu da man, Wulf. You good?"

"Oh yeah. This is easy work compared to making arms for the dungeon."


Tyler used a rope and pulley to drop to the ground as Rias led a party around the exterior applying the sealing elements and Asuna had her own on the inside. Tyler went into the large bathhouse on the rear of the building and opened the gates to allow the river to flow into the pools. Once the pools were situated he built the various ovens or the place in the grand kitchen. Once these were built the next task was furnishing the rooms and suites. Haven's inn having reliance on stairs with large lifts for baggage that were worked by hand. Rias smiled as she saw this.

"We'll look into elevators next, Tyler."

He smiled.

"Sure. We'll use em in the next batch of watchtowers."

Once the rooms were furnished, Tyler and the town stood outside and looked at their imposing structure. The inn was built with an inverse wing design not unlike a few sanitoriums in Tyler's old world. The thing rose 5 floors and had 30 fully furnished rooms with large beds and balconies looking over the town. Tyler smiled as he looked at Mina.

"Next is running water. Bathhouses are fine an all, but we'll need to figure out how to get water to higher structures."

She nodded.

"Have any ideas?"

"I've a few. Aquaducts, water tanks, and I THINK I know enough about piping to figure it out, Or, at least piint us in the right direction."

She smiled and Ember came over with a smile.

"Most impressive, Tyler. And that inn is rather cozy."

He smiled.

"Thanks. it's actually ready for use so remember da rules."

She chuckled and Tyler looked at Leon. He was a tall elf rivaling Tyler in height with a slender build and well cut, wiry frame. His skin was tanned and he had tipped ears while his eyes were red. His hair was tied in a ponytail while being muddy brown and he spoke in a strong bark.

"we'll get your station set up, Leon."

The elf smiled.

"I have a design for it, Jarl."


The town went to their next task with a roar. The Ranger Station had to be built with a dirt floor and ample room for the various totems and other relics of the Rangers. TYler and Leon worked closely together to oversee the raising of the roof and the planting of the grass. The Ranger Altar that was the Brigade's pride and joy was constructed from the bones of animals Leon hunted down himself. The meat and goods were used as an offering to bless the Station in their patron deity and once the building glowed green, Leon smiled.

"And the Station is open. Rangers the country know it's here and will be traveling to see their new rest."

The Station was a modest construction with room for 50 rangers to relax in comfortably. The thing was smaller then the Lightning Tower and built with it's own tipped roof. It was square shaped and had a laege enclosed greenhouse that also served as the altar for the Ranger's patron deity, Pandora. Tyler climbed up onto the walls after and was doing a walk around them as he looked at the town. Now we have an Inn and a full Ranger Station. We're hooked up to the queendom and will have merchants and the like moving through soon enough. we'll need waystations and better lodging for the newcomers sure to come. A full armory for Wulf's works, another smith sice he kinda does it all, we still need a lot before we can truly relax. The Jarl reached the northern wallgate and leaned on a battlement looking into the forest. We've two extra countries that will vy for our alligences since we're a border town and a rather critical one now too. Which means trade wars are now headed for us. We'll need to fend off their attempts to sabotage our town and our homes. Which in turn means tighter defenses. Tyler smirked at that as he continued his lone patrol.

"This is going to be a mess."

He found himself back at the maingate and looked out over the clearing as the sun started to set and smiled as he did so.

"This is OUR town."

Rias climbed up beside him and he smiled as she stood beside him.


He smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder and he took her hand. She squeezed it and the warrior smiled at her.

"How's it goin?"

She chuckled.

"It's good. NOT YET."

"Dammit I got excited."

She sighed and smiled before he let her go. The redheaded beauty looked out over the forest.

"We've a lot of work to do."

"Yup. Let's get to it."


The pair hopped from the wall and headed to the Longhall. Mina and Erwin were looking at the map gifted them by Ember and Tyler smiled as he walked over.

"Anything good?"

Mina tapped a section of forest a few hours from town.

"The coal deposit is here and there was a decently sized herd of bison here. Erwin will be taking a party to gather as much as they can."

The jarl nodded.

"Good. We can expect the first batch of Rangers in a few days. In the meantime we'll add another set of storehouses with room for wagons, a stable, and yeah."

They nodded and Erwin looked at the map where the three countries met.

"This area worries me. We have three world powers within three days of us all sharing a border. AND our town sits on a VERY profitable trade route through a formerly impenetrable forest."

Tyler nodded.

"It's going to get very ugly soon, Erwin. I can see a trade war breaking out quite easily. And we'll build like we KNOW the war is coming for US directly."

Mina crossed her arms.

"we'll need the garrison if we're to hold off an invasion Tyler."

"Not nessecarily. Not when I know how to recreate modern guns with a near pinpoint percision."

She looked at him.

"Even our strikers?"

"....it's a STRETCH, but...huh."

TYler leaned on a wall.

"Shirley came, right?"

"She did."

"If we pool my mechanical knowledge, her skill with the units, and THIS world's magical elements, we SHOULD be able to recreate your strikers to a T OR upgrade them entirely. I'll touch bases with her and see what we'd need for a base. An AIRFORCE would go a VERY long way to help us secure our town. ESPECIALLIY with the Strike Witches up there."

Mina smiled.

"Shirley was last seen by the the field smelter."

"Thanks Mina"

The Jarl headed to find the tall witch. He found her easily enough at the smelter working on the small anvil crafting was looked like a tail pipe. Shirley Yeagerman was a tall, statuesque beauty with long russet colored hair and fair skin. Her eyes were blue and she had an athletic frame. Her bust was large and she wore a red jacket and no pants while working on the tailpipe. Tyler smiled was walked up.

"Trying to make a bike?"

She looked up and smiled as she spoke in her hearty bark.

"You know it! I's Shirley...and you know me."

"Fastest Witch alive."

"Ha! I like it!"

He chuckled as she quenched the pipe in a trough.

"I got a question for ya, Shirley."

"Oh damn. Hit me."

"Your Strikers, if we were to pool tricks, is there a chance we can remake them here?"

The tall girl stood tall now with a thoughful expression.

"MAYBE, we'd need to rework them to syphon our new magic an all, bit we MIGHT be able to."

"Good enough. I know enough about engines to recreate a combustion engine for most aircraft up to the year 1950. So I know we can make planes."

She frowned.


"We'll need to find an oil deposit. Annnnd I think I know where."

She smirked.

"We're gonna give this world nightmares."


"Oh god no."

"Ha. Alright. And yes I know how to drill for oil."

"YOU re a VERY weird guy ya know that?"

"Thanks Shirley."

"Ha. Later tough guy."

Tyler looked at the piles of metal, and smirked.

"I know JUST where to start with our weaponry too."

The tall witch watched as he set some steel in the forge and proceeded to forge a set of components for a long rifle. Then he took some good oaken wood he carved into shape. Next he slotted the various components to craft a Kar98K bolt action rifle from World War 2 complete with oaken furniture, solid steel barrel and bolt, and smooth action.

"NOOOOOW I just need bullets."

Shirley whistled.

"YOU made that in under half an hour. Scary."

He chuckled and went to Wulf's shop. He found the redheaded smith working on the correct mixture for gunpowder. Tyler chuckled as he saw the sealed barrels of the stuff.

"Looks like we're leaving the steel age Wulf."

The smith chuckled as he looked up from the latest batch.

"Oh this oughta be good. Need something?"

Tyler passed a spec design for 7.92x57 Mauser rounds and Wulf whistled.

"Oh these are easy. I'll have 200 in an hour."

"These will be our standard infantry rifles."

He passed the Kar98K over and Wulf smirked.

"These are simple, solid, and I can make enough for the entire town by the end a the day."

TYler passed a spec for a Colt M1911.

"THESE are our standard issue sidearms."

Wulf laughed.

"Same answer!"

"Alright. We'll make these bastards shit themselves."

The man chuckled and got right to work on the weaponry for the town as Tyler went to see Mina. The council was waiting and the command witch blinked as he tossed her the gun.

"we got our SIRs."

She gasped as she looked the solid rifle over.

"Kars? Oh my god. Understood. we'll set up ranges for practice."

Asuna chuckled as she hefted the gun.

"World War 2?"

TYler nodded.

"Their guns are straightforward and simple. MOST of their firing mechinisims are VERY simplisitc. And I got a verdict on the Strikers. We CAN do it. It'll take practice and materials, but we can. Erwin, next survey I want you to search for this."

Tyler passed him a list of geological formations and the man nodded.

"Their significance?"

"Oil forms under them."

A few blinked ad Hestia looked at him.

"Tyler? CAREFUL. You MIGHT cross a line."

"If I was going to, it woulda been when i built the gun, Hestia."

"GUNS are one thing. OIL REFINING is another. ESPECIALLY considering the damage it does to the world at large."

He shrugged.

"eh fine. I can get the same result with a high tier steam engine anyway Still search out the formations. we'll stick it in our backpocket for when we need something RREALLY hardcore. I can recreate a World War 2 airforce with minimual effort.....actually."

He looked out the door.

"I wonder."

The Jarl sent for Ember and the knight captain came quickly.

"How can I help?"

"The Queendom. Does it have airships?"

She blinked and nodded.

"we do. Many varieties."

"Okay. What do they use for fuel?"

Sensing he had a plan, the knight captain smiled.

"They use a special form of stone called Blaststone. Think a more potent form of coal that lights up like a volcano when lit."

TYler smirked.

"Where is it found?"

The knight captain made a survey list.

"In these forms of rocks, Tyler. And it can be used raw."

"Coolio. Erwin."

"We will search most closely."

"Good. The other will be a backup."

Tyler looked at Ember.

"Thanks Ember. We'll bother you again soon."

She chuckled.

"It is no matter and I am QUITE enjoying your idea of a bathhouse."


The lady left and Tyler looked at Erwin.

"The oil will be OUR backup ace. erwin we need samples of the stone."

"I will depart immediately."

"Thanks Erwin. If it does what I THINK it does it'll be a perfect workaround."

He left and Tyler looked at Mina.

"Wulf will have enough rifles for the town in a few hours and a few thousand rounds as well. Sidearms are colt 45s."

"Smart. These are LEGENDAY for their durability and reliability."

"Me plan. Once we get our hands ont he blaststone I'll see if it can power a combustion engine."

Hestia smiled.

"It can. It's just this world's equivilant for oil....and is far less polluting."

"It behaves like oil?"

"It BEHAVES like high tier gasoline that doesn't need to be refined and jsut poured into a tank."


"It STARTS out as a stone. And is melted to create the gas."


He took a piece of canvas and used a quill to design a full schematic for a P51 mustang fighter bomber.

"We'll build our airforce...."

He smiled.

"AND our tanks."

Mina smiled as he got to work designing their arsenal.

"YOU are a walking encyclopedia."

"Thanks. THIS one is MY pet project as I do SO love weapons and ANYTHING that makes things go boom."

Rias smirked.

"I make stuff go boom."

"Oh I know. And is why I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you in a tank."

"Ha. I'd prefer a bike."


Tyler slid his designs for a Panzer IV, STUG IV, M3 Medium tank, T38 Light tank, and a Type 89B tank to Mina and she smirked.

"THESE can eat the dense forest for breakfast."

"exactly. And once we have more flatland available to us,"

He slid the design for the Tiger 1 over.

"we release the Tigers."

Belfast smiled.

"Our armor alone will prove to be quite formidible. What of warships, Tyler?"

"I can make replicas of your name ships if you really want me to, Belfast."

"Oh my."

"I had a LOOOOOOT of free time on my hands."

Asuna smiled.

"This is a fantasy world.....and we're gonna drag a tank through it."

"Damn straight."

He looked at Hestia and she smiled.

"The gods are laughing at you, Tyler. Seems this took longer then they expected."

Wulf walked in with a trolley.

"first batch ready for use."

Tyler smiled as he took the clips of rounds.

"I'll test em."

They nodded and headed for the walls. Ember and her envoy followed curiously as the odd looking weaponry was looked over by Tyler. Ember looked at the rifles as Tyler peered down the sights.

"Tyler? What are these?"

He smirked as he loaded the five bullets in and slid the bolt home with a click.

"Something my people excel at using."

He looked out over the forest as a deer stepped from the trees.....at 500 yards. Mina smirked as she leaned on a battlement.


Tyler took aim at the hart as it nibbled at some grass...and pulled the trigger. There eas a bang and the round took the hart in teh shoulder. It dropped and he smiled.

"Like a charm."

"We got it."

A few went to retrieve the deer as the Mertons gaped at the kill. Leon shuddered.

"That was far outside the range of ANY bow!"

Ember nodded.

"Are these guns, Tyler?"

"Yup. Our custom design."

"Oh by the sky. YOU are a GUN RACE."

He looked at her curiously.

"That an issue?"

She smiled.

"No. Just...unsettling. OUR guns are pathetic compared to this one rifle."

"Ha. This is gonna be fun to watch."

Leon smiled.

"As there is a Ranger Station in the town, Tyler? I am afraid guns are not allowed for hunting purposes."

"Makes sense. THESE are OUR weapons of war."


Tyler put the remaining rounds into a tree at close to 800 yards away and Mina smiled as she watched with a spyglass.

"Grouping is within a single shell."

"Good. This one's mine."

"We'll do daily target practice."

He nodded and the rest of the guns were tested before being issued to the town. Rias smirked as she rested her rifle on her hip.


He smirked at her.

"Okay. If you look ANNNYmore sexy I am GOING to drag you into my house, Rias."

She licked her lips.


He shivered and she laughed.


"Lady....stop tempting me. Seriously. I like, REEEEEEALLY wanna bend you over that wall right now."

"Ha. Yeah. and i feel bad for THAT."

She nodded at the bulge and he smirked.

"Oh it freakin hurts ya minx."

Belfast smiled and he chuckled with a finger flick in her direction. Tyler looked at Mina.

"we're now an active shooter garrison. Shooting protocols and muzzle discipline."

"Understood. I'll get them trained."

"Upside, least's Kirito's a guy this time."

The boy in question cycled his bolt with a dark look.

"I hate you."

"Ha. You made getting genderbent work."

"I have a LOADED GUN, and I REALLY wanna shoot you."

"Don't miss beatergirl."

Asuna laughed as she stopped her lover from ACTUALLY shooting the idiot.

"As HILARIOUS as these roasts are, Tyler? Cut the shit."

"Yes Asuna."

"I WILL shoot you in the balls."

He chuckled as he unloaded his rifle.

"I'm done. And come on.....it was freakin hilarious."

The friends chuckled as Tyler went to his Longhall and used some wood to craft a gunrack he hung the Kar on. The bolt he set on a pin underneath it with the bullets in easy reach. Belfast appeared in the doorway with a smile and he chuckled.

"Rias is kinda my dreamgirl."

The sliver haired beauty smiled as she stripped.

"Good for her. And you."

"YOU too."

She chuckled as he laid her on the bed.

"I admit, I long for these."

He kissed her lovingly.

"Well. Allow me to pleasure you most intensely, Milady."

She moaned at the play and pierce as they went for a few rounds in the sheets. They dropped after a few hours and Belfast smiled.

"It was more intense this time."

He chuckled as he got out of her and her massive rack.

"Rias excited me."

"Good for her. And now I suggest we clean up."

He chuckled.

"I really should put a pool or something in here."

The pair cleaned up in the bathhouse and Tyler returned to the Longhall as the sun went down....and found Asia sitting at a table waiting for him. She smiled.

"Hi! Rias said you like snuggling....so hot blonde snuggle!"

He laughed at her smug cheer as he joined the indeed hot blonde.

"Oh my gods I freakin love you, Asia."

She giggled and he patted her as they enjoyed more deer and water. Then the girl squeaked as he swept her up into a princess cradle to carry her.

"Hey! I like this!"

He chuckled at her cheer as he tossed her on the bed. She giggled at the bouncing as he took his shirt off and she stripped. He snuggled up beside the hot blonde and she smiled as she got comfy.

"Wow. You're warm."

He smiled as he held her.

"You;re hot, Asia."

"Yup! And my ass is awesome!"

"Oh VERY."

He patted her awesome ass and she blushed.

"I still have a boyfriend kinda sorta."

"we're snugglebuddies."

"Oh the BEST!"

He smiled as he settled.

"Night Asia."
