
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Shipgirls and their massive guns.


DAY 19



Tyler woke the next morning to Rias beside him in his bed. He smiled and kissed her awake and she woke with a smile.

"YOU'VE wanted to do that since we met."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Tyler smiled as he held the beautiful redhead tightly.

"And NOW we'll have another chat."

Rias smirked.

"We already did. I'm your primary, Sophia is the first wife, Belfast isn't serious, nor is Satuski, and Erza. If it DOES get serious, YOU WILL TELL ME."

"Yes Rias. Akeno and Asia?"

"Akeno will most likely pounce on you. Asia too."

"Her an Armin?"

"Koneko asked Armin out and he went with it. Seems Asia's TOO sweet for him."

"I can see that. Asia's like that little sister you love to death. Kinda hard to imagine fuckin her."

"But YOU will."

HE kissed her.

"When WE get there."

Rias smiled as they got into a makeout session that again left them breathless. Tyer smiled as he and Rias got dressed and he geared up.

"we're attacking the fleet of Archon today."

She nodded as the busty redhead put her massive melons away under her shirt.

"Tjey'll think a dragon was coming for them."

"And to a point they're not wrong. A dragon IS coming for them."

The pair headed out and had breakfast with the queen before regrouping in the Meeting Hall. There Mina passed him a recording.

"we have eyes on the enemy fleet."

TYler smirked as he saw the ships.

"Ole ironsided battleships and ships of the line. They'll have no clue what the hell just happened. Mina, load first impact bomblets."

"Already did. And the Skytrain is ready for the witches."

"Alright. This will be a purely airbourne sortie. Load two more bombers."

Erwin smirked.

"We have four ready."

"Load in!"

The field beside Haven opened up to release the four bombers and the midair refueler. Tyler, Rias, Sophia and a giddy with excitement Soria climbed aboard the first B17. he princess clad in a tanktop and jeans with her red hair tied up in a ponytail as she looked around the intricate aircraft wideyed and gaping.

"Mother, we're inside a dragon!"

Tyler patted the adorable princess as he and Rias went to the chin.

"Alright people, mission's simple. Sinking an enemy fleet of ships. Aim bombs for middecks. Belfast is accompanying us and wehn we are over the water, we will deploy her."

The silver haired lady smiled as she sat by a door.

"And no. You do not need worry about me when I leap."

"I think Enterprise is jealous somwhere."

"The miss has done similar such reckless acts. I, however, know my limits."

"I sincerely hope so. Heartbreak 1 leads the formation. ALL planes and witches...LAUNCH!"

The catapults flung the immese war brigade into the air and Tyler smiled as soria's wonder turned to awe.

"Mother! We're FLYING!"

Sophia smiled as her girl sat beside her at the radio.

"It IS a rather strange feeling, dear."

Rias was in the bombsight and Tyler smiled as he looked out the plexiglass windshield of the chin turret.

"ALL planes, we are comfy on the ceiling. It's a two hour flight so enjoy."

Rias smirked.

"YOU are having a little too much fun with this."

He kissed her and she chuckled.


"I am."

"On the MISSION."

"Yes Rias."

Soria popped up between them now looking out at the passing ground curiously.


"we'll be building some smaller planes, soria. be more an happy to teach ya how to fly one a these."

She hugged him.


He hugged the princess fondly as they flew over towns, villages, and even a city or two with every citizen looking up in awe at the flying fortresses 12,000 feet above the ground. Tyler smiled as he panned the turrets around and Soria watched the land pass by. Rias was dozing in her turret as the rest of the crew enjoyed a pleasent flight to the sea. Tyler smiled as the two hours passed without issue and the Sea of Merlot came into view. The Jarl smirked as he spotted a mass of ships blockading a port city.

"Sophia, those Archon?"

The queen put binoculars to her eyes.

"They are. Seems my fleet has yet to arrive."

"ALL ships in the harbor are hostile?"

"They are."

"Alright. Ready bomb bays and deploy witches!"

Mina's witches were then seen leaping ut of the C47 skytrain with their strikers firing up. Then the eleven witches took up escort formation around the four bombers. Tyler smiled as Yoshkia took a spot beside the chin turret. Soria waved and the witch nodded with her own smile before refocusing. Tyler chuckled.

"Yoshkia's kinda of a force of nature on mission.:"

Rias smirked as she lifted her eyes from the bombsight.

"ALL ships marked."

"Alright, Rias. On the second gun. "

She smirked and took the grip of her own .50 cal as Tyler noted the shape of the port. They'd built into a horseshoe shaped crater bay with the entrance a mere three miles wide. Tyler smirked.

"Belfast, ready to drop."


"On my mark...5...4...3...2...1...MARK!"

Belfast stepped from the open door and dropped towards the surface of the ocean. Sophia watched this in horror and Tyler nudged her.

"Watch this."

She watched as Belfast hit the water....and there was a bright flash of light before a massive ship surged from the surface of the water. Tyler smiled.

"Belfast, engage."

Sophia had a new look of awe at the powerful cruiser sitting broadside in her bay.

"She can summon a SEA DRAGON?"

"Not exactly. But close."

Tyler returned to the chin turret as the enemy ships opened fire on Belfast with longarm cannons...only for their balls to BOUNCE off her steel forged hull. The shiplady's voice was heard on the comms.

"Their arms are not suffcient Tyler. I can take them."

"We'll make a point. Ready to drop!"

The bay doors opened on all the aircraft as the crew aboard the ships all watched in despair as the Flying Fortresses approached surrounded by flying girls in metal pants. Tyler smiled.

"No surivivors.....ALL BIRDS DROP!"

The sky whistled as the rain of bombs fell. And the explosions sent up waved as the wooden ship decks were pierced cleanly on impact and their powder reserves were set off. The results were every ship exploding like a grenade. A chain reactioon of explosions followed and Tyler turned to Belfast.

"Mop up any missed ships, Belfast. Open fire."

"All batteries commense bombardement."

MORE thunder as the formidable lady's 6 inch guns delivered a hail of rounds. Tyler watched from the chin turret as the fleet was decimated on the single pass.

"Witches search for survivors."


Tyler smiled as the bay doors closed and Belfast was seen standing at the prow of her ship waiting for pickup by the Witches. Mina's voice was heard after.

"Sir, report."

"How many, Mina?"

"ALL hands lost."

"Good. Pick up our girl, and we'll RTB."

"Yes sir!"

Belfast was carried from her ship and it disintegrated into cubes that merged with her body. This made the queen gasp.

"What is that magic, Tyler?"

He chuckled as Belfast was passed to him by Yoshkia.

"That's Belfast."

The lady smiled as she curtsied neatly.

"I am quite formidiable."

"NOOO that's another girl."

She chuckled.

"True. She would adore you."

Soria came over with a flushed face and a smile.

"I LIKED it when everything went boom!"

Belfast took the excited girl aside to calm her as Sophia looked out the tail at the pile of charred wood that had once been an enemy fleet in awe.

"THAT fleet was supposed to unsinkable.....and they're not even a HUNK of a ship left."

Tyler chuckled as he sat in the chin turret.

"we made our point. Try us, and we will obliterate you."

The queen shivered at the thought of such destructive power but smiled as Soria poked her head into the turret.

"Can i shoot a gun, Tyler?"

"Sure. Here."

She sat on his lap and he taught her how to turn the turret and aim. Then he aimed at the ground.

"Squeeze these levers here."

She did and a burst of 50 caliber rounds exploded from the barrel. The princess had wide eyes as she released the triggers.

"That thing is MEAN big brother!"

"Damn straight it is, lil sis. Them things will go RIGHT through Miho's Panzer."

"SCARRY! But cool!"

He hugged her and she smiled as rias chuckled.

"Didn't think you were good with kids, Tyler."

"Eh. It's Soria."

She blushed at that one and smiled.

"Thanks for teaching me."

"Sure. Next up is the bombs."

"I wanna blow something up!"

"You'll do just fine."

She giggled as the flight returned to Haven. The radio blipped as they made visual contact with the city.

"Ground control to Heartbreak 1. Tyler. Come on in, Tyler."

He chuckled as he took the crystal.

"Go for Heartbreak 1. Whaddya got Satuski?"

"We got 40 newbies reporting to the Meeting Hall."

"Roger. Anything we oughta know now?"

"MAtoi is pissed."

"OH damn there goes the town."

He chuckled and looked at Belfast.

"We got newbies."

She nodded.

"I am fresh."

"Alright. This is gonna be fun."

Tyler went to the bay door and poked his head out the thing looking at the approaching runway.

"Get the planes secured and ready for maintaince. Resupply spent bombs and bullets and ready for immediate redeployment."


The Flying Fortresses landed on the strip and were lowered into the Underworld for repairs and rearming as Tyler and the council headed to the Meeting Hall. Yoshkia smiled as she walked beside him.

"That last one was intense, Tyler."

"It'll only get more intense, Yoshkia."

"I'll check in at the Hospital. See how the Lamia are doing."

"Good. We'll send up a long range scout op later. See what the Archon's next play will be."

Mina looked at him.

"A direct assault is useless."

"Which is why they'll probably try a longer campaign out of our so called reach."

"And yet we can reach them anywhere."

"exactly. The Superfortresses have a range of 4100 miles on full payload."

Mina smiled.

"AND we can refit them for our strikers easily enough."

"With well over 15,000 pounds of bombs on the same plane."

"I got a report. They are progressing rapidly. And we have 5 built and ready to fly already."

"Good. I'd LIKE to move to jets but need to do some experimenting since jet fuel's a bit of a BITCH."

She chuckled.

"We are good for the time being."

"Miho wants T28s, Sturmtigers, and Maus."

"Oooof course she does. Which MEANS,"

"We'll build em for her."

"You spoil her."

"It's MIHO."

She chuckled as they reached the Meeting Hall. Tyler smirked and threw the doors open with a bang, making the occupants inside jump.


Rias snorted.

"Oh come on."

"What? I had to."

"Ugh come on."

Tyler walked through the group of 40 to take his seat on his bone throne and smiled.

"Welcome to HAven. My name is Jarl Tyler. I run this town."

He looked at the group of forty and noted a fair few interesting faces and looks as Satuski came over.

"Was the sorty a success?"

"All ships destroyed, all hands lost. Not a scratch."

"I am curious how they will respond to our show of might."

"ME too. For the time being we'll continue building."

She nodded and Tyler looked at the newcomers.

"Alright people we got a lot to go over. who'll be spokesmen?"

A tall boy in gilded armor with a crown on his head stepped forward. He was a handsome enough guy with brown hair and bright blue eyes and broadshoulders. His armor was golden ad trimmed with white while on his hip was a holy sword. The boy bowed before the Jarl and spoke in a polite, kind tone.

"Lord Jarl. I am Kouki Amoinogwawa. Where are we exactly?"

"A new world."

This made them blink and Kouki looked at him in surprise.

"we were summoned AGAIN?"

"I doubt it. YOU are batch 3. I was batch one....after I got shot to death in a school shooting, I woke up here."

THIS news made them gasp and Kouki gulped.

"Are we dead?"

"Dunno. Don't need to know."

Kouki shivered as he put that potential detail aside.

"What is to be our fate now, Lord Jarl?"

"Well. You're outworlders. KEEP THAT A SECRET. And you are more an welcome to live inj Haven."

Kouki smiled at this.

"We thank you. We-"

Tyler smirked.

"Hol up. BeFORE you go making any promises, Kouki, let me inform of the Laws of Haven. These LAws are NOT negotiable. You WILL follow them, or suffer accordingly."

Kouki bristled.

"And they ARE?"

"FIRST LAW OF HAVEN: Open your mouth deal with the consequences. Here, people are FULLY encouraged to beat the crap outta you if you start runnin your mouth."

He nodded with strain in his eyes.


"SECOND LAW OF HAVEN. You do not have to like each other. But you WILL respect each other. if you don't....I will MAKE you. These are YOUR townspeople too. Treat threm as anything less, an I'LL drag you to the Underworld myself."

Kouki shivered at that.

"Very well."

"THIRD LAW OF HAVEN. EVERYONE, pitches in. We BUILT this city with our bare hands and will continue to do so. No work. No food. In Haven we BUST our asses and we DAMN well will see you do the same. refuse and it's a night in the cage. This is YOUR town too. ACT LIKE IT."

Kouki had a new glare in his eyes now.

"And the weak and injured?"

"If you're hurt you're in the hospital until Yoshkia lets you out. If you're WEAK, you can sweep. NO one gets a free ride in HAven. Not even me."

"And the CAGE?"

Tyler smirked.

"Duty shirkers spend a night in the cage. No food, no water asides gettin splashed three times a day. Fight me again, an it's TWO nights in the cage. then three...and THEN you're kicked out."

Here another person got up.

"Permission to approach, lord Jarl?"

"Granted Major Tanya Decorachoff."

A short girl with blonde hair and BLAZING ice cold blue eyes in a military uniform stepped from a set of bleachers to march towards the throne. Tyler smiled as he took a wrappd bundle from Belfast. Tanya saluted the man on the throne as she spoke in a cold snap.

"Sir. I have two questions."

"Speak Major."

"Sir. Duty Shirkers. Are they merely those that refuse to help at all...or SLACKERS that do a halfassed job?"

Tyler smirked.

"BOTH. if someone halfasses their job, Haven suffers. By all means call em out."

She nodded.

"Will do. And my second."

"Think fast."

HE tossed her the bundle and she caught it cleanly.

"No mage of the Fatherland goes around without their weapon Major."

Tanya unwrapped the thing, and smirked as she hefted a submachine gun perfect for her size.

"NO they do NOT, Sir. YOU do know me."

"The Devil of the Rhine. How many a your dingdongs are here?"

"My elites....and ME."

"You are now enlisted Artillery mages under Commander Mina Lindibran of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing. We'll get your jewels set up and have your unit folded into hers."

"Yes sir! You can count on us."

"I freakin better. We're at war."

This news made the group blink and Tanya nodded as she slung her rifle on her back.

"I will report to Commander Mina immediately. IDIOTS. FORM UP!"

A line of uniformed soldiers appeared behind the tiny grl at full attention and Tyler looked at a lifting her eyebrow Belfast.

"FORGET what that girl looks like, Belfast. She is a MONSTER and that is coming from ME. In HER WORLD....she's a FEARED fighting mage. And another reincarnate like I am. In her FIRST life, she was a coldhearted middle manager that had been crawling his way up the ladder for YEARS...then got screwed by some punkass that pushed her in front of a train."

"Oh my."

"Yeah. Tanya Dechochoff is NOT some kid. She's a decorated military veteran and utterly freakin ruthless too. Which is WHY, she'll be with Mina. we have a full battalion in the sky."

Tanya approached Tyler.

"Sir, your orders?"

"Report to the Hanger in section B. There you'll find Mina and her witches debriefing our latest sortie. Tell her you're under orders from Heartbreak 1 to fold into her unit. Your computation jewels will be produced by the end a the day."

"Sir. we still have em."

She passed a round ruby like pendant over and tyler held the thing...and smirked.

"Oh I see what they did. it's another striker varient. Only this one feeds off the magic in the air AROUND it rather the one USING it. We'll rework it to be more efficent cause as it is? You'd be LUCKY to get 400 miles range on them."

Tanya smiled as she got the thing back.

"And our arms sir?"

"Put the order in to the Council and we'll get em produced. That said, we have an armory in the Underworld you can look over."

"Yes sir!"


He gave her a copy of the Haven map and the major marched her shaking men out of the hall. Rias smirked as the door shut.

"She scares you."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"Tanya is another of those I'd rather have my side....then be in her path. THAT girl is ABSOLUTELY ruthless....and is even more merciless then i am."

Erwin nodded.

"I saw the same look in her eyes as Levi when i first found him. Should I?"

"NO. Tanya doesn't need our help. She wants to claw her way up the ranks to a cushy life. So. we'll let her. That girl is at her absolute BEST when she has a pipedream."

Tyler looked at Kouki.

"And you're probably wondering how I knew her on sight. well. her story is famous. Along with a few others I know.....HERO OF HUMANITY."

Kouki blinked.

"You know my job in a new world?"

"Yeah. Belfast mark him. Idealist, naive, and self-righteous punkass. we are going to have NOTHING but problems with him. Mark my words."

Satuski nodded.

"I see it myself."

"So where the hell is Matoi?"

A snarky bark was heard from a girl lounging on the bleachers.

"Over here Jarl badass!"

Matoi was a spunky girl with short blue hair and blazing blue eyes set in a pasty skinned face. Her frame was rugged and she had a neon red stripe of hair on her forehead while her outfit was a blue and red sailor suit suspended above a skirt with neon red suspenders. a pair of blood red scissors were being spun lazily around her fingers and Tyler smirked.

"Bout time you showed up, Ryuko."

"Bite me."

"Sure get down here."

"I will beat yo ass."

"Well I'll PLANT yours."

Ryuko smirked as she looked at the jarl.

"This town's dangerous. I like it."

"YOU are to go to Fairytail. Ask for Erza....and call her Erzy."

"Why should I send your flirt?"

"Cause. I bet you don't have the BALLS to do it!"

"THAT freakin does it! I will be right back!"

She got up and MARCHED out. Tyler lost it laughng as the door shut.

"This is gonna be fuckin funny. Erza's gonna beat the crap out of her...and then they'll be sisters."

Satuski smirked.

"IF they don't destroy half the town."

"HA! 100 gold says Erza wrecks her."

"I'll take that. Matoi is STUBBORN."

Rias looked at Belfast.

"I THINK he just set her up to be killed."

"I fear so as well. Poor girl."

A dull BOOM was heard in the distance before Kirito poked his head in.

"Heeeey guys? A fight broke out at Fairytail.....and now there's smoke coming from the hall....do I go in with a tank?"

Tyler lost it laughing AGAIN.

"Go in a bucket o water, Kirito."

"Yeeeeah. What the hell did you do?"

"Set up Erza."

"You idiot!"

He left as another dull boom was heard and Satuski smiled.

"And we just destroyed the town."

Asuna slumped.

"Idiot. our leader is an IDIOT."

Belfast sighed as yet another boom was heard.

"I shall go deal with it."

She walked out as Ryuko was flung through the door covered in bruises yet wearing a smile as she surged off the floor.

"This chick is TOUGH! I love it!"

Erza was then seen with her own smirk as Ryuko charged.

"I admire your fire. And we will settle this anothr day."

Ryuko was planted on the floor and Tyler chuckled.

"The hall still standing Erza?"

The armored lady smirked.

"It is....and there is a giant hole in the wall. SHE hits HARD."

"She's Ryuko."

"I LIKE her. Oh."

She glared at Tyler now.

"She called me something. And I want to know where she learned it."


She HIT him in the FACE!

"NO. NO. no."

He laughed as she wrong her hand out.


Erza sighed and smiled.

"idiot. Come Ryuko, we'll get you a brand."

The two scrappers walked out chatting and Tyler chuckled.

"See? Sisters."

Erwin sighed.

"You are trying to get them to kill you."

"Nah. fuck with them yes. Yes I am."

He refocused on Kouki.

"Now. YOU. Your self-righteous bullshit has NO PLACE in Haven. Push it, and be held to our laws."

Kouki glared at him.

"You are a dictator."

"No. I am a JARL."

He sat down and this time a slender lady rose from the stands. she was the same height as Rias with short brown hair and a childlike image. Her skin was pale and she was dressed in a clean business suit with a modest bust and green eyes. she walked over and spoke in a soft yet firm tone to the Jarl.

"Lord Jarl. my name is Aiko. I am the teacher to Kouki's class. You are at war, correct?"

He nodded.

"we are. The Archon attacked the Queendom. And if you look at the map."

He tapped the map beside him.

"You'll see why Haven was dragged into it."

She looked.

"You are are a border town."

"We are. And Haven is ALSO a haven for those that have never had one."

"A beautiful thought."

"Thanks we work at it. Now bare in mind. BOTH the Archon and the Kingdom of Malchia are slave countries. The QUEENDOM is NOT. And so slave raiders have attacked the surrounding area several times."

The teacher looked at him in horror.

"And what did you do to HELP those poor souls?"

Tyler smiled.

"we did what we could. And all three villages are now safely within Haven's walls."

"Thank god. and the ones inside the countries?"

"At the moment there is nothing we can do for them. we are focusing on the war in front of us and defending Haven. Once we are in a better position we might be able to do something."

Aiko nodded.

"I heard the engines of a plane, Lord Jarl."

"Haven has lots a things other people don't. If you'd follow me, I'll give ya the grand tour."

Aiko smiled at this.

"A splendid idea. I am curious to properly see our new town."

"Oh real quick, you stil have all your Farmer abilities, right?"

"Yup! I do!"

"Cool. You'll be assigned the task of looking over our crops."

"Sure. And my students?"

"eh. we'll split em up accordingly. A point. Town guard is mandatory for all citizens. MILITARY is voluntary."

She blinked.

"You force them to be in the town guard?"

He nodded.

"And to undergo the same self-defense and weapons training as the Military. NO ONE, is helpless inside Haven. NO ONE is unable to help when they are needed most. If you got a problem with defending the ones you say you care for, LEAVE."

Aiko shivered under the force of THAT speech. While Kouki looked at him.

"And the ones too weak to fight?"

"Improvise. Unless you can't get out of bed or are a newborn, you ARE going to be trained."

"And you call yourself a JUST. RULER?"

Tyler smirked.

"Okay. I'll give you the same scenario I gave the princess. Say your dear sister is being raped by another person, what are you gonna do, Kouki? Just stand there?"

Kouki glared.

"I'd save her!"

"Okay. Soooo you have a problem with those learning HOW to save her?"

This one made him grit his teeth as his own words were twisted around. Tyler smiled.

"Yeah. YOU'RE gonna need to grow up kid. Or. Exile. Up to you. Anyway. Come on. I'll show ya round."

Tyler got up and led the group out of the Meeting Hall as Miho rattled by in her Panzer Iv with a full patrol. She waved as the friendly girl spotted Tyler.

"We'll heading north this time!"

"watch your ass Miho!"

"Soria's second tank commander!"

"Atta girl!"

The rattling tanks rolled out the gate and Aiko looked at him in awe.

"You have TANKS?"

"Yup. Hey fun fact? Soria? Is the SECOND PRINCESS of the QUEENDOM. And I am marrying the queen."


"You're the KING?"

"Nope. Sophia's marrying me to prevent hostilities between Haven and the rest of the Queendom. I'll show you why."

He led the group to a section of open ground and opened a hatch in the ground.

"Drop in."

Rias smacked him.

"Seriously. YOUR jokes SUCK."

"Love you too, Rias."


Tyler dropped into the hatch and the rest followed suit. The hanger was pitch black as the group all looked around...and Tyler snapped his fingers. A series of lights turned on to illuminate the mile long hanger filled with B17 Flying Fortresses, Avro Lancasters, B-29 SuperFortresses, and B-24 Liberators. There was a mass of gasps at the iconic birds and Tyler smiled as he looked at a stunned Aiko.

"We've only been inworld....20 days. Let that sink in."

She looked at him in awe.

"20 days to build all this?"

"Like I said. BUST your ass."

"Oh my god....wait."

"See it? we have access to military the rest of the world just DOESN'T."

Tyler looked at his air fleet.

"We can reach ANYWHERE in 4,000 miles and deliver strategic bombing runs. We have every plane in this hanger fully supplied and fully stocked with ordinance. I give the word, ALL of them will scramble in under ten minutes."

Aiko looked at the metal birds.

"I wish we'd had you in our summon."

"HA. Oh?"

The hanger doors opened to allow the Dc47 scout to land on the runway and Tyler smiled.

"Good. Our scout just returned."

Kouki looked at him.

"You have this kind of power....and have NOT rescued those slaves in the other countries?"

"Kouki. I know your mind is too small for this, but we're a single town. We attack another country unprovoked, the ENTIRE world would come after us. And we wouldn't win that fight. NOT yet. So until the day we can poke them into attacking US first, we leave it be."

Aiko sighed.

"I wish we could help them, Tyler."

"We can. We'll be buying our own slaves from their trains and releasing them into Haven. it won;t be MUCH, but it's a step in the right direction. we've been fighting every slave raiding party we encounter. Sooner or later, they'll attack us directly. When they DO, we drop the sky on em."

She nodded.

"I suppose that wil have to do for now."

Tyler smiled as Vesta came up.

"Lord Jarl!"

"What's it look like up there, Vesta?"

"Sir! A fresh force has mobilized with Gimlick the staging ground! 150,000 men!"

"THAT many? Okay. Summon the council for an immediate sortie preperation. YOU rest and prepare for another assualt."


The Dragul ran off and Tyler looked at he rest.

"Sorry people, tour's over. i got a war on. We'll be launching another sortie in the morning. So sleep well."

Tyler climbed the ladder and the rest followed. The Jarl returned to the Meeting Hall where Tanya was waiting with Mina. The blonde girl smirked as he walked in.

"Mina's a DAMN good commander, Lord Jarl."

"She's on the council for a fuckin reason Tanya."

"I can tell. So I saw the scout."

Tyler put the new crystal up and the mass made them blink. Mina frowned.

"THAT many so damn soon? HOW?"

Tyler sighed.

"Because it's a medieval world. Information travels a lot slower here. They have no idea the first two forces were oblierated. THAT, and it was meant to be a THREE prong assault. One attacks Haven, one the sea, the other the Queendom directly. Sophia."

The queen walked over.


"That city is housing hostile forces."

She nodded.

"I am aware. I contacted Maeria demanding an explaination and she merely told me to kneel before the new queen."

Tyler nodded.

"Any civilains inside the city?"

She sighed.

"No. The loyalists were rounded up by the defectors and executed as offering to Hanahein."

"That entire city is empty of noncombatants?"

"Yes. On my crown it is. What is your plan?"

Tyler nodded.

"A full scale bombing campaign. We launch ALL our Flying Fortresses, Liberators, and SuperFortresses with Miho's tank brigade, Tanya's MAges and Mina's witches. We'll do four passes over the city emptying bomb bays. Done right, we'll FLATTEN that city."

Sophia shivered.

"Your people's war is terrifying, that destroying a city is a mere day operation. Approved. I want my city cleansed."

"It will be. Tanya."

"Sir! ALL Artillery spells responding and at full strength!"

"Good. Prepare for a midair deployment at 30,000 feet. Mina, you too."

They nodded and Tanya smirked.

"We'll make Haven proud."

"Good. Operation begins in the morning. Rest of the day is battle prep and resupply."

They nodded and Belfast smiled.

"There is a sizable lake in range for Unicorn's fighters and MY cannons, Tyler."

"Good. We'll do another halo insertion. Unicorn can strut her stuff for Miho."

They chuckled and Asuna smiled.

"This started as a fantasy world...NOW it's world war 2."

Tyler chuckled.

"And I lit that fuse myself. Alright. Dismiss."

Tanya looked at him.

"Timetable for the operation?"

"We launch in the morning and will be wrapped up by noon. Best case. WORST CASE, we have PLENTY of backup aces not a SOUL outside this room knows about, Tanya. ALL can be deployed at the drop of a hat."

The blonde soldier smirked as she nodded.

"The Fatherland could learn a thing or two from you on how to run a campaign. We'll be ready."

Mina passed Tyler a paper.

"It;s ready."

The Jarl smirked as he looked at the paper.

"Good. Load THAT too."

Hestia lifted an eyebrow.


Tyler looked at her.

"Freya. Apollo. Hermes. DO I continue?"

The twin tailed goddess matched the Jarl's lifted eyebrow.

"We are NOT IN MY WORLD, Tyler. We-"

"Are in OURS."

Only for the hard voice of the tall teenager to cut her off. Tyler looked at the map of the thus far world and sighed as he pointed at Haven.

"For FUCKS sake, lady, LOOK AT THE MAP. Haven is a STILL a tiny DOT surrounded on all sides by enemies. The QUEENDOM aside. We NEED something like a nuke. ACCEPT IT. WE. NEED. A TRUMP CARD. Something that makes even the STRONGEST of enemies...HESITATE. We've been over this."

Rias looked at him with her own lifted eyebrow now.

"We HAVE...and I THOUGHT we'd agreed we would NOT cower behind YOUR power. TYLER."

Belfast nodded as she looked at the sighin Jarl.

"We had indeed agreed on this matter, Tyler. Are you SUGGESTING you have DEVELOPEED such a weapon....in SECRET?"

TYler smirked now and looked at the questioning maid with a dark light in his eyes.

"There ARE many secrets in this town. And shadows that run DEEPER then even the Council knows. And it WILL stay that way."

Tanya was heard chuckling now as she looked at him.

"Clever. If WE don't know what we have....there is NO WAY anyone outside these walls will."

Sophia reminded everyone she was present as well now.

"These...NUKES....you speak of, what are they? Exactly, Goddess Hestia?"

Hestia sighed as she looked at the now VERY on edge queen.

"They're weapons of immense power and destruction, Sophia. A single nuke the size of a pony can obiliterate your ENTIRE CAPITAL CITY in a flash of light. And they can be dropped from the planes."

"OH my gods."

Tyler chuckled at her new terror.

"Oh that's nothing. One I'd build is the MIRV varient. Each missile would fire a mass of about 30 seperate warheads at thirty different targets. And their range would be ABOUT 36,000 miles with pinpoint accuracy when they got there."

Sophia shuddered as she pictured it.

"You can destroy the world with such power."

Tyler nodded as he looked back at the map.

"I could. Which is the ENTIRE point. There ARE creatures in this world JUST as powerful as a 500 megaton nuclear warhead. And WE need to be able to COUNTER them on a dime. And we need something to give the world pause. ALl we have is a few bullets, metal wagons, and metal dragons. When all is said and done, they are NOT that impressive. ESPECIALLY once this world adapts. We have GOT to stay one step.....huh."

Tyler had been slowly looking each member of his council in the eye as he spoke before his gaze landed on Rias....and the redhead lifted an eyebrow at the flash of idea in the Jarl's gaze.

"Tyler? WHAT just clicked?"

Tyler had a thoughtful frown on his face as he looked at the map now.

"Just.....an echo. I'mma be honest here. It's not NUKES I'm after per se...more their inworld equalvalent. Or SOMETHING of equal power. Our HUDS are one such power we can deploy on a dime....but it's a one off. We can keep building planes and bombs, and bullets, but that just seems like a shortterm solution to a long term problem if that makes any sense."

Satuski nodded as she looked at him.

"It does. Our weapons are not overly complicated nor are they hard to replicate. I have reviewed our strengths and weaknesses and it is my conclusion we are HIDEOUSLY underequipped for a longterm campaign if it came for us. We are extremely vulnerable to lightning and blitzkreig attacks. Haven could be overrun in a DAY if a sizeable force were to appear outside our gates."

Mina sighed as she crossed her arms now.

"So THAT'S why you stressed self defense and long range scouting so hard. Said aloud we are indeed vulnerable. If a similarly equipped force to ours appears with no warning, we're screwed."

Erwin crossed his arms as he looked at Tyler.

"Your idea, Tyler?"

The teenager crossed his arms now.

"Rias gave me an idea. More accurately....Issei did. Issei has a dragon emperor inside of him. His name's Drake...and he is next to a god in power. My idea....was to see if I can get a DRAGON FAVOR off him. Drake I mean. We're in a new world, and since we know dragons exist here, it is NOT that much of a stretch to assume Drake's presence has been detected."

Hestia frowned now.

"You're not.....considering a MERGE are you, Tyler?"

"It's an option. If I were to merge with a dragon soul, or a demon soul even, my power would EXPLODE since it would hit MY will and heart. KA-BOOM."

Rias frowned.

"Tyler, i am SURE you are aware of the risks of attempting to merge souls like that."

The Jarl nodded.

"If the merge is not a match, I die. If I can't contain the power, I die in a boom, or whatever."

Belfast had a frown as she looked at the rubbing her eyebrows Rias.

"Dear? WHAT exactly is he proposing?"

Rias sighed.

"He's basically considering merging his entire being with that of another. Issei was possessed by Drake in my world."

"I have viewed your show, dear. I see."

Rias nodded.

"THAT is EXACTLY what he is considering....only he'd have to FORCE the dragon to submit to him."

She glared at Tyler now.

"WHY did you mention a DEMON, Tyler?"

He shrugged.

"I can summon an archdemon at the drop of a hat. And no. I don't need YOU to help me do it. I chose those two, Dragon or Demon, as I understand them most."

Sophia sighed.

"Such a thing IS possible, Tyler. But it HAS to be voluntary on the part of the dragon soul or the demon soul. And you HAVE to possess the affinity BEFOREHAND or it'll just kill you. Are you THAT willing to risk your life over a near impossibility?"


EVERYONE looked at him for his reflex reply and he chuckled.

"It'll work."

Hestia lifted an eyebrow.

"HOW are YOU so certain, Tyler?"

"Cause I got shot to death in my classroom and instead of going to HELL I woke in the grass next to HER."

He jabbed a thumb at the stunned Rias.

"I've ALREADY done something that PROVEN to be impossible, Hestia. This? It'll just a bigger pain in the ass."

"Excuse me."

He looked over at Belfast's mild noise curiously....only to see the silver haired maid wearing a smile of irritation on her face.

"What's up?"

"Dear.....have you holding out information on our current wherabouts?"


Rias had a dark look in her blue eyes at his visible confusion.

"YOU were SHOT TO DEATH? And didn't TELL US?"

TYler blinked at this.

"Ummmmm....I THOUGHT I did. I didn't?"

Asuna sighed deeply now.

"NO you DIDN'T. So you were KILLED?"

Mina had a new look of shiver on her face at the implications.

"YOU thought we KNEW already, Tyler? And EXPLAIN. EVERYTHING."

Tyler was still visibly confused by their ignorance of his origins....

"Um.....okay. Look you SURE I didn't tell you? I coulda sworn I....OOOOOOH. I told KIRITO back when we were still dropping trees....oooooh."

Asuna blinked at this revelation as the council all looked at her.

"And since you two were leading the work party it got COMPLETELY forgotten. Okay. He does that sometimes."

Tyler retold the tale of his death to the council and Rias sighed as he finished.

"Okay. So we may or may not be in the afterlife. Tyler? We're done. The MEETING I mean. We have far too much to do tomorrow for anything else this heavy. We'll level the city, and return. ALL of us go home. Go to BED and we'll pick this back up in two days."

Belfast nodded with a smile.

"I second this motion dear. A VERY wise suggestion."

The heads nodded and Sophia sighed.

"I will away as well. We have much to do over the next few days and much more to consider."

Tyler nodded with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry I forgot to tell everyone. THIS one I kinda forgot was a thing for the longest time. We'll pick this up after the-"

A loud knock was heard on the meeting hall door and Kirito poked his head in.

"Hey guys? A bunch of drunken idiots were just caught assaulting a few of the angel girls....and smashed their whistles."

The council blinked and Tyler had a new look of VERY scary calm pn his face at this.

"Who are they, Kirito?"

The boy in black sighed.

"ALl noblemen, Tyler. Ten of them."

"Alright. BRING THEM TO ME. Yoshkia?"

"She has the girls at the hospital.....and an angry mob is about to form."

Sophia sighed at the news.


"I'll deal with this one. Assemble the town. NOW."

The meeting was adjourned and the town was indeed summoned. Tyler had a new look of thunder on his face as he took his seat on the throne of bones as Kirito, a VERY pissed off Erza, and a few other of the more angry members of the town were seen dragging in a bunch of indignantly ranting men in chains. The Jarl noted Kouki had a new look of outrage at the accused treatment and the teenager glared at him.

"YOU will bare witness to HAven's justice. Do NOT interfere or it'll be YOUR ass in the chains. Kirito."

The Black Swordsmen shoved the first man forward.

"This one is the first. Lord Hander. Owns a railyard and is also a prominent member of the Queen's Court. We have PROOF."

The man in chains smirked as Kirito passed a crystal to Tyler.

"Kid unless you wish to start a war between Mercia and your hovel-"

Tyler looked at the recording of the five men having their way with a set of screaming golden angel girls that could not have been older then fifteen. The Jarl had JET. BLACK. eyes as he looked at the now shaking man in chains.

"I see I now know what our next set of enchantements will be. Glimmer. YOUR people are to raise ANTIMAGIC barriers over the city. NO SPELLS BUT OUR OWN ARE ALLOWED."

The leader of the Golden Angels nodded as her 6 wings flapped.

"It will be down, Lord Jarl. And the girls are okay thank teh feather."

"This will NEVER happen again. Guilt is confirmed."

TYler rose from his chair and everyone was on edge by the fact his eyes were jet black. Even the whites of his eyes had turned a deep black as he spoke in a voice of iron to the uneasy men in chains.

"I BUILT this city to be a haven to those that had never had one or known what a haven was. With gates open to all that seek safety and peace. YOU bastards have VIOLATED this wish. NOW you will learn FIRST HAND what the OPPOSITE of a HAVEN is...."

A snapping sound was heard and Tyler flicked his now bleeding hand onto a conspiciously open section of stone by his feet. Instantly a red glowing circle appeared and Rias gasped.

"OH SHIT. He's summoning a DEMON!"


Tyler smirked and that smirk was PURRRRRRRE EVIL as an ice cold wing flowed through the meeting hall.

"I WARNED you. If you wanna be a monster, I'll introduce you to a DEMON. THIS time it's not me. ARISE.....VILELIA."

A dark, seductive, EVIL chuckle was heard from the circle before a feminine form rose enshrouded in a blood mist.

"It has been too long, my dear master."

Tyler chuckled as the 7 foot creature landed on surprisingly soft looking feet before the reaching for weapons town.

"Same here, Vile. I got presents."

Vilelia was an imposing beauty. She stood at 7 feet tall with a lithe figure and blood red skin. Her features were delicate while her hair was blacker then the deepest jet. On her back were a pair of 10 foot wide leathery wings and she was naked. Her bust was massive on her chest while her core wasd bald and dripping. Out of her rear grew a 10 foot snake-like tail that swished hypnotically. Tyler smiled as he looked at the diabolical beauty.

"Oh yeah. Know her?"

He jabbed a thumb at a smirking Rias and Vilelia blinked.

"My PRINCESS? HERE? My apologies."

Rias chuckled as the demon knelt before her.

"It's good to see you again, Vila. Mind explaining HOW you know my new boyfriend?"

Vile blinked.

"NEW BOYFRIEND? This is news. What has happened to Issei?"

Rias sighed as she used a ball of her power to explain....and Vilelia hugged her.

"My sympathies dear. Your mother will be along for her own hug."

The redheaded devilgirl smiled.

"Thanks Vila. Tyler still has a few secerts yet...and THIS one I am not that surprised by. And he is the better boy."

"Ha. OH I KNOW. I'll give MY salacious details later my dear."

Belfast poked er redheaded friend.

"Rias, dear, would you care to explain to we nonhellspawn?"

Rias chuckled.

"Vilelia is an archduke of retribution. Basically she's a living embodiment of revenge, repayment, and getting even. Her power is sigificant, but her ranking is under my own. She IS a noble of hell though."

Tyler chuckled as he patted the back of the red skinned demoness.

"I summoned her for a school project back in my old world. I found her ritual by accident when I got neck deep into the internet....and she responded. She tried to possess me twice annnd the third time we were best friends. She's KINDA been my go to for evil revenge for quite a few years now."

Vilelia chuckled as she patted the Jarl.

"He is SUCH an ADORABLE human child, Lady Rias. Even IF he is a SCARY one when pissed. So what did you summon me for this time, Tyler?"

Tyler smiled as he jabbed a thumb at the screaming and trying to escape rapists.

"Oh just a bunch of rapists. YOU can yhave them while tey yet live."

Vilelia kissed him with a smile.

"Aww you're so good to your servent, MAster! I LOVE fresh pets! Any requests?"

"Yeah. They are not ALLOWED to enter the void OR EVER be released."

"OOOH you REALLY don't like them! I can do that!"

Tyler smiled as his eyes lost their jet black color and returned to their usual light brown hue as the ten condemned were dragged screaming into the ground. Then the Jarl rose to his full height to face the stunned townspeople.

"Let this be your ONLY. WARNING. if you cross a line, there is NO TRIAL. NO QUESTIONS. NO MERCY. You will SUFFER for the rest of time and NO GOD will rescue you. Like i keep telling you. If you fuck with Haven, I WILL drag you to HELL. IF YOU WANNA BE A MONSTER, I'LL SHOW YOU A DEMON. Vilelia is only ONE demon I know of. I have the ability to summon several THOUSAND others of EQUAL OR GREATER power. All depends on how much you piss me off."

TYler looked at the trembling in rage Kouki.

"So, Kouki. Consider this your last warning. Cut with the goody two shoes preacher bullshit....or I will BREAK IT from you. Ah. Nope. Shut up. I don't care. COWARDS don't GET a say in MY town. Any other questions you wanna ask?"

Tanya stood now and faced the man.

"Just a question for the council, Lord jarl."

He looked at the small blonde.

"I think I read your mind. We'll talk it over at the next meeting. Vielia is a BITCH to summon at the best a times."

She nodded.



The town returned to their homes as Yoshkia came up.

"Sir. The angels are recovering and their injuries were minor. They'll be fine. I've got Asia and a few of the town that have been through teh same ordeal keeping them company tonight."

Tyler nodded at the shrewd move.

"Good idea. YOU get to bed Yoshkia. That's an order. We got a long day tomorrow and I want you at your very BEST."

"Yes sir!"


Rias smiled at the interaction as the pair returned to their longhall.

"YOU sure slipped into the Military mindset, Tyler. And I got a LOTTA questions for you."

He smiled at his girlfriend as they walked in their home.

"I'll answer a few. KINDA tired myself."

"Fair.....and NO we are NOT showering together yet."

"You'd get your hair done."

"...Dammit I REALLY want that. Ugh."

She slumped at the bribe as Sophia smiled as she walked up behind them.

"I'll assist you Rias. Tyler? I too have a myriad of questions for you at a later date. anmely involving you and Tanya's plans."

Tyler smirked.

"She wants to discuss the idea of routine demon summons and the idea of me teaching the council how to summon demons as easily as I just did."

"Oh gods."


He looked at the understandibly on edge queen.

"She DOES raise a POINT. But, demons and their kin are NEVER to be take lightly. I can summon Vileia so easily because she's my familar. In my world I bound her to my blood but since my world doesn't have magic, it was in name only. HERE she is BOUND to my will. So the cost of summon is a lot less."

Rias crossed her arms now as she considered the idea.

"A demon on speeddial like that WOULD go a long way to giving us the edge you're looking for, Tyler. We'll talk as Vilia's power is VERY narrow and focused."

"Sure. Sophia?"

"I have her dear."

The trio cleaned up in the longhall inhome baths and Sophia went to her room while Tyler and Rias went to theirs. Though once the door shut and they were alone....Tyler collasped onto the bed panting with a haggerd appearance. Rias nodded as she sat beside the weakened man.

"I KNEW it. There is NO WAY summoning her was THAT easy. I gotchya."

He smiled as he panted.

"Love you too, Rias."

She smiled as she hugged him...and passed him a glass vial.

"Vitality potion. One of the herbalist's creations."

"I love you too."

He drank the potion and felt immensely better before Rias rested her head on his shoulder.

"So you were killed."

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I thought I'd told you."

"It's fine. Though it DOES kinda fit with all that's happened. Especially with Issei's mess."

She sighed and Tyler kissed her lovingly and it made her smile.

"I love you too. And we'll FLATTEN that city."

"We will. And."

He leaned in her ear and she shivered from the breath on her neck.

"Promise me you'll never reveal a word of what I'm about to tell you."

"I swear by my blood."

"We already HAVE a nuke."

She blinked and looked at him in shock.

"How big?"

He smirked in the darkness of the room.

"It's right here."

He lifted a small orb the size of his palm.

"Makorov loaned us the use of his Fairy Law. Mina and a few of the angels already figured out how to crystralize it into a solid object like a grenade. if we pack this into a ballistic missle, bam. Bootleg ICBM that does NOT target friendlies. It took close to 4 days to produce....and we have three more."

Rias nodded as she looked at the glowing gem.

"I will keep my word....so long as you tell me who EXACTLY you're keeping this from."

"Hestia, Belfast, Sophia, and that's IT. Everyone else just doesn't need to know. Tanya, Mina, and FOUR angels know these exist. And the angels were given promise spells to prevent a leak."

The busty redhead nodded gravely.

"A backup plan NOBODY knows we have. And tehy WERE your biggest decriers."

"Sometimes, that's just how it is. I trust them with my life. But I CANNOT, leave such a powerful weapon on the sidelines like this. And I CANNOT risk the lives of the people I lead in such a unnessecary manner."

Rias sighed as the orb was placed inside a secret panel on the wall.

"I understand. Issei was MY nuke. And I will keep my word."

"I love you too, Rias."

She smiled as the pair cuddled up in the bed together.

"I'll be sure to be on my best tomorrow."

He kissed her lovingly.

"You always are. Good night, Rias. I love you."

"Good night, Tyler. I love you too."


DAY 20



Tyler woke the enxt morning to see he'd buried his face into Rias' massive breasts and wrapped his arms around her back. He smiled at the feeling of her soft cleavage and she smiled as he kissed her awake.

"I love you too....and that was comfy."

"Well then."

He shoved his face back into her rack.

"There ya go!"

She laughed and hugged her boyfriend tightly as the pair enjoyed the moment. Then she sighed with a fond smile.

"Come on you idiot. We have a city to flatten."

"Love you too, Rias."

He kissed her again and the pair took turns showering before having breakfast with Sophia. The redheaded queen smiled as the pair joined her.

"Good morning you two. Today we are destroying Gimlick?"

Tyler nodded as he sipped some coffee.

"We are. Are you flying with us again?"

The queen nodded gravely.

"Indeed. Soria will be with Miho's tank brigade as she would have it no other way. When the Queendom defends itself, it is our progrative as their rulers to bear witness."

Tyler nodded and looked at Rias...who smiled.

"I'm ready."

"I needed to hear it. Alright. We'll eat breakfast and yeah."

The ladies nodded and once fed Tyler loaded his rifle and headed up onto the walls. HAven was covered in another morning dew that added a rather mesmirizing effect to it's white walls and metal mortar that added a silver hexagonial effect. He smiled as he saw the awakening town as he did his usual lone patrol of the walls. Once that as done he went to the meeting hall where the refreshed council was waiting for him. Belfast smiled as he walked in.

"Good morning, Tyler."

"Mornin Belfast. We set?"

The silver haired beauty nodded.

"We are. And in te depths of my own exertion I realized I made a mistake. You HAVE told us of your...previous fate. Albiet in passing and minor jests that I thought were merely your attempts at point making."

Mina nodded with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry for the suspicion. Now."

She pointed to the board used for planning and tapped the city of Gimlick.

"All bombers are fueled and awaiting orders, Tyler. We have the ordanace for 4 full runs standing by in the hanger."

Tyler nodded.

"Let's get this done sooner then later. All hands, LOAD IN! Wheels up in ten!"

"Yes sir!"

Hestia pulled him aside as the town scurried to their positions.

"I just want you to know I AM aware of the backup plan."

Tyler looked at the twin tailed goddess and she sighed.

"The gods here are very vigilant. And they told me. The fact you're keeping it a secret from THEM and ME means you are saving it for a last ditch defense. And I'm saying I'm okay with that."

He smiled.

"Thanks Hestia."

She smiled warmly.

"I understand. Really I do. Now get out there and make a mess!"

"Yes my goddess."

"Hey do that to RIAS! NOT ME!"

He chuckled at her redfaced fury and headed to where Rias was waiting. Teh redheaded devil girl smirked as he caught up to her.

"Seems we were ratted out."

Tyler sighed as he took her hand.

"Ya can't keep a secret in this damned town anymore. And yeah."

"Makes sense. And we'll be fine."

He kissed her before the pair climbed into the hatch.

"We will. I;m not too worried."

Once in the hanger, the Jarl and his girlfriend climbed into the front most Flying Fortress and Tyler took the spot in the chin turret while Rias took the bombedeer sight. The Jarl smiled as he tapped his comms.

"Heartbreak 1 ready for take off. Miho?"

The squeaky voice of the cutie in a tank made them smile.

"Goosefish 1 to ten ready, sir! We are on route and will arrive at baseline Seria in two hours."


The hanger doors opened with a rumble before the nearly 40 plane strong squadron was catapulted into the sky with Tyler's in the lead. The Jarl smiled as the planes took up a box formation with HeartBreak 1 in the lead.

"All callsigns we are cozy on the ceiling. ETA to AO is two hours. Strap in and get comfy."

Sophia smiled from her spot at the radio.

"This is still an amazing feeling."

TYler smirked as he looked at his redheaded WIFE.

"Wait'll you fly in a twin seater. Then you REALLY feel flying."

"I'm excited."

Rias smirked as she poked her boyfriend with her foot from the sight...and he laid beside her.


"Love you too, Rias."

She smiled and Sophia sighed as she sat back.

"Yeah. NO question there who the favorite is."

TYler chuckled at that one as he got comfy in the chin turret looking at the ground. Rias smiled as well from beside him as the mass of planes took up a box formation with Heartbreak 1 at the fore. Sophia smiled as she watched the land blow by in a window....and chuckled at the awestruck expressions on the faces of her people at the squadron passing by.

"I like flying in these things."

The Jarl smiled at that one.

"So do we. Oh there's an idea."

The plane crew chuckled and Rias smirked.

"New plane?"

"Douglas SBD Dauntless."

"....I am a devil. Not a military expert."

"Love you too. It's a divebomber."

"Ooooh. Okay."

Belfast smiled as she added her two cents.

"Lady Enterprise's interceptor of choice. And a VERY capable warplane."

Tyler nodded as the enchanted windshield of the turret pinged on the town of Gimlick in the distance.

"I got a few more planes our home can make use of. For now though, eyes on target location. Range 30,000 and closing. All escorts ready for midair deployments. Shipbeauties, ready to drop anchor."

Belfast smirked as she took her spot beside her drop door.

"Careful dear. Lest you cross a line with the verbal play."

"Ha....oh wait a minute. Wales came right?"

The silver haired beauty nodded, mildly confused.

"Yes she did. Did you require her?"

Tyler chuckled.

"I just forgot we had a full battleship in the wings. Hey when Hood shows up lemee know."

"I most certainly will."

Rias smirked.


"My favorite warship from England during the second world war for no real good reason."

"Oh...you're the WIERD history buff aren't you?"

"PRETTY much."

Tyler looked back into his sight,

"RAnge to target 20,000. All escorts drop and take box formation."

Mina and Tanya's voices were heard on the coms now.

"All Witches launch!"

"301st MAge wing...DROP!"

Close to 45 shapes were seen leaping from several of the high range bombers before taking up escort formations around the extremely intimidating squadron. Tyler smiled as he saw Tanya at Mina's right flank.

"THAT is a SCARY sight. Belfast, Unicorn, ready to drop. Approaching lake."

The silver haired beauty nodded as an adorable purple haired cutie stood beside her.

"Crusier Belfast and Aircraft Carrier Unicorn in position. Ready to deploy."

"On my mark....3....2....1....MARK! DROP!"

Belfast stepped from the plane and Unicorn followed. Albiet with a loud,


As she fell towards the large lake below. Tyler smiled as the city og Gimlick was focused on.

"All callsigns arm bombs and open bay doors. Bombadiers, ready sights. Gunners keep sharp. It's about to get bumpy."

A loud groaning was heard from the numerous bombers readying bays while on the ground legions of horns went up in alarm at the mass of steel dragons approaching....and Tyler smiled as he saw several thousand wyvern knights rise from the city in an attempt to defend,

"Al escorts, we got bogeys inbound. Defend the bombers. Artillery spells are cleared hot. Open the dor Tanya."

"ROGER! Alright. Light em up."

A mass of gunfire rang out before immense explosions rocked the city from the powerful artillery spells of the mages....while Mina and her witches made the sky rain bullets and dead wyvern knights. Tyler nodded as he saw the carnage,

"Ready to drop."

Rias smiled as she set her eyes to the bombsight.


"On MY mark....THREE....TWO...1...MARK! DROP DROP DROP!"

LIke a hellish hail, thousands of tons of bombs fell from the planes to cause devestation on the helpless city below. Entire buildings were destroyed by single hits, blocks reduced to rubble from thousand pound bombs impacting and screams werte heard from the hostile invaders being blown intop pieces. Tyler smiled as he swiveled his chin turret around to watch the carnage.

"Alright. Swing around and RTB for resupply. Four full passes and we'll send in the tanks for cleanup. MINA! Mana check!"

The Strike Witch was heard on thye comms over the residual explosions and gunfire.

"Holding steady at half sir! Can continue battle!"


"Sir! HAlf and 3 quarters ammo!"

"Resupply on the birds. NO solo sorties without support ladies and other. RTB."


Rias smirked as she looked at the smiling Jarl.

"Okay. THAT was cool."

Tyler chuckled as he panned his turret around.


The planes jerked to the side as an IMMENSE red shape was seen barreling towards then at a frightening pace...and Tyler growled as he felt the temperature start to increase.


"Unicorn, ENGAGE!"

The surface of the lake exploded now and the steel aircraft carrier Unicorn appeared with Belfast's cruiser in defensive position.

"Began antiaircraft fire! Aim for the chest!"


A whirr of engines was heard before nearly 30 Supermarine Spitfires were seen lifting off Unicorn's flightdeck under the cover of Belfast's powerful anti aircraft fire. The dragon was seen to instantly tilt on it's massive wings to avoid the hail of lethal lead.....just before Unicorn's powerful interceptors arrived with their own machien guns. Tyler smiled as he saw the bullets punching through the scales of the nearly 300 foot long beast.

"No WAY am I missin out on THIS fight."

The Jarl darted from the turret and leapt from the door of the plane....as Rias watched with a smirk on her face.

"I KNEW it."

TYler dove towards the ground with a smirk as he tapped an emble on his wrist.


A pair of jet black engines not unlike SR-71 blackbird engines appeared on his legs while in his arms appeared an M134 minigun hooked to a crystal containing the ammunition. The Jarl flipped on his height to explode towards the dragon as it drew in a massive breath...

"Oh no you don't."

The minigun spun up....and a new hail of powerful ammunition TORE into the throat of the immense beast. The dragon was then seen to choke on it's own flame breath from the sudden barage of holes in it's throat.

"Jarl, Goosefish task force on station, ready for orders."



On the ground a new mass of thunder was heard as a line of tanks opened fire on the crippled city of Gimlick....and Mina's voice was heard now.

"Resupply complete."

"DEPLOY! Strike Witches support Goosefish. Tanya, back us up with the dragon."


The dragon was now bleeding from several THOUSAND holes in it's body and Tyler was smiling wickedly as he left nothin but holes behind him onhis passes...as a smirking Rias was heard on his comms.

"And US?"

"RTB and reload bombs. We're having fun."

"Oh fine."

"We'll go flying soon enough, Rias."

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too."

The bomber squadron flew off to resupply as the remaining forces continued raining hell. Tyler smirked as he found himself beside Tanya in the sky firing weapons.

"I love my job, I really do."

The blonde girl smirked a sadistic smirk as she fired a fresh artillery spell into the dragon.

"This is FUN."

Belfast was heard then.

"MY main batteries are free."

"COmmence fire on the city."

"Roger. Firing in 3...2....1...spit."

Belfast's powerful 6 inch guns opened up to rain even MORE death and destruction upon the besieged city while Unicorn giggled on the comms.

"See Miho? I AM awesome!"

That squeak made the fighting force chuckle as Tyler did another gun run on the helples dragon.

"Alright. All wings aim for the chest."

The dragon was completely overwhelmed by the lightning fast manuvers of the air brigade while was also outgunned by the same. Tyler smirked as he saw the wings of the immense creature flap with a slight distort in their usual harmonic rythym.

"All callsigns, aim for the chest. Dragon's on the last wing. Do NOT, let it breathe."


The Jarl set his machine gun on his back sling before producing his greatswordas Tanya and Mina both led triangle shaped gunruns on the now starting to fall from the sky dragon. Tyler smiled as he poured mana into his striker with a force and exploded into a thunderclap of speed with the greatsword ready for the stab. Beyond the air battle, the city of Gimlick had been batered by the mass of shells and bombs from the planes and shipladies. In the distance the rearmed bomber squadron was seen approaching for the second run as the dragon snapped weakly at the rushing Jarl....and Tyler flipped on hios height to plunge the sword deep into the chest of the red scaled behemoth. The sword plunged right to the hilt and Tyler smirked as he felt something pulsating RIP itself to PIECES on his sword blade as the now dead dragon fell from the sky.

"Don't fuck with my Haven."

Behind him Gimlick was hit by a second barrage of bombs from the planes, and the result saw the towering castle in the dead center of the city collaspe in on itself. A plume of red dust rose into thr sky while surrounded by the turning bombers and their escort fighters. Tyler rose into the sky facing the pile of rubble and destroyed buildings that had once been a city and placed an enchanted hoirn to his lips.


Sophia was heard on the comms now as the Jarl awaited an answer from the smoking heap.

"Do you TRULY believe any could SURVIVE such a holocaust, Tyler? LOOK what you DID to that CITY!"

Tyler smirked as a tattered white flag was seen rising from what had once been a walltower.

"Rats always survive hammershots, Sophia. Only a question of HOW MANY? Miho, Tanya, move in to secure the city. Mina, RTB for mana resupply then join them. Unicorn on overwatch. Bombers RTB for maintaince. Rias, we'll need the transport trucks. ALl units, this is now a cleanup operation. I repeat. This is now a cleanup operation. Well done everyone."

A mass of chuckles was heard on the comms before Rias was heard with a smirk in her voice.

"And YOU?"

TYler chuckled as he reloaded his MG.

"I'mma be supporting Miho and Tanya."


"If you hurry up with the trucks we'll go flying later."

"THERE it is! We'll be right back!"

"Love you too, Rias."

The friends chuckled at the exchange as the bombers flew off and Tyler flew over the ruined walltops into the batered city proper. Behind him Tanya and her mages were in search formations while Miho's tank columns rolled over rubble and dead men alike with a rumble of tracks. Sophia saw this and shivered. Within 45 minutes of their arrival, the city of Gimlick, that had been host to 150,000 enemy soldiers, had been utterly decimiated. Most of the buildings had been blown clean in half, demolished or reduced to rubble. Even the outer wall had been reduced to less then HALF it's original height of 35 feet! The most horrific piece of the imagery, was the sheer number of shredded bodies and mashed people now decorating the walls of the rubble. Some parts were so stained with blood and entrails, it resembled an acid tripping Jackson Polic painting if the man had been fond of shotgun painting. The redheaded queen shivered again.

"These people. Are truly gods and goddesses of war."

TYler chuckled at that one as he drifted over Miho's tank column. The adorable tank commander was sitting in her hatch as her panzer's turret kept up a slow sweep searching for any attempts at resistence while Tanya's mages did their own patrols in squads of three in classic V formation. Mina's witches were mirroring the formations on the right flank of the ruined city. Everywhere the Jarl looked were legions of battered men of the soundly defeated Archon assault force being rounded up by the forces of Haven and loaded onto trucks for processing. Tyler smiled as he slowed to a hover over the remains of what had once been a palace.

"NOW we just need to decide on a counteroffensive."

"LOrd Jarl! Report Sir!"

One of Tanya's men, a grizzled veteran of war named Anton came over to a hover and Tyler nodded.

"Go ahead, Lietuent."

"Sir. The western quadrant is secure. All survivors are accounted for. The east is still being searched and Major Decohoachoff requests permission to use a detection spell in the event of tunnels."

TYler nodded as he loked at the rubble himself.

"Hm. Granted, Leituent. Let me know if anything's detected."

"Yes sir!"


The man saluted and flew off to his sector as Tyler looked back to the rubble....and smirked as his razor sharp eyes spotted something glimmering on the ground. A roar of his engines later he landed on the ground to find a woman in a severely damaged silken gown laying prone on the ground bleeding from several wounds on her body...and a jeweled crown clutched in her hand. Tyler tapped his coms as he pointed his machien gun at the unconscious woman.

"Request Medic to My position. City leader captured and in need of severe medical."

Yoshkia appeared the next instant with Perrine and Lyn as escorts. Instantly the witch was casting her spells as Lyn laid out a stretcher and Perrine stood guard.

"I have her Sir!"

"She's a POW Yoshkia. Take Barkhorn with you."

"Yes sir!"

The four witches flew off with their charge as Sophia was heard on the comms.

"Was her hair green?"

"Like an emerald?"

"THAT was Miliara. The so-called TURNCOAT of Gimlich. We will interrogate her MOST intensely."

TYler nodded as he lifted off the rubble again.

"I'll interogate her myself."

"I'd expect nothing less."

The Jarl smiled as he looked around at the efficent processing of the defeated invading army by Haven's forces and he looked to where the B-17 containing Sophia was panning around....

"Oh that might be useful."

Asuna's amused voice was heard on the coms now.

"New plane?"

"AC-130 gunship."

"Oh DAMN. We'll discuss it in Haven as NOW I want to!"

Tyler chuckled at that one as he looked around..

"Sophia, your forces en route?"

"THey are. And will arrive within the hour to resecure what's left of the city."


"Report from Major Tanya Sir!"

Mina came floating up now and Tyler looked at her,

"Sir. A large network of tunnels has been discovered underneath the city. There seems to be a large presence of unknown origins as well within them. Tanya requests we collapse the tunnel system with bunker busters."

TYler frowned as he looked at the ground.

"Any way to tell if they're civvies?"

"We'd need another spell."

"CAst it, Mina. I will NOT see our forces slaughter civilians IF we can avoid it."

"Yes sir!"

The Command Witch flew off and TYler kept watch on the skies as the streets started glowing....and a white faced Mina looked over.

"Sir.....they're SLAVE PENS! THOUSANDS of them!"

"Oh crap. SECURE THEM! NOW! Get those poor souls out of the dark."


The now outraged legions of Haveners swarmed into the tunnels cutting chains and escorting badly wounded and emaciated slaves into the rubble of the city. Tyler assisting as well as Sophia sent word to her approaching forces to make haste. The Jarl sighed as he reconvened aboard the B-17 that was serving as a flying command center for the occupation and a refreshed Rias was looking at a paper as he boarded.

"We're looking at close to 5,000 rescued slaves. AT LEAST."

THe redhead nodded as she looked at the approaching Jarl.

"As we speak every hand not with us in Haven is building new homes for them. Hestia says we'll be able to accomadate them by the end of the day."

"Good. Have Erwin put out for an healing herb mission."

"He's already gone with the Scouts. Asia and Wendy Marvel are helping Yoshkia in the hosptial as Glimmer and Fera mobilizied their own factions."

TYler nodded as he kissed his girlfriend and she smiled.

"We did well today."

"But it WAS mere target practice."

"THAT dragon was weak."

"I'm thinking it was a mere hatchling. The body?"

"Was taken back by Unicorn and Belfast. Belfast is overseeing the transport of the slaves personally."

THe Jarl nodded as he looked at the map of their town.

"We'll need to start considering space now inside Haven."

"We'll discuss that when we regroup in town."


Sophia came over now with a thoughtful frown on her face.

"The number of slaves inside the city has me concerned, Tyler."

"There's a road of tears in your country."

"That's my fear. And the fact it is as established as it IS makes me think an inspection of my holdings is in order."

The Jarl smirked as he looked at the paper.

"We'll take custody of the freed slaves."

"Absolutely. Your city is absolutely trustworthy and I know they'll be well tended. My next question...HOW ARE YOU GOING TO REBUILD MY CITY?"

Tyler and Rias chuckled at that outrage and the Jarl went to reply.....when a lightbulb went off inside his head.

"Iiiiii wonder."

Rias smirked thinly as Sophia gulped.

"Tyler.....NO CRAZY IDEAS withOUT the Council being involved."

"Love you too, Rias. And we'll chat, Sophia."

"Oh dear. I fear I JUST lost control of my border city."

The Jarl chuckled at that one as a knight commander appeared on a crystal.

"Your Grace. The Iron Dragons have arrived at Gimlick. Your orders, Ma'am?"

Sophia smiled.

"GEneral Vexen. Your orders are to secure the remains of the city. The Haven forces will pull out and you'll be taking their tasks from there."

"Yes ma'am. Move worms! Secure the city! We will see it done."

THe crystal went out and Tyler took his own comms.

"All units, status."

MIna was first.

"Sky secure! All slaves redirected to Haven!"

"City secure, Jarl! All surviving soldiers captured and transported to Haven!"

"All intel secured, Lord Jarl! RTBing to Haven!"

TYler nodded as he saw the legion of Sophia's soldiers flooding into the city.

"All callsigns, operation complete. Return to Haven. Well done."