
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Jarls, Snakes, and an angry redhead


DAY 14



Tyler woke the next morning alone in his bed. He sat up with a sigh and walked out his room...to see the food he'd left out was gone and more redhairs were seen. He smiled at this glimmer of hope and showered. Then he loaded his rifle and went to the walltop. The jarl started at the maingate as usual and walked along the walls checking both sides and smiling as he saw the town coming to life with Angels heading to their trainings, daily chores, and routine. Tyler walked along the wall until he passed Rias' manor and he sighed as he saw no sign of his dear beloved redhead. He shivered and kept up his patrol until he finished and headed to the Longhall. He found his council waiting and Erwin was walking out in full Scout regalia.

"We're going up the road wih coms. if the Queen wishes a feint, we will warn you."

Tyler nodded.

"Good call. Range on them things is 50 miles."

"We'll be careful."

He left and the Jarl walked in to find Satuski looking at the map of HAven with Mina. The black haired warrior nodded as he approached.

"Good morning, Satuski. See a gap?"

She looked atthe map.

"we have dry food storage for the event of a seige. And the well. A SINGLE, well."

"Ah. We'll put a in a few more. One in the Golden Sector and one in the dragul."

"That will serve well."

"I see what you did there."

Satuski smirked.

"I admit to interest. it is not often i meet a man that can excite me by merely meeting my gaze."

He chuckled and she was quick.

"I am not shy nor do i hide when I want something."

"Didn't see THIS comin when I woke up this morning. Okay. we need two wells. How'sthe water in the first?"

Asuna looked over.

"Pure and plentiful. We'll be able to use it for a while longer."

"Good. Any construction needs doing?"

Hestia smirked.

"The Dove temples. We'd need two to properly tend the town."

Satuski looked at him.

"They fall under my purview. They will be well cared for."

"Thanks Satuski. Anyone seen her?"

They shook heads and Belfast smiled.

"Yoshkia reports she is resting."


"Is also missing."

"LAst seen in Rias' house?"


"Good. we CANNOT lose our town gem."

They chuckled and he looked at the map of Haven.

"Okay. How's the STUGs coming?"

Satuski answered.

"The next round of tanks are being assembled and will be ready for testing within the hour."

"Good. Ammo space?"

"Another bunker of increased capacity is required."

"we'll get that dug and go from there. And we'll see about increasing the space in the first."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled.

"Lets get it done."

The town minus a redhead and Asia got to work upgrading their ammo storage bunkers and placing a second by the first. Tyler passed out the keys to the council and took one more. He walked to Rias' manor and to the balcony he knew she'd have watched them work on the bunkers and flicked the new key onto the thing. He walked away and smiled as he heard the door slide open and the key being taken.


His ears caught her voice at the bottom of his hearing.

"I miss you."

The door shut and he new she'd heard him.


The Jarl refocused and went to the garage where he found Miho and her girls polishing the latest Stug III assault gun and Miho smiled as Tyler walked in.

"Hippotamus-1 to 5 are ready Tyler! Ducks 1-10 Are also ready to deploy!"

"Alright Miho! You get practice in?"

The girl nodded as she sat on the barrel.

"We miss the IV though."

"It's coming. Gotta save the best for last, right?"


He chuckled and looked at the line of armor in their garage.

"We'll be able to take out an army with our armor alone. Alright. Hm."

He had a thought and smiled at Miho.

"Work it hard, miho!"

"We all will!"

"Atta girl!"

He left the tankers to their passion and headed to the Witches' hanger. Their building being a large warehouse they stored their strikers in with runway access. He walked inside and found Mina looking her own unit over which was another BF109 variant. She smiled as Tyler approached.

"Missed something or just here to gawk at the Strike Witches?"


"Ha. What is it?"

"Air patrols?"

She blinked.

"OOOOH. That is VERY valid idea. Sanya and Eliya are working on a form of radar for the town, but for the time being? We will do patrols in the sky as well."

"We'll need more units."

"Sure. They're being constructed as we speak."

"MY unit?"

"Well. What model?"

He smirked.


Mina smiled.

"Yoshkia will FLIP when she finds out you want to fly like her."

"Sanya was my favorite Witch, but Yoshkia's striker was the coolest."

"Oh ym god TELL her that! Sanya I mean. She NEEDS that kinda confidence boost."

"I'll talk to her later."

Tyler looked at the hanger and smiled as he saw the ready to launch units.

"Your guns?"

"And Sanya's Fleugarhammer were delivered and ready for deployment."

"Nothing I can do here."

He left the hanger and walked along the main road of the town that would service the soon to come masses of wagons of merchant trains and he smiled at the glitter of the mortar and white marble stone. As he walked he spotted a flash of blood red by Rias' balcony window. Nice summon, Rias. He walked over to her door and found it ajar and he walked inside. Ris had set her manor up with a grand staircase leading to the second floor. He walked up it and found a door on the right hand side ajar. He tapped a knuckle and the thing opened a little. He poked his head in and found Rias sitting on a massive bed looking at the key in her hands. She had large tear stains on her face and a expressionless mask on her face. She nodded and he walked in properly now.

"Sorry that one's residue of my grandmother. Always get permission before entering a girl's room she said."

Rias smiled smally at that sheepish explaination and he sat beside her.

"Sorry for that."

She shivered and sighed.

"I'M sorry for losing it like that. You were right. I KNEW you were...but it was ISSEI."

"Yeah. I DIDN'T want to put you in that position,."

"I know. You're the town leader. I'm ONE life you have to take into account with the other 299."

He sighed.

"You mean a lot to me, Rias. Really."

She nodded.

"I know. You've made it clear you're in love with me.....and that's why it surprised me so much when you put her duty as a LEADER ahead of the ones you say you care for. I...would have done the same thing if I had the strength."

"BItch please. You're the strongest person I know."

She smiled at this force.


"every time."

"Can Issei ever come back?"

"I didn't tell him this, but he can."

She looked at him.

"EARN his way back in."

"Exactly. I WAS going to tell you this once the town meetin ended and we were alone with the council."

She shivered and hugged him.

"YOU had a PLAN. And...I just made a scene."

He held her tightly.

"I'm sorry I made it seem replacing you ws easy."

"I'm sorry I MADE you have to replace me."

"NO one can replace you. I can find a decent leader anywhere in this town. Yet they're not you."

She smiled.

"You can even turn an apology into flattery and devotion. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"We're clingy."

"Yeeeah. There's more red hair in my bed then my own."

"This is the first time I've SLEPT in my own house."

He chuckled.

"The tunnel was useful."

"Thanks for the food.....and my HELL was that tropey as hell when I found that loveletter."

"I halfexpected to find you in bed with me."

"I WAS GOING TO, buuuut then Asia caught me."



"Come back, Rias."

She smiled.

"The council?"

"Sad to say you'll have to earn your way back in."

"I understand."

He held her tighter.

"I don't want to lose my closest friend in this town."

"You won't. I'm the one that made a mountain out of a molehill. I am working on it with Belfast."

"She's the town therapist I swear to god."

"Oh she so is."

"Wanna take the Jeep out?"

"I'd...rather clean up."

"Let's go home."


The pair left her house and went to his own and she showered in his shower as he looked at the maps. Rias walked out looking like herself and he smiled.



"Good. NOW you look like yourself."

She smiled and the pair headed for the garage...when the comstone fired up with Erwin on theothe end.

"Tyler, come in."

The Jarl tapped the stone.

"Whatchys got Erwin?"

"Eyes on Royal Convoy approaching from Berlot. 50 miles."

"That's a few hours. Bail."

"We are returning to Town."

Tyler rang the town bell and within seconds the council gathered and so had the townspeople.

"Alright. The queen's convoy is on it's way. Prep the town. Festivities, food, the WORKS. We'll welcome them to Haven the RIGHT way! Alll hands...get your party on."

The town threw itself into it's work with it's usual FIRE and rapid pace. Rias as well. And within a mere hour and a half a FULL festival had been prepared with the jeeps, halftracks, and mustangs on display in lines, the tanks thus far completed lined up in a row along the road, and the Strike Witches were readying for flybys and an airshow. The town tailors had turned out masses of custom outfits and Tyler smiled as he hung his own custom outfit on a maniquin. His battered denim jeans and boots had been tossed aside in favor of higher quality denim jeans of black with black boots of the same. He was still barechested as was now his way and his rapidly hardening body was on display. He drapped his new black leather jacket similar to kirito's and the thing added an extra air of intimidation to his image. His rifle was hung on his shoulder and the Jarl walked out to find the town hanging streamers of brightly colored cloth from the high points in the town. The road and walls had been swept and polished to give off their eyecatching shine and the cannons cleaned. Tyler stood on his balcony looking over the town as Erwin reported from the Lightning Tower.

"The Royal Convoy have entered the clearing."


The Jarl tapped a crystal connected to another mounted over the main gate and he chuckled at the mass of white steeds pulling a 50 foot long steel encased wagon surrounded by knights, retainers, and nobles.

"Brace. We're about to get very popular. Mina,"

"All Witches ready."


The hanger roared to life as the eleven Witches took off to provide air escort...as a group of flying dragons with knights seated on their backs rose into the sky. Tyler smiled as he saw them.

"Wyvern riders. utterly USELESS against the Strike Witches."

The eleven contrails of the witches split into 3 flights and they were EASILY dancing around the bulkier purple scaled wyverns. Tyler looked at the crystal as the convoy appeoached the main gate.


The portcullis rose into the air without a screech or a scrape and the convoy rolled along the gittering road into the town proper.


The flag of HAven was raised in a tunnel style for the now AWESTRUCK convoy as they saw Haven inside the walls and the unfamilar vehicles guarding their procession. They have no idea ONE shell from the T38 could flip that rolling coffin on it's side. GOD I wish we had a tiger ready. The convoy followed the rotunda and Tyler went inside as Mina led her witches on a mass flyby with howling engines. Her voice loud and proud on the comstones.

"Keep it together ladies. I know we're rusty, but come on."

Tyler sat in his bone throne and his council gathered around him with Rias in a place of honor nearby. Satuski smiled as she took her place.

"The Queen's Court was DUMBFOUNDED by our display of power."

Tyler nodded as the steel wagon was unlocked to release the royal ladies.

"The tanks are VERY intimidating. And moreso when you don't know what you're looking at. The sky is ours. Mina and her witches were DANCING around her dragons."

"I saw. Mobility, firepower, and reliability are ours."

"THEY have numbers and resources."

"And they win wars."

Tyler nodded as the double doors of his manor were opened...and a caller came in with a scroll.

"Ahem. Presenting HIGH QUEEN SOPHIA FIREMANE! High Queen of aallll MERLOT!"

Sophia stepped into the Longhall resplendant in a gown of radiant blue that added pop to her flaming hair. She had an imperious smile on her face while her eyes were hiding her extreme shock at the power that was Haven. She stepped along the stone floor on clicking heels as the caller spoke again.

"Presenting Crown princess Seraphina Firemane."

a younger girl stepped into view now. She was a head shorter then her mother with more copper colored hair and raidant skin. Her eyes were blue and her bust large on her narrow frame. She was garbed in a frilly dress of red and her hair was in a neat braid on her shoulder while her hands were elegantly folded in front of her. Belfast leaned in Tyler's ear.

"Her poise is QUITE impressive."

"And her EYES are MISERABLE."

"Indeed. Which means,"

"There is a secret here. And an UNHAPPY one."

The caller came again.

"Presenting Crown princess Soria Firemane! Middle Princess to Merlot!"

This time a tiny girl half a head shorter then Seraphine stepped into view. She was an adorable little thing with brightly shining green eyes and delicate features. her bust was more modest then her mother and sister while her hair had a more russet color. Her gown was bright pink and she had a smile on her lips. Tyler chuckled and looked at Rias.

"Asia is going to strangle her and call it a hug."

"We have popcorn."

The announcer was heard again.

"And Presenting Saria Firemane!"

This time a taller, elegant beauty half a head taller then Seraphine stepped into view. She had blazing copper hair and vivid blue eyes set into a teardrop shaped face while her frame was buxom. Her bust was massive in her dress of green and she had a firm stride. Tyler noted a light in her eyes as she saw the scarred jarl on his throne of bones and the tyrant skull looking over him and Satuski leaned in now.

"Her eyes BURN like Matoi's."

"She here?"

"She is not."

"I shoulda known that. It has been FAR too damn quiet for THAT punkrock knockoff to be here."

"She is going to like you."

"Bite me."

Satuski chuckled at that theft as Tyler sat up straight in his throne as Sophia approached with her three daughters. She smiled knowingly at the warrior.

"YOUR people are VERY busy bees, Jarl Tyler of Haven."


She blinked.

"HOW did you KNOW?"

"I kicked him out myself. Wanna know his crime?"

"Oh do tell. He is in my entourage."

"I castrated him for being a peeping pervert...getting caught."

Sophia and her daughters blinked at this news.

"Oh my. Did you really?"

"Yup. What he tell ya?"

"You....castrated him on a misunderstanding...and tried to have HER do it."

She gestured to Rias and Tyler smiled.

"You are aware they're devilkin right?"

"I am."

"ISsei is Rias' devilkin servent."

"AH. I see now. She has an issue disciplining her servants?"

"It's complicated. Former flame."

"Ah. The bane of any young woman's heart. I see YOU are bothered by such problems."

"Nope. we tossed out two yesterday. One was a Dragul."

"Oh. we killed a Dragul that attempted to attack one of our healer priestesses. He bore an UNUSUAL mark. A circle with a check in the center."

"That was mine. That was his ONE mercy from me."

The queen smiled approvingly.

"Harsh and yet fair. And I ADORE the glittering road. HOW did you accomplish this?"

"white stone and lead mortar."

".....you used.....LEAD....as your mortar."

He looked at her curiously.

"we did. we....showed you.....on the ball.....when we met."

"Oh yes. My apologies."

He looked at Saria and smiled.

"Nice try, Sophia."

She and the queen blinked.

"HOW can you see through a royal swap so easily?"

"Lady. I am the JARL OF HAVEN. That's why."

Sophia sighed as the ruse was found out.

"YOU are a SCARY man, Tyler the Jarl of Haven. Now. MY family's lodging?"

"Ladies, if you'll please follow me."

He led them upstairs...to a LAVISHLY decorated second floor of the Longhall that came complete with four rooms in the two wings with the largest looking out over the town with a balcony. Sophia blinked at this surprise and Tyler smiled as he walked beside her.

"I live downstairs."

"YOU wily wolf."

"eh it's the safest place in town."

"Ha. I am outmatched in this game of wits."

He chuckled at this as the royal princesses fell in love with their rustic yet homey rooms.

"I work at it."

Mina came in for a hover in her striker unit hefting her machinegun. A pair of fox ears on her head and a foxtail behind her.

"Sir. Teh sky is secure. Patrol will recheck at noon."

"Good. LAnd and rearm."


She darted off and Sophia looked at him in shock.

"WHAT is that machine that allows such precise flight?"

"It's called a Striker Unit. And before you go there, we're still testing them."

"I want one."

"Ha. Get in line. i got the next unit."

She chuckled at that one as the nobles and retainers were shown to the various inns. Tyler blew a whistle and a town meeting was called with the now curious nobles and visitors.

"Alright people. Welcome to Haven. I am Jarl Tyler. I run this town. These are my council."

Belfast, Hestia, Satuski, Erwin, Asuna and a hovering Mina took spots around him.

"Our rules are simple, and ABSOLUTE. During your time with us you WILL follow them...or be held accountable like EVERYBODY else. FIRST RULE OF HAVEN: Open your mouth, deal with the consquences. In OUR way, you are fully encouraged to shatter the jaw of the one insulting you. And if you insult someone, they ARE going to shatter your jaw. SECOND RULE OF HAVEN: You do not have to like each other, but you DAMN well will respect each other. They are the exact same as you, treat them as anything LESS....and I'LL treat YOU. THIRD RULE OF HAVEN: No WORK, no FOOD. In OUR town we bust our ass and we damn well expect you to as well. As you do not LIVE here, YOU are more held to the following rule. LAST RULE OF HAVEN: LAST RULE OF HAVEN: Make a mess ya DAMN well better clean it. ya DON'T ya SLEEPIN in it. This is OUR HOME. You WILL respect it. OR. We will FORCE you to fix it. Think I'm kidding? TRY US I DARE YOU. We don't have stocks or gallows. We have a CAGE and a KNIFE. Up to you which is used."

Tyler then smirked as he looked at them.

"Follow our rules, and Welcome to Haven."

The nobles were led away with many a murmer about the totalitarian rules of the town as Tyler and Sophia went inside.

"Harsh and you left NO doubt."

"Good. Come on. I'll give you the street tour."

"I am MOST intrigued."

Belfast came over with a paper.

"We have ample supplies for our guests and regular hunts as well."

"Good. How many came?"

"A further 250."

"we have 550 people inside the walls. and the means to care for a 1,000. I like these numbers. Keep at it."

She nodded and Tyler led Sophia to the main gate and she marveled at the tanks as they passed.

"Now what ARE these things...and WHY to they scare me so?"

"These are the tanks Hector was telling you about."

"Oh my. They come bigger?"

"Oh yeah."

She looked at a Stug III and tilted her head at the bizarre shape.

"It's an ambusher."


Tyler led her to the walltop and she ascended the ladder without issue before looking out over the neatly arranged and HEAVILY fortified town in minor concern as she saw the gun and cannon emplacements....and the sheer number of them.

"This ISN'T a trade town, Tyler. It's a MILITARY GARRISON."

"DEFENDING a trade town. That road will be patroled by our tanks. And it will be secure."

"What have i done here?"

He chuckled as he led her along the battlements pointing out different buildings.

"The un there's our hanger for the Strike Witches. That there is the garage for the tanks and other stuff, that's the tavern, that church is Hestia's temple, those two large buildngs there are our Dove temples once we get some, that there is the Guild hall for the adventurers' guild once we get connected, the Hangout House for the town kids, the hospital, storehouses, waystations for wagons and trains, and the residential sectors."

Sophia just looked at the well built and neatly organized town of Haven in awe as they walked. Then the queen smiled.

"The Adventurer's Guild will need send a representative to meet with the potential guildmaster here and scout the area for work. But they ARE very good sources of income for a town. The DOVE TEMPLES you'll need to approach the Mother of an established temple directly. And they will inspect their Nests themselves."

"We'll send the trucks."

He nodded to the line of vehicles.

"And they're ready."

The queen had excitement as they decended the walls.

"I have a propsition for you on our return, Tyler."

"Sure. Now pick ya poison."

She smirked and chose one of the jeeps at random.

"THAT one."

"Alright climb on in."

Kirito tossed him a set of keys as the queen climbed into the passenger seat....and blinked at the upholstery.

"My word these re more comfy then my ROYAL WAGON!"

Tyler smiled as he popped the keys in the ignition.


He turned the key and the engine roared to life and Sophia smirked at the rumble.

"OOOOH I LIKE this!"

Tyler smiled as he threw the clutch and had the jeep rolling out of the line onto the road....and Sophia was gaping at the buttery smooth ride along dirt when they hit the road.

"I want one.."

"You know what to do."

She smiled.

"And what's this about 60 miles?"

He floored it and she as screaming in exhilartion as the jeep bucked and tore down the road with the skilled driver drifting along the corners and turns while her flaming hair flew behind her like a cape. Tyler made the trip to the Queen's Road in ten minutes, did a donut and was flying back along the Haven Road. Sophia had wobbly legs as he parked and she got out.

"Easy there, Sophia. First rides do that to you."

She smirked as her drift weakened legs wobbled under her and she had to lean on Tyler's arm.

"Very amusing....and i want to learn how to do thst."

"Sure thing.....and I see yet another opportunity."

"This...is going to be expensive."

"If you're good at something NEVER do it for free!"

She laughed at THAT merchant's wisdom!

"Now you're the leader of a merchant town!"

The pair returned to the Longhall where the Council and Rias gathered. Satuski saw this and the redhead smiled sheepishly.

"I'm here as your advisor, Satuski?"

TYler chuckled.

"ASSISTANT....since she IS doing your job."

Asuna chuckled at that loophole.

"Well played you wily bastard."

"Hey I made these rules, didn't I?"

They sighed with a smile and Belfast chuckled.

"He always loses to her."

Tyler then looked to the amused Sophia.

"So. Your proposal."

The queen smirked at his turn of phrase.

"I offer you the hand of my eldest daughter, Seraphina, in marriage to solidify relations between our peoples."

The council blinked and Tyler looked RIGHT at Rias and the redhead was mildly taken aback by his thoughtful expression.

"seriously? You're CONSIDERING IT....KNOWING what neaely happened to ME?"

Tyler leaned on a wall as Belfast nodded.

"I had considered this would arise."

"Arranged marriges are the usual form for the royal family to buy loyalty and peaceful relations between problematic factions. I figured this one would pop up sooner ir later and now we know why her eyes were so freskin miserable."

Rias had a new look of anger on her face at this and confronted him.

"You would force that poor girl to marry someone she does not want to.....just to solidify your own power?"

Tyler looked at her....and she blinked at the disappointment in his eyes.

"Rias? Come on. At least TRY to be better then yesterday. Please?"

The redhead shivered at thst plea and stepped back to get a handle on her fiery and wildhearted emotions. Belfast went to her and Tyler looked at a thoughtful Sophia.

"Seraphine is next in line for the crown, is she not?"

Sophia smiled.

"No actually. Saria is. Seraphina is merely the elligible princess. Soria is FAR too young and Saria is already engaged."

TYler nodded.

"And this would be to prevent hostilities between Haven and the Queendom?"

"It would. I DO NOT want to see strife between our peoples. ESPECIALLY in the face of your technologies, weaponry and position. If the Queendom and Haven were to war, the Archon and Malchia would get involved. And another Threeway war would destroy us all. To prevent this possibility, Seraphina is to be your bride."

He crossed his arms.

"I have my eyes on another girl, Sophia."

Rias jumped a little at this and Sophia chuckled.

"Then it will relieve you that harems are indeed common among the nobility and leaders of state. My OWN harem is well over a hundred strong."

"ALL your own maids too, right?"

".....YOU will never speak of this again but indeed. I will NOT see those ladies slandered."

TYler chuckled at her sudden cold anger.

"Sure. So Seraphina. I marry her, what would it look like?"

"Haven would host the wedding and she would live in the city wih her new people and husband."


Sophia looked him in the eye.

"NOT for a VERY long time, Tyler. You both are FAR too young for such a shift. I DO NOT want to hear of this again for another 400 years. AT LEAST."

He chuckled.

"Fair. If I refuse the marriage?"

Sophia sighed.

"If you were to reject this, it would damage Seraphina's reputation as a royal lady, put you in a bad light with the court, and I would have no other choice but to offer my own hand. Something I do not wish to do as I hate the idea of a king...and you'd be made into a king."

TYler smirked at the unsaid.

"So you're that afraid of us you're willing to sell out your own kin an body to prevent a conflict. I refuse, you're out of options and would have no choice but to hope the sheer weight of your host could overpower us. And the result would be all out war between three nations."

The queen nodded gravely.

"You can read my mind like you WERE me. This is correct. So, Jarl Tyler of Haven, what will you do?"

Tyler crossed his arms and looked at the council. Satuski nodded.

"This is the duty of those of power, Tyler. And we know you are not a monster to force that girl to do anything she does not wish to. Hell, she comes here, she'd live a life of utter freedom."

Hestia chuckled.

"Oh just go for it and stop trying to be so damn imperious. Seriously? It doesn't work for you."

"Gee, thanks Hestia."


He chuckled and looked at Rias with Belfast. The redhead seemed far calmer now and smiled.

"I'm okay. And she's right. Harems are common....so long as the PROPER hierarchy is maintained."

He smiled at this coded permission, promise, AND death threat before he looked at Sophia.

"I'll accept her hand."

She deflated from utter relief.


"On a few conditions."

The queen froze at this knowing tone and gulped.

"Name them."

He lifted his hand.

"ONE. I will not force her to do ANYTHING she does not wish to. I am an oldfashioned soul that does not jump into marriage without at least knowing the poor girl. If she does not wish to marry at the end of the courtship, she will not be forced to."

Sophia smiled warmly at this.

"You have a kind and gentle heart of a romantic champion. I feel relief and agree. She will warm to this more readily then you think as she too is a bit or a romantic."

"2. Soria stays here as well."

The queen blinked at this callous demand as the rest all chuckled as they saw the ulterior motive.


"Asia has most likely found her...and you lost her anyway."

"The town gem?"

"Yup. Plus I'll teach her how to use the various vehicles and other stuff round town."

Sophia smirked

"FURTHER insurance."

"She is not a prisoner and may return as she sees fit. But, she is to live here in Haven as a new citizen."

"VERY clever. Her safety?"


She nodded.

"Agreed....and she'll love this town."

He smirked now.

"Three. Saria joins my council as ambassador and Queendom voice in our meetings."

Sophia busted up laughing.

"YOU play this game better then I do! And I was RAISED to play it! She'll volunteer!"

"GOOD. And I'll reserve the right to demand more as the need arises."

"....I never stood a chance in the war of foresight and favors. Agreed."

"Am I given a place in your court?"

"You are. As the leader of a soon to be prominent trade town and the To-be husband of Seraphina, you are a high member of my court."

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. I'll go meet with my future wife. YOU I think I'll inflict on Akeno."

Rias smirked at that and so didn't the queen.

"And WHO is rhis Akeno?"

"Meet her. Easiest way to explain."

"I shall do so...as NOW I am curious."


Tyler's eyes flashed with a burst of inspiration and the queen gulped.

"What did you forget?"

He smirked.

"I just had the thought that it's not really fair I'm all but kidnapping your three daughters and you'te not getting anything in return. So. As saria is to join my council, we'll nominate one of our own to join yours...directly."

The council blinked at this as Satuski busted up laughing and Sophia smirked.

"Agreed.....and my word is that a clever one."

The queen was taken away by Akeno and Belfast looked right at Tyler with new respect in her eyes as the door locked.


Tyler smirked.

"Yeah I know how to play this type of chessgame."

Mina shook her head with a smile.

"In one fell swoop you've secured a wife, solid relations with the Queendom, TWO royal residents, a new council member, a SPY in their council, and the Queen's good graces! Now just WHO will be the one to infiltrate the queen's court?"


Rias's smirk died.


Tyler smiled.

"It'll be Akeno."

"Are you trying to get her killed?"

The Jarl looked at the VERY shaken redhead with a smile.

"Akeno embodies everything Haven IS. A place to feel like they belong, a place where everyone is accepted no matter WHO they are, and a haven for those that seek it. She is highly skilled at playing games with people, YOU can contact her with a spell no one else can detect, she is IMMENSELY powerful, is half devil half fallen angel, so poisons are ineffective and so aren't charm spells by default, and she is HIGHLY intelligent. That girl was my FIRST choice to replace YOU on the council Rias."

That one made her blink.

"Wait. AKENO was your pick to replace ME?"

"She still is. If YOU'RE not here, I'd go to HER."


"Yeah. Plus she can fly.....and not a SOUL knows that."

Rias just looked at him.

"You have that much faith in her?"

"I do."

His without hesitation reply made her smile proudly.

"I depend on her so much for a reason."

Satuski frowned.

"Tyler. No disrespect to Akeno, but I feel I would be the better option then Akeno. After all, I played such games for years against my mother...and she never suspected a thing."

Tyler smirked.

"True, Satuski. I considered you for this mission. But there is ONE aspect to Akeno you don't have."

"That is?"

"AKENO can play the airheaded flirt like NO ONE ELSE. YOU are just far too strong seeming for the type of play I am looking for here."

Belfast blinked.

"YOU are seeking to capture her court."

Tyler nodded.

"And secure a few future pawns in this game of thrones."

Rias smirked wickedly now.

"And since AKENO is such a natrual tease..."

"And when you take the bait she is utterly DANGEROUS . Satuski will be her handler and the one she reports to."

The black haired girl smirked.

"You had a plan the entire time. AND a way to make the most of my experiences even at a distance. I suspect a spell to lety me see through her eyes?"

"AND her ears. Akeno will have a crystal bund to her to record everything she sees, hears, does. And we'll use it to plan our game to ensure the safety of Haven."

Erwin chuckled.

"Games of position and power, how best to secure our own future while ensuring the safety of your agents, AND ensuring your enemies know we are watching. You're not a teenager anymore, Tyler. You're a leader of an infant nation. That I helped BUILD."

Hestia smiled and looked at Tyler now.

"So, Tyler. I'm curious."


"What IS our ultimate goal? As a TOWN?"

He smiled.

"We will build a nation, Hestia. a nation of acceptence, strength, and above all...safety. A nation that we can be PROUD to say we belong to. A nation, recognized the world over for everything we are."

They blinked at thia grandoise scheme and Satuski frowned. HARD.

"YOU want to be a KING."

He chuckled.


Rias smirked.

"The ULTERIOR side of the pipedream?"

"It'll happen whether we want it to or not. Haven is in that kind of position that we;ll grow no matter what we do just because of how we do things. Once we start our merchant business, people the world over will flock to us...and we'll build to accomadate them. Two more sets of walls....and we're a major city. "

Erwin smirked.

"THREE sets, and you're a country."

"Like Maria, Rose and that last one i can't freakin remember."

The blonde man chuckled.

"We believed the last of humanity was contained inside a set of three walls. And we were a nation. HAVEN right NOW has the same landmass as inside the Interior."

"NOW you see my plan."

Tyler drew another circle around Haven's horseshoe. it was easily double the current andmass of the town and even included a piece of the Queen's Road itself.

"The next expansion will occur along this line. The walls will be twice as high and 5 times as thick. Byt this point Haven will be bursting at the seams and will require the space. Once we outgrow this set of walls,"

He drew another circle again twice the size of the second around the proposed outer wall.

"We will expand along these lines. At that point, we'll be a nation of tens of thousands...and will have multiple cities, outposts, and towns within our safezone."

Mina looked at him.

"You're thinking that far out?"

He nodded.

"I am. Haven has the bones to grow to that size, Mina. And since we'll be here a while, we'll get there."

Belfast smiled.

"HAve a plan in place for the possibility, and this way not be caught scrambling when it happens."

"Which brings me to another idea I had."

He passed a paper around and Asuna frowned.

"MINTING our own COIN, Tyler?"

Tyler nodded as the council looked at the proposed idea.

"I thought of this during the discussion with the queen on the orb about currency. if we minted our own coin, we'd give our town identity, status, and growth. we HAVE the gold and we have the goods to give that gold value."

Rias had a thoughtful look on her face as she weighed the idea.

"I think...this one is better implemented in secret until we have a sizeable amount of funds from other countries, Tyler. Otherwise it'd be jumping the gun. No one knows what a Haven Coin is and so it would be worthless but for the gold in the thing. Let's build our reputation as sellers BEFORE we offer our own coin."

Satuski nodded.

"Takerada did the same in Kyoto with his GAUDY Takarada bucks. They were worth more per bill then the national currency. And he did so with the quality of his goods and the good name those goods provided."


She smirked at his mild exsperation.

"He WAS horrifically gaudy."

"Yet if it had been a DRAGON it woulda been badass. Hey. He's got golden crabs."

The ladies snorted at the filthy joke and Satuski chuckled in amusement.

"I admit I wasted many an opportunity for a joke at his expense....and am AMAZED matoi never made one."

"Ha. You two BOTH have shitty senses a humor. YOU are WAAY too freakin serious and Matoi's.....Matoi."

"I know how to relax."

"Riiiiiight. How's the tea?"

She smirked.

"Why don't you join me and find out?"

Rias cleared her throat.

"Can we return to the matter at hand please?"

Tyler chuckled as his OWN council meeting was scheduled and Satuski smirked.

"The door is unlocked."

"I'll be sure to remember that."



She smiled sweetly and he chuckled.

"I know."


Belfast smiled with her own amusement.

"Oh dear. I can see this getting VERY complicated."

"Well. I kinda knew I'd wind getting torn apart at the seams for it, sooo I'mma go with it."

The council chuckled at that acceptence. Tyler then refocused on the discussion.

"So the coin."

Erwin looked at him.

"TOO soon as Rias said."

"Alright. Next is the bombers."

Mina nodded.

"I say we add them to our air brigade. In the event of a war, we'll need the capability to reach enemies when they think their safe."

The heads nodded and Tyler slid the poster aside.

"Alright. The bombers will be constructed in secret and stored in an underground bunker. We'll expand the Underworld and incorperate magical carrier catapults for them."

Mina smirked.

"I think I see exactly what you're going for, Tyler."

"All a matter of size and distance."

"THIS is gonna be FUN to watch!"

He chuckled and the meeting ended.....and the council minus Rias left. Tyler and the redhead went to his room and she sat on the bed, and crossed her legs with a smirk.


"Are we boyfriend-girlfriend?"

She smirked.

"NOT. YET. Sad to say....getting there. I want to fall first."

"Okay. Seraphina would be my first wife....and would share my room."

"I am the your PRIMARY."


"And I know you and Belfast fuck around."

"She visits from time to time."

"Is it serious?"


"GOOD. Satuski?"

"NOT sure if she wants to fuck around or wants something permenant."

"FIND OUT.....and spoil Seraphina like you do me."

He smiled.


"Ah. NOT like that. I want this one to be on MY terms."

"Fair enough."

"But i do want to."

He smiled at his beloved dreamgirl and she smiled as well.


"I'll go find my WIFE."

"I'll go get some SALACIOUS details from Belfast."

He hugged her and the warrior went to find the princess. Tyler walked out of his manor and was greeted by seraphina herself. The princess still wore her serene mask while her attire had changed. The princess had changed into a shorter gown of green while her hair was now freely flowing i the wind. Tyler smiled as he slung his loaded kar98k rifle on his back.

"well. That was easy."

She smiled sweetly, and spoke in a soft, breathy voice.

"Mother has informed me of our engagement, jarl Tyler. MAy we walk?"

"Sure. The walls are perfect for this kinda thing."

"I admit to excitement."

He offered her an arm and the princess smiled politely at this gesture as they strolled along a sidestreet to the nearest ladder. There she climbed the ladder to the walltop without complaint and Tyler looked at the wooden thing with a tilted head.

"we really should replace those. eh. Later."

He shrugged and Seraphina took his arm as they walked along the walltop at a leisurely pace.

"So we are to wed, Jarl Tyler."

He smiled.

"We are...after a period of courtship."

The princess smiled at this.

"Mother informed me of your terms. I am relieved you are an honest man, dear fiance."

"I don't keep secrets from my WIFE."

"GOOD man."

"i'm 15 years."

"I beg your pardon?"

She looked at him in utter shock and he laughed.

"i'm 15 years, Seraphina."

The princess blinked like a DUMBFOUNDED fish andhe pulled up his panel. She gasped as she saw the number.

"My word. I was under the impression you were a grown man well into your 600s! Yet you are the same age as I!"

He chuckled as she digested this new surprise.

"I like surprising people, Seraphina."

She smiled as the shock wore off.

"You have surprised me, dear fiance. And I feel relief at being wedded to one my own age."

"Do you still not want to?"

The redheaded princess nodded.

"I do not wish this union. But I will do my duty."

"If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be?"

Seraphina smiled warmly.

"I merely wish for my own hero. A powerful and kindhearted warrior with tales of legend and magic."

"Prince too?"

"I....would prefer a commoner."

He chuckled at this romantic hearted girl.

"HAve you heard the tale of how Haven came into being, Seraphina?"

She shook her head.

"I have not. it be a bit of a mystery how you suddenly appeared here as if by magic."

"Look at our flag for a minute, seraphina."

She looked at the proudly fluttering flag depicting a bunch of stars decending from the heavens into Haven's walls.

"I see it, Dear Fiance."

"In your own words, what does that image depict?"

The princess smiled.

"It speaks of refugees fleeing from the sky seeking solace on the ground. An exodus to the safety I now feel within Haven. To me, it shows angels....falling from the....sky....to live in HAven."

She looked at a smiling Tyler as somethign clicked in her head from the nudges.

"Are you SKYFALLEN, Jarl Tyler?"

HE chuckled at her shaking voice and wide eyed shock to look at the Flag now himself.

"No, Seraphina. I am something else entirely."

"What are you?"

"An outcast. My country kicked me out because of my various gifts and abilities. These same abilities I now put to use defending my people and our home. I met them when i arrived in the country. When i found them, they were a lost people searching for a place to call home and a cause they could believe in. I was searching for a place to belong and to call my HOME. We met in this clearing. And i taught them how to build. How to work together. How to SUCCEED. We built this haven together. And now we defend it. I lead them. I DEFEND them."

He smiled proudly and looked at the gaping Seraphina.

"I gave them a HOME. THEY gave me a FAMILY. And I want YOU to join it."

She smiled at this.

"You are an outworlder."

"I didn't say that."

"I SWEAR on my ROYAL BLOOD I will keep this secret....my husband to be."

"Appreciated, Seraphina."

The princess giggled now and took his arm.

"I asked for a hero....and he's RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!"

"Ha. I haven't DONE anything yet, Princess."

"Oh yeah. That's right."

She blinked at this VERY solid point and he chuckled as they walked along the walltops.

"And we have some negotiations to discuss."

"I see. YOU are quite popular with your women."

He smiled at her sweet tone.

"We may be marrying, but know my heart was set on another prior."

"Her name...is Rias correct? That HEAVENLY devilgirl with the red hair?"


"I would be the first wife. But she would be your true love."

"She's.....got a history."

"Ah. The boy, Issei, he was bragging."




Seraphina smiled.

"I am content with my place...so long as I am not treated as a prize. I will be your wife. i ask you treat me as such."

"Absolutely. You'll live here and in my manor."

"Same room?"

"with your own for when you want peace...and when I earn myself a night on the couch."

"I know not this term."

"When I piss you off."

"GOOD man."

He chuckled at that and looked out at the forest.

"You'll be held to the same laws-what the hell are YOU doin down there?"

Only for his razor sharp eyes to spot a furtive shape ducking around trees and trying to remain in the shadows. Seraphina looked at him nervously as he hefted his rifle.

"Dear fiance?"

"Get DOWN and cover your ears. NOW."

She dropped without hesitation as Tyler flipped the safety on the kar and sighted the CLEAR scout....took aim....and fired. the gun went off and the furtive shadow dropped with a round in the leg.


He blew the whistle and the town came alive with a ROAR! The witches raced for the hanger, crews for their tanks and Tyler was at one of the immense 300mm fieldguns and slammed a massive rounds in teh breech as a now TERRIFIED Seraphina took cover behind a wall as Tyler aimed the immense gun at a section of forest as Erwin and his own scouts swung onto the walltops using their custom Omidirection mobility gear that was basically a man portiable swing and grapple set.

"we're being scouted! One wounded. find him and bring him to me."

"Scouts move out!"

Mina came over the coms.

"I have eyes on forces approaching the city! 600 at the least!"

Tyler nodded and looked at a shaking Seraphina.

"YOU and the royals take cover in the manor. There are spells to watch us work. ASUNA!"

"Got em!"

The redhead took the terrified girl to the manor as Tyler cycled his kar.

"LOAD CANNONS! Arm up people we got knockers! Tanks ready for an immediate deployment and cavalry assault! Mina! SCRAMBLE!"


The hanger roared as the 11 Strike Witches took off armed and ready for war. Erwin returned with a captive and Tyler noted the state of the man's armor.

"A bandit army. Looks like we got found. Alright. Take em to the cage."

He nodded.

"Levi and Mikasa are recording the enemy army as we speak. Eren and Armin on watch."

"Good. Mina!"

A panel appeared before him from an enchanted crystal that displayed a large number of bandits moving through the forest attempting to sneak up on Haven. Tyler smirked.

"I count 1,500 men."

"That's Sakamoto's count too. Orders?"

"Hold position and call out patterns and leaders. I want that leader alive. who's tank commander?"

Miho's excited squeak was heard on his comms.

"This is Hippo-1! Ready for war!"

"Miho we're killing people."

Her voice had steel and no doubt in it.

"This is MY home too! I helped BUILD it with my own hands, sir! Miho Nizihumi reporting for duty!"

"Yoshkia gotchya didn't she?"

"I LOVE her!"

"Alright commander carrot,"


"You'll deploy from the western wallgate with Turtle and Duck-1. establish bombardment formation around the western wallgate and then kill engines. They'll think you're odd decorations. Three prong trident."

"Sir! Opperation name?"

"Haven's Welcome."

Mina came on the comms."

"Sir the men are moving! Full charge! Range 500, angle....3."

Tyler nodded.

"All fieldguns raise 3, rotate 2...and load shells."

A total of 25 300mm guns adjusted as the angels took aim and Tyler smirked.


"They are indeed hostile. Hartman can read lips....they are indeed a sack party."

"Any captives?"

"Searching...none! NO chains!"

"Break three and locate their camp."

"Roger. Sanya, eliya and Perrine locate their camp and secure."


Tyler smiled as the three ladies broke formation and felt a shiver of goosebumps at the sight.

"THAT is an awesome sight. Alright. All batteries....FIRE!"

Sophia and her daughters were looking at the maps in the Longhall. The things covered in notes, listed resources, positions and other information the Council used to run their world. The queen was amazed by the details.

"This town is NOT a civilian home. it's a GARRISON."

Seraphina had anxiety on her face as she looked at the door....the only thing seemingly defending them from a wall breach.

"Mother? Are we safe?"

"I do not-"

A HEAVY rumble of thunder rocked the town and the glass in the doors rattled from the force. Sophia shivered as she felt her impressive bust jiggle from the deep sounds.

"errr that felt weird."

"LOOK! the ORB!"

A scry orb had been enchanted with a view of the intended battlefield and they all watched the line of 300mm fieldguns spitting their powerful shells into the forest just as a mass of bandits appeared in the gaps. The shells impacted and 10 foot craters appeared as a second round of thunder rang out along with the screams of the dying. Tyler was see with a smirk as he slung his rifle in his hands and took aim.

"Tanks! COMMENCE BOMBARDEMENT! All gunners, SHOOT TO KILL! Mina, get me that leader!"

The tanks opened fire with their 75mm, 3.7cm, and 5.7cm guns and their machineguns. The result saw masses of blazing tracer rounds tearing holes through men, trees, and solid stone as Mina was heard on the comms.

"Target secured! NO injuries!"

"Alright. This is now a cleanup operation. Any surrender we'll deal with em after. ALL GUNS FIRE!"

Another mass of thunder and the queen shuddered as she saw Haven flex.

"we cannot fight this town."

The battle ended faster then it began with well over 1100 men killed outright, 150 wounded, and 250 surrendering outright. Tyler smiled as the prisoners were rounded up at gunpoint to be put to work cleaning up the mess they'd made.

"THIRD RULE OF HAVEN, you make a mess, YA damn well clean it."

Mina deposited the captive leader of the bandits on the walltop and saluted

"The camp was located. The guards dispatched, and 250 captives rescued. They will arrive in Haven in half an hour."

"Good. HAve the healers ready."

"Yes sir. Operation successful."

The Jarl chuckled as he looked at the command witch in her striker.

"You get the rust off?"

She smirked as she hefted her MG42 light machinegun varient.

"Yes sir! Flight training resumes for the Witches at 0800 hours."

"Good. I want Hartmen and Barkhorn at their very BEST. YOU TOO."

"If she balks?"

"Ask her if she wants to lose ANOTHER homeland."

Mina winced.

"THAT is a LOW BLOW. But effective."

"KArlslanders never make the same mistake twice. RIGHT BARKHORN?"

"NO WE DO NOT sir!"

The tough girl's roar made them all smile as Yoshkia landed beside him. HER magic had a pair of cute fennec ears appear on her head and a small tail behnd her.

"Sir! Request permission to land and report to the Hospital!"

"Granted. Asia too!"

"Yes sir!"

She zoomed away on her Striker and Tyler chuckled as he felt the goosebumps again. Mina smiled as she saw this.

"Dream come true?"

"Oh yeah. I am giddy in a way I have LONG since forgotten getting to see the Strike Witches do what they do best. Now. We'll get the rescued captives to the healers and the mess cleaned up before we move to the prisoners."


"Combat patrol and have Sanya take up long range scout patrol. These men were sent."

"She is on long range orbit. Perrine, Eylia and Shirley escorts."

"GOOD. Dismiss."


He laughed at her mild tone as she zipped off. The bandit leader was a burly man in black scale armor and the Jarl smirked at the shaken man on the ground.

"Now then. YOU."

"what the FUCK is this town?"

"welcome to Haven. WHO PAID YOU?"

"I talk will you let me go?"


".....Will I be harmed?"

"TAlk and....you get a mark."

The man slumped.

"If THAT is the price, fine. we were hired by an agent to test your defenses. I don't know who they are, who they work for, or even what they look like. Cloaking spells and yeah."

"How much?"

"50,000 in Queendon pieces."

"Ugh. And that is just a PLOY. Alright. We'll deal with you later."

Kirito came over and dragged the man to the cages. Tyler smirked.

"Don't say it man. Come on."

"what? Your aim improved."

"Fuck you man."

"not mah fault you suck at this."

"Yo I will BEAT yo ass in a swordfight."

"err. I don't swing that way."

Kirito just dragged the bandit leader away as he'd lost that engagement. Tyler looked at Belfast as she climbed onto the walltop.


"We used a mere 45 shells for the 300s, 10 shells per tank, and emptied their machinegun magazines. A mere practice session."

"Good. we were poked....and they ran into a meat grinder. Get a rush order on the rest of the tanks and put the Tigers into production along with these."

He passed the Sherman M4A1.

"I want 15 of these."

"And aircraft?"


"Understood. ALL arms will be produced with quality in mind."

He nodded and looked at the fieldguns.

"Their firerate is enough for the time being. And look the walls over for cracks and stress damage."

"I had a team already moving as I feared the same. So far no discoveries."

"Alright. All hands on deck."

"I see what you did there."

He smiled as he patted the lady on his way for the ladder.

"I really wish we were a seatown, Belfast. I'dda LOVED to go sailing aboard you."

She siled warmly....and leaned in his ear.

"A surprise then. We have our ships."



"I think i love you."

She chuckled at that awe as the friends headed for the Longhall.

"It is a perk in the Panel, dear. And myself, Lady Wales, Sister Illustrious and Dear Unicorn had purchased it."

"They the only ones here?"


"Hmm. A heavy cruiser, heavy flagship battleship, heavy aircraft carrier and an aircraft maintaince ship. We'll set you to reserves."


Tyler and the council gathered in the Longhall and Sophia approached him with a pale face.

"The Queendom will NEVER oppose you."

"Good. THAT was a warmup."

She shuddered.

"And NOW I properly understand why you refuse to sell those weapons of war."

"Good. Now then."

He sat in his throne as Soria, the middle girl of the queendom poked her head up with a blushing excitement....her voice a happy chirp.

"I wanna fly like Lady Yoshkia!"

He chuckled.

"We're still researching them, Soria."

"I want one!"

"We'll see. In the meantime....wanna learn how to drive a tank?"


"Alright. YOU gonna be fun to have around"

She smiled and grabbed a hug off Miho as she came in. Tyler looked at the orange haired tank commander and she smiled tiredly.

"We're okay."

"You've killed people, Miho."

"I know. And we defended our homes. We'll be with Yoshkia and Belfast...but I think we'll be okay."

Tyler smiled fondly as the council gathered and the leader of the bandits was walked forward along with the surviving captains of his force. They were tossed to the floor and Tyler sat up straight.

"Welcome to Haven."

Sophia took a seat in a second throne of bones at his left.

"This may be your town, Jarl Tyler, but these are STILL my people. I shall oversee this trial."

He nodded and looked at the men.

"each of you get a mark on your heads so you remember the day you picked a fight with HAven. The mess you have made will be repaired with your own hands."

Tyler looked to Satuski beside him.

"YOU have more experience with this one then i do, Satuski."

She nodded.

"At Honnuji, we indoctrinated our defeated into our forces. Those that refused, well. We DID need labrats."

A gulp was seen on the men and Tyler looked at them.

"And we DO need fodder for the fighting pits in the guild. Perhaps THAT will be their fate."

Tyler had one eye on Sophia and he noted the queen's eyes flash at this as if she recognized it. The bandit leader sighed.

"We yield. Was just a job."

Tyler looked at him...and smirked.

"We will go the way of Satuski's experience. You will pay attonement to Haven itself. As Indentured guards, garrison, and help us maintain our town."

Belfast looked at him.

"enslave them?"

TYler shrugged.

"I look at it like when you have a wayward child wash the dishes for a week."

"Ah. A classic."

Mina chuckled.

"My grandmother did that to me."

"NOW look atchya. Leadin your own military unit. How much you've-"

"Cut the shit with the patronizing or I'll hit you with brassknuckles."

"why go THAT far Mina? Barkhorn has an iron fist."

"You're scared of her."



Sophia chuckled at the banter.

"I wish to meet this Barkhorn. Seems she is QUITE the girl to elict fear from YOU."

"Ha. She's over there."

He jabbed a finger at the smirking proudly Barkhorn in the corner leaning on a wall. Sophia blinked.

"Oh dear. she IS a tough girl."

"Yeeeah. don't make her mad."

He looked at the bandits and the leader chuckled.

"Putti in work round town after gettin me ass beat. Can't help but feel a touch o me grandpappy's farm. The period of time?"

"THAT you will NOT know."

"This is fair. And a mercy I did not expect."


The checkmarks were carved by Tyler now.

"This is your ONE. Piss us off again, and we'll feed you to the pits."

The men nodded and the balls an chains attached.


"we did it to the Draguls."

"...This be a special form of humilating."

Tyler chuckled at his bemused tone.

"Alright. They'll be housed in that jail we constructed. Yoshkia."

The blood covered witch stepped forward and saluted as the bandits were taken away.


"report from the Hospital."

"Sir. All wounds have been healed with magic and the men are resting. The freed captives are undergoing healing and some are visiting Hestia's temple for.....purging."

Tyler nodded gravely.

"Good. Poor bastards. Once they regain their strength we'll ask them what they want to do. Leave or stay,"

"Yes sir."

"See to them, Yoshkia. Dismiss."

She saluted and headed back to her work. Tyler looked at Asuna now.

"We got poked and all they got back was thunder. we'll need to do some investigating."

"Understood. We'll step up patrols."

"Mina and her witches as well."

She nodded and Tyler rose.

"we fended off our first attack. See to your equipment, people. This is how it always starts. Meeting adjourned."

The council and the royal family gathered around the maps and Mina marked an X three miles from the town.

"Their camp was here."

Tyler nodded as he looked at the open area of grassland.

"And was near the abandoned section of the Queen's Road. We've been watched the entire time we built the road. Probably a raven or other enchanted bird."

Sophia crossed her arms as he looked to her.

"On my blood, this is NOT MY doing."

"One of your court?"

"I do not like the fact I cannot deny the possibility. And it IS possible."

"Hmm. All we have is a pile of gold and a cloaked figure. The gold we'll add to the town vault."

"Agreed....is the town open for business, Tyler?"

"Absolutely. we just need to fill the Dove temples and the guild."

"I can send their representatives with the first merchant caravan."

"Good. And we still have our own contracts to secure."

"We do indeed."

Tyler looked at Seraphina and the slightly pale princess smiled.

"Your town is quite powerful, my to-be husband."

He smiled.

"We were merely practicing."

"Oh dear."

"YOU go take a nap. You look like you're about to pass out."

"I...will do so. excuse me."

She curtsied and headed to her stateroom on th second floor. Sophia sighed as the door shut.

"She was FAR too gentle to have witnessed such bloodshed. Now. I will sign our trade contract."

She produced a scroll and passed it over.

"The usual rates for tradig towns are 25% of your overall profit in taxes per month, another 25% of your profit to the Queendom's coffers as a Tithe, and you may claim the rest."

"Say we make 500,000 gold,"

"The queendom would collect 250,000. This it TOTAL. PROFIT. NOT individual item profit."

Tyler nodded.

"If we CAN'T pay, Sophia?"

She sighed.

"Then a royal tax collector will seek payment from the town itself. And that can be in the form of crops, goods, property.....personelle,"

"Okay. I'mma make this clear. Try that on us, and we WILL retaliate."

"Are YOU asking for FAVORITISM?"

He looked her dead in the eye.

"DO not play not that card, Sophia Firemane. OUR home is NOT a repayment. PUSH IT, and we LEVEL yours."

She shivered at the threat and the cold light in his eyes.

"We.....will figure something out in such a situation."

"Is this a monthly payment?"

"It is different from town to town. Some, due to the vast amounts they handle, pay weekly to prevent presenting too tempting a target. Others pay a mere once a year due to their being a poorer village. I cannot offer you that luxury due to your town's splendour, Tyler. To TRY would cause an uproar in the court and my own council. And since you are a new town, expectations are rather mixed on just WHAT we can gain. So the contract."

Tyler looked at it.

"The 10 jeeps and halftracks are ready for sale and we can have another 10 of each ready in a similar timeframe."

"The Queendom will require lessons on operating such vehicles. But you knew that."

"It will take me and those skilled in their use mere hours to teach you to use them. The lessons we'll slap....50 gold on."

The queen smiled.

"That is the usual price of hiring a tutor for horsemanship."

"50 gold per person per jeep. And we can begin immediately. Now. The jeeps themselves will be 3,000 gold per."

"That is 30,000 gold for the queendom. The tax on horses and wagons is 15% of the cost. The same will apply per jeep. The halftracks?"


"Fair. And as they be military purpose built they are taxless as it is a service to the queendom."

Belfast looked up from a paper she had done the math on.

"We are looking at a tax of 2,000 gold for the purchase. Our profit would be 28,000 gold."

"That's just the jeeps. The halftracks is another 35,000. So 63,000 QG pieces."

He looked t Sophia.

"The mustangs are ready as well."

She nodded.

"These are for civilians?"

"They are....and you'd need to try it to find out why."

"Then let us away."

Rias smirked.

"YES I have our own, Rias."


He chuckled as the Jarl led the queen out of the longhall. Sophia smiled.

"She is a VERY lovely girl."

"And an even better friend."

"Her heart is more guarded I see."

"That and she's been there before."


Tyler led her to a line of 1968 Mustangs parked in a line and he smiled as she picked a fire red convertible.

"OOOOH good taste."

He climbed in through a window as she opened the door.

"Why DID you nost use the door?"


"Oh dear."

She sat in the seats...and he put the top down.

"I love this already."


He turned the key and the powerful V8 engine growled to life and the queen blushed as she felt it's power in hr chest.


"Welcome to Muscle Cars."

He floored the pedal and peeled out of the garage in a sideways drift onto the road and pinned the gas. The car roared in fury and even reared a little from the power of it's engine before Tyler had them cruising at well over 100 miles an hour down the road. Sophia had a blush of excitement on her face at the throaty roar and vibration in her melons while her hair was fully flung out behind her. Tyler smiled as he slid the car sidways around the queen's road with the all terrain tires kicking up a dustcloud from his perfect drift that had him aimed back at the glittering white road. The queen had a wild smile as they roared along the road before he threw the car into a full tailspin....and neatly parked it back where it started. The queen was red in the face, flushed, panting, and had an exhilerated smile on her face as the roof was put back up. Tyler smirked at her as he twirled the keys.

"So? Whaddya think?"

She looked at him,

"I love you."

"HA. Oh come on, Sophia. I'll get ya one."

She shivered.

"I FELT it's power.....and I want MORE!"

"Good. I got more models comin."

"NAME your price!"

He chuckled at her arroused, husky voice and the pair returned to the Longhall. Rias laughed at the queen's wobble and spacy smile.

"You never forget your first muscle car, Sophia. Hey Tyler? Next one is a plymouth."

"OOOOOOH. YOU are a classy lady indeed!"

"I know my icons."


Tyler looked at the queen and she shivered.

"That CAR....aroused me from the ride ALONE....oh my."

"Ha. We're making a ratrod next, Rias."

"Oh DAMN dude! I love it!"

"Welcome back to 80s muscle war."

He pulled the mustang design over.

"These we'll put at 2,500 since they ARE purely civilain."

Sophia nodded.

"I wish one for my own collection."

"Sure. We'll get a custom paintjob too."

"My colors please."

"Sure. So 15% of 2,500 is 167. So you're looking at 1,670 in taxes. Total taxes is 3,670. PROFIT FOR THE TOWN we're looking at 86,330 from the first batch of cars alone."

Belfast smiled.

"I have recieved reports of our clothing offerings flying off their racks. We are offering every piece for 30 gold per, rooms at the inn for 100 gold, meals at the tavern 10 gold up to 30 for high quality, weapons 150 gold starting. We are BOOMING at the moment, Tyler."

"We'll tally numbers at the end of each day, Belfast."

"Absolutely. And our stores of stock are still full to bursting."

He nodded and looked at Sophia.

"Have the merchant trains start moving and the guild an dove reps with them. The next project we'll look into is sky an rail trade."

She nodded and smiled.

"The contract?"

"we'll keep the price set at this unless we run into a pinch. we'll be dealing with other countries too. But we will sell to the Queendom for the disclosed amounts."

The council and the queen signed the contract and Tyler passed the original to Belfast. who smiled at the trust....then smirked as a thought occured to her.

"I am NOT your secratery."

"NO. You're the BEST."

She smiled sweetly and Rias lifted an eyebrow.

"Rias? let her have something."

They chuckled as he didn't even GLANCE in her direction. Sophia smiled.

"This town is going to be VERY fun to watch. And know I will be looking into the attack through my own means."

"Akeno will be briefed and join you for the ride back to Berlot."

"I adore her. And very well."

Rias smiled.

"I'll send for her."

The meeting ended and Akeno came sauntering into te Longhall with a smirk on her face.

"Oh my! A mission for ME?"

Tyler smirked.

"YOU'RE going behind enemy lines, Akeno."

She blinked. When her mission was explained she had an unreadable expression on her face as she looked at Tyler.

"Out of the entire town, you would trust ME with something so DANGEROUS....delicate....and ME?"

Tyler smiled.

"Yes. YOU were the first one I thought of Akeno. If I couldn't find Rias for any reason or anything, I'd look for YOU first. THEN the rest of them."

She shivered.

"I will not fail you."

"Of course you won't, Akeno. I BELIEVE in you."

She hugged him hard.

"Thank you."

"every time. And remember. YOUR safety is more important then spying. Get backed into a corner, blow the whistle. we can have forces inside that city in minutes."

Akeno smiled proudly as she looked at him.

"I'll be careful, Tyler. And I'll take Koneko as my attendant. her strength is still there....and she can benchpress four of those STUGS without effort."

"And that's why I picked you, Akeno. YOU are the BEST."

She smiled and Koneko was sent for. A few minutes later a shorter girl walked in. She was only Tyler's waist in height with snow white hair and gleaming amber eye set in a delicate face. Her frame was petite and her bust modest on her narrow chest. Her outfit was a croptop of leather and denim shortshorts that showed her legs off as she walked up and spoke in a hard, snarky tone.


Her mission was explained as Akeno's bodyguard/hidden in plain sight muscle/attendant and she smirked.

"Rad. I'm in."

Tyler smiled as he passed her own set of commstones and recon stones over.

"Thanks Koneko."

She fistbumped the Jarl with a smirk.

"I like firing those fieldguns."

"We'll get ya a grenade launcher."

"I like you. And you can count on me."

He nodded and looked at the map of the town.

"Okay. We'll be getting a lot of people VERY quickly. Asuna, we need guard captains."


"Kirito is automatically nominated. Same with Xenovia and Kyba."

Rias smirked.

"Kyba has KINDA become the dreamboy of the Golden Angels."

"He lovin it?"

"Welll.....he's got his eye on one particular angel."

"Glimmer or Gloria?"

"Gloria if you can believe it."

"Wow. Going after a hot blonde MILF golden angel? I owe him a fistbump. How's Gaspy doin?"

"OOOH he is LOVING life! He's got his own following of Angelgirls all clambering for his attention. Raswesia and Vestal are like sisters."


Asuna smiled.

"Kirito is kinda become the town sherriff. LIke he'll go on patrols and break up fights when he finds them. The town respects him immensely."

"Good. How's Xenovia, Rias?"

The redhead shrugged.

"She's kinda became the Golden Angels' big sister/icon. Since she wields a holy sword? Yeah. She's got her own fandom too."

He chuckled.

"It'll be freakin hilarious when other devilkin start showing up."

"Or we're fully expecting full on worship."

Tyler looked at Belfast.

"Wales is also town guard captain."

"She will happily assist. And dear sister Illustrious wishes a word with you, Tyler, regarding something personal."

"She wants to hit me."

"As my OLDER sister."

"Wow. huh. Always had you two figured for the same age."

Belfast smiled.

"The material didn't cover that?"

"It MIGHT have and I just not notice. Enterprise and Hornet were more my favorites from your show then you two were."

"Ah. I do not blame you.....yet UNICORN?"

"SHe is too damn cute."

"SHE is another town gem that is not ALLOWED to be alone. Sister Illustrious is hailed as a goddess of beauty."

"Makes sense."

Erwin chuckled.

"Armin was discovered by the Golden Angels....and he now has to wear a hood."

"He gay?"

"Oh heavens no. He is actually interested in Asia.....I warned him to be VERY careful Rias."


Tyler shrugged.

"He's another Gasper but a trained soldier and a thinker."

"Huh. I'll meet him. See what I think."

"Sure. he's timid at times, but he does NOT back down when it's go time. Eren and Mikasa, Erwin?"

ERwin sighed.

"Eren isn't happy we're still trapped behind walls even in a new world. His words, not mine. Mikasa has been getting into fights with Fallen Angels when they make passes at Eren or he picks a fight. They haven't been serious and always end when one of the stronger smack them."

"I'll talk to Eren. He's GOT a point if you think about it."

"He does TO a point."

"I got em. Levi?"

"HAsn't decided if you're worth following or not."

"Fair. Mina's witches are town gems in their own way."

The witch chuckled.

"Perrine was approached by one of the Fallen Angel girls. And they are courting. They are CUTE together. Shirley and Franseca are still going strong, Sanya has a photo of YOU Tyler on her nightstand....and stares at it with an unsettlingly longing expression....she's stalking you."

Tyler, Rias and Belfast blinked at THIS surprising news and the Jarl rubbed his hair.

"How long has THAT been a thing, Mina?"

"wellllll...since you helped her build her house....and saved her from that loose log."

He blinked. During the construction of Sanya's own manor, a log had slipped free from the wall and nearly crushed the girl but for Tyler to catch the 2 foot thick thing. She'd been unharmed and the logs reworked to prevent another such accident.

"THAT long?"

Mina nodded with a smile.

"She's utterly harmless and means no ill will. You're just her hero. And when you said she was your favorite witch....Elyia found her naked in her room that night.....looking at your photo....doing things."


"Sanya has always been.....emotionally intense."

"Yeeeeah. Um. THIS is a new one."

He looked at Belfast and the lady smiled.

"I will see to her, Tyler."

"Sure. I've NO PROBLEM with this whatsoever. I just don't want her to go TOO far."

"Absolutely not. I will see to her."

"I'll talk to her as well, Belfast. let her know I WANT to know her."

Mina smiled warmly at this.

"She's not hard to find, Tyler."

The Jarl nodded with a smile before he pulled some paper over.

"Since I can expect more to arrive, I think it'd be a good idea to have their weaponry waiting."

He passed the schematics for a pistol over.

"We'll need two of these for when she arrives. I'll give you a list of names to keep an eye out for should we get a new batch. They appear we'll issue them their hardware."

Mina looked at the barretta cutlass design.

"I kinda like that profile, Tyler."

"Thanks. THIS is MY upgrade."

He slid a deagle design over and Asuna smirked.

"A desert eagle?"

"I can dual wield em."

"SCARY. Are we moving to modern weaponry now?"

"Small arms yes. Artillery and the like we'll stick to world war 2 up to the cold war. The modern era we'll save for when things get REALLY hardcore."

Hestia smirked.


"I don't need nukes. Not when i can develope intercontinental ballastic missiles...with MIRV WARHEADS."

"OH MY ME. I just saw what you mean...um."

She shuddered and Mina looked at him.

"IN our terms?"

"A single missile that can split into independently guided warheads to slam into a cluster of targets. Basically a guided cluster rocket barrage....and it's a single delivery system."

"JESUS. HOW many targets?"

"Between four....and 40."

"OH MY GOD, YOUR war is TERRIFYING! If we need to go THAT FAR, it'd be us against the world. NOT before."


He slid another bomber design over.

"On top of the lancasters, I also want a squadron of these built."

Mina smiled fondly as she looked at the schematics for B-17 Flying Fortresses.

"There's a familar sight. They'd be a better option then the Lancasters, Tyler."

"I know."


She smirked and Belfast chuckled.

"I too now this plane dear, and rather adore the elegant lines."

Asuna nodded.

"As do I. we'll get the Lancasters built and supplied before we worry about the surprise reserve."

Tyler smiled.

"And I think that's about all we can do today ladies and Erwin. NOW we're on damage control for the bandits and captives."

They nodded and the meeting was adjourned. Tyler walked up the stairs to the Princess' section where he found Seraphina's door. He tapped on his fiance's door with a knuckle and she poked her head out...and smiled.

"I am glad you know this courtesy. Some men in the capital barge into ladies' rooms."

"My grandmother taught me this one."

She nodded and he noted she was back to her normal color as the redheaded beauty admited him. Her room being laid out with a grand bed on the wall and a large window looking out over Haven and plenty of warm carpets, cushioned couches, and seats. Seraphina sat on one couch and Tyler across from her. He smiled.

"We never finished our negotiations."

She nodded.

"No we did not.....and I thank you for my life."

"I protect my people, Seraphina. You're one of them now...and my fiance. I WILL keep you safe."

She shivered at that iron clad vow.

"I had the opportunity to speak to the LAdy Rias. She is primary in your harem?"

He smiled.

"She WAS the one I was pursuing first."

"This is fair. You were saying something on the walls prior to the attack?"

"Ah. Yes. You will be expected to follow Haven laws. ALL of em."

She blinked.

"And....the fact I am a princess?"

"Sorry. NO ONE in Haven is exempt from the Laws. Not even me. Not even you. if you're worried abut strength, don't. we'll figure it out."

She gulped.

"I...have a reputation to uphold. Doing the work as a commoner....would NOT put me in a good light, Jarl Tyler."

He chuckled.

"To WHO?"

"The Queendom. I am their princess."

"NOW you live in Haven. As MY fiance. You're THEIR princess now."

He sat back on the couch and looked at the now fearful princess with a smile.

"This is your home now, Seraphina. and you will be expected to act like it is. Do you not take pride in your own home?"

"I....just keep in mind I.....have never.....done such manual labor before."

He smiled at the resigned girl.

"You'll be fine, Seraphina. You'll also be taught how to defend yourself like we do too."

"I am a girl! AND a PRINCESS! Not a warrior!"

"THIS one, is more for YOUR sake. NO ONE, is helpless in my town. NO ONE is unable to defend the ones they love when they need it most. EVERYONE HAS THE SKILLS, to step UP, when they are needed most. Say it was Soria on the floor about to be raped by a GOBLIN. what are you gonna do? SIT THERE AN WATCH?"

She shuddered at that dark image.

"I....would beg to use me instead."

"Why BEG when you can learn to KILL IT?"

"I am a lady."

"Okay. So isn't Rias. And SHE was up there on that wall. Barkhorn can shatter bricks with her bare hands. PERRINE is a NOBLE. RIAS is a PRINCESS."

"MY word is she really?"

Tyler smirked.


Seraphina had awe in her eyes at this news.


"Her title?"

"Oh my."

The Empress of Ruin."

The princess gasped.

"SHE is the EMPRESS OF RUIN? Oh my dear lord. And....YOU'RE in LOVE with her?"

Tyler chuckled.

"YOU know the title."


"I know. And she's the sister of the king of hell."

Seraphina shivered.

"I am on first name terms...with the Empress herself...oh my."

"Here's another one. Akeno? that tall beauty with the pink eyes and purple hair?"

"I know her."


"Your town is full of mythical legends.....and you expect me to STAND alongside them on the WALLS?"


Seraphina had wide eyes at this.

"A warrior Princess. To stain my hands with blood....would be unbecoming of one of my station."

"In HAven, there is NO station. we live together, we WORK TOGETHER, we TRIUMPH together. And here's ANOTHER facet you should be aware of."

"Go on."

He looked her in the eye.

"Break the laws of HAven, and you WILL be punished as a citizen of the town. My WIFE or NOT."

She gasped in a NEW horror!

"I am a PRINCESS!"

"Okay? I castrated Issei, Rias' former boyfriend and a DEAR friend of hers for breakin our laws ans she BEGGED me not to. I STILL did it. why? Because that is what a leader is SUPPOSED to be. Everyone is held accountable. NO ONE gets special favors or leniency. NO ONE gets a free ride n Haven."

Seraphina nodded now.

"Then i reject our marriage. and REFUSE."

"Okay. YOU tell Sophia."

"I shall immediately. I REFUSE to give up my station for the life of a mere dock working commoner."

Tyler chuckled at this spoiled princess retort.

"That's fine PRINCESS. Yet. we DOCK WORKING COMMONERS, PUT you on that fancy chair in that fancy tower. We can take you out of it too."

"Are you threatening me?"


He walked out as the princess also walked out in a right huff to speak to her mother. The Jarl chuckled as she slammed the door with a pout and marched off.


Belfast stepped from around a corner.

"Her issue?"

"Spoiled princess refuses to lower herself to we dock working commoner level."

"Ah. I see you explained the laws."

"NO ONE gets a free ride or special treatement in Haven. Not even my wife."

"I completely approve. Saria has taken quite an interest in flower arrangment and is learning from Hana. Soria.....was last seen going into Miho's garage."

"NOW I'm kinda curious. Seraphina doesn't HAVE any character."

"You knew on sight."

"Course I did. That look of misery was because of the TOWN and the PEOPLE. NOT her life."

She nodded.

"we are prepared."


Tyler headed to the garage where thr tanks were housed and worked on. as he approached he heard Akyama talking to Soria about the T38.

"what does this do, Lady Akyama?"

"This is the clutch Soria. It helps work the transmission and allows it to go faster."

"THIS is how you make it bang right, LAdy Akiyama?"

"Don't touch it! It might be loaded!"

"But I watched you UNLOAD it, Lady Akiyama?"

Tyler smiled as he leaned on the door.

"Always treat any gun like it's always loaded, Soria. This way, you prevent an accident."

The redheaded and green eyed princess had ditched her fancy gown for a tanktop and skirt like what Miho's girls wore and combat boots. her face and clothes were covered in dirt and grime from working around the tanks and she had a smile as she saw Tyler at the door.

"Oh hello, Lord Jarl. did you need something?"

"I was mildly curious to see how you're getting on, Soria."

"Oh i love this town! everything is so NEW and COOL!"

"You ain't seen notin yet."

She had excitement at this as he walked over to the T38 by her.

"I want to see!"

He patted her and she blushed.


"Thank you. Can YOu drive this, Lord Jarl?"

"My name's Tyler. And I can."

"Can you teach me, Please? Mako's in the hospital."

Tyler blinked and looked at Akiyama. who smiled.

"She's getting her low blood pressure healed by Yoshkia. Yoshkia has her under observation in case something goes wrong."

"Ah. Smart. Hey, where's Saori?"

"Probably with her Fallen Angel Boyfriend."

"Wow. His name?"


"OOOH they're the same age. Nothin I need pay attention to. Miho?"

The orange haired girl popped out of the main hatch of the T38.


Tyler chuckled.

"Makin sure our OTHER town gem hasn't gotten stolen."

She smiled and Soria hugged her.


"Ha. Miho, the TIGERS are coming."

She blinked.

"But...the gate's too small for a tiger."

"You SURE?"

"NOW I'm not! what model?"

"Tiger 1. We'll get work into the chassis and see what we can do to make the other variants viable."

"Hmm, maybe a lighter metal? Mister Wulf was saying some metals were as strong as irona dn steel...but less then HALF their weight."

"If they behave like the components, we'll make a fuckin Maus. BOOM. problems solved."

The tankers chuckled at that one and Akiyama sat on the tank.

"Will the rest of our club come too, Tyler?"

"Most likely. Keep it under ya, but most likely."

"I REALLY want our Porchse Tiger back."

"On the list. Next up is some M4A1s."

"OOOOH. Smart."

"AND a KV2."

Miho frowned.

"Mobile artillery?"

"Pretty much."

Soria was just hugging Miho.

"I have no idea what you're talking about and i don't care! I'm snuggling MIHO!"

They laughed at her cheer and Tyler pulled a colt from his pocket.

"Hey Soria."


He passed her the gun.

"It's loaded with practice rounds. I'll teach ya to use it. Okay?"

She had STARS in her eyes at the gun.

"I'll be careful."

"You'll be fine, Soria. This switch is the safety. Makes it so the trigger can't be pulled. Don't touch it until you're ready to shoot."


He patted her again as Belfast came over with a smile.

"Sophia has called for the council, Tyler."

"THAT took longer then I thought. Alright. Miho, I'd like you to take Soria out on a patrol with the T38."

"Sure. We're due out anyway."

Soria was bouncing in excitement at getting to ride int he tank and Tyler smiled as he left her to her joy.

"THAT girl is just fun to be around."

Belfast nodded with her own fond smile.

"we ALL adore her. And I saw the gun."

"Training gun."

"She will love this town."

He nodded.


"SHe will be a FIERCE lady in her years."

The pair walked into the Longhall...and Tyler smirked as he saw Seraphina covered in bruises and marks.

"So THIS is your answer, Seraphina?"

Sophia was sitting in his throne with a look of thunder in her eyes.

"We come to your town in peace....I OFFER you terms of FRIENDSHIP...and you RAPE my DAUGHTER-"



He pulled a small crystal from a button on his coat and set it on the table...and the recording of the entire meeting, his walk to Serpahine's room and their discussion, her horror at being held to HAven's laws, and then him walking out was seen. Seraphine was white in the face at this and Tyler chuckled.

"Lady. MY home country's teenage girls do this to people as a SPORT. And they are FAR more cruel then you will EVER be."

Sophia had a NEW look of OUTRAGE as she saw her daughter unmarked when Tyler left....and him spending time with Soria and the tankers.


The queen had a voice of veiled WRATH.

"THIS is who my daughter TRULY. IS."

Seraphine was shaking as all eyes turned to her and Tyler smiled.

"Can i have my fancy chair back please? This is kinda weird."

And the tension was cut like a knife as the room outside the terrified princess chuckled, Sophia included.

"Of course. And I must admit, Soria seems to ADORE this town."

"LAdy that girl is a joy to be around. I know I said she could return.....but I KINDA wanna keep her."

The queen smiled proudly.

"Everyone says that about her. And she IS such a FREE spirit."

"we'll get her own Striker Unit. NOTHING will make her feel more free."

"THOSE I wish to offer a contract for when you are finished testing."

"Sure. We got another project we're working on I think you'd love."

"I see. We shall talk."

She surrendered his throne and he sat in it as she took the now on his RIGHT hand side throne and Seraphine was placed on the floor as an accused. Sophia faced her.

"Seraphine Firemane. You stand accused of the crime of Falsely accusing an innocent man of rape. AND attempting to incite a WAR between our peoples. HOW do you plead?"

Seraphine had horror in her voice.

"Mother, he DID rape me! Check me! I'm not pure anymore! And it WAS HIM!"

Tyler looked at Hestia.

"Cast an antimagic spell, please. or at least a despell."

"THIS would work better."

The goddess produced a sealed potion and Sophia smiled.

"Ah. A potion of cleansing. it cleans all blemishes and paintings on the skin no matter what they are."

"I got an idea. I'll splash Asia outta nowhere...and say better."

Rias cracked her knuckles with a smirk.

"NO cruel jokes on Asia."

"It'd make her hair glow."


"And for future note? I'd NEVER do that to her...ASIDE from pushing her in a pool."

They chuckled and Hestia splashed the princess with the potion. Nearly instantly a mass of purple, red, blue, and white paint started pouring off her body as her colors were enhanced. Seraphine had tears appear on her face and Sophia nodded.

"Veracity is thrown out. WHY SERAPHINE?"

"He was going to take away my station! i am a PRINCESS! NOT a LABORING COMMONER!"

Sophia merely placed the image of a smiling and dirt covered Soria in view.

"Is SHE a commoner, Seraphine?"

The blue eyed princess sighed.

"She is young and a MESS of a girl, Mother. Are you aware she has been found in the gardens poking at SNAKES?"


Tyler blinked at this and looked at Sophia.

"Umm you might wanna do a search in case the snakes are venomous."

The queen chuckled at this instant concern.

"The gardens are searched by Rangers weekly. They are close to 10 miles you see."

"Ah. Sorry i lost a friend to a snakebite."

"My sympathies."

"Thanks. I'll teach Soria some cool things then."

"She is a VERY inquisitive girl."

"I'mm have some fun with her then."

The queen smiled fondly then looked at Seraphine with condemnation in her eyes.

"I am well aware of Soria's wayward and free heart, Seraphine. I ENCOURAGE her to explore the world around her. Like I did YOU when you were a girl. And THIS is who you grew into. A CRUEL HEARTED shrew that looks DOWN on her people?"

Seraphine just looked at her mother.

"Mother, we ARE above such menial tasks! We ARE royalty! HIGHBORN LADIES DO NOT DIG IN THE DIRT! it's beneath us!"

Tyler looked at Hestia and the goddess chuckled.

"divine Purify."

"OOOH smart."

"Always double check for curses or possession."

Sophia chuckled as the glow shattered and they got no hits.

"A VERY wise rule when one must sit in judgement."

"I've been fiddling with having a spell over every door that purifies on entry, but am not entire sure how it would work."

"THAT is a question for the Light Temple. I will send a High Sister to you."


"extra temples. Added."

"Thanks Hestia."

They AGAIN returned to the matter at hand adn Sophia nodded.

"Seraphine. We are NOT. BETTER THEN THEM. I am ASHAMED that you believe this so. I am ASHAMED I let you become this spoiled, cruel, VINDICTIVE wretch. I now worry for my other daughters' hearts in years to come if this is how YOU turned out. I am VERY ashamed of you right now."

Seraphine had horror at this condemnation as Sophia looked to Tyler.

"As we are in Haven, I shall defer to your punishment Jarl Tyler, as a FORMAL apology. And know your engagement IS annulled in the face of her evil....and I offer my own hand in replacement."

He smiled.

"We'll talk about that, Sophia. Cause I THINK I have a compromise."

"Very well."

"Now then."

He looked to a violently shaking Seraphine.

"YOU. I think....I'll use a more specialized method of punishment, Seraphine. One that was used on ME when I started to get too big for my boots. Since you think you're so much freakin better then everyone, you're now devested of your taken-for-granted finery, removed from the royal family, and am a PERMENANT resident of Haven. You will held to our laws. You will be held to our punishments. You will conduct yourself...as a CITIZEN OF HAVEN."

Sophia looked at him curiously.

"She is removed from the royal family?"

"She doesn't DESERVE to be a princess....OR be counted among the royals. So she is not."

"Ah. I will ask more details as I sense an ulterior. I find this fitting."

"It's called poetic justice."

"I like this. She will be worked."

"LIke US. She IS one of us. And will either grow up. Or be MISERABLE."

Seraphine had MASSIVE tears of horror and indignation at this as Sophia nodded.

"The punishment is accepted."


"Absolutely. Believe it or not, I was one like her."

"And look at ya now. One of my most depended on friends and council ladies."

"Indeed. Come dear. You're new housing awaits....WITH ME."

"Okay now I'm kinda jealous."

They chuckled as the sobbing heartbrokenly girl was taken away by the stern Belfast. Once the oor shut, Sophia looked at him.

"WHAT was the unsaid?"

"She'll have to EARN her way back in. By hard, long, BACKBREAKING work."

"Character building."

"EXACTLY. MY grandmother did the exact same thing to me."

"A good lady."

"Oh she was a tough old bat. former marine."

"NO such thing as former."

"NOPE. Now. Your hand."

She smiled.

"You intend to accept."

"I do. But I want NO PART of being king of the Queendom."

"Oh thank the gods. King of Haven then."

"When we get that far. IF we get that far."

"I see. So we would be a married pair...and you would need return the crown to me in front of the people. They would see you as a romantic warrior seeking his own queen."

TYler smiled at the redheaded queen.

"And know you'd live with me."

"When NOT leading my people."

"And you'd be held to HAven's laws."

"HA. NO exceptions. When I in Haven?"

"When in HAven, you are one of us. OUTSIDE, eh."

He shrugged and Sophia took his hand with a smile.

"Our deals are intact and Rias and I have already negotiated."

"Ha. Alright. Annnnd i think we're done for the day."

They chuckled and Sophia nodded.

"And until the day we do wed, my DEAR FIANCE, we may not share a bed. And I am aware of your heart."

"Soria will MOSTLY fall asleep in Miho's tank with them, Saria will be found in the hangout ad with the Angels, annnd Seraphine will cry herself to sleep after Belfast has her make their dinner. Where'll you sleep, Sophia?"

The queen smiled.

"I will be sharing a snuggle with that ADORABLE Asia! I see that glare...I see her as another daughter. I adore her."

"MAkin sure. Asia is kinda cherished around here."

"As she should be."

The meeting adjourned and Tyler made dinner for him and Rias. The redheaded beauty smiled as they sat at their table.


"TODAY was bullshit."

"SO MUCH....so HOW much did you make up as you went?"

"NOT as much as you'd think. we ARE in a medeival setting."

She shrugged.

"I guess. So you'll marry the queen."

"I'd RATHER marry the Empress."

Rias smiled warmly at that as they sipped some good wine paired with roasted tyrant.

"ON my terms....and your romance."

"I'm not goin anywhere."

"ONE. Glass. NO drunken cuddles."

"Deal. NO blackouts."


The pair showered together and he held her tightly as they snuggled in their bed. Tyler smiled as he held her.

"MUCH better."

"wanna bet Asia sneaks in?"

"I'm betting Soria."


"MOST likely both. Good night, Rias. I-"

"Good night Tyler.....I know."