
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Demon Town: A Day in Haven.





Tyler woke the next morning to find a gorgeous blonde asleep in his arms and she was buck naked. he smiled at Asia's soundly sleeping face and leaned in her ear.

"YOU are the sweetest girl I have ever met."

She woke with a blush and a squeak.

"eep! Thank you! That felt REALLY nice!"

He chuckled as she sat up with a stretch....and her own modest softballs were displayed.

"Wow, Asia."

"Yup! I'm big!"

He hugged her.

"And amazing too."

She smiled at this as she rested against the Jarl.

"I love how this feels. Like I'm....some goddess and you're my only worshipper."

She sighed now and he patted her as he sat up beside her.

"I've room in here for a sweethearted blonde."

Asia's blue eyes had relief in them as she snuggled with the warrior.

"Thanks Tyler. Issei always pinches me when we snuggle....or that one time he bit me."


"It hurt. I had to use a spell!"

He hugged the now clutching her softballs protectively girl.

"I don't bite."

"Nope! YOU snuggle and it's SUUUPER warm! We'll smuggle again soon."

"Rias want her interview?"

"And Akeno too."

She shrugged and he patted her.

"Stay sweet, Asia."

"I will! YOU stay awesome!"

He chuckled as they got dressed and he loaded his rifle for his patrol. The friends ate breakfast together and headed out. Asia was scopped up giggling by Akeno and Rias as Tyler got a hug from the redhead.


"ALWAYS you."

She left with a smile and Tyler went to the main gate where he climbed to the walltop. He had 10 clips for his kar in a pouch as he did his morning patrol. The arrior smiling as he walked the perimeter and noting nothing of interest as he completed the circuit at the maingate. He looked to the sky and noted another clear warm day.

"Morning Tyler."

He looked as Ember climbed up to the walltop.

"Morning Ember. How's the inn?"

She smiled warmly. Her attire her platemail as she replied.

"VERY cozy and relaxing. I admit it was one of the better inns I have stayed in."

He chuckled.

"Thanks. Even IF it's kinda crude."

"Oh that gives it a certain charm."

"I guess. So what's up?"

She looked at the forest.

"I was wondering if you had a lover."

He chuckled at that.

"I got a girl in mind I'm courting."

"Ah. Rias is her name, not?"

"wow are we THAT obvious?"

"You're not subtle."

"Ha. She's got some drama she needs to sort out."

Ember smiled.

"I feel you should be warned. As the leader of a promising trade town, you're going to be seen as a VERY elligiable bachalor to many a lady in all three countries....and some are QUITE agressive."

"Appreciate the warning. Annnd YOU'RE aggressive too."

She smirked.

"I am at times. and I am a HAPPILY married woman....to my wife."

"Ha. Lucky."

"Oh you have NO idea. She's an angel."

"RIAS is devilkin. I win and you will never convince me otherwise."

Ember blinked.

"That BEAUTY is the child of a DEMON?"

"A demon? LAdy. She's the DEMON PRINCESS. I am NOT kidding you here. RIAS is thre SISTER TO THE KING OF HELL."


"Oh yeah. Akeno? Her best friend? IS a FALLEN ANGEL. And is her go to for ANYTHING."

Ember had a new look of awe as she looked to where Rias and Akeno's unmistakable hair was seen by the bathhouse with Asia's gold.

"YOU have a VERY formidable force, Tyler the Jarl of Haven."

He smiled.

"I know. These people are amazing and the very BEST of friends you can ask for."

Ember smiled warmly.

"I admit. I am jealous."

"Wanna hang your sword here go for it. Haven's built to be a place for those to find a new home...and feel like they BELONG."

The redheaded knight smiled.

"A beautiful sentiment. And one I adore wholeheartedly. However I belong with my wife in the capital. And she will be missing me dearly.""

"How much for that crystal?"

"I will hit you....and it's usually 75 gold."

"HA! And the cast is priceless."

She laughed.

"You ARE a charming bastard! YES I'll bring her to visit."

"Ahhh yah. Asia will put her to shame."

"...I can't fight this. that girl is just too sweet."

"Asia is a town gem. Everyone loves her."

Belfast came over now.

"Tyler, we have a report from Erwin's scouting."

"On it, Belfast. Later Ember."

She smiled as he leapt from the wall to head to the Longhall. Ember smiled as she watched the warrior Jarl passing his people and all waved or threw jabs.

"This town is more like an extended family. and their LEADER is MOST intriguing."

Tyler and Belfast walked into the longhall and Erwin passed him a bright blue stone.

"We were able to secure close to ten wagons of the blaststone, Tyler. The mine is here."

He tapped a rock outcrop half an hour from town and Tyler nodded.

"we'll dig a bunker for it then. Have it by the smithy. Mina."

"We'll get to digging."

"ALL stone with metal reinforcing. we'll set it as our fuel depot."

"Right. Wulf says he wants an ammo dump constructed as well."

"Same only deeper....and with a spiral staircase into the ground. These two are extremely volitile resources so we'll need to be extra careful."

They nodded and Belfast smiled.

"I can assist. Our own shells were more tempermental."

"Thanks Belfast. The dirt and material we remove we'll use to level out the paths around the town and gates. How's our fields, Asuna?"

She smiled.

"Healthy and growing. The wheat will be ready for harvest in 5 days."

"Good. We'll be able to make bread."

They chuckled and Rias came forward.

"We'll need a refit on our pelts and blankets, Tyler."

"I figured. We'll send out resource crews today and get the bunkers dug."

The town threw itself into another round of intense construction. This time digging the stoe and metal reinforced bunkers for their more hazardous resources. Leon blinked as the dirt and stone removed from the ground was then used to pad their roads and paths around the town with a large portion used to expand their farm.

"I like how they approach their town's use of nature. NOTHING is wasted or is useless!"

Tyler smiled as he and Kirito put into the stone ceiling ont he blaststone bunker.

"This'll be kinda cool to expand Kirito."

The black haired boy chuckled as they applied the molten lead mortar.

"Tunnels between buildings?"

"Tunnels between buildings. THOSE we'll put in once we're alone for a bit."

"Smart and scary."

"Since we can do anything with our town, might asd well turn it into a fortress."

"Damn straight."

The ceiling was secured and once the support pillars wielded Tyler and Wulf installed the solid steel and stone bunker bulkhead doors that had room for two wagons to enter at once....and the keys were turned. To open teh bunker you need both keys from two different council members and the third key from Tyler's personal ring to open the thing. MIna smiled as she got her key.

"We'll need a ring at this point."

He chuckled.

"we'll figure it out. Alright. get the wagons moving."

They nodded and the mining trips were conducted with the entire town due to the dangerous resource. Hector was amazed as he saw the town's approach to security as the bulkhead was secured by the council.

"They are trying to craft an untakeable town....and with the way the Jarl thinks? They'll do it!"

The next project was the ammo bunker. THIS one also had severe locks, but every member of the town got a set in the event of an attack. Tyler smiled s the ammo was wheeled in by the crateful.

"Alright. NOW we just need the mechs to go with the fuel."

The town chuckled at that one as Tyler loaded his rifle and climbed onto the wall for the noon patrol. He looked out at the forest and smiled....as a darting dot in the sky caught his attention. He looked at it with his spyglass....only to see a young women covered in wounds with golden feathered wings fleeing from a group of people on dark feathered wings. He blinked at this and hefted his rifle flipping he safety off in the motion. He sighted in the flight lead of the chasing force and pulled the trigger. The gun banged and the round took the man in the face. Tyler cycled the weapon and the next round took another dark wing in the chest as the golden winged girl saw she was being defended and dove for the safety of the walls. Tyler put the last three rounds in the faces of three that tried to give an order. Tyler reloaded his rifle with a smirk and took aim as the rest of the town came running.

"Drop em! ONE prisoner!"

The walls opened fire as the panting and badly hurt girl landed on the walltop and dropped as her pursuers were felled from the sky.



The witch had the bleeding girl on her shoulder with Asia and Belfast assisting. The ladies carried her to the hospital as Tyler saw one of the dark wings take a round to the wing.

"Prisoner hit! Bring em to me!"

Barkhorn and Mina were quick to leap from the walls with chains and a bag to secure the prisoner. Tyler looked at the sky.

"clear! Reload and get those bodies inside the walls! I want to know what we're dealing with."

He and the rest of the snipers kept watch as the corpses were collected and laid out on the ground in the town center. The prisoner was taken to the meat locker in Tyler's longhall and guarded by Barkhorn and one of Rias' friends, a tough girl by the name of Koneko. Tyler looked at rhe bodies of the dead curiously. They were tall with dark skin and black wings not unlike black bird wings. The men were well built with snow white hair while the women were busty with blood red hair and angular faces. The Jarl looked at a dumbfounded Ember as she approached.

"Who are they?"

The knight captain sighed.

"They are members of the Fallen Angel people. Or, one of the cultures of Fallen Angel in our world. They're the Dragul. or, Dragon Angels. They're little more then a bandit brigade on wings."

Tyler looked right at Akeno and she smiled.

"I'm okay. I'm used to beating up FAllen Angels, remember?"

"Love you too, Akeno."

Rias smirked.

"What? Oh come on Rias. it's AKENO."


He chuckled and looked to Hestia as she came over.

"How's the goldiwings?"

The goddess chuckled.

"awake, healing and VERY fiesty. Yoshkia likes her."

"Ha. Let's go have a word. I THING we just got roped into something."

The Jarl and his council walked into the hospital and Yoshkia poked her head out of a door.

"Weapons in the rack please!"

Mina chuckled as they hung rifles on pegs.

"Yoshkia is KINDA the queen when it comes to her hospital."

"She IS a hot nurse."

"HA! Oh you have NO idea."

He chuckled at that one as they walked into the room and found their new guest on the bed with bandages on her limbs and side. Yoshkia smiled as she came over in a pure white doctor's coat.

"She got hit by arrows and some potent fire spells. her wings were pretty badly singed and her internal organs took a beating. She's fine. i used my healing magic and she'll be okay."

Tyler patted her.

"Alright, Yoshkia. She'll be with you till we figure out this mess."

"Yes sir!"

Tyler then walked over to the now glaring defiantly girl on her bed. She was half a head shorter then him with long golden hair that hung to her feet while her frame was slender. Her face had delicate features and her eyes were a blazing blue he kinda liked. Her skin was plae and her bust large under the blanket of bear. Her most striking feature were the pair of immense golden bird wings neatly folded under her. When spread the awesome apendages were well over 20 feet wide. Tyler smiled as he sat by her bed.

"Nice of you to drop in, miss. Welcome to HAven. I'm Jarl Tyler."

She glared at him and spoke in a soft, yet firm tone.

"NO. I will NOT fuck you for saving my ass."

"Ha. Classic and don't worry. we don't work like that."

"NO I will fuck THEM for saving my ass."

"Ha. well, Asia's gonna wanna hug."

The golden winged girl looked at him strangely.


"Yeeah she likes to pounce on people....and thinks strangling somebody is the best way to hug them. Don't worry. You'll like it."

"Ummm, what the hell?"

Asia poked her head in now.

"Hi! YOU'RE cute!"

The golden winged girl just looked at this new arrival like she had three heads.

"what the FUCK is this?"

Tyler chuckled at her visible confusion.

"We're not gonna hurt ya...or use ya....ooooor really anything to ya."

The girl looked at him.


"Target practice."

She smirked.

"ME ro THEM?"

"Depends. Are YOU our enemy too?"

The girl chuckled at that.

"NO. I am NOT. So long as you're not mine."

"Got a name?"

"Glimmer Goldenwing. First Wing of the Flying Elves."

"And the Draguls?"

Glimmer sighed.

"They attacked our roost this morning and I'm the only one that escaped. Those BASTARDS were after pets."

"Well. Think you can point em out on a map?"

She blinked.


"MORE target practice."

The Flying Elf smirked.

"So long as I'm involved."

He passed her a rifle and she hefted the gun curiously.

"Okay. HOW do I use this magic spear?"

"ever use a crossbow?"

"I have?"

"Same basic concept only it kicks like a mule into your shoulder. Can you stand?"

"I can....and I'm naked."

"Oh. Yoshkia?"

The witch passed a robe.

"Her tunic's covered in blood. We're cleaning it."

Glimmer put the rabbit fur robe on as the men waited outside...

"what have you DONE to this rabbit? I have NEVER felt such a soft garment on my body ever!"

TYler chuckled at her awe.

"We'll be more an happy to tell ya once we've rescued your kin, Glimmer."

"If we succeed, I and my kin will owe you our lives...and a debt."

"One step at a time, Glimmer."

She nodded as she tied the robe and her wings fit through the back quite nicely.

"I am covered."

He pssed her the gun....

"NOT in here you idiot!"

ONly for Yoshkia's irritated callout to make them laugh. Glimmier included.

"She is VERY fierce."

"Yoshkia's a tough girl. And one of the better people you can know. Come on."

He led the Flying Elf from the hospital and stood her by the wall.

"Place the butt against your shoulder, hands here, squeeze this like you're tryin to strangle it,"

She hefted the kar98K and Tyler patted the bolt.

"Lift this up, pull it back, and slide it forward with authority."

She did and smiled at the rasping click.

"OOOh I like that."

"I'll make a gunslinger outta you yet, Glimmer. Now tense up your torso from the button to the shoulders, draw in a breath, let it out....and squeeze the trigger."

She did and the gun went off with a bang. The round slammed into a wooden target 60 yards from her and she smiled with a blush at the sound.

"I REALLY liked that!"

"We're gonna have a lotta fun you an me. Pull the bolt back,"

She cycled the bolt,

"And you're ready to shoot again."

The flying Elf had a smile as she emptied the magazine into the wooden target and Tyler taught her how to reload with a stripper clip.

"And that's the Kar98K bolt action rifle."

Glimmer smiled as he took the gun back.

"I want one."

"we'll talk on that once we're done the current job. Come on. we gotta a lot to talk about."

"Am I in danger?"


".....Are my KIN in danger from your terms?"


"I believe you. Very well."

Mina looked at him as they went for the longhall.

"An alliance."

He nodded.

"AND another piece."

Rias smirked.

"Our own NATION?"

"Why not?"

"YOU just want to be king."

"eehhhh kinda sorta."

They chuckled and Glimmer looked at the Lightning Tower curiously.

"we saw this odd thing being raised and for the life of us we could not figure out it's function. Jarl Tyler?"

"It's called the Lightning Tower. It's meant to catch lightning and prevent it hitting our homes."

"OOOOOOOH. That was the Elder Wing's theory as it was constructed of copper. And you should know, when the sun hits it just right, it has a simply BEAUTIFUL appearance."

"Thanks. An unexpected bonus."

They walked into the Longhall and Glimmer smiled at the feeling inside.

"The FEELING in here is VERY welcoming, Jarl Tyler. I like it."

He chucled as he went to his throne.

"Thanks Glimmer. This is MY house."

"MOST impressive."

He sat in the throne and faced her....and she blinked.

"Annd the feeling just turned on a drop. Wow."

He chuckled.

"I try. Okay. How many wings are your kin?"

"We number 100 wings, Jarl."


"we are a peaceful race, Jarl Tyler. All we want is to enjoy the sky as our wings grant us."

He nodded.

"Women, children and elderly?"

She nodded.

"Many. ALL can soar like eagles however."

"The attack. How did it play out?"

"The Draguls came from the sky to the south in the early morning. We were caught completely by surprise and stood no chance when the nets dropped. I was able to escape as I was already in the sky."

He nodded.

"Mina, ready a 20 man assault force. Erwin, take five and smoke blades. I want their village found and scouted."

"Yes sir."

"we will leave immedaitely."

"DO NOT. Be seen. We're looking for a surprise assault."

They nodded and he looked at Rias.

"Can you fly?"

She smirked.

"I didn't think we could....NOW we can."

"Good. This goes south....unleash hell."


Tyler looked at Glimmer.

"We'll help your people, Glimmer."

She dropped to her knee in relief.

"Thank you Jarl. We will owe you our freedom and our lives."

Here she looked at him.

"I request to go with you. I can fly-"


The blonde flying elf smiled.

"Thank you.....I owe you."

"Like i said. We'll talk once we get your people back. Now, as hard as it'll be, go rest. Asia,"

"kay! Come with me miss angel!"

They chuckled as Glimmer was taken away by the giggling Asia. Once they were gone Rias looked at Tyler.

"What's the plan here?"

He smiled.

"Haven is meant to be a haven to those that have never known a haven. THEY just lost theirs. So, we'll take em in."

Belfast smiled.


"AND extra hands. We'll teach them to defend their new homes with OUR weaponry."

Mina blinked.

"They're a peaceful people, Tyler."

"Yeah? look what happened."

Asuna sighed.

"He's got a point. which is WHY we'll only take volunteers, RIGHT?"

Tyler nodded.

"For the ACTIVE garrison yes. Volunteers only. EVERYONE will be taught how to use their new tools. And that do not to CONTINUE doing so will not be required to."

Belfast frowned harder.

"FORCE military service on CHILDREN Tyler?"

"YES. I've seen what happens when you raise children to be HELPLESS. NOT in my town. If that makes me a monster, at least they'll have the skills and training to help when the ones they love most when they NEED IT THE MOST."

This steel clad shutdown made them all blink and Rias smiled.

"In THAT light, I completely agree. Hell. they do this in schools in other countries starting at Kindergarten. MY school did it."

Tyler nodded as he smiled.

"There is NO such thing as helpless in MY town. everyone gets the tools and strength to defens themselves and the ones they love."

Mina smiled now.

"Now THAT I completely understand and agree with."

Hestia nodded as well.

"As do I. Tyler's got a point on what happens when you raise your children with blinders. The world is an ugly place. To pretend it's anything else....is just lying to yourself."

Belfast sighed.

"I suppose.....we live a harsh existence. And so strength is required. Very well."

"HOW old is Unicorn, Belfast?"

She smiled.

"A VERY fair point. And now I miss her."

"Ha. she'll appear sooner or later. annnd then the cuteness comp will begin. Her, Yoshkia or Asia. annd we'll divided into three factions."

Rias smirked.

"And what team are YOU on, Tyler?"

"YOUR team."

"OOOOH well played!"

Tyler chuckled at that one as he looked to Ember and her envoy.

"We're going to rescue Glimmer's people from the Draguls. with OUR tools. YOU will remain as town guard."

She nodded.

"You can count on us."

Tyler then cracked his knuckles.

"Now let's go have a word....with our OTHER GUEST."

The council followed the Jarl into the meat locker of his home and he sht the door behind him with a chuckle. The captive dragul was chained in a corner and the slender fallen angel gulped as the Jarl approached with a sinister smile. The Fallen Angel was a shorter boy a head shorter then Tyler. He had a lithe frame and 20 foot wide blackbird wings. His eyes were bright purple and his hair black while his skin was coal colored. He spoke in a soft, fearful tenor as Tyler crouched before him.

"Mercy! I'm just a scout!"

Tyler smirked.

"My name is Jarl Tyler. What's yours?"

The Fallen angel was shaking in terror at the dark light in Tyler's eyes.

"Vesta Lord Jarl! Vesta Darkwing. Please, spare me, I was just following orders!"

"Why'd you attack the Flying Elf village?"

"flying Elf? oh. My apologies. I know them as Golden Angels."

"I like this better. Same question."

Vesta gulped.

"we were to capture as many of the goldwings as possible and bring them to a buyer on the eastern coast. Golden Angels are quite popular pets and servants."

"Slaves. YOU are a slaver people, Vesta?"

"Not specifically. More....mercenaries. We'll do lots of jobs from slavecatching and bandit hunting to robbery and lesser tasks."

TYler crossed his arms now.

"How good are your oaths?"

Vesta had a small smile of pride now.

"We live and die by them, Jarl Tyler. Our oaths are what makes us Dragul."

"Hmm. And to SWITCH contracts?"

"On a job it is impossible. If we sold ourselves to the highest bidder without thought to the ones that hired us first, we'd be no better then bandits. We follow our contracts until they are complete. Then and ONLY then, will we consider a fresh contract."

"I can respect that. So. YOUr camp?"

The Dragul smiled.

"It is still the Goldenwing village, Jarl. Our plans were to stay the night after the raid, and then head for the coast."

"And the welfare of the captives?"

"we DO NOT abuse prisoners. On my wings we don't. Once the battle is over we tend wounds, secure but not harm, and inter the dead with honor. We are a merc band that does fell deeds at times, but we try to do so with honor."

TYler nodded and the light of darkness faded in his eyes.

"Okay. Hm. You've not lied once. OR even distorted the truth. You DO know we can't just let you go, right?"

Vesta nodded.

"I do. And completely understand. If it is death, all i ask is it's painless."

"Yeeeah. I got a better idea."

TYler smiled.

"You will attone to those you attacked along with any survivors of your band after our attack."

Vesta smiled.

"I will gladly do so, Jarl. And it was just a job."

"Nothing personal. Mina,"

The strike witch smiled as she unlocked the manacles. Vesta chuckled as he rubbed his wrists.

"I admit.....you are FAR more reasonable then i dared hope."

Tyler chuckled.

"I know an opportunity when I see one, Vesta. And know we don't miss."

"Aye. Your aim is scary."

Tyler took a ball and chain from a peg and Vesta chuckled as it was clamped to his leg.

"Okay that's funny."

"I WAS going to bind the wings, but this just works better."

"And binds hurt."

"Yeeeah. we'll figure this out for next time."

Vesta was left in the meat locker and Belfast smiled once the door was secured.

"fair. VERY fair."

Tyler nodded.

"I knew once I saw his eyes. Just a kid in a merc band. He's no older an I am."

Mina looked at him.

"You mean to use his honor to bind him to us."

Tyler chuckled.

"NOT exactly. I am thinking of using our town's everything to convince him and the survivors....to stay as OUR mercs. I WOULD have hired them from their current job if it was possible.....which it just might be."

Rias crossed her arms.

"He did not seem to like being a slaver."

"Erwin's report will tell me more. My BEST CASE SCENERIO, we get the Draguls to jump ship and the Golden Angels too. WITHOUT bloodshed."

Belfast looked at him.

"You are starting to THINK like a ruler. And this gambit I approve of."

Erwin came in then with his scouts and Tyler looked at him.

"How bad?"

He smiled.

"NOT bad. The Draguls DISPISE their task and from the talks are on teh verge of abandoning it entirely."

Glimmer was attending and she blinked.

"My people?"

"NOT even in cages. It seems their pleading has cracked a few tender hearts."

She deflated from relief and Tyler frowned.

"Hang on. Glimmer? HOW'D you come to be covered in so many wounds?"

she blinked.

"Um. I flew through a fire, some trees, and got hit by their capture arrows."

Tyler looked at Yoshkia and she nodded.

"Those match the wounds."

"Sorry. Was thinking someone lied to me. Okay. Erwin you get eyes on a leader?"

The blonde man nodded.

"BOTH parties. The Goldenwings are led by a woman, and the Draguls are led by a woman as well. It seems they are on friendly terms and the Goldenwing is trying to convince them to leave their job."

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. We'll head out. Vesta comes with and so doesn't Glimmer."

They nodded and the group got moving. Though Vesta had to carry his ball and chain.

"This jest is not funny anymore, Jarl."

Tyler chuckled at his mild irritation.

"I dunno, it's pretty freakin funny to me."


Glimmer was as far away from Vesta as she could get and Rias smiled at her.

"Trust Tyler, Glimmer."

"I do. Just an uncontracted dragul can be dangerous."

Erwin led the party through the forest at a decent pace and within half an hour they reached a battered village surrounded by palisade logs. Tyler stepped from the party as a group of Draguls soared over the walls aiming spears.

"HOLD and identify!"

Vesta was spotted

"High Wing Vesta? He lives! YOU inform his mother!"

TYler looked at Vesta and the Dragul shrugged sheepishly.

"My mom is the leader."

"Annnnd you didm't tell me this WHY?"

"Because you didn't ask."

".....so that's what that feels like."

Tyler could have HAPPILY throttled him there and then and Rias patted him patronizingly.

"There, there, Tyler. You got target fixation."

"I know where you sleep."


".....dammit I got nothing. UGH."

His friends chuckled and he looked at Glimmer...and she smiled sheepishly.

"MY mother is ALSO village leader."

".....the tropes here are KILLING me., Moving on."

A tall well built Dragul landed before them now on her jet black bird wings. She was a tall beauty with coal black skin and blazing purple eyes set in a teardrop shaped face. Her frame was lithe and her bust massive in her leather tunic while her hair was sapphire blue for some odd reasion. Her wings were massive 30 footers and she spoke in a firm, imperious breath.

"I am First Wing Vestal Darkwing. Where is my son?"

Vesta waved.

"Hi mom."

She saw the ball and chain and Tyler stepped forward now.

"I am Jarl Tyler of Haven. Town not too far from here. Seems there be a bit of a problem here, First Wing."

Vestal saw Glimmer and sighed.

"I can assume the others are dead?"

"They are."

"and their bodies?"

"Are currently being stored inside a cold storage area."

She nodded and looked at her son.

"was it quick?"

"Mother I don't even know exactly what happened. We were chasing the escapee....and then there was thunder. A bright ball of light took Lead wing Meric in the eye and his head exploded. Soon enough the balls decimated our Flight and I was wounded."

He flicked his wing where a scar on the front was seen.

"I was captured and healed by a truly ADORABLE girl with golden hair, and then interrogated. NO pain. even if that look in your eyes was TERRIFYING Jarl Tyler.""

"Thanks I work at it."

Vesta chuckled.

"The ball is my penance for being a slaver....and I must attone to the Goldenwings i have wronged."

Vestal looked at Tyler.

"I admit. This is a very fair demand of a prisoner. And his fate once he HAS attoned?"

"Dunno. Haven't gotten that far."

She smirked.

"YOU seek to have us abandon our honor as WELL?"

"How much honor is there in ENSLAVING a bunch of CHILDREN?"

She slumped.

"A...fair point."

"Look. You have a chance here, Vestal. Honor is all well and good. But so isn't remembering who you are."

The blue haired Dragul looked at him curiously.

"Who we ARE?"

He nodded.

"Who you ARE. Are you honorable mercs that travel from job to job trying to support your family....or are you MONSTERS that make your gold off the blood of those beneath you?"

That made her shiver.

"I gave my word."

"NOW you're just hiding behind ideals. YOU made a mistake. Big fuckin deal. I fuck up all the time. Mostly my JOKES, but I always try to tell a better one."

He lifted the slumping fallen angel's chin.

"Be BETTER. Be the ones that people look to in times of trouble...for HELP. NOT the ones tey flee from in TERROR."

She smiled at this.

"Be a band of heroes."

"Ha. I'd prefer worldly heroes."

She smirked at that one.

"So you offer us our honor...as a NEW CONTRACT."

Tyler chuckled.

"eeeeh kinda sorta."

"we'd have to attone."

"You DID ruin their day."

"And our contractor?"

"Slavery is illegal in the Queendom right?"

She nodded.

"It is..."

"So if you were to offer up your contact to ooooh saay th QUEEN as a SIGN of good FAITH with ME backing you, well. I'd say she'd have your company assigned to my town as penance."

Vestal busted up laughing.

"You are a SLY wolf Tyler the Jarl of Haven. And my SON?"

"Foot in the door."

"A classic ploy. And our DUTY in your town?"

"Town guard."

".....That's IT?"

"Sure. we've the space an all and besides."

He looked at the Golden Angels inside the village looking at them hopefully.

"I think they'd benefit from learning some strength. So this doesn't happen to them again."

Vestal nodded.

"You make many solid points I cannot argue, Jarl Tyler. and I see the arms. You ARE prepared to fight us if it came to it."

"we are. I do not want to though."

"NOR do I."

He offered his hand.

"Welcome to Haven."

She smiled and they shook hands.

"I WILL repay this rescue of the gods. AND my wings."

"Sure. Your fallen are waiting back in town."

"Appreciated. Now. We have MUCH damage to repair."

"I got this."

Tyler walked into the village with a much relieved Glimmer beside him. The sight of the girl made the other golden angels relax visibly. A taller beauty with four sets of wngs stood and with relief on her face.



Tyler smiled as he walked Vestal over to the reunited mother and daughter. Glimmer's mother was another imposing beauty an inch talle then Tyler. Her skin was white and her frame slender. Her hair was golden and hung to her knees while her bust was massive on er narrow chest. Her outfit was a battered toga of white and her wings were 30 feet wide...and she had eight of them. And they were solid gold in color. Tyler smiled as Glimmer told the tale of her rescue and Tyler's willingness to help them. After the story the woman looked at him wth sky blue eyes...and blinked. Her voice a warm breath as she smiled.

"I can see your soul, Jarl of Haven. And I am shamed before it's glow. I am Gloria. Highwing of the Golden Angels. I thank you for your aid....and we accept your offer of haven and strength."

"wow. THAT went over better then i thought it would."

Gloria chuckled.

"These Dragul are NOT evil NOR callous soldiers. I knew she'd give."


"Oh come now Sister. You are NOT as tough as you pretend to be."

Vestal slumped and Tyler chuckled as Gloria patted her.

"where o where have I seen this before? Alright. Anyone too weak to fly or walk?"

Gloria smiled sweetly.

"NOne. And we will need time to pack, Jarl."

"Coolio. we'll get the foundations laid."

He looked to Vestal.

"Come on. we need to meet with the Queen."

"Agreed.....and I AM going to repay you for the rescue."

"Sure. We'll chat."

"MY ASS is not for repayment."

"Jesus. She said the same thing,"

He jabbed a thumb at Glimmer.

"I don't work like that."

That made the fallen angel chuckle as Tyler walked out of the rejoicing village.

"A relief. Now, I have 120 wings."

"Cool. we got 220 new hands in town....we're gonna need more houses."

Mina chuckled.

"With the way we build? we'll be set in three days."

"And for the mean time.....roommates."

They chuckled and Vestal looked at him as they headed for the town.

"What will our duties as town guard be, Tyler?"

"well, defend our town from attack, patrol for the same, help out around town, that kinda thing."

"Are we slaves?"

"Oh gods no."

"I...needed to hear it."

"we're a town without coin as we're still establishing ourselves."

"Ah. NOw i understand. And you ARE wily."

"yeeeah i saw an opportunity when Vesta talked of your honor."

The older woman chuckled.

"And on the wing you figured out how to manipulate my honor into abandoning my contractor, absolve us in front of the queen and the ones we have wronged, won your town guardians, and secured more residents in one fell swoop. MOST impressive."

"Thanks. And we'll teach you and the golden angels on OUR weaponry."

Vesta smiled.

"I admit to excitement."


They walked back to Haven and the gleaming white walls made Vestal blink.

"THIS is your home? we've been seeing a glittering white from the sky for several days and have wondered at it. I love your blatancy."

"HA. We;re here. deal with it."

They laughed at that one as the gate was raised. Then Vestal was shown inside the walls. She looked at the neatly organized fields, buildings, and immense space left for expansion as well as the over all feeling inside the walls. The Dragul smiled as she looked at Tyler.

"I like this town."

"Welcome to Haven."

He led them to his longhall and she whistled at the imposing structure...and then smiled at the homey feeling inside.

"MOST relaxing."

He chuckled as he took the orb from his room and set it on the floor....and looked at a smirking Ember.

"Soooo she forgot to tell me how this works."

The room groaned as he sat in his throne and Ember smiled.

"Just say her name."

"riiiight. Sophia Firemane."

The orb flickered anf the queen appeared after a mere five minutes. She smiled as Tyler was seen.

"I see YOU are quick to use a tool, Tyler."

"Hey when i see an opportunity I take it."

She chuckled.

"And WHAT is this opportunity?"

He nodded to Vestal and Sophia blinked.

"A Dragul? explain."

"well, her merc band got hired by a slaver....and she remembered Slavery is illegal in the queendom."

He explained an abridged version of the mess.

"So, since she was caught between a rock and a hardplace for her loyalty to an oath, she couldn't just break it without an outside catalyst. Thankfully, my Lightning Tower is VERY easy to see from a distance."

Sophia shook her head.

"She allowed the Golden Angel to escape with the party and in so doing hope you were of the heroic type. The loss opened a door and now you have her by the oath....and the slave trader will be mounted on a spike for his evil."

The queen looked at the kneeling Vestal.

"There, however, WAS a crime commited, Vestal darkwing."

The Dragul nodded.

"Indeed, Milady. My err in judgement has caused a great deal of pain and unneeded hardship. I am fully prepared to attone for my sins. and so is my company."

Sophia looked at Tyler with a smirk.

"YOU play this game VERY well. Now. I will leave the matter of her attonement to your judgement, Jarl Tyler. Let me see how YOU punish those that have done wrong."

He looked at Vestal.

"Vestal, your attonement will be to make amends to the Golden Angels you have attacked. when they are satisfied by your remorse,"

A ball and chain was attached to her ankle.

"When they are satisfied, they will remove your bonds."

She smiled.

"I will gladly pay my debt to the Golden Angels....and to you, Master. I swear my wings to you, and my company fold their wings before you."

"Uuuh, that's not what I think it is, right?"

She smirked.

"Oh it is merely my swearing my HEART, BODY AND WINGS to you, MAster. As your new servant."

He deflated from utter relief.

"PHEW. I was afraid that was a marriage rite."

"No. I can DO one if you want-"

"No. I'm good."

The hall busted up laughing at his reflx rejection and Rias smiled as he looked at her. Akeno nudged her with a smile.

"SOMEONE has a target!"

"and I am LOVING it."

Tyler smiled and looked at a chuckling Sophia.

"All i needed."

"YOU are a DANGEROUS thinker, Tyler the Jarl. I see I shall need to reassess your status. Perhaps I might even call on you."

"Cool. My bed is SUUUPER comfy."

She busted up laughing at that cocky reply.

"Oh you are ADORABLE! GOOD day!"

The orb went out and Sophia chuckled as she looked at a report on the offensive and defensive capability of Haven....and sighed.

"That man is DANGEROUS. Dragul fliers are legendary in the sky. And the report from the Eyes also indicates mechanical knowledge."

The redheaded queen sighed again and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Getting him on friendly terms was nothing but a shrewd play.....and NOW I am worried what tey will do next."

Tyler smiled as he looked at Vestal.

"Sooo this servant thing."

She chuckled as she rose.

"Basically it's the ultimate form of attonement for a dragul. I'm basically yuor slave but by oath, MAster."

"Huh. And your wings?"

"They are as well by extension."

"Cool. Alright. We'll get Gloria in here and get the latest round of negotations dealt with."

She smiled....and looked at the ball on her foot.

"Master can I take this damned thing off? It is VERY annoying."

"Ha. NOpe. NOT until Gloria removes it."


Vesta smiled sheepishly as she sat by him at a table.

"It...is an adjustment, Mother."

she sighed and Tyler placed the orb back in his room before walking out and looking at Hector.

"Oh yeah. Hey Hector."

"Yes Lord Jarl?"

"Next time you use the orb, can you please put it back where you found it? Drives me NUTS when I go to reach for something and it's not there."

He dropped his quill and the rest of HAven blinked as Tyler sat down on his throne.

"You truly thought I didn't know? Come on. You're in MY town."

The man gulped.

"I....admit i was contacting the queen."

"I figured. So. Anything good?"

"Merely...reports on your strengths and capabilities."

"HA. When's your next report?"

He gulped.

"When you next go on patrol."

"which would be the night patrol. Alright, Hector. Since I saw this one coming a MILE away, I'll offer you a choice. end the reports to the queen's face with me, or be exiled from HAven and be the reason we expell ALL future envoys from Merlot."

Hector slumped.

"I will make contact with you, Lord Jarl."

"Coolzies. Mina."

"Got em."

The man was clapped with his own ball and Ember gulped as she was looked at next. Tyler smiled.

"Anything good in the armory?"

she smiled sheepishly.

"I...am merely intrigued by your weaponry, Lord Jarl."

"Have YOU been carrying tales?"

"On my love for my wife i have NOT."

"Good. Leon?"

The elven ranger shrugged.

"I'm a Ranger. My love is for the forest."


The last two members of the envoy, both men, went the way of Ember and Tyler smiled.

"We're watching."

Vestal chuckled.

"A wilf Wolf indeed."

Rias smiled as she sipped her water.

"Tyler plays the part of the cocky idiot....and he IS cocky. But hell help you when you TAKE the bait."

Erwin nodded.

"Agreed. And even now he is planning something big for the betterment of the town."

Tyler looked at the man.


"Her and her people will be arriving within the hour."

"Good. we'll lay the foundations for their homes and go from there."

Glimmer smiled.

"I will assist, Lord Jarl. We are not as grandoise as your people."

"THAT'S a relief."

They chuckled and got to work laying the plots and foundations for the one and two story homes for the incoming angels along clear streets. All the while the main street to Tyler's Longhall from the maingate was not obtructed. Tyler smiled as the new plots created a rather pleasently shaped crescent around the shops along the outerwall while also adding a grid like pattern from above. The plots were floored by stone and Glimmer smiled as she oversaw their sizes.

"Some of our wings are quite large and we do like to stretch."

So the ceilings were well over 20 feet high. The results were unusually large houses all sporting balconies for easy takeoffs and landings and Tyler laughed as he put up a door.

"Why bother with a door? You can FLY."

The Golden Angel chuckled as she helped carry in a bed.

"Because flying can be tiring."


Once the first set of houses were situated Gloria and her people arrived from the sky. The 8 winged angel leader smiled widely as she saw the masses of Angel-ready homes along the town as she landed.

"I love the astethic Lord Jarl!"

He smiled.

"Glad you do, Gloria. YOURS is THAT one."

He nodded to the curved structure that was taller then the rest with her own miniture outerwall. She smiled warmly.

"I appreciate the station. But I prefer being among my people."

"Ah. Well then. we got a spare manor."

He gave her a more modest home in the middle of the Golden Quarter as it came to be known while on the other side of the mainstreet was the Dragul sector. Their homes were more robust with more stone and metal mortar then the Golden Quarter's elegant sweeping structures and curved wings. The entire populace got in on the construction of their new dwellings and within hours they were all gathered by the Longhall as Tyler stood on his balcony.

"NOW I'm glad I put this in."

They chuckled and Tyler looked at Gloria beside him.

"Now. The Rules of Haven."

She nodded and so didn't Vestal. Tyler smirked.

" FIRST RULE: . Open your mouth, deal with the consquences. In OUR way, you are fully encouraged to shatter the jaw of the one insulting you."

Gloria smiled.

"We will need to be taught such strength, Tyler. But you knew that."

Vestal chuckled.


He nodded.

"SECOND RULE OF HAVEN: You do not have to like each other, but you DAMN well will respect each other. They are the exact same as you, treat them as anything LESS....and I'LL treat YOU."

The leaders nodded and Gloria smiled.

"Peepers? we have mant beautiful women and I see you favor the open air bath house."

Tyler smirked.

"There are needles hanging in ALL ladies' roomes Gloria. You are HIGHLY encouraged to use them. Peepers get smacked. HARD."

"I do understand."

Vestal chuckled as she noted a fair few men gulping.

"As do I."

He chuckled.

"THIRD RULE OF HAVEN: No WORK, no FOOD. In OUR town we bust our ass and we damn well expect you to as well."

Gloria smiled.

"The young and infirm?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Can they hold a BROOM?"

"Ah. They can. aside from the newborns."

"Them we'll let Asia at. She;s a snuggler."

The happy blonde giggled.

"I like babies!"

The town chuckled at her giggle and Gloria looked at Tyler.

"I ADORE that girl an I just met her."

"Asia is a town gem. You'll see why after a bit. LAST RULE OF HAVEN: Make a mess ya DAMN well better clean it. ya DON'T ya SLEEPIN in it."

The leaders nodded and Tyler smiled.

"Those of you with a trade, report to the council and we'll get your materials situated."

Gloria looked at him.

"You have a council?"

"I do."

He nodded to where Rias, Hestia, Asuna, Erwin, Mina, and Belfast were standing.

"THEY are my council and help run the town. Need something don't hesitate. I'm just head builder."

They chuckled and Gloria nodded with a smile.

"MY people have many trades we excell at. My village prefers leatherworking and the production of furs."

"OOOH you are gonna be VERY popular. we try but we're not that good at leatherworking and fur."

"We will happily assist. And i am aware you are a coinless people."

"THAT is temperary as we're trying to establish Haven as a tradehub. Can't do that without stuff to sell."

Vestal chuckled.

"NO you cannot. My people can turn their hands to many trades when required."

"MAgical crafting?"

"THAT is something we BOTH specialize in."

He smirked.

"Good. We'll talk."

They gulped! Asuna chuckled.

"I think we're about to get running water."

Rias chuckled.

"And proper toliets."

They laughed and Tyler looked at the newly populated town.

"You'll get your daily tasks from the council. And know duty shirking is a night in the cage. Kids? well. we'll get creative."

The parents chuckled as the kids gulped at the ominous tones and Tyler smiled.

"Welcome to Haven. Welcome home."

They smiled at that one and he looked at Gloria and Vestal.

"Now your magical crafting."

They nodded and they headed to the map of the town. Tyler tapped the river.

"My next project for the town is pressurized water in every room in every house."

They smiled and Vestal nodded.

"That's an easy project. Built to last I presume?"

"Absolutely. Need material talk to the council and we'll overload you."

"We'll get it done."

He smiled.

"We'll train your Golden Angels hiow to defend themselves, Gloria. ALL of them."

She smiled.

"I understand. And will assist. Military service is voluntary correct?"

"It is. Town GUARD is mandatory. we live here. Might as well act like it."

"I completely understand and so will my Angels. They've known weakness."

"Now let's give them strength. The next project is heating the running water."

Vestal smiled.


"After that we'll move to the next task. You have skilled blacksmiths, correct?"

They both nodded and Gloria smiled.

"we do. MAny and more."

"Good. MAn to see is Wulf Crozzo. Town smith and a damned good on too."

"We'll speak with him."

TYler smiled as he looked at the map of the town.

"After the running water it's upgrading the roads with cobblestone. That won't take us a day. And then it's on to constructing the mechinized army. THAT'S gonna be fun."

He and the ladies walked out and Rias came over.

"The Angels are relaxing from a rough day Tyler. We'll start the next heavy project tomorrow."

"Good. For now we'll let them recover."

"Hannah's still in the cage."

"I'll go see."

He walked over to the motionless girl in the cage and kicked the thing.

"You gonna give me anymore shit?"

She shivered.

"I'll work! Just PLEASE....I'm so hungry!"

"Alright. YOU are on the night patrol."

"Can i have some food?"

He chuckled as he unlocked the cage and the starving fat girl was released.

"At dinner....and remember. Pull anything and it's back into the cage."

"I'll be good."

She was taken to the hospital for a proper dousing by Yoshkia and Tyler headed to the wall with his rifle for a patrol. Vestal and her FAllens were outside the walls interring their fallen warriors on the side of a hill and Tyler nodded as he walked by.

"We'll also need to peg out a graveyard. THAT'S gonna be a depressing task."

He shrugged as the Jarl patroled the perimeter of his home smiling at the progresss they'd made...and he noted the Lightning Tower.

"we'll raise another Lightning Tower too by the Angel Sector. Might be a good idea to have a few of em up."

Tyler walked along the wall by the bathhouse and smirked as he heard Rias' voice in the thing with a few of the angelgirls commenting on her assets.

"Wow lady Rias! You are BLESSED!"

"why thank you, Lera, you are quite large yourself!"

"NOT as hard though!"

"Lemee feel....DAMN she IS hard."

TYler chuckled as he got moving.

"SOUND proofing it is."

Rias' amused voice came over the giggling.

"I already talked to Gloria, Tyler!"

"Thanks Rias!"

The girls laughed at the exchange...and started grilling Rias on her relationship with the Jarl. Tyler smiled as he saw several angels flying over the town with fallen angels enjoying their reclaimed freedom and he waved. The group of ten or so waved back before going back to their game of skytag.


Tyler walked to the main gate again as the ACTUAL night patrol climbed up led by Belfast and she smiled as Tyler walked over.

"A never resting leader?"

"Nah. was looking the town over. Helps me see what else is needed."

"Ah. We have gained more supplies and spices."

"Oh thank gods."

"Indeed! Enjoy!"

He saw Hannah in the patrol and smirked as the fat girl had a spiritbroken expression as the patrol got moving. Tyler hoped from the wall and headed to his Longhall where he found Rias waiting for him at the table. She smiled as he sat beside her and slid a plate over.

"Seasoned deermeat and some actual strawberry cordial."

"Eating like kings tonight."

She chuckled.

"Or Jarls."

He smiled.

"So how was the interrogation?"

The redhead sighed.

"Issei was caught trying to peep and is now in the cage. After nearly losing an eye."


"Don't be. And I'm okay. I snuggled hm last night....and work up with a freakin BRUISE. On my BOOB. Asia had to heal me or it'd look like I got slapped."

Tyler just looked at her as she shivered.

"I told the girls he was my boyfriend....and they all said I was lying since we're nearly inseperable.....annnd they said we flirt like crazy."

He smiled.

"What do you want, Rias?"

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Time. I...yeah."

"Sure. Issei?"

"I dumped him. And he's pissed. Once his stint in the cage is over we'll see what he does."

"Sure thing."

She smiled and the pair fed together before settling in the bed.

"So you know? Asia is buried under likem ten angelgirls. Save to say she's been lost."

Tyler chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Asia's their mascot."

"Oh she so is. But I'm like their icon."

"And MY dreamgirl."

She shivered at that as she snuggled up to him.



"Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, Rias."