
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

NexusPrimodius · Anime und Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 67: Conflict of Stands

Chapter 67: Conflict of Stands


Observing her unconscious form, I seized a moment to admire the serene expression gracing her face – a beauty even more captivating than her earlier attempt at seduction.

Her snow-white hair cascaded over her shoulder like a waterfall, lending an ethereal quality to the scene.

Beneath the sun's dusky embrace, her flawless face gained an added allure, and her perfect hourglass figure moved rhythmically in harmony with every breath.

She was a woman any man would rate a perfect ten in every aspect, a figure they'd fantasize about sharing their bed with. Her demonic nature added an extra allure, awakening darker desires within people.

But I quickly shook off such thoughts to avoid distraction, carefully lifting her body and placing it in a coffin crafted from a unique tree found in the very region where demon slayer ore was abundant. Infused with wisteria flowers for months, the wood naturally induced a deep slumber in demons.

While wisteria is typically poisonous to demons, adding specific components transformed it into the world's most potent sleeping powder, turning the coffin into a natural sleeping capsule.

Securing the lid, I hoisted the coffin onto my shoulder and strolled back to the mansion. Upon entering, four servants promptly approached to transport the coffin to the basement, where she would be confined amidst tons of stones, leaving no room for escape.

"Handle her with care, and ensure there are no gaps for escape," I reminded them, emphasizing the need for caution.

"Yes, sir."

Nodding at them, I turned back, making my way to the main hall to brief everyone on the details of the negotiations.

"Handle her with care? Huh. Am I hearing what I am hearing?" A sudden voice called out to me in a teasing tone.

Turning to the voice, I spotted Shinobu standing on the upper floor of the mansion, casting a glance down at me.

With a graceful leap, I quickly reached her and quipped, "Well, I'm a gentleman, and gentlemen treat women gently, whether they're demons or humans."

Shinobu chuckled at my response, remarking, "From what I remember, you killed her brother in front of her. Did you handle that situation with the same gentleness?"

I shook my head and replied, "I reserve my gentlemanly manners for women, not men. So, I wasn't gentle."

"Damn! Aren't you being too cruel?" she retorted.

"Says the woman who poisons them to kill them painfully. At least I show mercy to one gender."

"That's even worse. At least I don't show bias," she shot back.

Our banter continued, resonating through the grandeur of the mansion.

"Your mercy is selective. Mine, however, is an equal opportunity torment," Shinobu countered, a sly grin playing on her lips.

"Equal opportunity torment sounds like a fancy name for needless suffering," I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Well, you wouldn't understand the art of subtlety," she teased.

"We should stop now; otherwise, others might mistake us for demons," I said, whispering in her ear.

"Yeah! I noticed them giving us strange looks," Shinobu replied, and we both shared a subtle laugh, putting an end to our banter as we reached the main hall.

Shinobu had noticeably lightened up, even cracking jokes about demons. Previously, despite her teasing nature, discussing demons would make her stiff. Not the usual kind of stiffness, but more like she was suppressing anger.

However, after learning that I had defeated Doma, the one responsible for her sister's death, it seemed a weight had lifted for her. Now, she found herself in a good mood more often.

As I pondered this, we entered the room, and I promptly observed all the Hashiras seated in the hall. Amane, Ubuyashiki's wife, occupied the central seat since Ubuyashiki was currently bedridden and unable to move.

After greeting her, I took my seat next to Shinobu, with Mitsuri on my left.

Amane then addressed us, saying, "Thank you, everyone, for coming to this meeting spontaneously."

"Don't worry, Amane-sama. It is our duty to attend as Hashira," Rengoku assured.

"I heard the meeting is about some captured demons," Obanai Iguro added.

"Yes, it's about the Upper Moon Six that Ace-sama managed to capture alive during his mission in the Entertainment District," Amane clarified.

'He managed to capture an Upper Moon alive!!!' Everyone thought in shock. Although they were aware of some captured demons under Shinobu's estate, they didn't know it was an Upper Moon. Only Gyomei remained calm, having encountered her before.

"How?" Sanemi exclaimed, mouth agape. He had been in a foul mood for an entire week since he failed to kill the Upper Moon that had attacked him. Learning about how Ace had managed to capture an Upper Moon alive left him in shock, especially considering Ace wasn't even a poison user.

Amane turned to face Sanemi, whose face was now covered with even more scars than before. She calmly stated, "Ace-sama doesn't wish to disclose how he did that; it's a personal matter for him."

"What?" Sanemi frowned upon hearing that and then turned to me, growling, "Hey! Why are you not telling us things? Are you hiding something?"

"I don't need to share something I don't want to," I snorted at his aggressive way of asking. After getting defeated, he was trying to vent his frustration on me.

"Don't forget, Sanemi-san, he's the same one who killed an Upper Moon single-handedly. If he's not saying, there's definitely a reason," Shinobu added, subtly highlighting the contrast in strength between Ace and Sanemi. Ace had vanquished two Upper Moons on his own, while Sanemi hadn't taken down even one.

"You!!" Sanemi clenched his fist upon hearing her words, ready to retort, but Amane stepped in.

Amane raised her hand, gesturing for calm. "Enough, Sanemi-sama. Ace-sama has his reasons, and we should respect that."

Sanemi grunted in frustration but reluctantly backed down.

"Since I can see some of you aren't happy with my decision, I'll just say, even if I explain how I did it, others won't be able to replicate it. So it's useless," I calmly stated, addressing the discontent on some faces.

Amane-san nodded at my words before addressing the group again. "Ace-sama has just concluded an interrogation with the captured Upper Moon and proposed a new approach to the situation."

"Can you explain to us what happened during the interrogations?" Amane-san added.

"Sure," I nodded, then began detailing my negotiations with Daki. I could already see most of them with volcanic expressions, tightly gripping their swords, ready to confront and end her..

"Preposterous!" Obanai exclaimed.

"Madness! How dare a demon try to make demands on us!" Sanemi added.

"We should kill her right now!" Rengoku declared, not one to show mercy to demons.

"I'm on board with that decision," Gyomei answered.

"I'll go along with whatever you guys decide," Muichiro said.

The room erupted with a cacophony of aggressive reactions, with no one seeming willing to entertain the idea of following the will of a demon.

However, Amane, with calm authority, raised her hand, signaling for order. "Let's not forget the purpose of our gathering. We must deliberate carefully before reaching a decision that will impact us all."

Then, she turned to me and asked, "What's your opinion on this, Ace-sama? Which direction should we follow?" She directed the question to me because I was the one who captured her, negotiated with her, and also the strongest one here.

After considering the situation and reflecting on Daki's words, I shared my perspective, "I believe we should be flexible and focus on the bigger picture. Our top priority is eliminating Muzan, not dealing with a single Upper Moon. Therefore, I suggest we at least listen to and discuss her demands, aiming for a middle ground."

Sanemi scowled, his fierce gaze fixed on me. "Flexible? Are you out of your mind, Ace? Demons don't deserve negotiation or compromise. They deserve one thing – death! This demon, Daki, killed countless innocent people. There's no middle ground with monsters like her."

Obanai Iguro, known for his stoic demeanor, spoke in a low, intense tone. "I agree with Sanemi. Demons are abominations that need to be exterminated without hesitation. Negotiating with them only weakens our stance and tarnishes the purity of our mission as demon slayers."

Sanemi, with his characteristic brashness, added, "We don't negotiate with demons; we crush them. Your approach is a dangerous deviation from our core principles. Don't let sentiment cloud your judgment."

I stood firm, considering their perspectives but maintaining my stance. "I understand your viewpoint, Sanemi, Iguro. However, we're facing quite complicated situations here. If we can gain valuable information or an advantage in our battle against Muzan through negotiation, isn't it worth considering? This isn't about sentiment; it's about strategy."

Sanemi scoffed, "Strategy? The only strategy I believe in is annihilating demons swiftly and decisively. Anything else is a waste of time and compromises our duty."

Obanai, though usually reserved, expressed his disagreement strongly, "Strategy should revolve around eliminating threats, not engaging in discourse with them. Your proposal risks opening a door to unnecessary complications."

Gyomei Himejima's expression softened, his immense respect for me evident. "Ace, your strength is undeniable, and I value your contributions. However, negotiating with demons goes against the very essence of our mission. It's not a matter of doubting your judgment but adhering to the principles that have guided us for centuries. I hope you understand."

Kyojuro Rengoku, still maintaining his fiery spirit, put a hand on my shoulder. "Ace, you're a formidable warrior, and I respect your prowess. But in this matter, I must side with our core principles. Our duty is to protect humanity, and negotiating with demons jeopardizes that duty. It's not a lack of trust in you; it's a commitment to our mission."

Gyomei nodded in agreement, adding, "Your strength has been a beacon of hope for us, Ace. But our duty demands a firm stance against the forces of darkness. I trust that you'll consider the broader implications of this decision."

As the Hashira continued to express their vehement opposition, a wave of frustration coursed through me. I respected their dedication to our mission, yet the inability to see the nuanced reality gnawed at my patience.

Inwardly, I mused on the challenge of dealing with these unwavering minds. 'These inflexible fools,' I thought. 'Can they not understand anything even after their recent defeat.? It's not about weakness or compromise; it's about adapting to a changing battlefield.'

"Alright, everyone, simmer down," Shinobu's voice cut through the escalating tension. She stepped forward, her gaze sweeping across the room. "Ace has proven himself on the battlefield. He's not suggesting we abandon our principles; he's advocating for a strategic approach. The demons we face are evolving, and so must we."

She shot a pointed look at the more resistant Hashira. "Blind adherence to tradition won't win us this war. Ace's proposal is about adaptability, not weakness. We can't afford to be stagnant when facing an enemy like Muzan. It's time to consider new tactics, to explore options beyond what we're used to."

"And let's not forget, if he hadn't enhanced our breathing styles, we wouldn't even be able to last a few minutes against the Upper Moons. We've witnessed the consequences in the previous attack."

Shinobu's words resonated, creating a momentary pause in the heated debate. "Remember, Ace single-handedly took down two Upper Moons. His judgement carries weight, and we should respect that," she emphasized, challenging anyone to question his capability.

"I'll emphasise once more: we still don't know what Muzan is planning. Do you want to eliminate one Upper Moon, risking the opportunity to gain an upper hand on Muzan and ultimately allowing him to survive? Or do you all have such confidence in your strength that you believe you can defeat him without any external support? and let me make it clear, I am not confident in that." I said pointing to Sanemi.

They grew silent after hearing my words and I did too.

Amane surveyed the room, her gaze reflecting the expressions of everyone. It seemed she had reached a decision, and she spoke, "I believe it's time to make a decision through casting your votes. I hope each of you has a clear idea of what you want before voting."

After giving everyone five minutes to sort out their thoughts she said "Raise your hands, if you are in support to eliminate the Upper Moon Six Daki."

As soon as she said that, Iguro, maintaining his stoic demeanor, raised his hand and firmly declared, "Kill the demon. That is the only path."

Sanemi, brash and unyielding, raised his hand and said, "Demons don't deserve second chances. We end them."

Rengoku, exuding fiery determination, proclaimed, "The duty of a Hashira is clear – eliminate the demon threat."

Gyomei, without a change in emotions raised his hands, adding, "Demons must be eradicated without hesitation. That is our sacred duty."

Muichiro, the youngest among them, concurred, raising his hand "I'll just go with the flow with you guys."

After counting everyone's votes, Amane repeated, "Raise your hands if you are in support of providing the demand of the Upper Moon Six, Daki."

Silently, I raised my hand, aligning with the plan in my mind that required Daki's cooperation. Observing my stance, Shinobu also raised her hand in support.

Mitsuri, torn between conflicting ideals and two friends on different sides, exchanged a last glance with Iguro and me before ultimately siding with me. In her heart, she believed in my decision more.

Iguro, a bit hurt and displeased with Mitsuri's choice, narrowed his eyes in silent disapproval.

Giyu looked at the two sides with his ever-boring expression and raised his hand in support of my decision.

Sanemi, displaying clear anger at the outcome, couldn't hide his frustration.

It was four in favor and five against in the voting.

Suddenly, Tamayo gracefully entered the room and said, "I support Ace-sama's decision."

Sanemi, unable to contain his frustration, immediately objected, "She doesn't have the authority to vote! She's a demon!"

Amane swiftly intervened, "Tamayo-san's perspective is valuable in this matter. She plays a crucial role in defeating Muzan. Her insight is relevant, and she has the authority to voice her opinion."

Sanemi grumbled but conceded, acknowledging her contribution.

Now, with Tamayo's vote, the final votes were tied.

Amane addressed the room, "The votes are tied, and as the current acting leader, I will make the deciding vote."

"But before I want to ask something," Amane turned to Tamayo and said, "Are you able to turn the demon same as you who don't have the reliance of human flesh?"

Tamayo nodded in affirmation.

Amane then glanced at me and nodded, "Then it's decided. Considering the circumstances and the potential benefits Ace-sama has outlined, I vote in favor of exploring negotiations with Daki."

Sanemi scowled, and others also displayed clear discontent with the decision, but they couldn't do anything after the votes were cast.

Amane concluded the meeting, "The decision has been made. We will proceed with Ace-sama's approach and engage in negotiations with Daki. This meeting is adjourned."

The Hashira then dispersed, each leaving with different thoughts than they had arrived.

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