
Demon Slayer: Twisted Relationship

One day, Muzan decided to look for a new nest to eat and devour humans safely while living some luxurious life. his target was the Daimyo of the richest region in Japan. A man renown to be a warlord. He took on the form of a woman and decided that he will mind control the Daimyo to believe he is his sister. BUT!! Unfortunately for Muzan, the Daimyo was nothing like what he heard about, all his plans go out the window once the Daimyo's true nature was out

Doragon · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

The Love They Shared

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Next Chapter: The Demon Fears The Night


'How did I, The Demon king Muzan turn into this?' Muzan thought as her eyes trembled from anger.

Currently, Muzan was hiding from the sun inside Orochi's room, demons don't sleep, but they avoid the sun at all costs.

Orochi was sleeping in the same room obviously after he kept using Muzan's body to his satisfaction. He is currently using Muzan as a body pillow, his breath hitting Muzan's ear while his hand was resting on Muzan's breast.

'Such Humiliation!!' Muzan thought 'How did I become a whore in one night?!!' Muzan couldn't accept her fate, no! This isn't her destiny, she is supposed to rule the world and spread terror amongst the people.

Yet here she is, resting under a fat man's heavy body as he enjoys her body whenever he wishes.

Muzan's demon eyes shifted towards the sleeping Orochi, her nails turned into claws 'What is your weakness?' she thought 'what do I need to cut for you to die?'

After last night's skirmish, Muzan realized that her chances of killing Orochi are as low as the ground, if even her blood couldn't enslave him or kill him...then what is? Add to that Orochi is a sadistic bastard and his attacks hurt like the sun rays.

While her claws were a hair away from Orochi's neck, Orochi shuffled in his sleep as he rolled his body.

"Argh!" Muzan was buried under his body "Fking pig!!" She struggled for her dear life "How can a human be this heavy?!"

'The sun is up, my chances if running away are very low, and I don't want to dig underground, it will be very alarming and he can trace me easily...' Muzan thought 'As soon as the sun goes down, I'll make a run for it as fast as I can.'

And so, Muzan waited and bid her time. As the day went on, her desire for blood was growing, she hasn't eaten any human or drank any blood for days now, she was busy studying the blood of demons, and decided to come here to this castle to feast... however, this is how it turned.

Her only source of blood and flesh was Orochi himself 'Urgh! I don't even want to touch him...but if I want to successfully escape, I need to be at my best...' After a long battle with herself, Muzan opened her mouth, showing her sharp teeth, ready to suck Orochi's blood dry.

She closed her mouth near his neck

And at that moment, Orochi's eyes opened sharply, right on time to see Muzan with her mouth open near his neck.

And in his head he immediately thought "EH! Muzashi-chan?! You are trying to kiss me in my sleep?!" He said as his face blushed "How romantic!" He then grabbed Muzan's face and went in for a kiss.

"Wha-? NO!" Muzan got goosebumps as Orochi drove his tongue inside her mouth "Aah! Uhh!" She tried to push him away but the fat man refused to let her go, kissing her and fighting for dominance.

Orochi enjoyed himself in pleasure, while Muzan was in utter humiliation. Her body trembling in insanity.

"Uuh!" Finally Orochi let Muzan go, twitching in her place, his eyes took in her ferocious features and voluptuous body that was trembling "My! Muzashi-chan is trembling in pleasure, was my kiss that good?" He spoke in shiness.

His hand traced Muzan's thighs, down to her feet where he grabbed her foot and kissed it "It is time for breakfast..." He said as he licked Muzan's trembling foot "But the greatest breakfast is right in front of me." He said as he strated opening his Kimono with his free hand.

Immediately noticing what he is doing and understanding his intentions, Muzan stopped trembling and "I am hungry too!!" She said in urgency "I want to go eat breakfast too!" She said.

"Eh!! You want to eat me? Muzashi-chan is such a naughty girl!!" Orochi was surprised as he brought his face near Muzan's nervous and absolutely blazing face from shame.

"No! I am really hungry, I want to eat food! Real food!" Muzan said as she put her hand on her stomach.

"Oh no!! Muzashi-chan is really hungry!!" Orochi snapped as if he was hit by thunder as he jumped off bed "Stay here Muzashi-chan! I will order for food here!!" Orochi ran out the room.

Immediately, Muzan started rubbing her feet and thighs as if a bug walked on her "Disgusting!! Disgusting!!" If she could she would have puked.

"Had I not acted quickly, he would have r.aped me again..." Muzan mumbled "I have to escape at all costs. However... escape in the normal way is close to Impossible, I need to see what I can use before making a decision..."

"Ohyo! Ohyo! Ohyo!" At that moment, Orochi came back "Muzashi-chan!" He called "Breakfast will be ready, let us go eat together!" He walked to Muzan and grabbed her hand gently "I have made sure to order the chef to prepare all kind of food." The fat man said affectionately "You will eat until your stomach explode."

'Metaphorically or literally?' Muzan had a cold sweat run down her spine, judging by how twisted the ugly bastard is, Muzan was certain he meant that.

But of course, he didn't. Orochi took Muzan to the dinning room where servants were running in and out with plates of food of all kind.

"Now, My lovely Muzashi-chan, eat all you want!" Orochi made Muzan sit on his lap and he sniffed her hair as if it was a flower.

While Muzan was eating slowly, stalling fot time as long as she can, Asahi, the Head of Staff called "Lord Orochi, my I enter?"

Orochi frowned at being interrupted from feeling his dear Muzashi, However, it was Asahi, his old servant "Come in." Orochi allowed.

Muzan paid attention when the old servant entered, when his eyes landed on Muzan who was sitting on his lap, Asahi tilted his head "I presume the lady has proven she is your sister?" He spoke. After the castle was evacuate last night, no one knows what happened, a fight broke out for sure. But seeing the lady with Dai Orochi, Asahi concluded that she wasn't who he was fighting.

Orochi smiled sweetly "Of course not!" He denied quickly "Muzashi-chan is far more than my sister!"

Muzan flinched when Orochi grabbed her waist and kisses her neck.

"And she is now...?" Asahi asked nervously, he never saw Orochi behave like this, do perverted and drunk.

Orochi's eyes glowed "That's right!! I have to announce our relationship! Ashi!! Gather everyone in the center garden of the castle!"

Hearing this, Muzan quickly added "NO!! not outside!!" She said. Does he plan on killing her with the sun already?

Orochi then looked at Muzan "Then where do you wish?" He asked her with a smile.

"Inside, in the shades! My skin is sensitive to the heat!" Muzan said. Even if the shade doesn't completely protect him from the sun, it's still tolerable than fully exposing himself outside.

Orochi only nodded as his eyes let a stream of heart out if his eyes, figuratively of course "Look at you already taking your role seriously! Muzashi-chan is so cute!" Orochi said, before he looked at Asahi "Well, you heard her." He said. Asahi bolted out when Orochi's gaze landed on him, it was cruel and harsh, he could feel it, the castle is gonna witness the greatest change in history.

Orochi returned to play with Muzan's hair and kiss her neck "I can't wait for everyone's reaction to our relationship!" He said.

"What relationship?" Muzan asked nervously.

Orochi only kissed her check and spoke "Look at you being so shy!" He said "After the love we shared with each other last night, our relationship is far more deep than the ocean!" He said.

Muzan felt her heart go cold. He then took her hand and they went to meet the servants.

Inside the grand hall, Orochi, together with Muzan faced all servants and residence of the castle, nearly 150 people in one big hall.

"My dear people!!" Orochi shouted, his voice reaching every person in the hall "I have gathered you all here to announce a very important situation." He said as made Muzan stand in front of him "This Muzashi-chan, and from now....She is my wife!!" He said.

His words made everyone shocked, and most importantly Muzan herself who was too stunned to even speak.

"So from now, Muzashi-chan willed be called Dai Muzashi Raiju!! Wife of the great Daimyo Dai Orochi Raiju!!"

It was as if on cue, Asahi screamed "Long may they love together, Long may the reign together!!"

And the others followed after him "Long may they love together, Long may the reign together!!"

"Long may they love together, Long may the reign together!!"

"Long may they love together, Long may the reign together!!"

The hall was filled with chanting and praises for the lord and his wife.

Orochi was thrilled as he showered himself in glory 'Finally, My ideal life is completed!!'

While Muzan '...I got fucked over!!' she thought.