
The Entertainment District (3)

The owner of House Kyogoku was doing his paper work when a woman who works at his establishment informed him about Zenko disappearece . "Disappeared ?"" Umm...yes. Zenko ,the new girl with yellow hair . She passed out and we put her to sleep but she isn't in her room . Shall I order a search ?"

The owner said in loud voice " THAT'S ISN'T NECESSARY .DHE GONE ASHINUKE . I DON'T CARE , SHE COULDN'T TAKE IT AND RAN AWAY . JUST LET IT BE ." The woman tried to say something for Zenko sake but Master throwed the calculus at her and shouted "SHUT UP! AND GET OUT ! NEVER MENTION ZENKO AGAIN ! TELL EVERYONE ELSE THE SAME ! What can you expect from someone who gets on Warabihime Oiran's nerves? That's why Zenko and omitsu ...! "

He couldn't complete his Sentence , Zenko was a girl that was like her wife and didn't ignored the injustice of Warabihime Oiran against other but that became reason for both of there end . Omitsu choose Zenko because she was like her . Now only thing he can do is protect others from having same by not getting on Warabihime Oiran's nerves.

Meeting place :-

Currently Tanjiro and Inosuke were talking at the rooftop of house which was there meeting place . Inosuke was telling him about the Demon that was at his place. " I'm telling you ... There a demon at my place ! It's a thing like this and like this !!" He made a different shape by twisting his arms to show shape of demon but it was very confusing for Tanjiro to understand . Inosuke kept making them now by his hands liek some kind of incest .

Tanjiro told him to wait it Uzui , Rengoku and Zenitsu came there for there reports but Inosuke ignored him and kept going . Tanjiro tried to calm him down ,. Suddenly Tengen voice came and he said " Zenitsu isn't coming !" Inosuke was impressed by how silent Tengen presence was ' That guy's good ! Every time he came at Rengoku 's house , he was Loud but now he doesn't make a sound . He didn't even distrub the air'

Tanjiro on other hand asked what did Uzui meant by that .Uzui explained" I think I've put you guy's in real danger . I wanted to help my wives but that led me to make some bad choices .now Zenitsu is missing , I haven't heard form him since last night . You two leave Hanamachi . You are not up to this. There uppermoon and if someone is missing , we must count them as dead . "

But suddenly another voice countered him and said " don't be so negative Uzui !! " And it was Toji's . Tengen and other two were suprised that when he came here ? Toji currently sneaker up on a former ninja and that was nothing to scoff of . He continued " I don't think it killed him , he is just captured .There is void uppermoons Ranking and those who were lower to Akaza would like to fill it and take more of Muzan's blood . This want's to make him and your wife a bait to bring a hashira here. "

Tengen countered " still putting there life in danger is not good , there are the some potential member's who can become hashira in future . " " And running now will leave a void in them that once I had . Tengen I trusted Zenitsu and other two to Rengoku because I knew they can survive and they needed to survive this situation to be strong in future and you are not alone here kyojuro is with you . They can search for your wives and Zenitsu while you and Kyojuro fight uppermoon . "

Another voice came " Yes , he is right Tengen . Together we can kill uppermoon and find your wives and if uppermoon wanted to kill Zenitsu he would not have been able to do because it will draw our attention . " It was kyojuro who came this time but they have already felt his presence ,it was hard not to notice kyojuro bright aura in this place . " Let them search for your wives and it to find a demon to distract him " Toji offered his advice .

Tengen nodded but then he asked Toji "What are you doing here? Weren't you on the hunt for Uppermoon 2? " Toji explained " we are still on it . Gyomei is currently going to next location and i just came to check on there progress since this was near the location of his next base .

It seems that Uppermoon knows that we are after him . He is playing the game of tag with now , just when we reach its current base , he abandon it and goes next place . I think they have a Demon that can either teleportion or different dimension blood Demon art . It will be a pain to hunt him , so we are going alone to hunt it to bait him out since he one hashira would seem hard to finish .

Gyomei is attacking Bait and I am the one who have to strike when this snake will show his head ." Toji explained theit current situation and plan to bait out Uppermoon 2 . It was ignorant and someone what like Gojo satoru . So, Toji was going to catch off guard when he will think it safe and only danger is in front of him . Having Strongest hashira help in this plan is biggest success factor because Uppermoon will surely have hard time fighting him that will keep his full focus on him.

Tengen said " then I hope that your plan turns out be successful ,good luck with it ." Kyojuro and other too wished good luck and Toji left after and said to Tanjiro and Inosuke " you are still little inexperienced so try to be more defensive if you two encountered the Demon first and try to hold of it Kyojuro and Uzui comes to help . " They both nodded and Toji left Yoshiwara .

' strike the Demon when it's think you're not the danger anymore ,huh! Well , I guess I will try to us it if we are not getting upper hand the fight against Demon . Sorry Tomioka for taking your strategy. !' Tengen was thinking this when he said " I will gather information about Demon identity , kyojuro will keep an eyes for anything unusual. You two try to find my wives and Zenitsu location , other captured girls might be there too . "

And with that he left the place , Rengoku looked at other two and said " Tanjiro ,Inosuke be sure to stay alert all the time . Uppermoon might not reveal itself if he don't want to , Tomioka and I have put our trust in abilities so , make sure that don't die ." He patted their head and left for keeping an eye out for something unusual .

All that left were Inosuke and Tanjiro there . Tanjiro said to Inosuke that Tengen might want to put us in danger because they were lowest rank but Inosuke said to him that it not the case since they have been promoted up 6 ranks . Tanjiro was confused but Inosuke showed him by pressuring his hand and a rank marking showed up . Inosuke ranking was .

This showed that Inosuke was currently at rank Tsuchinoe . He explained that they put something one there hands during final selection ,which showed there rank . After that Tanjiro said to him " sorry but we no time for that , after night fall I will meet you at house Ogimoto , I still have some investigation to do at house Tokito. "

Inosuke pinched Tanjiro cheeks and said in anger " I am telling there's a demon at my place! Come on now . You really are stupid !!" And then he pouted and started hitting Tanjiro at head . Tanjiro was trying to explain and this attractive the attention of woman , at who's house roof they were .

Tanjiro said " you don't understand Inosuke ! Uzui ans Rengoku san are watching houses at night ,right? Ow! Ow! But Zenitsu disappeared and demon at your place stays hidden ! Ouch !! Hey stop hitting me ! There must be a passage hidden through buildings." Inosuke looked confused and stopped hitting him .

He asked " passages ? " Tanjiro started explaining " Yes , demon is not coming and going ! So ,this must be work of someone working there ! If demon is working at house then it must be good at pretending human and must be careful to kill humans so no one notices . "

Inosuke understood what Tanjiro was trying to say. " Oh yeah !... Blood stain don't come out easily and hiding a murder is hard work . " " This is a night town , that's very convenient for demons , but there are my inconvenience too !! If you try to get things done during the day then people will get suspicious .

Our main Mission is to find Uzui's wife and Inosuke , if it's a Uppermoon then we can't win against it and we should focus on rescuing them first .I want you to do same and I don't want you to die . " Inosuke said " everything you just said , I was going say the same thing ! " After they both left for their houses .

At House Tokito :-

Currently Oiran Koinatsu was getting dressed because tomorrow she was going to leave Yoshiwara and Entertainment District. She said to her little helper girl's " I am ready now , you can go and eat something . " They both left the room while laughing .

She started to look in mirror when Tanjiro entered the room from window . He said " Excuse me Koinatsu ! I apologise for impropriety but I am leaving house Tokito. Would you please pass the payment to Master and others for the meals and while was staying here in there care . " He took out pampelt full of money and put on tatami mat.

Tanjiro currently was dressed in his corps uniform and had Nezuko box on his back but this appreance didn't surprised her but was little confused by sudden change in appreance so, she asked with a calm voice " why are you dressed that way , Sumi ? "

Tanjiro understood her confusion " I am sorry for deception but though dressed like a girl , I am actually a boy ! " She replied " yes , I knew with that body and voice for your's . I kew !! I could tell that you were a boy ! I was just wondering what you were doing ? " Tanjiro was little embarrassed that his secret was not really as secret in firsr place .

she continued " You have some kind of Mission, right ? Is it true that you are worried about Suma ? " Tanjiro agreed immediately and said " yes , of course!! That's all true ! I still hope to save all those who have disappeared. "

She was relieved "thank you !! I admit I'm relieved , you see I am leaving town tomorrow too ! " Tanjiro expressed his happiness for her . She explained further " there a man willing to take someone like me as his wife . I am truly happy but I am worried about everyone, I am leaving behind! I was afraid that I'd never know the answer to mysteries here in house Tokito ."

" That's only natural please don't worry !!and keep smiling !" She said " Guess, I will never know what is brought you here Sumi ." Tanjiro smiled and bowed to her and left the room. The door of room opened and Koinatsu thought that it was one of little girls and asked " Did forget something ? "

But it was not one of little girls instead it was Daki ,who said " Not quite , you are here for only one night right , Koinatsu ? Then before I forget I must devour you now ." Koinatsu was scared from the sudden appearance of Daki and she was looking different .

Tanjiro was currently walking at rooftops while going towards House Ogimoto. Sun was setting when he caught demon smell . It was faint but he was sure that it belonged to demon and it was close to him.

He started following the scent and it led him to the room of Koinatsu Oiran . He started to get worried and opened the window .

At House Ogimoto :-

Currently Inosuke was waiting for Tanjiro to arrive so they can start the investigation of Uzui wives and Zenitsu . He was starting to get angry at him and he was done waiting . " HE IS LATE !! The Sun is setting but he hasn't come ! That fool soichiro ! I'm done waiting !! I'll settle things myself ! "

Inosuke jumped and made a hole in Rafters and said " Mice ! Bring me my swords ." Two small mouse that were buffed with muscle and had a headband like Tengen were coming running while carrying Inosuke's swords .

The mice are Tengen servent called Ninju and they are highly intelligent creatures and had special training . They were also extremely strong that one can lift a sword by himself . They brought all the accessories of Inosuke and he dressed quickly in this normal clothes . Which was boar head and corps pants .

The woman that came after hearing the noise made by Inosuke was scared from his appearance . She was thinking that he was some kind of monster .he says " I'm going demon slaying !! Headlong rush !!" and started to run in hallways of House to find the path that demon used for travelling . He distroyed wall and floor of the establishment .

At House Kyogoku :-

The owner of establishment was sitting inside his room , in his hands were the clothes of his wife Omitsu . The clothes were stained with blood and his was sad from the death of his wife .

Suddenly a kunai knife was touching his neck and Uzui was standing behind him . He questioned " where is Zenko and Hinatsuru ? Answer quickly !! I won't ask again !" The owner heart was beating loudly and his body was sweating buckets .

He answered quickly " Zenko just disappeared and Hinatsuru fell ill and went to low-end brothel . " Tengen said " of course you'll say that but who do you suspect is the case of your troubles ? " The owner was quite and he was scared to even say something but Tengen reassured " You cna trust me I will not fail to Exact revenge and kill the one responsible for it . "

The memories of his wife flashed in front of him and he said " It's Warabihime ,she an Oiran . She had north room where sunlight never falls . " Suddenly there was no kunai on his throat and when he looked behind himself there was no one .

Uzui went to her room but was empty and understood the she was out hunting . He decided to go where Hinatsuru was and keep an for demon on his way . She might have information about what going on if she was alive . He jumped form rooftop to another in great speed going towards low end brothels.

He could go carefree because Kyojuro was keeping an eyes for anything unusual and will hold off demon till he comes to fight together with him .

At House Ogimoto rooftop :-

Rengoku was standing at the rooftop of house Ogimoto to keep out for anything suspicious . Inosuke was saying that there was a demon at his house but it ran away . He was there because the demon might try to silence him just like Zenitsu .

Suddenly a woman's screem came from inside of establishment . Kyojuro was alert by this and decided to enter the building before entering he alse heard many sounds of wall or floor breaking .

Inside all the things were getting distroyed and the person who was doing it was no other then Inosuke . He stopped Inosuke and asked him why he was causing trouble here ? Inosuke started to explain him about his and Tanjiro plan and how he was late .

At House Tokito :-

Tanjiro was looking at head of Koinatsu which was wrapped inside Obi . Her body was missing and Tanjiro could tell that her head was not cut because there was not smell of blood .

Daki looked at him and said " Another Demon slayer child ? You returned eh? Very well . How many of you are there ? There's you and that ugly kid with yellow hair... Did a hashira came too? Will one come soon ? You are weak for a hashira . I have no use for any Demon slayer othe hashira , You know .I couldn't eat anything so old and dirty. "

Tanjiro was thinking about Koinatsu condition currently and said " hey! let her go!!" This angered Daki and her nerves were popping out and she said " Who do think you are talking to ? " She used her Obi to attack and throw away Tanjiro to another building .

Tanjiro was able to defend himself and but was little stunned because of landing on box of his back . He quickly stood back up and started to think about how to fight against her . 'She attackwd me with his Obi , it must be her weapon , hlit has special power . She must use this to store people and travel through walls of establishments .'

She came outside and said " You still alive ? You are tougher than I thought. You have good eyes they are pretty . I'll just pluck them out and eat them ." Nezuko Box was not broken but if it took more hits , it will definitely broke . He put it on side and attack the Uppermoon using fourth form of Water breathing .

" Water breathing: Fourth form : Striking Tides :Turbulent "

He cut down the part of Obi that was holding Koinatsu hostage . And then took a defensive posture . Daki observed that his Aerial maneuvers were good and his sword skills let him slice of the end holding Koinatsu .

She said to Tanjiro " You are cute but you make me sick . A bit like dying rat , I like you ."

(This is chapter end and Toji appreance a little bit in this chapter . Sorry for any grammatical mistakes and thanks for reading chapter ... Bye)