
Demon Slayer: Thunder And Moon

A Kimetsu No Yaiba Story; Wonder and Terror lies in the Taisho Era of Japan. A boy, named Okami Faolan, lives a happy life near a isolated village North of Mount Sagiri, but his life will forever change when a Demon attacks his village, he will seek justice for a greater evil that will unfold. Faolan may not be the center of the true story, but his life will still forever change those around him as he finds his destiny. (Faolan's story will heavily follow the canon and be prepared to meet some familiar names down the line.) NOTICE: I do not own the original series at all and the characters associated with the actual story, with the exception of my own original characters. Now Enjoy The Story!

AM_Sensei · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

The Road Ahead

Exiting Mr. Nakama's smithery, Faolan held the uniform underneath his right arm, he had placed Mr. Nakama's letter inside, his mother's katana hung around his back and with his left palm he gripped his Nichirin Blade. Faolan was heading back to Miss Yano-san's home.

Reaching her home Faolan knocks on the door, it quickly opens to Miss Yano-san.

"Faolan, I'm sure you know now," Miss Yano-san's eyes frowns.

"Yes.. I do," Faolan held a kind presence, Miss Yano-san inspected Faolan, he gripped his Nichirin Blade softly. "Mr. Nakama is still with me, and I know he's in a better place," Faolan's eyes happily rested on the Nichirin Blade.

Miss Yano-san smiled,

"Moooooom! Is that Faolan-sama?" one of the Yano children shouted out.Faolan enters the home, guided by Miss Yano-san, he sees the children lined up excitedly, to then completely rushing him except Kenichi the eldest and Tomoko who is incredibly shy. The children greet Faolan happily and he quietly greets back.

"Faolan, your hair is too messy now!" Shina gasps at the length of his hair that reached his shoulders.

"It i-s qu-ite lo-ng -now Fao-lan-sama," Eishi steps back further to observe.

"It still looks good regardless!" Tomoko adds from a distance.

"Mom, you should definitely cut it," suggests Kenichi.

Miss Yano-san inspects the length of his hair, "Faolan, we should definitely clean you up, and you could go wash yourself once we're done."

Faolan pinches his hair touching his shoulders, "I suppose that would be kind of you," Faolan agrees to the idea of cutting his hair to a shorter length than it was now. Miss Yano-san prepares a seat for Faolan and the children sat to watch their mother work. Miss Yano-san found utensils she used to cut the children's hair, she washes them before using them on Faolan.

Faolan shuts his eyes, Miss Yano starts from the back of his head, cutting away slowly. The children watched in awe as flocks of his hair spill to the ground, Kenichi stood with a broom by to sweep up hair that flew too far. With each flock of hair being cut, Faolan could feel the weight on his head become more free and open.

Much time passed, Shina and Eishi took a nap, and Tomoko was still awake watching.

"All done Faolan-kun," Miss Yano-san smiles and steps away from Faolan.

Tomoko stood to her feet immediately, waking the other children,

"Huh?" Eishi slouches.

"All done?" Shina wipes her eyes.

Miss Yano-san retrieves a mirror from a shelf and hands it to Faolan.

"Thank you very much," said Faolan. He looks into the mirror and examines himself, his black to blue tousle hair flowed a lot more freely and is shorter in the back of his head, his hair could not be tied as it did before when he was younger. His features were sharp and handsome for a young man of his age, the scar on his jaw could be seen more clearly than it did before.

The children now completely awake were in awe, his new look sparkles their eyes, especially Tomoko.

"You look so cool!" exclaimed Shina.

"Wow," whispered Tomoko.

"Woooooooa," gasps Eishi

"Faolan-sama, you look like a new person," added Kenichi.

"Faolan, go wash yourself now and get changed," said Miss Yano-san, she took the sweep from Kenichi to gather the rest of the hair together into a pile. Faolan exits into a private bathing room, picking up the case where his uniform is, with his katanas .

After some time Faolan had finished washing himself, and now was ready to dress in the outfit Mr. Nakama had fitted for him.

'It is time,' Faolan slowly opened the case revealing a dark-blue gakuran jacket, a white belt, and baggy pants including tabi socks which would extend from the pants,with a pair of zōri strap. Faolan was slayed at what was made for him.

Putting on the uniform, 'It feels like power was infused within the material, it feels good,' Faolan inspects himself knowing Mr. Nakama would be proud. He places his nichirin blade within his waist and his mother's blade around his back.

Faolan exits the private bathing room to show the family,

"Miss Yano-san?" called out Faolan, the children shouted in excitement once again, in the main living space.

"Faolan-kun, you look so handsome!" Miss Yano-san appears from the main living space smiling, she leaves out of view as the children burst from behind her to examine him.

"Faolan-sama, you look like a warrior now," Kenichi is impressed.

"This feels so soft!" Shina rubs his clothing between her palms.

"Fao-lan, yo-u lo-ok l-ike a he-ro!" Eishi added with a spark within his eyes.

Tomoko did not say anything, she was too shy to compliment Faolan again.

Miss Yano-san returns with a brand new Haori, one similar to what Faolan's mother had made for him.

"I made this best I could," Miss Yano-san smiled, extending the haori to Faolan, the children watched Faolan accept the haori.

"Thank you very much, this is beautiful," Faolan takes off his mother's blade to put on the haori. He could reminisce about his mother's warmth holding him within the haori, and feel Miss Yano-san's determination from the material, the children were wowed by it's floral design by Miss Yano-san.

Miss Yano-san also hands Faolan the box that was gifted to him by the entire village, the children were curious to see what was inside. Faolan retrieves the gift from Miss Yano-san,

"I wonder what this is?" Faolan opens the box, the children silently watch.

Faolan takes out a strap that seemed to hold a bag, with a book inside.

Faolan opens the bag,

"It's Mom's book," Faolan takes out the book that his mother held dearly.

"The village recovered the book, from your mother, it was gift from Mr. Nakama for New Years, he refurbished it for her," Miss Yano-san smiles wiping her eyes from growing tears, the kids watch silently.

"It's okay, thank you," Faolan took the strap around his belt and the case bag hung on his left thigh and placed the book back inside.


*Knock Knock Knock*

There was a knock on the front door, the children now look at Miss Yano-san head to the door, opening the door, there was a villager.

"There's a man looking for Okami-kun, I'm sure he's with you right?" asked the man.

"Yes, he'll come out now, thank you very much," Miss Yano-san turns to Faolan, and he is followed by the children outside, with Miss Yano-san behind them all.

Outside Faolan searches for the man,

"Ehh, hey," calls out a voice.

Faolan turns seeing, "The Demon Slayer." Faolan extends his arms to guard the children.

"Hey, I'm just here to talk," states The Demon Slayer.

"What do you need?" Faolan asks from a distance.

"Let's just talk, I've seen what you can do, but it's whatever if you don't want to," The Demon Slayer decides to immediately leave the village.

"Wait! I'll see what you have to say," Faolan relaxes his guard, 'Maybe he's not a threat,' he thought. However, The Demon Slayer kept strolling to the exit, Faolan makes reassuring look to the Yano family signifying that he'll be back as they watched him follow The Demon Slayer.

Outside the village, Faolan silently followed The Demon Slayer, who still kept strolling.

"I told you that if you didn't want to, you didn't have to," exclaims The Demon Slayer.

"You seem to forget that I said that I'll 'listen'," replies Faolan.

"I see," The Demon Slayer stops, "Have you been training under a Demon Slayer, to become a part of the Demon Slayer Corps.?" The Demon Slayer waits expecting that Faolan replies with a lie.

"I trained to become my very own Demon Slayer, and I was trained by someone who was a Demon Slayer," Faolan clenches his fist in honesty.

"Interesting, so it sounds like you have no interest in joining the Demon Slayer Corps.?" asked the Demon Slayer.

"I'm not sure how I feel about the Demon Slayer Corps.," states Faolan.

"You do know that this organization is here to save lives." The Demon Slayer turns to Faolan.

" I understand, but why do I need to join Corps. to save lives?," Faolan raised his chin with the question.

"Hm," The Demon Slayer rubs his chin within his scarf in thought before speaking another word to Faolan.

'He doesn't trust Corps. I assume, it's understandable since he's never seen any of them, there are good members and there's always the bad ones,' The Demon Slayer looks away.

"You know… the Corps. makes it easier for one to save lives with the resources the head provides of course," The Demon Slayer shakes his head his in displeasure of himself.

"That may be true, but I don't feel at place with the Corps. ,my goal right now may not meet the head's end goal, which I assume is to end Muzan," replies Faolan, he turns wondering about his Mother's past and why the demons were after his blood.

"The Corps. isn't what it used to be nowadays, but yes we are after Muzan, he is the primary threat we know of, but perhaps there is more," states The Demon Slayer, accepting the fact Aika stated.

"What do you mean?" asked Faolan.

"There could be something other than Muzan," said The Demon Slayer.

"That's a possibility," replies Faolan.

"The Demon Slayer Corps. seemed to be focused on Muzan now more than ever, our forces are focused on powerful enemies, even the low ranking members are sent on life or death missions that a Hashira member should be sent to, but still we exterminate demons causing harm." The Demon Slayer finishes his rant by sitting on the snowy but grassy ground .

"Why're you so open to these thoughts you share with me?" asked Faolan, which caught The Demon Slayer off guard.

"Well… I don't know actually. Perhaps it's because you are not a member of the Corps.," added The Demon Slayer, he messes with his scarf, hiding something that Faolan notices.

"I should be going then, I need to prepare myself," Faolan turns back to the village.

"Wait," The Demon Slayer stops Faolan with his words.

"Hm—," Faolan turns back to The Demon Slayer who had disappeared from where he was sitting.

'He's disappeared !' Faolan notices a gust of leaves fly past his peripheral vision.

The Demon Slayer flew towards him with a katana in hand, intentionally trying to slice Faolan. Faolan reactively reaches for his katana to deflect the strike,

'Wait, this would be too simple!' Faolan checks for another possible angle of attack, the image of The Demon Slayer appeared to be reflecting.

'It's a reflection!' Faolan turns once again as the fake image behind him fades into a bloody mist.

The Demon Slayer launches a slash, and Faolan raises his nichirin blade with enough luck to deflect the strike. Faolan's blade pops from his palm, sending it flying into the air. The Demon Slayer's palms were infused with the grip.

"Hm," The Demon Slayer stopped his blade from reaching Faolan's neck. Then his eyes lit up, noticing that Faolan's nichirin blade was going to strike him like lightning, so he quick-steps away, in order to dodge the blade from striking him. Faolan retrieves the blade from the earth, focused on the Demon Slayer.

"Alright," The Demon Slayer sheathes.

"What, why did you try to strike me?" asked Faolan, still holding his guard.

"I was just testing you, and you passed my own version of the Final Selection," The Demon Slayer rests his arms around his head.

Faolan doesn't respond.

"Call me Ketsueki," The Demon Slayer proceeds to leave, "I'll find you later,"

'Should I trust him, I don't really get any bad feelings from him, eh I don't know yet, I need to think about it,' Faolan sheathes and returns to the village.


Returning to the village Faolan welcomed the village folk as he proceeded back to Miss Yano-san's home, knowing that his departure into the world is soon to come. Upon returning to the home, the children were outside with Juichi now.

"Faolan!" shouted Tomoko, everyone turned to see him. The children ran to Faolan, while Kenichi left to retrieve his Mother. Faolan proceeded to greet Juichi as the children followed behind him.

"Hey Faolan-sama,"Juichi bows.

"Hello, Juichi-kun," Faolan also bows and greets the rest of the children.

"You look like you're about to head out," Juichi noticed the adventurous gear on Faolan.

"Wait, Faolan; you're going to leave?" Tomoko asked, the other children gazed at him with a worried frown.

Faolan turns to the children to reassure them, "I have to, very soon, I wanted to say my goodbyes, but I will come back, and while I'm gone, just know that I will always be here," Faolan pokes into each and everyone's hearts, he smiled kindly and gently. The children held their chests in awe; Tomoko's face was fuming entirely.

"And we will always be with you," Miss Yano-san appears.

"Miss Yano-san, everybody… I want to thank you all for everything as I soon have to depart," Faolan smiles.

"We will see you again, everyone will," Miss Yano-san gathers the children together.

"Don't worry about them; I'll watch over them while you're gone," Juichi confidently pumps his chest.

The children tore as Faolan began to wave goodbye to the family and everyone in the village who passed by.


There was a graveyard outside the village, Faolan had never been there, but he wanted to pay his respects to his teacher Mr. Nakama and his Mother. The sky bloomed with a hazel glow, and the wind was icy, yet Faolan felt warm.

He kneeled at the gravesite of his Mother and Mr. Nakama, they were buried near each other.

"I'm thankful for the time I was able to spend with you two,

I could never thank you two enough,"

Faolan stared into the hazel sky, knowing that Mr. Nakama and his Mother were in lasting peace, yet still guiding him.

Faolan finished his respects and stood to his feet. He wonders about the Demon Slayer Ketsueki's words to him and decides whether to trust him,

'I'm going to trust him,'

Faolan proceeded into the forest, hoping that Ketsueki had appeared and had not left, it was getting dark out, and the forest was dangerous in the dark.

"Faolan," Ketsueki appears from a tree, startling Faolan, "Okay, I'm gonna make you an offer, come with me, and we will be going up North for a mission."

"Won't the Corps. know that I'm a fake?" asked Faolan.

"Not really, you act like the majority of the new ranks, and you dress like one," said Ketsueki.

"Why do you want me to come with you anyways?" asked Faolan.

"If you remember, your village was attacked for a reason. I believe that maybe Muzan wants something to do with you, or it's some unknown threat to the Corps. And they have not heard of it," states Ketsueki, who then rubs his chin in thought, 'What that demon said might mean something more than Muzan, other than that evil demons are as much as a threat than searching for Muzan after killing demons,'

"Either way, this particular mission we will head to has a mysterious issue of randomized attacks similar to your village."

"I see….." adds Faolan, who then wonders,

'I do need to figure out what happened, and why that demon was after me, he's the only way I can figure what's going on out.' Faolan gathers his thoughts for a conclusive answer, he remembers Mr. Nakama's letter stating that he needs to figure out what plot is unfolding within Faolan's family.

"What if the Corps. catch my act then? asked Faolan.

"Then I will lay down my life for you," added Ketsueki who frowns. Faolan's eyes widened seeing his saddened expression.

"No, that won't be necessary, I understand," Faolan acknowledges that Ketsueki is an honorable man.

"I'll go with you, knowing the risk," added Faolan.

Ketsueki gazes Faolan, attempting to study his character, the character who defended his village, the character who deflected lightning and the character that has given him an opportunity.

"Alright, Faolan we shall head out, if there are any questions let me know, I'll guide you to the mission now," Ketsueki guides Faolan to the north in order to reach the mission assigned to Ketsueki.

"The road ahead is long, so keep up," he added.

Thank You for reading the chapter!

This chapter is practically the prologue to the new arc that is coming, there’s going to be a lot to explore.

AM_Senseicreators' thoughts