
demon slayer, the will of the blade

this a fanfic keep in mind, different upper and lower moons, fanmade breathing styles and the lot

mob_mobbers · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

the flame extinguishes the drizzling demon

Sora is in shock as he opens the door to his house "Mei..." he quickly runs over to his wife with gnashes in her arm, face scratched and blood spilling out "Mei!" he holds her gently in his arms "Sora... is that you?" "yes Mei it's me, please stay with me and I'll get you some he-" Mei starts to shut her eyes "Sora... happy birthday." she gives Sora one last smile and then closes her eyes, leaving sora alone in the house, blood covering his hands, he looks at the door entrance to see a demon, eyes reading 'lower rank 2' the demon had a beautiful pair of eyes, a cloak made of its tattered clothes leaving his torso uncovered, pants torn and stained with blood, jagged teeth, a axe with some engravings of hearts and arrows, a forked tongue like a snake and villainous smirk on their face "oh were they your wife, sorry about that." sora looks at the demon dead in the eye with only anger and dread and the demon trembled a bit, but only to make sora think hes scaring him "I'm quaking in my boots." sora wasn't particularly scary looking, he looked kind, his cheeks round and soft, body slender, hair short and curly, eyes light green "why... why my wife?" he asked knowing it could of been anyone else in the towns loved one "they were beautiful~, people like you don't deserve women like that and I tried to convince her to become a demon but she refused." sora looks back at Mei and hugs her tight "your marriage was probably arranged, a pathetic ugly thing like would never be able to convince someone like her to marry you." the demon turns around and leaves the premises, sora looks at the demon and slams his fist into the wall "kill me." the demon is baffled "why would I do that, when someone you love dies that's enough pain to make you want to join them." the demon gets close to sora, right up to their face, sora is tearful as the demon toys with him "like a child with a knife, that's what you are to me right now." the demon taps sora on the forehead with his fingers, his nails dirty as if he never washed in a day of his life but sora noticed something on the demons finger, a ring in the shape of an owl, the demon sighs and walks away from sora with his dead wife in his hands, walking off into the night.

sora buried his wife with despair later that day, he then stayed in his home all day not even eating or drinking anything.

4 years later

a demon with horns and four arms ran away in the forest, blood covering their mouth "please forgive me, I'm sorry okay!?" sora, dark dirty black hair grown out, his wifes' tattered kimono became a sort of cloak for him, clothing was the demon slayer uniform given to every member, light green eyes with eye bags underneath them looking almost depressing. "being sorry won't bring back all those lives you took." sora draws his blade slowly from his scabbard and slowly starts to ease his breathing, the demon starts to run even faster, (flame breathing fifth form: a flame tiger!) sora hoists his sword back and charges forward like a flame being ignited and like that the demons head is flying through the air "ugh, the smell of burning demons always disgusts me." sora leans down to the heads level

"hey you, know anything about lower rank 2?" he asks the disintegrating head but the demon cries "I don't wanna die!" sora sighed and then punts the head like a ball leaving it to disintegrate.

he walks back to his friend Kei sakura, Kei was his best friend since childhood, she had long black hair, blue eyes, dark green kimono and white haori "no information?" sora shakes their head "well sorry to hear that sora." "ah it's fine, there's always more demons to interrogate." the two walk leave the woods and walk down the path talking to each other. Kei looks at sora's bloody clothes and body and then looks at hers "ya know what we could use, a nice warm bath." sora nods "agreed, killing those pieces of trash made me feel filthy, but the question is where the hell are we gonna find a bathhouse out here?" sora asked causing Kei to be baffled, then an idea comes to her head "how about we go straight?" sora sighs and just followed along with the careless Kei.

the two find themselves at a wisteria Crest house, a tall woman opens the door, she had white hair, dark purple kimono, purple eyes, a mole on her cheek and a bright smile "ah welcome, please do come in." the two follow the lady inside and she leads them to the hot springs. "sweet! finally, we can have a good bath!" Kei shouts, the lady leaves the room quietly. "she was... strange." sora said *sniff, sniff* sora can smell no wisteria in the house "hey Kei, is it me or is there no wisteria in this house?" Kei looks at sora in confusion "what do you mean? there is wisteria around us." sora looks at the wisteria but he still smells nothing "maybe I'm just sick, I should probably go to sleep." sora walks off but Kei shouts for him "wait for sora if you leave you'll be missing all this." aora turns towards her but he's met with Kei wearing no clothes with the steam covering her body "yeah no I'm good, I'll just have a bath in the morning in." sora walks inside and heads to bed "ugh, guess I'll just be alone." kei slowly walks into the water and rests peacefully, a whisper is heard "oh my, if I kill you I might be able to join the 12 kizuki." kei looks around baffled "hmm so sora was right, this wisteria must be fake then." the voice laughs "you guessed correctly, not only are you beautiful you're smart as well." a wall suddenly slides open and the lady from early walks through "ah so you're the demon." kei stands up, water dripping down her body "oh, not to mention that amazing physique of yours." the water she stood in starts to spring up and form a bubble around her "there, how easy." the demon slowly starts to freeze the water crystallising kei, sora hears all the splashing and creaking of the ice freezing "hey kei can you keep it down." sora didn't take his clothes off and had his sword in his hand "should of know." the demon then jets tendrils of water towards him with the tips frozen *clink, clink* sora blocks the strikes "blood demon art: blessed rain." the demon summons more watery tendrils and continues to strike sora's blade even more *clink, clink, clink, clink* sora tries to keep up with the strikes (shit, there's more of them, not to mention they're getting quicker) sora looks at their blade growing duller and duller "what's wrong slayer, is that knife of yours getting weak?" the demon asked sarcastically, kei's breath grows shorter as she is trapped in her clear prison. "you pathetic cretin, I demand you set my friend free!" sora said growing frustrated and tired (she's too fast, I can't keep up) the water strikes sora's leg causing him to fall to the ground leaving his guard wide open, with the tendrils flying straight towards his face, he eases his breathing (flame breathing 4th form blooming flame undulation) he spins his blade in a circular motion deflecting the tendrils, looking like a shining sunrise, sora then regains his strength and jumps forward with his sword on his left head "flame breathing 1st form: unknowing fire!" he swings his sword right into the demons neck and the twos eyes lock, the demon notices that sora's eyes are seemingly blazing sending fear all throughout her body (her neck... it's too tough, it's like a mountain) his grip on the hilt tightens "what's the matter, too tough?" the demon taunted "shut it wench!" the demon is shocked, the fact that he was still trying to cut her head off even though he was tired beyond belief he was still able to fight (it burns! why does it burn!) the demon thinks whilst looking at the furious Sora "I'll eradicate all you pathetic things, even if I become a demon I'll still kill you all!" he digs his blade further into the demons neck until he beheads the demon with their head flying through the air, the water splashing on the floor and the ice melting freeing kei "no you can't do this to me, I was going to *sniff* join the 12 kizuki!" the demon starts to cry pathetically, sora then crouches down to get eye to eye with the disintegrating head, memories of the demons life as a human start to appear and disappear "hey Hinami, let's get married when we're older." Hinami is flushed "but, but our families hate each other, are you sure they won't mind?" Hinami asked nervously "it doesn't matter if they hate us if we are getting married, we're getting married." Kei prays for the demon "may your soul find peace in the afterlife." sora smacks Kei's hands "don't pray for that thing, no matter how much you pray they'll end up in hell." the demon looks at Kei (such a kind soul, even after I tried to freeze and suffocate them, they still pray for me) the demons close their eyes and with her one last word being "thank... you." their head and body fully disintegrates. sora spits on the place where the demon's head laid.

I know the author of demon slayer has told us what being cut by a certain breathing style feels like but the reason Sora's burns is because he has a intense hatred against demons

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