
Demon Slayer: The last Moon Breather

With vengeance in his heart and a sword in his hands, he will eradicate all demons, he swore to himself that day, that dreadful day in his memory. He will never forgive that demon and will kill him no matter what. follow his journey as the young Demon Slayer with his inhuman talents and physical prowess, he quickly rose to the ranks of the strongest of the demon Slayer corps.

TheHandOfAuthor · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Blood of Betrayal

The moon hung silently in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the Aoki clan's ancestral grounds.

In the heart of the half destroyed town, a haunting silence reigned as Ren Aoki's parents, Kazuki and Mirei Aoki, stood poised in battle against the embodiment of darkness itself – Upper Moon One, Kokushibo.

Kokushibo, a demon with six piercing eyes, exuded an oppressive aura that sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned demon slayers.

With a calm look, he unleashed his devastating chaotic moon blades upon the Aoki clan's property, obliterating everything in their path.

The destructive power of the blades was so immense that the very ground trembled beneath their destructive force.

Seeing the imminent destruction closing in on their beloved son, Ren, Kazuki and Mirei made a fateful decision.

They exchanged a final glance, their eyes filled with both love and sorrow. In a swift and synchronised motion, they positioned themselves defiantly between Ren and the onslaught of chaotic moon blades, shielding him from the impending doom.

With tears streaming down his face, Ren pleaded with his parents to step aside, to escape with him. But their resolute determination silenced his pleas.

They knew that their sacrifice would give Ren the chance to survive and avenge their fallen clan.

As chaos and destruction continued to ravage the Aoki clan grounds, one of Kokushibo's blades struck Ren's exposed shoulder, leaving a deep, jagged scar that would forever mark his flesh.

The pain seared through his body, but something more sinister awaited him.

Somehow, during the chaos of the attack, Ren inadvertently acquired a small amount of Kokushibo's blood, which was spilled by his parents blades.

Unbeknownst to Ren, this infusion of demon blood would forever alter his path as a demon slayer.

Unlike others who wielded breathing techniques, Ren would soon discover that he possessed the rare ability to tap into the chaotic moon blades.

Though he couldn't produce them naturally, the tainted blood within him granted him limited access to this fearsome power, a power unique only to Kokushibo.

Haunted by guilt and shaken by the loss of his parents, Ren swore to avenge the Aoki clan by dedicating his life to eradicating Kokushibo and his foul brethren.

Within Ren's heart, a seed of determination sowed itself, fueled by the pain of betrayal and a longing for justice.

His parents' sacrifice became the driving force behind his unwavering resolve to master his newfound abilities and confront Kokushibo head-on.

With the weight of his family's legacy and the power of the chaotic moon blades coursing through his veins, Ren embarked on a treacherous journey.

Guided by the memory of his parents and armed with an unyielding spirit, he ventured forth, ready to face the demons that tore his world apart and seek vengeance for the fallen Aoki clan.

Gasping as he shot up from the futon he was laying, the young man's mind began to wander backwards 5 years ago, the haunting memories of that night when he was only a 13 year old boy lived happily.

{ Flashback.}

"Well, well... If it isn't the last remnants of the Aoki clan. How pathetic that you stand before me, thinking that a mere twerp like your son could ever hope to match my swordsmanship, perfected and honed over centuries." The haunting deep voice of a man- no a demon sent shivers down his spine as he stood behind his parents as they held their swords.

His father looked at the demon in the eyes and said resolutely "Kokushibo, your arrogance blinds you. Our son, Ren, carries the bloodline of the Aoki clan. He may be young, but he possesses a strength and determination that you will never comprehend."

Not missing the chance to speak, his mother also chipped in with a sorrowful Chuckle as she looked at the demon straight in the eyes "You may have annihilated our clan, but you will never snuff out the flame of vengeance that burns within our son's heart. He will rise against you and all the demons, wiping their existence from this world."

Kokushibo chuckled darkly, his cold eyes fixated on the grieving couple before him.

"Oh, how amusing. A pitiful display of hope, even in the face of certain death. Your words mean nothing to me. Your son may have the Aoki blood within him, but what good is potential without proper guidance?"

Kazuki clenched his fists, his voice filled with determination despite the agony of loss.

"Our son will destroy you, guided by the memory of the Aoki clan. We have a faith in him that surpasses anything you could ever understand. He will train, hone his skills, and eventually eradicate every single demon that walks this earth, including you."

Mirei joined her husband, her voice unwavering as she looked at her son."Ren, listen to us. The Aoki clan will live on within you. We have arranged for a demon slayer trainer who will take care of you. He will guide you, train you, and protect you until you come of age. He will be your pillar of strength, teaching you the ways of the Demon Slayers, and preparing you for the battles to come."

Ren's eyes filled with tears as he pleaded with his parents, his voice choked with emotion.

"No... Please, don't leave me behind! I can't bear the thought of losing you too. We can find another way, escape together!" Now that he thought back at what a fool he was, there was no escape from Kokushibo.

Kazuki placed a gentle hand on Ren's cheek, his voice filled with both love and sorrow. "Ren, our sacrifice will not be in vain. We gave our lives to ensure that you have a chance to fight back. Take this address. Your trainer will be waiting for you there. They will guide you, support you, and keep you safe."

Mirei pulled Ren into a tight embrace, her voice soft but resolute as she enjoyed the hug one last time "We believe in you, Ren. Find strength in our love and memories. Train diligently, as your destiny awaits you. When the time comes, avenge our clan and bring peace to this world." Kokushibo was an honourable samurai wannabe, that's why he left him alive, to get more powerful so that he can get a better meal.

With that, Ren's parents exchanged a final, longing gaze with their beloved son. What remained unspoken was the weight of their immense sacrifice, a burden that Ren would carry with him for the rest of his life.

As they bid their heartbreaking farewells, the Aoki clan's last hope, Ren, was left standing amidst the ruins of their ancestral home.

Determination ignited within his trembling heart, and with his parents' love driving him forward, Ren vowed to honor their sacrifice by becoming the strongest Demon Slayer the world would ever know.