
Demon Slayer: I Have Deadpool's Powers!

I got reincarnated in Demon Slayer with Deadpool's Powers. --- Demon: "How are you not dead?! You are only a human! Me: "I have something harder than your fist HAHAHA" ---- Kagaya: " You have the powers of a demon, but you are human. What exactly are you? Me: "Me? Well, let's just say I'm cursed." ------- Oya Author here. The story will start way before canon and will start to go time by time into canon. Ok so I don't own anything from demon slayer other than my own stuff ----- #No Harem ----- I'll try my best to follow the story but don't blame me if I make mistakes.

MisterRE · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Kati 'Yoru'

A/N- I am not knowledgeable about the culture and history of Japan or Japan in the Heian era going through to 1912 - 1915 which is canon in demon slayer. I of course research stuff but the internet is not always right. I might make mistakes but of course, I don't remember EVERYTHING so if there is something that I miss while even though I welcome criticism, I rather not get hate because I know how readers on this platform act. (A/N Finish)



~Chimi Chimi~


Sleeping comfortably while dreaming about chimichangas which I hadn't had in many years, I wake up still feeling half asleep. I got up and tried to regain my bearings but instead of walking normally, I was swaying from side to side.

My eyes were wide enough to see what was in front of me and my morning needs. I got dressed and made my way to where I could smell some food.

~Mhmm~ Smells good.

"Finally. If you didn't get up while the food was still warm, you wouldn't have eaten any breakfast today,"

Wow. To miss breakfast which is my favorite meal of the day can't happen. Even if the world ends.

I sat down and ate my food. My father was somewhere else right now and my mother was taking care of household business. My mother ate with me and started to talk, "You have a meeting today with Kati Akai."

I just remembered. Damn it. I have to have a relationship with a 9-year-old girl. I would kill myself if I was in my past life.

Even though my body is of the same age my mind is not. "I know mom. I said I will do it but you still have to let me go to the market."

"I will uphold my end of the deal and you better make sure I don't hear you trying to run away or scare the poor girl into lying that you were with her."

"What. I would never." I said with a shocked look on my face, "I am a man of righteousness and I would never do that." There goes options A and B.

"You are no man. You are just a stubborn boy who always gives your father and my trouble." My mother chuckled at the end with a gentle smile on her face.

Of course, she knew that I don't give much trouble. The main part of my life is focusing on my style and spending time with my family. One that I couldn't do before due to having a screwed-up family.

I show a gentle smile, "Thank you mom for being the best." Remember kids to always treat your parents well because you would regret it if you don't and they are gone.

My mother looked at me not expecting that I would say that. "Of course. I also thank you for being the best son a mother could have,

"Despite being as troublesome as you are." She chuckles.

"Hey, I am the best son you can have and not troublesome at all." I make a proud expression.

"Yes yes," We both laugh.

"So when will I meet the little girl."

Ignoring the little girl part of my sentence, "You will meet her tonight and you will go to the market with her."


As we finished eating, I went outside to practice the Nagi style. After I master the calmness stage, I will be able to move on to the balance stage which my mother would teach me after I finish the first stage of the course.

I practice under my favorite tree and start with each sword stroke.

With each stroke, I get more into it. So into it that I forget where I am, what time it is, how I am feeling. Nothing but my sword.

Hours passed and I was still practicing. I raise my sword and slash down which looks fast but incredibly clean.

A leaf that was falling in front of me got cut by my slash. A clean slash that cut the leaf in half that wasn't pushed down by the pressure. The sword was like it was smoother than a hot knife cutting butter.

Finished with today's training for the Nagi style, realizing it was an evening I made my way back to talk with my parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm done."

"Tenshi, wash yourself up and dress up nicely," Father said

"It's time already? I thought the meeting was during nighttime."

"The meeting is now earlier so hurry up and get dressed."

I wash and start to get dressed. After I took some minutes or so to get dressed I left my room and showed my parents.

"Is this good?" I put my arms to the side.

I was wearing a blue kimono with some white parts. My blue eyes perfectly matched my outfit. The birthmark under my eyes enhanced my sort of naive, charming, relaxed face. I had some muscles so I wasn't exactly just skinny. My black hair was tied up in a ponytail.

My father looked at me and laughed, "Yep yep, my son has his father's looks Hahaha! The little lass you will meet will probably fall in love with you at first sight. The handsomeness of the Yoru fami-oof"

My mother gave him a chop on the head, "While he has gotten his looks from you, he got my personality."

"No son with your personality would hit his father on the head." My father acted like a baby. Quite embarrassing for a 33-year-old man.

"You! Are you saying my personality is bad?!"

Watching my parents shuffle, I interrupt,

"So I take it I look good, yeah?"

My mother and father stopped their movements and nodded their heads.

My mother came up to me and fixed my hair a little bit, "Treat me right, please. We have a very good relationship with the Akai family and they love their youngest so I hope you won't do stupid things."

"I won't. Believe it!"

I was making my way to the Akai family place to pick up their daughter for a merry go around. The distance between the Akai family and the Yoru family wasn't far but it wasn't super close either.

It took me some minutes or so to get to the Akai family. I can see their parents were already waiting for my arrival. "Hello Mr. Akai, Mrs. Akai." I greeted.

Mr. Akai, a big man, full of muscle, 37 years old, with black hair and black eyes.

Mrs. Akai, a beautiful woman, perfect rack and bum, red hair with red eyes,

"Well, you are finally here. Please come in while we wait for a little for my daughter to get ready." Mr. Akai invited me in.

"Looks like we did the right choice to betroth our daughter to the child of the Yoru family."

Hearing what she said, I smiled bitterly inside. WHY DO I HAVE TO GET ENGAGED TO A 9-year-old? On the outside I was chill.

We sat down and we were just awkwardly silent. They stared at me as if they were expecting something from me.

Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself.

Even though they already know who I am, it is polite to introduce oneself to the parents.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Akai. My name is Tenshi Yoru and I have come here to take your daughter to the market with me."

"Oh, what a polite boy," It seems me doing this was what they were waiting for. While parents give their daughters to men who aren't as polite as I am, they rather entrust their daughter to a worthy person.

We started to talk about common things like the things I like or how I would treat their youngest daughter. Of course, I wasn't always on the receiving side as I also asked some questions about swords.

We were making quick talk until I heard walking. A girl looking my age. Petite body, 128cm tall. Her hair color is red and black. Her eyes were also red. Seems like she took most of her looks from her mother. She was wearing a dark blue yukata with white flowers.

I stand up to greet her. "Tenshi Yoru, nice to meet you." I put a smile on my face.

"Kati Yoru nice to meet you" She giggles. After she said that I can see her parents start to escape.

Yoru? Wait, fucking fuck what?

My mouth twitches, "Did I hear that right?"

"Mhmm hmm. I will be your future wife so I might as well start taking your last name. I will get used to it and start to introduce myself as Yoru now."

"Unfortunately, we are not married nor engaged. I'm afraid you will not be able to use that last name."

"We are going out to the market to develop relationships, are we not?"

"This is just to get acquainted. If we do get engaged and then later married, I would like to know my wife first."

She seems to ponder on something. "I want you to be my husband so I will show you that I am truly a great girl to marry!" She gave me a bright smile full of dedication and promise.

I sigh then show a slight smile, "Shall we go to market"