
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Demon From The Start

Quinn, a regular 19-year-old guy, was leading a normal life until one day when he met Truck-Kun—an infamous vehicle that sent him straight into the afterlife. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with a stunning goddess who gifted him a golden finger before pushed him away into the world of demon slayers. Little did Quinn know that his rebirth would come with a twist. After all, he never expected that he will meet a demon just as he opened his eyes. ========================

Reddust · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Crimson-Haired Girl

Quinn stood before the four demons, his expression showing determination. He knew his human body limited him, but his superior speed and stamina provided him an advantage he intended to use. Gripping his butcher knife tightly, he prepared himself for the attacks.

The first demon lunged forward, as it's claws slashing through the air. Quinn's reflexes allowed him to dodge the attack, narrowly evading the demon's sharp claws. In a swift motion, he responded with a powerful roundhouse kick, which landed on the demon's jaw.

The impact sent the creature sprawling backward, the demon's didn't expect the Quinn's speed to be that fast.

Seizing the opportunity, Quinn swiftly attacked the second demon. He sprinted forward. His movements were not that of mature martial artist but they were enough as long as he can land a blow on the demons.

His strikes were a deadly combination of punches and kicks, each leaving the demon bones broken. A swift jab suddenly struck the demon's stomach, followed by a powerful sidekick that sent it hurtling it into a nearby tree.

But suddenly, a punch landed on his chest pushing him back a few steps as it made him cough blood. His only weapon, the butcher knife, flown away from his hands.

The remaining demons who didn't attack to see what the human is capable of, grow enraged seeing what happened.

They attacked him together, attempting to overwhelm Quinn with numbers.

However, Quinn's instincts enabled him to anticipate their moves, allowing him to dodge and parry their strikes. His body moved unnaturally, evading claws and teeth, while responding with swift counterattacks.

Half an hour had passed, and the fight was still going, Quinn will knock down the demons, sending them flying, but after they regenerate, they will start joining the fight again.

"Huff Huff"

Quinn's breaths are becoming ragged. His eyesight blurred, his knuckles injured and bleeding, and blood trickled down from a cut on his head. His body was aching with numerous broken bones, and the crimson stains on his face made him look like a real monster.

He knew he could not fight for much longer this way. 'If only I can access my demon strength without losing my senses, well, that will be the last resort, I can still fight.'

'I was lucky these four don't know any blood demon arts, and demons are naturally not intelligent either to even do a strategic attack on me.'

But the good thing he noticed is, he was becoming more accurate as he fight, his stupid arms and leg swings are actually started resembling real martial art moves.

"Kazen, this guy...he's a beast! We've had our fill today. W-why don't we retreat for now?" One of the Demons spoke, his legs regenerating as he struggled to understand how a human could take on all four of them simultaneously.

"Shut the fuck up, you coward! If you want to run, then run! I won't rest until I've killed this human." Growled the first Demon, the one who had taken the initial blow from Quinn.

'They're taking longer to regenerate their heads compared to other body parts. If I can separate them all at once, I can escape with mother. But I must use my final reserves of strength to do that.' Quinn contemplated. He wanted to execute his plan earlier, but the demons hadn't given him a chance. Now, he wanted to create an opportunity for himself.

In an instant, Quinn's eyes sharpened, noticing the swift movements of the demons. One of the demons appeared before him, Quinn's hand blurred with lightning speed, piercing the demon's neck. Using his strength, Quinn forcefully separated the head from its body and thrown it far away.

He did the similar thing with the remaining two demons who approached him, they run towards the head to collect them. Just as he was turned to repeat the process with the fourth demon, it dodged his attack with incredible swiftness. Quinn's single wrong step proved costly as the demon's hand struck him on the head, sending him flying through the air.

The demon appeared before him, intending to finish him off.

"Sigh, I have no choice." Quinn siad out loud, as he prepared to unleash the demon within him.

However, he suddenly stopped his actions as he witnessed the demon's head separating from its neck. Gradually, the demon began to dissipate, fading into thin air like scattered dust.

As demons body collapsed onto the ground, Quinn's eyes caught sight of a figure—a crimson-haired beauty with a sword in her hand. Clad in the outfit of a demon slayer, he was only able to notice that before losing his consciousness as the Pain of his head injury hit.

She wore a white kimono over her Demon Slayer uniform, her eyes icy as she looked at the fading demon. Her gaze shifted to the figure on the ground.

"How did he manage to hold off against these demons? He's bleeding heavily." She exclaimed, bending down to check his breathing.

"He's still alive."

After saying those words, she vanished from her position, wanting to eliminate the remaining three demons she had spotted when she arrived.

A few meters away, the demons found their heads and placed them on their necks while cursing Quinn.

However, their voice was abruptly silenced as they felt an overwhelming danger, it far surpassed the impact of Quinn's powerful punch. Before they could process anything, their heads fell on the ground, separated by a blur of silver streak.

Meanwhile, Akiko, woke-up from her unconscious state as she her eyes widened after seeing Quinn's body. Hastily, she rushed towards her son, falling to her knees beside him and started inspecting his bruised body.

It was then that the girl from earlier appeared before Akiko's eyes, her gaze drawn to the mother and son.

"Please, you have to save him." Akiko pleaded. She couldn't help think that she was a misfortune herself, having already lost her family and husband, now she saw her son lying in a pool of his own blood.

The girl with crimson hair took a deep breath, her gaze scanning the desolate scene.

The once peaceful village was being engulfed in flames, with gruesome remnants of half-eaten bodies scattered everywhere. She couldn't find any signs of life, as most of the villagers had fled into the surrounding forest.

The half-witted demon seems to be disappeared as they also nowhere to be found.

"I will, but I can't guarantee he'll survive until we reach the medical care." She stated, her voice filled with uncertainty. Squatting down, she attempted to lift Quinn with her hand.

"Hmm..." Her brows furrowed as she realized his weight exceeded that of an average person. However, now was not the time for such contemplations.

Taking a deep breath, she felt a surge of power course through her veins, causing a few veins to visibly pop up on her hand. After that, she effortlessly lifted Quinn into her arms.

Glancing towards Akiko, she spoke with determination. "You can't keep up with my speed, so head directly to Mizukiri town and ask for Kurogane household, you can see him there." With those words, she dashed into the dense forest, her movements were nothing but blur for Akiko.

Since Akiko didn't have significant injuries, she rose to her feet and began moving towards the nearby town, Mizukiri. She didn't know if she can trust the girl, but with her son's state, she didn't even have a option.


Author Note -

I changed the cover, it was AI generated Just wanted to ask if it's good or the previous one better than this.