
Demon Kingdom's Idol Producer: Creating the Demon Girl Idol Group!

[DROPPED] Alex Lee was just an ordinary office worker, a "salary man" as many would say, clocking in from 9 to 5 almost every day. The only thing that added some excitement to his otherwise monotonous life was his passion for idols. He was a bonafide idol otaku, someone who adored the entertainment phenomena of female group singers. As usual, he was gearing up to attend the weekly weekend concert of his favorite idol group, but... something unexpected happened, and he found himself summoned to another world! Thrown into an unfamiliar realm, Alex thought he was destined to become a hero in a fantasy world. However... to his surprise, he discovered that he had been summoned by the Demon Kingdom, who sought his aid in conquering their world?! Not only that, the Job / Class that he got in this new world: rather than wielding a sword and battling monsters as the might 'Hero', Alex instead got an odd "Job" called 'Idol Producer'!?! Now, Alex must rely on this odd "Job" of his to not only surviving in this unfamiliar magical world but also to create an Idol Group capable of captivating the entire world. Conquer the world with (Idol) Love & Peace! [STATUS: DROPPED] Reason: - Pacing of a snail - Trash writing in general - Mismatch media that should have been relying on actual song, music, and actual visual, but instead stuck in a (web) novel format. - Cringiest song writing I've ever made

DemonKingAkuma · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Flying into the Fray

"Why, Sir Alex, we are going to ask the wyverns to help us fly to Penelope City!" Mira explained excitedly.

"... Eh...?" Alex could only utter, his mouth wide agape from shock and confusion.

"Kahaha! So, you are heading to the battlefield to help Demon Queen Anna, right? I like your guts, Alex!" Casey, the lizard demon gal, also joined in the excitement. She then smacked Alex's back, which earned a yelp of pain from him, indicating her approval of his determination. "Then you can count on me and my babies!"

"H-hold on, so you guys are saying we would ride these 'wyverns' to the battlefield?" Alex asked them both, a bit taken aback by the idea of riding a wyvern... but also intrigued by it. He had never ridden any mounts before, not even a horse, so the thought of riding a fantasy creature like this as his first experience riding a mount brought about some complicated feelings inside him.

"Yes, Sir Alex! Ah, I seemed to have not told you about what Casey and her wyverns do, have I?" Mira gasped that she almost forgot to explain to Alex about her idea.

"I mean, yeah...?" Alex could only stare in disbelief at Mira.

"Then allow me the honor to introduce ourselves~" Casey interjected with a mock formal tone. "My name is Casey Naga, and these lovely babies are my Wyvern Cavalry Squadron!" She grandiosely introducer herself and the wyverns, which on cue the wyverns began to roars in union, joining Casey's grand introduction. Again, Alex could only stare in disbelief at the whole scene in front of him.

Alex, driven by pure curiosity, activated his Idol Producer skill, Scouter's Eye, to assess Casey's credentials and bravado.

Name : Casey Naga

Race : Lizard Beastkin

Job : Dragon Tamer

Level : 44

HP : 3.080

MP : 1.320

Talent : Animal Trainer

Idol Power : 1200

Idol Potential : B+

Sure enough, Casey was indeed the real deal. She wasn't just a 'wyvern tamer', but a Dragon Tamer capable of potentially taming dragons. Furthermore, her talent as an 'Animal Trainer' was perfectly suited for her role. It seemed as though this Job was tailor-made for her.

On the other hand, Casey suddenly felt the effects of Alex's Scouter's Eyes. She noticed that his gaze had previously held an "interesting" effect on her, but now the sensation was even more intense. If they were alone together, she might have pounced on him right then and there, but for now... she had to restrain herself.

Alex then deactivated his Scouter's Eye on Casey, a relief to her as she composed herself. He then recalled something she had mentioned earlier, "Wait... you said 'squadron', right? Where are the other riders then?"

"What do you mean, Alex? These are my babies, and I'm the only rider they need! Kahaha!" Casey arrogantly and selfishly stated. It seemed that she had decided to monopolize the wyverns for herself. Again and again, Alex could only stare in disbelief at how Casey just casually said all of these. Alex looked at Mira and she herself had awkward smile seeing Casey's attitude.

"A-ah, Sir Alex, the Wyvern Cavalry Squadron is still an experimental project by the Demon Queen," Mira interjected, addressing Casey's statement. "Her Majesty wanted to create a flying transportation mount similar to the human's griffin-riding cavalry. So, she appointed Casey as the project leader! She has a high aptitude in controlling and caring for these wyverns," Mira explained to Alex about Casey and her wyverns.

"Then where are the other 'riders' for these wyverns?" Alex asked, emphasizing the word "other." Both Casey and Mira seemed to avoid answering this question.

Mira averted her eyes from Alex's scrutinizing gaze. "A-ahaha, well... it's quite hard to find someone who can ride the wyvern, let alone control them like Casey herself…"

"Eh...? Are you really sure we can ride these wyverns...?"

"Kahaha! Don't worry, Alex," Casey reassured him, smacking Alex's back again, eliciting another yelp of pain from him. "I'm going to help you ride my babies to the battlefield as fast as possible!"

"Ow... Okay, I guess…" Alex replied, still rubbing his aching back. Suddenly, the wyvern that had been staring intensely at him earlier let out a roar, dashed behind him, and scooted its head under Alex, "What the-!", lifting him up onto its back. Alex was unexpectedly placed sitting on its back as if he was riding a horse. He also just realized that there was some sort of large saddle on its back for him to sat on and also something to hold on. He looked at the other wyverns and only a small few of them that have a saddle on their own.

"Kahaha! It seems that she likes you!" Casey teased Alex, observing one of her wyverns taking Alex onto its back without hesitation. The wyvern let out a tiny roar, seemingly understanding and confirming Casey's words.

"See, Sir Alex? They're not so bad once you get to know them!" Mira commented. She hopped on one of the wyverns and adjusted herself to sit comfortably on it. Casey followed suit, effortlessly mounting one of the wyverns like a seasoned professional rider.

"Well, I guess you're right... wait, what about safety-"

"Alright, my babies, let's fly!" Casey ordered all of her wyverns, cutting off Alex mid-sentence. In response, the wyverns began to flap their wings, lifting their large bodies off the ground. "Go!" Casey shouted, and on cue, they all took off from the Demon Queen's Castle, soaring into the outside world.

"Woah!" Alex shouted in response to the sudden flight, feeling a sensation reminiscent of riding in a commercial plane during takeoff. This time, however, he could actually feel the wind's turbulence himself. He clung to the wyvern's saddle for dear life as they soared through the sky of the Demon Kingdom's territory. But... after a while, the sensation of heavy turbulence slowly died down. He found that he could breathe normally at this high altitude and didn't feel cold at all, contrary to what he had heard and read about 'human flight theories' on the internet.

"Surprised?" Casey flew beside him, her wide grin plastered on her face. Mira was also beside them, calmly riding with her flying wyvern mount.

"... yeah..." Alex managed to mutter back.

"Kahaha! I've been training my babies to cast protection spells on their riders. So, put some more trust in them, alright?" She said to Alex, with a hint of sincerity.

Alex looked at the wyvern he was riding on. It... no, she was focused on flying ahead. He then reached out and petted her large back, trying to show his appreciation. Surprisingly, the wyvern let out a soft purr, as if she appreciated his gesture.

Then, Alex saw the scenery from atop the wyverns: a sunrise. The sun slowly rose from the east, its light cascading over the soft, fluffy clouds in the sky. He also observed the wide and lush green forest that he had seen from the top of the Demon Queen's Castle, but viewing it while flying with a wyvern was a different kind of experience altogether.

"What a sight, right?" Casey remarked to Alex, also enjoying the view while flying with a wyvern.

"... yeah..." Alex muttered the same word as before.

Alex then noticed something: a wide commercial road, bustling with demons of various shapes and sizes making their way along it. These demons were civilians evacuating from Penelope City, accompanied by demon knights tasked with assisting them. Some of the demons caught sight of the flying wyverns. While most ignored Alex's flying wyvern group, some waved to them... many of whom were children. Alex awkwardly returned their waves.

Mira then flew closer with her wyvern to Alex's side. "Sir Alex... I hope that your plan can save these people's homes," she whispered to Alex with a hopeful tone.

"Yeah... I will make sure that happens," Alex replied to Mira's hope. He then turned to Casey, "Casey, can the wyverns fly faster? I want to reach the Demon Queen as soon as possible."

"Kahaha! Sure, we can, Alex! Hold on tight to your wyvern!" Casey replied. "Speed up!" She commanded all of her wyverns, who responded by spreading their arm-wings wide. They then began to accelerate, flying even faster than before. Their speed was almost as swift as that of a fighter jet in Alex's world. Fortunately, the wyverns' protection spells ensured a comfortable flight for him and the two others.

< | X | >

Soon enough, they began to see the outline of a tall and wide wall structure.

"Is this Penelope City?" Alex asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, Sir Alex. This is Penelope City, the largest city of the Demon Kingdom..." Mira replied, her tone tinged with solemnity. They observed many of its civilians pouring out of the West Gate in panic and fear, escaping from the heroes' invasion. Mira had wished to introduce Alex to their beautiful city, but the timing was unfortunate.

As they approached Penelope City, a huge dark explosion could be seen from the East Gate side of the city.

"That dark magic power!? That's Her Majesty Demon Queen Anna's magic!" Exclaimed Mira in panic.

"So our Queen has entered the battle, huh? Seems like the situation is even direr than I had expected," Casey added with concern.

"Yes! Most likely the hero Yulia has also entered the battle...!" Mira speculated.

Meanwhile, Alex could only stare with deep thought upon hearing their discussion that Demon Queen Anna and Hero Yulia had already engaged in battle.

"Casey... quickly take me to the battlefield, please..." Alex requested, his tone serious.

"On it," Casey replied, her tone also serious compared to her previous jovial attitude.

They soon reached the East Gate of Penelope City and witnessed the state of the battlefield—it was a devastating sight. Soldiers, both human and demon, were scattered on both sides, with the middle of the battlefield hosting the confrontation between Demon Queen Anna and Hero Yulia.

"... No other choice... Mira! Help me descend into the middle of them both!" Alex commanded urgently.

"What?! Why in the middle of them?!? That's way too dangerous, Sir Alex!" Mira protested.

"I told you, didn't I? I have a plan! Trust me, please!" Alex urged.

"Ughh... fine! Hold my hands!" Mira relented.

Alex nodded and then gripped Mira's hand tightly. "Alright... jump!" Mira instructed Alex, and they both leaped off from their wyverns.

Finally finished another chapter! Damn, this one chapter per day thing is quite challenging! Especially when trying to figure out how things would go and all...

Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I certainly did myself, because I really like Casey here in this chapter.

Stay tuned for more, because the next chapter will be the climax of this arc. Alex is going to showcase his power!

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