
Demon king return

Kylie is a princess,she attends magic high academy in search of something or someone. Kylie has attended the school as a human and have made alot of friends.While going on a mission she meets Silver who she fall in love with at first sight,later Silver promise Kylie that he is going to help her find that something or someone but after Silver finds that something or someone will he tell Kylie?

Celina_doctor · Fantasie
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15 Chs

vampire in the school

"Daniel and Alex, Daniel and his puppets wins

"next is Tarra and Kate now get out of your seats" the principle ordered and they both came out, they stood face to face on the battle ground

"okay let's make this quick" Kate said

"as you wish" Tarra replied with a smile, before Kate could move four steps forward, Tarra had already moved ahead of her had stopped behind her

"wow what was that" Kylie said surprised and everyone was also surprised, all of a sudden Kate fell down unconscious while Tarra ran to the bathroom to wash her bleeding hands then Kate was rushed to the clinic. the remaining students did their turns and twenty four students where given the admission, Maria and Carlos did their turns and Maria won.

"okay students time to go back we are gonna separate you guys when we reach the school okay" Mr Ben explained

"okay" the students responded

At school

"I'm finally a student of level high academy" Kylie said streching both her hands up on air

"we are kinda lucky" Floral said as they all entered school, and as they where about to enter their class something caught Kylie's attention

" what's wrong Kylie" Floral asked

"aren't those the patients from the hall clinic" Kylie asked with a confused look

" yeah they are being transferred and after they are done with their treatment and they are fine then they will go home happily" Lia explained and smiled at the end of her sentence both Floral and Lia nod their heads and entered the class and they started talking with other students

After a while the students got tired and went to their dorm one by one.

"hey Kylie I'll be back"Lia said and left

after a while Kylie got up checking the hall through the window

"what's wrong Kylie" Floral asked

"I'll be back, maybe so don't expect me and Lily okay" Kylie said and left the class

"darn i'm the only one in the class, I should go" Floral said and left

Floral had left the school building and is on her way to the girls dorm when Kylie and Lily walked up to her

"Floral have you seen Lia" Kylie asked looking round them

" no why" Floral asked

" well she promised she would help me in bathing lily but now I can't find her anywhere" Kylie replied

"i'm your roommate but you didn't ask me if I wanted to give lily a bath" Floral look down

" I didn't know you wanted to do it " Kylie said with a low voice

"now you know" Floral said looking at Kylie's eyes

"my plan worked I didn't ask, you just agreed come let's go go go" Kylie said and ran off with lily

"she's good" Floral said with a surprise voice then she started walking

As Floral was walking something caught her attention then she look to the left direction

" that's Tara why is she school clinic" Floral thought and followed her, Tara stopped in front of a room, nine was written in top of the door then Tara entered the room and Floral rushed and stood in corner of the door peeping, she saw Tara bending her body and was saying something in the patient left ear, Tara then stood up

"that is Kate did those two became friends wow" Floral thought and Left

that next day

Everyone has gotten ready and has gone to school, they are now having their first period, level one students are being taught on how to bring out their inner power

" Mr Ben I need to talk to you" a male teacher called Mr Ben

"okay" Mr Ben followed, they went outside and the man started whispering something in Mr Ben right ear after a while, Mr Ben entered the class and stood in front of everyone

" attention students I want to tell you guys somthing" Mr took a deep breath then he continued

" Kate is dead" Mr Ben said in a low tone, what and what happened was the words coming out of the students mouth

" they saw two mark on her neck like a bite mark, I guess you all already know my guess" Mr asked