
Demon king return

Kylie is a princess,she attends magic high academy in search of something or someone. Kylie has attended the school as a human and have made alot of friends.While going on a mission she meets Silver who she fall in love with at first sight,later Silver promise Kylie that he is going to help her find that something or someone but after Silver finds that something or someone will he tell Kylie?

Celina_doctor · Fantasie
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15 Chs

handsome new kid

" at the end, Kylie used light then Tara turned to ashes" Floral sat in front of the whole class, narrating the whole story to the class

"I was really awesome and same goes to Lily who pulled Tara's hand hahahaha" Kylie laughed out and same goes to the rest of the class

" students" Mr Ben walked in then everyone rushed to their seats

" first, I want to thank those students that caught Tara" Mr Ben said putting his hands together

" yeah no need to thank us, we were just doing our job as a student of this school" Kylie smiled

" you guys are gonna be given rewards...." Mr Ben got interrupt

" thank you Mr Ben, you are too kind, we will accept the gift, where is it" Floral asked

" you lost it" Mr Ben said dropping his hands

" what" Lia, Kylie, Floral, David and Jake yelled

" yeah, you killed her, you guy are too young to kill" Mr Ben explained

" Kylie killed her, don't give her the gift but give us" Lia cried out

" you wicked soul" Kylie turned to Lia

" sorry but you all lost your gifts, let's begin our class" Mr Ben said and turned to the board

twenty minutes later

" sorry for interrupting your class Mr Ben but you have a new student" the principal walked in with a little boy

" wow his handsome" Lia whispered in Kylie's left ear

" yeah" Kylie said with a soft voice and smiled

" come on introduce yourself to the class" the principal said pointing at the middle of the class

" I'm Silver, and I hope I can be friends with you guys" Silver introduced himself

" okay go and sit over there" the principal said pointing at the seat behind David

" take care of the kids" the principal said and left the class. as Silver was about to pass Kylie, Kylie's pen fell on the ground, Silver bent to pick it up and then gave it to her

" thank you" Kylie smiled

" you are welcome" Silver replied and went to his chair, Kylie felt her melted at the voice of Silver, she turned to him

" ooo Kylie is in looo" Floral whispered

" you" Kylie said and rest her head on the table

" okay let's continue" Mr Ben said and turned to the board

after class

After Mr Ben left, Kylie went to David's seat, she stood in the middle of David and Silver

" David can I borrow your pen" she asked and winked an eye

" yea.." Kylie kicked David's left leg as he spoke

" ahhh, sorry I don't have any extra" David said in pain

" here I've got some extra on me, take it" Silver stretch a pen for Kylie

" ahhh thank you, I'm Kylie" she smiled

" you already know me" Silver respond

" yes I do" she smile

" I picked a pen, wasn't that your pen" Silver asked

" n no no, well you see Floral had gave me her pen, but now she need it for her homework" Kylie said and left

" after a while, Floral stood up from her chair and went behind Kylie who was staring at Silver

" Kylie what you doing" Floral said in a low voice so nobody would hear

" can't you see that she is busy staring at Silver" Lia turned back

" don't disturb me Floral, it's as Lia said I'm busy" she said as she looked at Floral then turned to Silver

" okay Kylie,but let's go to our room now, I'm tired" Floral said, Kylie stood up then carried Lily on her arms then both she, Lia and Floral left the class

at Kylie and Florals room

" ahhh Lily, you spit on me" Kylie yelled as she jumped off her bed

" Kylie please I'm trying to sleep" Floral said with a sleepy voice

" sorry, let's sleep Lily" Kylie said in a low voice then she lay down and sleep

the next day

" okay students, you all are gonna different caves and I'm going to put you in groups" Mr Ben announced

" David you're with Floral, Lia you are with Jake, Maria you are with Tina, Kylie you are with Silver" Mr Ben announced the other names

" and if you don't accomplish your mission, you'll be leaving the school" Mr Ben announced